
P/S: Hey! Mamat kapiaq yang buat report kat atas neh (Robert L. FitzPatrick, seorang sociologist dari US), aku rasa ada bertimbun-timbun common sense daripada banyak economist/politikus di Malaya erk? Well, I digress. And compared to Sri Lanka, kiranya Malaya ni memang heaven betul la untuk GoldQuest/QuestNet/QNet/Qi untuk bermaharajalela buat scam skim piramid kejadah, tak sudah-sudah, siap beli universiti lagik dengan ehsan kerajaan negeri Perak... wadefak? Penganut QNet pulak dikalangan muslim "cap ayam" sekarang dah bersepah-sepah mahu kasi scam jual kaca RM10 satu sen tarak guna kepada keluarga dan kengkawan sendiri... kiri kanan atas bawah... kasi janji sembuh hypertension, kencing manis dan kanser bagai - sambil-sambil dengan rela hati hantar duit berguni-guni ke Hong Kong dengan penuh kasih-sayang sama itu hindu... Fucking shit man! Ain't you all proud of our country's achievement in the business world? Business world palepundek cam harreemm. Dah terserlah dan termaktub syarikat bawaan Vijay Eswaran Qi wadefak ni memang kepala bapak parasite scammers ke mana sahaja dia orang masuk (i.e.: Filipina, Sri Lanka, India, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Turki, Kenya, Rwanda, Ivory Coast, Emiriyah Arab Bersatu, Syria, Indonesia, Canada, Amerika Syarikat, Azerbaijan, Iran, Burkina Faso, Uganda, Somalia, Ethiopia, Mesir, Syria... ada lagik?), tapi...
so i sent an email to Mr. Patrick, like below. the screenshot link (imageshack) is also provided.
Dear Mr. Patrick,
I was wondering if it's possible at all for us to arrange for you to come to Malaysia for a talk on this topic.
The rate of MLMs that are growing, crashing, changing their names, all to recruit more people in my country is really worrying.
The worst part is there are people from the civil workers and banks joining the scheme, and thus encouraging more people to get a loan just to join the scheme.
Most of them end up owing a substantial amount of money to the bank while the system that they joined crashed, or their 'business' never picks up due to market saturation etc.
Please consider this early invitation, i know we have nothing concrete yet for this arrangement, but let's see if you're willing to come here first.
Thank you very much.
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Hello Daniel,
Thank you for your letter and for sharing information about the spread of pyramid recruiting schemes in your country.
The spread of such schemes accelerates when people lack authoritative information about how the schemes operate and their dire financial consequences. Victims are usually silent, and their silence is reinforced by failure of governments to prosecute and news media to investigate. They tend to blame themselves for their losses.
The cycle of fraud can be countered by public exposure of the fraudulent business model of these schemes and by public education about the true facts of their harm. This exposure in turn often breaks the silence of victims as well, allowing the truth to spread person to person.
I would be pleased to accept your invitation, pending details. I did travel to Sri Lanka to speak to the Central Bank at a conference that involved representatives of several other countries, including India and Bangladesh. I assisted the Sri Lankan government in writing its first anti-pyramid scheme law. I also aided the country of China in its enactment of the anti-MLM law. And, I worked with the public television news of Canada to expose a major pyramid scheme sweeping through that country. This work subsequently led to criminal fraud charges brought against the scheme's founder.
I commend your interest in countering the spread of pyramids in Malaysia. Pyramid schemes, disguised as businesses or investment programs, attack a country's cultural and social life and drain its economy, harming the huge numbers of people who can least afford the losses.
Please let me know of further details and please feel free to call me.
Robert L. FitzPatrick, Pres.
ting ting ting!!!!
lama tak first
3rd. patut la malaysia terkenal merata dunia
orang malaya suke percaye bende2 tahyul.. bodoh bangang piang.
konon Islam suruh percaya benda2 ghaib.. rukun Islam.
betul - tapi ghaib macam mana la? maalaikat, jin, ape2 yang nabi sebut. THAT'S IT!
ayat/wahyu pertama dalam Islam - Iqra'
suruh bace bukan suruh ikut. bace paham kaji analisis kritikal thinking.
kat malaya tak boleh question lebih2. ustaz tu pandai semua. ko ni bukan islam ke kutuk ustaz. hoi ustaz tu manusia jugala. ade anak bini jugak nak kasi makan. nak naik bmw jugak. ustaz bukan konpem masuk syurga.
ini macam jual taik ajaib pun kaya weh.. scam to the max. only in malaya
bro aidid overtime!! esok tak pi motong ka?
esok bro am cuti..baru lepas timbang gotah..kayo!! den kayoo!!
1.hairan jugak dok pikiaq!negara kapiaq NAMPAK keburukan dan KEHARAMAN mlm ni!
2.malaysia yang dok mengaku negara islam!belambaq syarikat MLM!
3.kepala!pengikut mlm/mlms ni terdiri dari pak-pak lebai!lulus al-azharla! contohnya HPA!pak-pak lebai belaka terlibat dalam mlm yang HARAM ni!
4.patutpun perangai puak-puak muda islam sekarang mengalahkan perangai anak-anak muda puak kapiaq!mat rempit!kaki minum!berzina!semuanya sekarang dimenangi oleh rewmaja-remaja islam!
5.itulah salah satu kesan MLM dimalaysia!pakat-pakat nak buat pekak ke lagi!!!!
agak-agak bila gahmen malaysia nak responds macam gahmen sri langka ni?
"Buruk-buruk KITA, masuk juga sekupang dua ke dalam tabung masjid. Jahat-jahat KITA, masuk juga seringgit dua ke dalam poket anak yatim. Lekeh-lekeh KITA, terbantu juga sekolah agama. Bodoh-bodoh KITA, beribu-ribu orang dapat pekerjaan untuk menyara kehidupan."
1.tuu!!diatas kata-kata KERAMAT seorang lebai panel syariaah HPA dalam blogg dia!
2.punyala bingai!! orang macam ni sepatutnya kena penampaq dulu!macam azkramm tu !!biasalah bila jadi kuli puak kapiaq Qnet!!
datuk vijay dah panas bontot... mungkin boleh disejukkan dengan menyumbat biodisk ke dalam beliau punya asshole...
dasar KELING..!!!
talking about scam, we Malays are just slightly better than Nigerian. Only without the scam email.
haritu aku ada tengok pak menteri mana entah ismail sabri ka hapa rasmi HQ satu company ni,malelea,meleleh ka hapa ntah.Tak salah aku MLM jugak.
Aku TERtengok buletin utama kot,akhir tu pembaca berita kata,taun depan akan diperkenalkan etika etica dalam berMLM..
boleh kata satu kedai makan tepok dahi..hehhehe
You're goin down, Datuk Vijay
ohh tau. dia rasmikan bangunan Melilea yang baru. Sebelah my opis jer. Kat Bangsar South City.
I can't keep my laughing while reading comments between pro and con army.... bring it on guys... i still remember one of my friend promote this product before when my friend having nightmare. don't know apa kaitan dia, biodisc dgn nightmare... hahaha
mungkin penyokong tegar qnet boleh minta data daripada HQ, composisi kaum yang join qnet di malaysia ni... kalau boleh dapat, dan kita tgk kaum mana yang paling ramai....
kita tgk apa kata nichelle...
so i sent an email to Mr. Patrick, like below. the screenshot link (imageshack) is also provided.
Dear Mr. Patrick,
I was wondering if it's possible at all for us to arrange for you to come to Malaysia for a talk on this topic.
The rate of MLMs that are growing, crashing, changing their names, all to recruit more people in my country is really worrying.
The worst part is there are people from the civil workers and banks joining the scheme, and thus encouraging more people to get a loan just to join the scheme.
Most of them end up owing a substantial amount of money to the bank while the system that they joined crashed, or their 'business' never picks up due to market saturation etc.
Please consider this early invitation, i know we have nothing concrete yet for this arrangement, but let's see if you're willing to come here first.
Thank you very much.
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Hello Daniel,
Thank you for your letter and for sharing information about the spread of pyramid recruiting schemes in your country.
The spread of such schemes accelerates when people lack authoritative information about how the schemes operate and their dire financial consequences. Victims are usually silent, and their silence is reinforced by failure of governments to prosecute and news media to investigate. They tend to blame themselves for their losses.
The cycle of fraud can be countered by public exposure of the fraudulent business model of these schemes and by public education about the true facts of their harm. This exposure in turn often breaks the silence of victims as well, allowing the truth to spread person to person.
I would be pleased to accept your invitation, pending details. I did travel to Sri Lanka to speak to the Central Bank at a conference that involved representatives of several other countries, including India and Bangladesh. I assisted the Sri Lankan government in writing its first anti-pyramid scheme law. I also aided the country of China in its enactment of the anti-MLM law. And, I worked with the public television news of Canada to expose a major pyramid scheme sweeping through that country. This work subsequently led to criminal fraud charges brought against the scheme's founder.
I commend your interest in countering the spread of pyramids in Malaysia. Pyramid schemes, disguised as businesses or investment programs, attack a country's cultural and social life and drain its economy, harming the huge numbers of people who can least afford the losses.
Please let me know of further details and please feel free to call me.
Robert L. FitzPatrick, Pres.
-contact info same as in AM's screenshot-
guys let's collaborate if necessary to invite this guy.
the thing is Mr. Aidid here is doing such an excellent work. you know why? because they're pissed off..
but malays and malaysian in general look up to this mat saleh people like these guys are next to god.
standby mode dulu, if these scammers pressed on, we shall have our own cannon!
AM here mmg dah mcm batman the dark knight. not the hero we deserve, but the kind of hero that we need. a lot of ppl are inspired
What an excellent step in eradicating MLM-PS disease in Malaysia. Nevertheless, you need more support from anti-MLMers.
For the past 1 year some of readers here (i believe from other anti-MLM group as well) has been urging Aidid and others to show more concrete action in combating MLM-PS. However, considering our socioeconomic and political circumstances, fighting MLM-PS in Malaysia would offer a different scenario compare to Sri Lanka, etc. It is an uphill task. Seriousness is one issue. Strong financial and political support are another big hurdles to face.
Who knows, inviting Patrick would trigger and transform our anti-MLM movement to the next level? Actions speaks louder than words.
Leo, kalau ko nak organize, roger kat sini. Selain aku, mesti ade org lain nak join.
bro azwan,
i think i know where to start. but let me be clear. since we're against scam and scammers alike, we're truly anti-scammers.
i've seen how these scammers scam people, malaysians in general and malays in particular.
i've seen a guy who's getting married, take up a loan to buy 10 water filters worth 20k ++. Wtfish la kan?
you see, these scammers, they buy your dream so they can sell your soul man..
these guys are exactly like what this 'pak guard' in my old school yelled at me, when he caught me trying to 'fly': poo-key-mark! pengkhianat bangse! (lol!)
it is not going to be an easy task, we know it will be hard but it's not impossible. then again, dying's easy, but living is difficut.
in time, with enough determination, we'll get there (like sri lanka and china and canada) insyaAllah
aku sokong kalau robert fitzpatrick datang malaysia gubal sket undang2 malaysia ni pasal mlm. semua jenis MLM di malaysia mesti dihancurkan. AC mang dah hancur next target Qnet!!!
sangat menyokong tindakan menjemput Fitzpatrick dtg bg talk ke sini tp mcm Leo ckp tadi, kite have to know when to hit the button as the canon already with us. Kalau nk buat donation utk this case, please put the bank account number and i swear i will put my money in it for the sake of Ummah... i am confident my money will give pahala to me. We can discuss this later.
Betul la Fitzpatrick ckp dlm email,
'Victims are usually silent, and their silence is reinforced by failure of governments to prosecute and news media to investigate. They tend to blame themselves for their losses.'
kalau dikumpul victim2 ni, ramai gile dowh... memang kerajaan 1malaysia terbukak bijik mata... skrg ni diorg x terbukak sbb ramai antara diorang backing MLM. x caye, tgk la kalo ade majlis2 Hai-O, Elken, Amway, Noradz, sumer pak2 menteri yg rasmikan dol..
@Leo, Good job, may Allah reward and bless you for your endeavours.
kekadang orang kite ada isu low self-esteem, kalu Aidid (atau azwan atau ko atau um... aku) cakap/tulis manyak laa alasan nak reject, manatau kalu sdr. FitzPatrick lobi lagi cepat spesis meleis (yang jenis rempit atau yang jenis pakai kot atau jubah/kopiah) nak terima...
Fully agree with ska. The time has come for us to go on the offense. To attack, we need money (flight and board for guest speakers, legal costs, adverts, management). Just announce an account no. and see if the commenters/readers here that are really serious.
Also, we need prominent persons to back us. Since they use Islam, we need prominent ustazs to help our cause. We also need to include prominent lawyers, economists, politicians etc. too. Maybe even someone from BNM?
i post the link again, the last one that i provided was a mistake.
if we want to do this, it is possible sangat. there are a few organisations that can host this on their names, other blogs, other NGOs, consumer group, community association that would be glad to collaborate on this event. not to mention the contributions (monetory, time & energy) from all sorts of people, including readers of this blog, silent readers or not.
and let's not forget the media. they can help us with this. surely there are members of the blog yang working with newspapers publications, media prima and other media entity that could help organised this thing.
i'm just saying, if we want to this, then we will. it's time we rally together and stand out for our country, against a select few corrupt people in their principle (beyond salvation dah dol, would a scammer stop scamming people if he/she stands to lose everything from it?)
kalo ade yang keje ngan bank negara, or have mr. najib's ears as his privilege, tell him he can win a few votes from this. god bless AM & the people who stand up and speak up
aku tensen tol ngan pandai meleis seko2 suak benor benda MLM ngarit ni, balik kampung jumpe sedara sibok dok promote cordicep jadah tu, g surau dbkl ada org dok jual monavavie tu, pastu ada air filter piramid tahyul ajaib laa, kejadah nyee .. sakit mata aku tgk .. udah2 le meleis ooiiii jual benda ngarot2 ni~
3 days are over today.. please update the action from qnet. we want to know how far their stupidity are.
with full support,
zan master
robert fitzpatrick cuma sebahagian dari usaha je.. kalau sesiapa ada banyak kabel tu sekaranglah masanya. yang kata nak letak no akaun untuk support anti MLM pun bagus jugak idea tu tapi jangan ada yang amik kesempatanlah nanti timbul isu gelapkn duit lak...
Rojak Punya
suke gi blog ni ... bro byk input n info yg dpt clearkan byk benda, tq n syabazzzzzz :-)
Totally agree with Baine's comment. So sad that orang kita akan lebih percaya kat orang Putih dari orang sendiri..
About the Fizpatrick talk, count me in, guys. Tumpang batmobile AM, boleh?
hello guys. it`s been quite a while since my last comments here. Stayed in a remote island a couple of months back to nature lifestyle turning off communication from the world! Pure heaven! About the fitzpatrick talk, count me in bradah. Now already back to capital city. Huh i never felt so dizzy with all the massive people and bloody traffic jams everywhere hehehe.
Langkah yang baik.
memang rasa malu sebab panggil orang luar yang buakn Islam, untuk bagi penerangan berkenaan scam ni di negara yang ramai penduduknya Islam.
Apa jadi pada ahli ekonomi Malaysia?
Apa agaknya reaksi scammer bila tiba-tiba digubal undang-undang anti MLM..
Leo : superb job!
reaksi scammer bila undang2 MLM di gubal?
mesti cakap..kerajaan dengki dan tak nak tolong bangsa melayu jadi kaya .. cuba rujuk balik kes NORADZ..mangsa(kalau layak dipanggil mangsa..aku lebih prefer panggil mangkuk)..diorang kata kerajaan saja dengki dan nak amik duit yg dibekukan dan kerajaan saja dengki dgn bangsa melayu yg nak berniaga...
sorry to say...apek cina yang bela dan jual babi lagi bagus dari golongan scammer ni..
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