And so it is...

Monday, June 27, 2011

Far Infrared Electromagnetic Wave - FIR Bebeh!

Berita luar negara...

Tiny infrared laser holds promise as weapon against terror
August 08, 2005

EVANSTON, Ill. -- The difficulty of detecting the presence of explosives and chemical warfare agents (CWAs) is once again all too apparent in the news about the London bombings.

In a significant breakthrough, researchers at Northwestern University's Center for Quantum Devices have demonstrated a specialized diode laser that holds promise as a weapon of defense in both civilian and military applications. Once optimized, the tiny laser could quickly detect explosives and CWAs early and warn against possible threats.

The Northwestern team, led by center director Manijeh Razeghi, became the first to create a quantum cascade laser (QCL) that can operate continuously at high power and at room temperature with an emission wavelength of 9.5 microns and a light output of greater than 100 milliwatts.

Existing standard diode lasers, such as those used to read compact discs or barcodes, do not operate effectively in the longer wavelengths that are required to detect CWAs. The challenge for researchers around the world has been to develop a portable laser that operates in the far-infrared (wavelengths of 8 to 12 microns). Every chemical has a unique "fingerprint" because it absorbs light of a specific frequency, and most CWAs fall in the 8 to 12 micron region.

"Our achievement is critical to building an extremely sensitive chemical detection system," said Razeghi, Walter P. Murphy Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. "One of the key elements in a successful system is the laser source. Both mid- and far-infrared diode lasers need to operate at room temperature, have high power - greater than 100 milliwatts - and be extremely small in order to keep the system portable. We have now demonstrated such a laser in the far-infrared wavelength range."

This research is part of a four-year program called Laser Photoacoustic Spectroscopy (LPAS) funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). The goal of the program is to develop a man-portable system that can warn against a large number of potential threats using mid- and far-infrared diode lasers. Once optimized, such lasers would be a very reliable means of detecting explosives and chemical warfare agents while distinguishing them from benign chemicals present in the atmosphere.

During the next two years Razeghi and her team will work to put together a detection system based on the center's far-infrared laser. The system will then be evaluated by DARPA for use by the military.

Northwestern is a world leader in high-power QCL research. The Center for Quantum Devices was the first university research lab in the world to successfully grow, fabricate and test quantum cascade lasers back in 1997. By utilizing quantum mechanical design principles and advanced crystal growth techniques, the QCL is able to demonstrate high-power and high-temperature operation.

After the initial demonstration of room-temperature pulsed lasers in 1997, the primary efforts of Razeghi and her colleagues over the past several years have been to increase the laser's operating temperature, power output and efficiency in order to achieve the continuous operation necessary for sensitive chemical analysis.

In 2003 the center was the first to demonstrate high-power mid-wavelength infrared continuous wave QCLs operating above room temperature. (Like the far infrared, standard diode lasers cannot access this mid-infrared range.) At present, individual devices with output powers of several hundred milliwatts have been demonstrated in the 3 to 5 microns wavelength range.

Razeghi's research is supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, the Army Research Office and the Office of Naval Research.

Northwestern University

Andromeda’s Once and Future Stars

ScienceDaily (Jan. 7, 2011) — Two ESA observatories have combined forces to show the Andromeda Galaxy in a new light. Herschel sees rings of star formation in this, the most detailed image of the Andromeda Galaxy ever taken at infrared wavelengths, and XMM-Newton shows dying stars shining X-rays into space.

During Christmas 2010, ESA's Herschel and XMM-Newton space observatories targeted the nearest large spiral galaxy M31. This is a galaxy similar to our own Milky Way - both contain several hundred billion stars. This is the most detailed far-infrared image of the Andromeda Galaxy ever taken and shows clearly that more stars are on their way.

Sensitive to far-infrared light, Herschel sees clouds of cool dust and gas where stars can form. Inside these clouds are many dusty cocoons containing forming stars, each star pulling itself together in a slow gravitational process that can last for hundreds of millions of years. Once a star reaches a high enough density, it will begin to shine at optical wavelengths. It will emerge from its birth cloud and become visible to ordinary telescopes.

Many galaxies are spiral in shape but Andromeda is interesting because it shows a large ring of dust about 75 000 light-years across encircling the centre of the galaxy. Some astronomers speculate that this dust ring may have been formed in a recent collision with another galaxy. This new Herschel image reveals yet more intricate details, with at least five concentric rings of star-forming dust visible.

Superimposed on the infrared image is an X-ray view taken almost simultaneously by ESA's XMM-Newton observatory. Whereas the infrared shows the beginnings of star formation, X-rays usually show the endpoints of stellar evolution.

XMM-Newton highlights hundreds of X-ray sources within Andromeda, many of them clustered around the centre, where the stars are naturally found to be more crowded together. Some of these are shockwaves and debris rolling through space from exploded stars, others are pairs of stars locked in a gravitational fight to the death.

In these deadly embraces, one star has already died and is pulling gas from its still-living companion. As the gas falls through space, it heats up and gives off X-rays. The living star will eventually be greatly depleted, having much of its mass torn from it by the stronger gravity of its denser partner. As the stellar corpse wraps itself in this stolen gas, it could explode.

Both the infrared and X-ray images show information that is impossible to collect from the ground because these wavelengths are absorbed by Earth's atmosphere. The twinkling starlight seen from Earth is indeed a beautiful sight but in reality contains less than half the story. Visible light shows us the adult stars, whereas infrared gives us the youngsters and X-rays show those in their death throes.

To chart the lives of stars, we need to see it all and that is where Herschel and XMM-Newton contribute so much.

Story Source:
The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by ScienceDaily staff) from materials provided by European Space Agency.


Sementara itu di Malaysia... 
Sori, di negara orang meleis, land of MLM/SP:

Dan tidak lupa jugak - doktor useless mangkok-hayon satu sen tarak guna...

Carian artikel di depositori kajian perubatan PubMed...

Orang Meleis memang cukup senang kena ayat. 
Kaw-kaw memang bleh buat duik dol!
Sekoq-sekoq sengapbingai nak mamps...



MAMA KAY said...

1st. yahoo..

ska said...


Bomoh Hujan said...



Affis Ashari said...

gua suka post ni. gua nak tembak budak2 yg pakai MLM berasaskan FIR. FIR kepala hotak diorang.

md kamal fauzi said...


ska said...

diorg mmg suke main sebuuuuttt FIR lah... UV lah.. nano lah.... cube laa jgn jakun sgt bley....

Adinda said...

Wa suka post dr jugs. Ehh blum post lagi ek??
Semua post wa suka.

SangGupal said...


ok baru nak satart baca...

FIR kasi kurus: teknologi mengarut ciptaan bahalol2 MLM


Rembulan NagaGala said...

Guna je remote control. Letak jauh sikit. jadilah Far Infra Red. :P

mdfaizal said...
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mdfaizal said...

mungkin lg 2-3 thn, kuruskn badan guna bluetooth pulak..

Galeri beribu gambar menarik & lawak di Malaysia, mana nak dapat??

Xeno said...

FIR tu merbahaya, camnelaa dia boleh letak pada korset/sauna/seluar boxers??? macamana diorg buleh relate?? tak logik!

FIR tu PURE BLAZING HOT ENERGY RAY la pengusaha MLM bodoh! Mana buleh nak menguruskan badan! Itu US nak guna untuk lawan teroris, nak bakar depa sampai hangus. Yang hangpa nak guna buat apa?



zelmey said...

To all buddy !

Now you can post a FREE ADS at

Sell you products here

Thank you for your support .


dear anies said...

ceh, amik kesempatan!

dear anies said...

bdk2 mlm hanya tau yg basic je psl FIR ni

zelmey said...

ia bukan soal ambil kesempatan bro.

Saya dah siapkan satu laman web untuk iklan yg membantu public untuk post secara percuma.

Its simple sama seperti

Tetapi saya tambah satu sistem online shopping dan website utk pelanggan bersama 1 tahun iklan secara percuma.

Produk org MELAYU :)

I give you FREE ads.

Dalam perniagaan kalau tak support each other. Macam mana nak maju bro?


KambinGurun said...

jangan promote produk merapu udah la..
aidid: yang pasal adik sedara tu lawak gila.. hahahaha... bleh kasi standby ek... hahahaha..

zelmey said...

Sy tdk post produk sy malah sy beri laluan percuma utk post produk anda secara percuma.

Tidak meminta ucapan terima kasih dr anda krn menyediakan ini semua.

Tetapi rs sgt berterima kasih jk anda post produk anda di sana. ;-)

SilentReader said...

mod's reminder : be moderate in taking advantage of Aididleak's high traffic rate so as to prevent this blog's intellectual discussions from being cramped with unnecessary advertisements. tq

Eliza said...

Tgk pun tahu mcm tak logik jer korset tu dijual dgn harga 2K +++. Dahlah nak pakai satu hal leceh. isk...

Lebih baik beli barang kemas, lagi berbaloi-baloi. Kan? Kan?

ps: Aidid suka betul topik FIR and korset nih. Me wonder why ah? :P

Aidid Mu'addib said...

Sebab hari ni aku sebok... it's a Monday... no time to write long opus.
Dan artikel ni ada dalam draft dah lebih sebulan,
Benda artikel dah ada sejak kes doktor Hai-O dungupiang gilababi tuh...
Anyway... there u go.

Eliza said...

oh i see. least something here to read and ponder..wateverlah..

Thanks anyway. :)

VerTiLo said...

mmg tak logic langsung dlm kad pun leh letak FIR.. best² entry kali nie... thx AM

FIR mcm FIRAUN jer bunyinye... hahahaha

Mama Zharfan said...

tapi kan aidib--those yg dok jual PB tu, they all buta hati kan...tak tau mcm mana me nak ckp--ramai bloggers esp yg me kenal nak ckp lebih2 takut terasa selalunya ckp dgn diaorg, uolls ni tak baca blog aidib ker...

yg celik mcm readers kat blog ni me tak risau
yg pekak bisu sesat lagi menyesatkan tu...

latest, ada yg buat promo, buy 2 PB, free 1 PB...pening me tgk

Nizam said...

patut la terrorist takut nk mai sini.cuak beb FIR dh lama pakai kat sini!

Admin said...

tengok bio aura tu teringat sorang promoter datang pung pang pung pang cita dekat aku and sahabat aku kat kedai makan...

alih alih mamber aku leh tanya,"nano tu 10 kuasa berapa bang?"brother tu diam dan berlalu pergiiii...

Khafinas Ramlan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Metafora said...

celup kad dalam air, pastu minum~~

nexel said...

eh korang ni. Berkesanla teknologi fir ni. Sape kata tak berkesan. Tgk firaun2.. Kurus2 belaka. Teknologi firaun! Haha

zulfadhlimansor said...

kebangangan orang mempercayai yg fir boleh diselitkan dcelah2 bebenang baju dalam dan kad bangang wajar dijadikan bahan tesis bidang psikologi UM, bagi merawat pesakit2 penyakit bangang yg melanda kaum melayu neh....... hasil dari bidang tesis ini pula boleh menyelesaikan masalah ketamadunan manusia bagi menggempur bidang mlm yg merupakan ancaman bagi ketamadunan dan kewarasan manusiawi.... :D :D :D

Fitrix said...

Mengikut artikel tersebut FIR lebih panas dari suhu bilik biasa.Kalau dh panas,kenapa nak pakai di Malaysia yg cuacanya panas?Nk rentung ke?

Inilah pentingnya bersikap SKEPTIKAL.Jenis x percaya bulat2 dan sentiasa research setiap claim yg dibuat samada betul atau tidak.Kalau tidak percaya la FIR blh kuruskan bdn dan gelang magnet blh sembuh penyakit.

Next ada org gila ckp tahi lembu blh ubat kanser dan org Melayu seperti biasa percaya la bulat2.It never ends...

dwin7 said...

Assalamualaikum, bro

aku nak tanya pasal biodisc..boleh ko bagi penjelasan tak?

Aidid Mu'addib said...

Beb dwin7...
Dah ada aku post dulu, tgk kat entry QuestNet,

Anonymous said...

Everytime i baca komen abang Aidid, i rasa tak tentu arah.

Adinda said...

Comelnyer blog masthead.
Buat ai teringat my ex, si mulder. Uwaaaaaaaaa

aaron said...

tak byk komen lak entri kali neh.. mungkin sebab dah pernah explain dlm entri lepas. Mungkin artikel saintifik angkasa lepas tu terlalu advanced utk penganut MLM.. hmm talk about rocket science..
Baru paham kenapa pompuan kena apply 2 akaun ads4bongok.. hu hu nak selit kt sorg sebelah ek.. o.. baru blh mengancam mcm Lola. Demm!!..
Bio-Aura + ECPI, kena la tu.. si perompak lawan ngn penyamun..

aaron said...

off topic sket.. aku baru belek2 Harian Membiol. Sedih and geram aku tgk si Dr Jism tu. Iklan dah makin besar aku tgk. Dah buat promosi kat suaru plak skrg ni. Tjk pakcik-pakcik kt surau tgh guna mesin tu secara gang bang. "mesin blh digunakan 5 org serentak" katanya. Betul ke berkesan mesin karen tu.? aduhai dah mcm guinea pig pakcik2 tu. Bapak2 sape la tu? Tlg la nasihatkn diorg. Tingat bapak aku.. :(

yus said...

nak tanya ..penapis air imtiyaz tu selamat tak guna..mak metua baru bli ni

Oh Oeya said...

Mokcik lom abis baca cinapek sebelah merangkap Boss mokcik gelak sakan dah ni.. sabo je la.. tu baru mokcik ceta psl kad bio energy n testimoni.. sib baik bebudak wireman lom balik inspection heheh..

Jalak said...

Filter imtiyaaz tuh dah rupa kubah masjid pulak.. Pasti peminumnya nanti masuk syurga!

Jangan Kalot said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jalak said...

@Jangan Kalot

Hang tak reti malu ka weih?

eera said...

duta produk dr imtiyaaz Dato' Ustazah Siti Nor Bahyah... haaaaaaaiiiii....

Brader Burger said...

Master Yoda pernah kata
" You must unlearn what you have learned "
-Empire Strike Back 1980 ...

Gua kata
" Kaum Maleis yg mengimani MLM dan bertauhidkan Ringgit takkan pernah akur dengan kebodohan mereka. Sebaliknya mereka akan mengatakan bahawa kita adalah golongan yg sesat lagi menyesatkan dan golongan yang rugi"

Gua Kata lagi
" Walaupun Gua tak dapat pakai BMW 5 Series dan makan kat hotel hari2..Tapi Gua masih lagi dapat menikmati betapa enaknya Nasik Kandar di Restoren Kudu dengan hasil yang halal "

Gua kata lagi

eera said...

hubby ckp dogtor2 gila duit ni klu nk komplen kena bgtau MMC trus tindakan mmg cpt n silap2 kena gantung lesen. klu bgtau KKM skadar dpt surat amaran je...

Jangan Kalot said...

maaf. teruskan perniagaan anda. :)

Asyraf said...

@Jangan Kalot

Hang baca ka dak entry?..... Jangan duk buat kalot... sini bukan blog meniaga... tapi blog ilmu.....

cek chun said...

Bila demam, selimutkan #korsethaiyon kat badan, ambik 10 gelas ayaq bio aura, rendam kadnano 10jam, titik 10das #ayaqmizan, minum semuanya dalam 10 napas. Jangan lupa pakai 10 #kuasagelangAC kat dua belah kaki dan tangan.

Anda pasti semboh!!!!!

Asyraf said...

@cek chun

kalau pakai gelang tu kat kepala boleh lagi cepat kebah dak???

Jangan Kalot said...


Baca..Dunia perniagaan jugak la ni. Membincangkan hal-hal berkaitan bisnes.

Bomoh Hujan said...

hihihihihi testimoni ....
ty AC...sejak guna gelang kamu...
nenek kamu tu makin gembira....yela..
selitkan gelang magnet tu kat celah kangkang 3 hari 3 malam.... mau kasi urat tegang balik.. kasi darah lancar laju2....malam kami sentiasa berseri2..walaupun black out!
err AC dah cuba? lancar? banyak tau urat celah kangkang tu!!!...x GRUGIII xFRAST~~~~

p/s.. nak percaya ke x.. terpulang... :D

Anonymous said...

Teruk kan orang2 MLM ni, nak aniaya orang jer kerja nya. Tak baik tau..

Nasib baik ada blog abang Aidid, kalau tak i dah beli korset Hai-O ngan FIR sauna tu..

Johey Oak said...

Bio card memang dah hancus...

Ezy Fir Sauna...serupa macam balut badan dengan aluminium foil.

Kali pertama dengar pasal Imtiyaaz. Duta dia tu pulak Ustazah yang banyak buat motivasi kekeluargaan. FIR-Nano...errr...FIR-Nanowave? Can't imagine what it is...

Bio-Aura pulak pandai mengata ECPI. Padahal same penipu.

Korset...alamak, doktor la yang jual...

WV:dublamb => dumb lamb?

lalacici said...

bile la Malaysia nak ade 1 agensi khas nak sisat satu2 produk pelik2 kt pasaran skrg..yg kad bioenergy tu bkn ssh pun nk wat research..g belah kad tu tgk guna SEMke, g FTIR ke, scan ke, GC ke, senang je nak buktikan ape sebenarnye ade dalam tu (which im 100% sure only polymer, nothing else) then make the finding public..supposedly SIRIM ke, ministry of health ke,jabatan kimia ke,ambik la action..serbuk2 boleh cure cancer tu, NPCB please la take note..kenape la diorang ignore bende2 camni..kalau malas sngat, researcher kat universiti pun boleh buat..test senang je, bagi 1 produk satu kat budak2 undergrad as final project..

hasmn said...

kita sekarang disumbat dengan budaya selebriti.. budak2 cita2 nak jadi glamor.. yang tua-tua nak jadi kaya cepat.. takde pon disuap dengan budaya ilmu..

troll kat sini pakat2 kluar ayat itu ini, hadis itu ini.. tapi ayat pertama yang Allah turun kan pada Rasulullah is "Bacalah!"

kalau tak tau FIR tu ape? Baca! tak faham? tanya pada yang pakar yang dah banyak belajar dan membaca!

semata-mata budak-tak-pass-spm-jadi-artis yang gune.. ko pon nak gune jugak.. pastu defend gune fakta/fatwa kaum kera..

aman makmur negara ni kalau ramai yang berfikiran macam AM, baine, azwan, rose dan penyumbang ilmu dalam blog ni yang saya tak dapat nak senaraikan.

T J said...

Ader kawan kita kata bdk2 MLM tau basic jer FIR tu.....

Hrrr...kalau betol tau apekejadahnyer menatang FIR tuh!!..walaupun basic jer ...rase nyer ok laa jugak!!...Nee..langsung tak tau mende2 ape kealahnye FIR tu...mase wat presentation kat prospect...pung pang...pung pang... mengalahkan propesser...(tapi yang gua nak highlight ne ialah)...anak bangsa gua LAYUUU....melopong and nganggok2 mengiakan... pastu kuar duit...joinT...2 minggu pastu...adoiii...xdak downline...nanggis...2 minggu pas tu, ikut lagi member lain pulak g ceramah agama (kununnyer)...

"tuan-tuan..puan-puan, saya dengan besar hati menjemput, Ustad alpadill si polan bin al azhar untuk memberi sedikit ceramah tentang hukum MLM yang syarikat kami niagakan ini...yang mana ramai orang di luar sana banyak mempertikaikan...silakan Ustad"... berucaplah si jurucakap sebuah syarikat ulung yang menjalankan perniagaan berkonsepkan MLM dan bersyariahkan ISLAM (kununyer)...

Nak jadi cerita...mangkok ayon ne pun tergoda...poket pun ternoda sekali lagi...terbang beratus ringgit lagi aritu....2 minggu pastu...waaa....(nangis lagi),xdok downline...sebab aper?? sebab mamat ne joinT level yang kat bawah sekali nun....yang kat area Pokok Sena tu dah xdok orang lagi dah nak joinT....

Member dia yang introduce dia tu senyum jer...upline pun senyum jer...maklomla masyuuk...

bila la bangsa gua nak sedar tentang masalah mencirit MLM LAYUUU...


hyelbaine said...

MLM, SP and the likes will exist for as long as the crave for easy money is there. It's also why lottery and gambling continues to exist as one of the oldest vice in human history.

Even those who are knowledgeble and in the know will fall for it. There is no cure for human's tendancy to find the easy way out.

Metafora said...

Off topic


apakah hukumnya skim piramid, dan apakah istinbat hukumnya


Skim piramid dilarang oleh Islam kerana ia mempunyai ciri- ciri
tertentu antaranya mengenakan yuran keahlian yang tinggi, tiada hak
pemulangan dan tiada kontak bertulis antara pihak-pihak yang terlibat.

Sumber :

T J said...


agreed with your why AM do all that what he did all this while....

'to fuck away off these MLM fuckers out of our community rite??'....

though there still people/s love MLM but hope and pray that the number/s getting lesser if AM and crews like you, Azwan, Rose and others keep upgrading infos to public of our me LAYUUU stupidity and greediness and senseless toward how once can easily been scammed by joining those MLM or SP scheme...

Keep up all...may god be with us...

~ BEZ BROoo...~

Lynn Nasir said...


bila dah paham pasal FIR, thanks a lot to the blog owner, barulah terasa mcm berlambak2 nyer peniaga MLM menggunakan point FIR utk menipu. gelang, korset, penapis air, plastic card, bla..bla..bla..

mungkin sains dan teknologi bukan kepakaran org kita. ramai yg tak tau ttg FIR. sbb tu rasa mcm "canggihnya" la kalu ada brg FIR nih..mudah pula ditipu..

thanks for your hard work! keep on blogging.