And so it is...

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Realiti Scam MLM Ayaq Buah Magik

Fakta Kajian Saintifik Terkini: 

Dan ianya jugak tidak meyembuhkan AIDS, systemic lupus erythematosus, jerawat, renal calculi, arthritis, mati pucuk, rambut gugur, kencing manis, darah tinggi, sakit jantung... dan penyakit terencat akal. Mintak mahap dey - mulai dari hari ini, aku mintak tolong korang scammers berhenti daripada jadi manusia yang bebal dan suka gilabab kena kelentong - untuk selama-lamanya. 4eva and eva bebeh. No joke bro...

Aku target MonaVie ke ni beb? Not really. Semua bzns ayaq buah yang harga mak-datok punya mahal wujud kerana satu benda sahaja - MLM. Setiap perniagaan MLM memerlukan modal untuk mengencing manusia, dan air buah-buahan adalah salah satu modal scam dalam industri tersebut. Iyo tuan-puan... MonaVie, Xango, Cordyjuize, Shamelin, Transfer Factor, Vemma dan apa sahaja ayaq buah yang dijual dengan kaedah MLM adalah scam macam haramjadah. The scam is so simple, hanya orang dungu aje yang takmo terima berita yang aku bawak neh.
Untuk jual air buah sepuluh kali ganda harga daripada air buah konvensional (atau 20, atau 30 kali ganda) yang korang boleh beli di superket, hanyalah bertujuan supaya 10 level upline boleh share keuntungan daripada jualan si penjual MonaVie/TF/eXfuze/dll yang sengap-bingai (tapi perasan hebak mengalah al-duktuuuurr) tadi - dia orang mesti ada modal promosi yang berbau saintifik, tetapi isu itu jugak teramatlah bermisteri gitu (misteri pada dia orang - sebab sekoq-sekoq IQ level mat rempit)... iaitu nilai ORAC. Masing-masing akan kagum dan cuba untuk mengkagumi prospek masing-masing dengan mencanangkan ORAC value yang tinggi untuk produk masing-masing - tapi cuba korang mintak explain dengan detail apekejadahnya nilai ORAC tu dan implikasinya dalam kesihatan manusia, sure dia jawab macam monkey baru belajar bercakap bahasa sakai. You're not so sure if it's all gibberish, or is it really bahasa sakai. But one thing for sure... Mesti Fail!

Syarikat-syarikat MLM parasitik cacing kerawit menggunakan isu ORAC sebagai salah satu modal untuk menjadikan air buah jualan mereka sama harga dengan emas (emas betul punya, bukan emas QNet) kerana kata mereka nilai ORAC adalah penting sebagai satu nilai kekuatan agen antioksidan yang terdapat di dalam produk, dan dengan olahan serta kelentongan "pseudoscience" yang diselitkan dalam promosi produk sebegini - maka ramailah mat rempit dan minah klepet meleis terus pun ikut aje tanpa usul-periksa iye ke tidak, dan terus buat promosi benda yang sama kepada sanak-sedara dan sahabat-handai. Elok la tu mengelentong orang-orang yang rapat dengan diri masing-masing - ikut aje la perangai kapiaq tu sungguh-sungguh erk, supaya boleh kaya cepat dan kemudian join dia orang jadi bahan bakar kat neraka kelak. Nanti sunyi pulak geng kapiaq tu semua terbakar sengsorang kat sana eh? Tak meriah nanti ye bang?
Cerita pasal ORAC ni begini (kalau nak versi panjang ada kat Monavie Bzns Shubahah): Antioksidan itu baik untuk kesihatan manusia - hari-hari aku cuba makan sayur-sayuran segar dan sepotong-dua buah, supaya aku dapat telan antioksidan bebenyak masuk perut. Nak elakkan kanser maa! Walau bagaimanapun, kajian sains terkini mengatakan bahawa sesuatu jenis agen antioksidan yang di-isolasi-kan sentiasa memberikan hasil kajian yang tidak memberangsangkan sebagai satu agen yang spesifik sebagai satu kaedah untuk menghindarkan penyakit. Manusia perlu makan PELBAGAI sumber antioksidan dalam kuantiti yang sedikit tetapi kena istiqamah setiap hari. Dan bukan hanya antioksidan sahaja, manusia perlu makan makanan-makanan yang ada pelbagai jenis phytochemicals, phenols, flavonoids dan lain-lain daripada sumber tumbuhan di dalam makanan harian... now, that's the way you do it. Sumber tumbuhan yang segar, yang bukan datang daripada kilang di Salt Lake City atau Shenzhen. 
ORAC (sapa sebenarnya yang faham isu ORAC neh?) adalah satu kaedah untuk mengukur jumlah antioksidan di dalam sesuatu sampel makanan, dan ianya dilakukan oleh satu badan swasta yang berkecuali (atau pemegang lesen daripada syarikat ini) yang dipanggil  Brunswick Labs, berdekatan Boston, Amerika Syarikat. Untuk setiap produk yang telah dikaji di makmal tersebut, Brunswick Lab akan mengeluarkan satu "Brunswick Lab Certified Seal" - dan korang nak tahu satu secret? Bukan secret pun... kalau ada yang rajin buat research. Takde satu pun produk MLM (MonaVie/eXfuze/Xango/whatever) ada mohor besar Brunswick Lab ni... shit! Pum-pang pum-pang kecoh pasal ORAC masa promosi produk, rupanya syarikat mana-mana MLM hanyalah declare ORAC sesedap rasa dia orang, ikut sesuka apa saja yang keluar dari bontot masing-masing. So unreliable... because those products were never tested properly and thoroughly. 

Okay, mengikut kajian Brunswick Lab, dan daripada depositori maklumat kajian saintifik di "National Institute of Medicine" di Amerika, pelbagai buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran telah dikaji dan ORAC-nya telah diketahui dengan jitu. Contoh sumber makanan yang tinggi ORAC adalah koko, blueberry, raspberry, prune, artichoke, cranberry dan lain-lain... dan takde satu pun makanan yang tinggi ORAC tersebut harganya RM135 (sebotol 750ml) macam produk air buah magik MonaVie. Memang mangkok-hayon la sapa-sapa percaya cakap Dallin Larsen, parasite MLM tersohor di Amerika. Sesaje mahu kasi sedekah duit juta-juta korang tu kat kapiaq mormon tu ha mangkok-hayon? Barua baghal betul la korang penganut MLM. Ada duit juta-juta sebok nak sedekah kat kapiaq... sedangkan kapiaq tu dah ada billion brader.

Satu problem tentang isu ORAC yang selalu dicanang oleh syarikat MLM adalah kaedah pseudosains yang membandingkan nilai ORAC bagi 750ml jus MonaVie dengan 16 fluid oz cranberry, 1 liter jus oren, per-serving strawberry, atau per-cup blueberry. Sama macam korang nak bandingkan jumlah khasiat sebijik epal dengan semangkok nasi... wadehel? Semua syarikat MLM tak akan sebut kaedah perbandingan yang mereka lakukan untuk mendapatkan nilai ORAC di dalam produk mereka. Percaya aje la bulat-bulat, janji duit downline masuk poket ko sebagai upline tersohor eh? Ada yang claim ORAC value sampai juta-juta, tapi untuk hasilkan jumlah ORAC sebegitu, ko perlukan berapa banyak buah-buahan tu bang? Satu kapal kontena? Dasar puter-alam industri MLM.

Dah pulak tu, ada problem yang lebih besar daripada itu. Tiada hasil kajian saintifik/perubatan setakat ini yang mengatakan lagi tinggi nilai ORAC dan lagi banyak antioksidan yang dimakan, lagi sehat tubuh badan korang. None, zero, yellek... tarak. It doesn't work like that people. Isu ORAC hanya isu "in-vitro" dan bukan "in-vivo". Para pengkaji kanser (oncologist) mengatakan bahawa kalau ko ambik 20,000 ORAC unit sehari dalam pemakanan, hasilnya mungkin sama kalau ko makan seperempat daripada jumlah tersebut, tetapi ko makan makanan/buahan yang segar dan makan makanan yang sentiasa ditukar-tukar daripada hari ke hari. Dari situ kita boleh nampak scam dalam industri jus buah MLM neh - air buah dalam botol yang diproses di kilang yang penuh dengan bahan pengawit dan pewarna (di mana produknya akan expired 2 tahun lagik) adalah sesuatu yang benar-benar tidak segar dan sesuatu yang benar-benar tiada unsur kepelbagaian dalam pemakanan. Tapi, ramai yang tak akan faham maksud aku ni... sama ada sebab dungu, atau sebab ada kepentingan skim piramid jual jus cokia' tadi. Buat-buat blur la gitu brader.

Okeh, problem ketiga: kalau korang makan makanan macam hampeh seperti fast-food, makan sebarangan makanan yang diproses di kilang, tetapi jarang-jarang pegi jogging, hisap rokok macam serombong kapal, melepak tengok TV berjam-jam tengok drama melayu kejadah - mintak mahap la wei - minum la jus buah apa sekali pun, ko akan mati awal jugak bang/kak... kena kanser, kena heart-attack, kena stroke. Takde keje la bahalol MLM yang menitik-beratkan minum jus buah scam, sedangkan lifestyle sendiri dan prospek yang dihasut tu lifestyle macam kepundek. Stop wasting your money buying stupid stuffs like 4Life Transfer Factors, and start going jogging or riding your bicycle... or do sex-marathons as much as you possibly can (make sure the woman climax at least five times before you let Mr. Happy loose... ingek cakop aku ni jang!) - it's FOC people. No RM135 for MonaVie, no RM192.50 for eXfuze, no RM245 for Tansfer Factors... no RM for stupid asses and retarded scammers. They can go to hell.

Satu lagi masalah: banyak produk jus magik MLM akan mewar-warkan kehebatan produk masing-masing dengan adanya satu jenis "star juice" (buah hebak) dalam formula masing-masing - sebagai contoh: MonaVie - acai berry, Vemma atau Xango - buah manggis, dan lain-lain. Tapi kalau ada yang perasan, syarikat tak kasi tahu berapa peratus kandungan jus yang hebat itu ada dalam formula tersebut - top secret katanya. Wadefak punya bingai ntah. Where got such thing in medicine maa? Dalam perubatan, mesti perlu tahu apa agen yang utama yang boleh merawat sesuatu penyakit, apakah proses farmakokinetik/farmakodinamik yang terlibat, apakah kesan sampingannya, dan berapa kos rawatan agen ubatan yang nak di promosi itu. Mest ada check and balance... takleh sewenang-wenang cakap 1001 satu keajaiban sesuatu produk farmaseutikal, tapi data takleh kasi tahu sebab... secret. Secret kepala bapak Dallin Larsen. Dasar scammer MLM lahanat yang nak ditiru oleh mat rempit meleis di Malaysia sekarang ini. Agama wang-ringgit itu agama berpenyakit... dontcha know? "Ustaz" pun boleh jadi makhluk scammer haramkejadah kalau dirasuk oleh duit skim piramid dan MLM... haish!

Ada satu situasi tentang gabungan pemakanan, gaya-hidup dan aktiviti di dalam memastikan kesihatan yang baik bagi manusia, yang ramai orang tak faham. Habis masing-masing semua nak shortcut - tak payah jogging, beli aje kerusi OGAWA. Kok kerusi males tu datang dengan Maria Ozawa sekali masuk pakej, boleh la jugak exercise tonggang terbalik bagai nak rak... dengan Maria - tapi ini disuruh melepak atas kerusi harga 15K tengok TV, dan berharap sakit pinggang dan arthritis boleh sembuh... like magic. Get off you lazy fat-ass, and wear that running shoes - that you'll understand what I mean. Begitu jugak pasal scam jus buah neh - minum 30ml jus MonaVie sehari - nanti kencing manis, darah tinggi dan kanser tu semua sekali rap boleh improve... malah kanser terus sembuh beb! Korang tahu apa sebenarnya apa punca kanser dalam kehidupan manusia? Dan korang tahu tak, kadar insiden kanser di seluruh dunia sekarang meningkat telah gilabab dalam 20 hingga 30 tahun kebelakangan ni. Why?

Kanser adalah satu entiti penyakit yang disebabkan oleh faktor persekitaran dalam 90% hingga 95% kes. Hanya 5%-10% kes sahaja yang berkait dengan genetik. Tembakau melibatkan 25%-30%, pemakanan dan kegemukan pula 30%-35%, jangkitan kuman 15%-20%, radiasi ~10%, serta kaitan dengan kekurangan beriadah serta pencemaran alam sekitar. Ingat tu dik, dekat 35% kes kanser adalah disebabkan oleh benda yang di makan dan akibat perut boncit... ini bukan main-main brader/sista. Kajian epidemiologi kanser di seluruh dunia mendapati bahawa jika kita makan banyak sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan segar - kadar risiko kanser akan menurun. Tetapi kalau banyak makan makanan yang di proses di kilang, dan mengandungi banyak pengawit dan pewarna (dan ntah hape-hape lagik di taruk ke dalam makanan tuh), kadar kanser perut, usus dan kolorektal akan mencanak naik. Kalau isap rokok/tembakau jangan cite leee... kalau isap/jilat benda-benda yang sepatutnya dibersihkan dulu (gosok dengan besi berus periuk sampai licin dan mangi) pun dikatakan dapat meningkatkan kes kanser mulut dan tekak jugak... tapi itu off-topic kat sini. Nantilah aku cerita pasal kanser yang disebabkan oleh aktiviti isap dan jilat neh... (CC, RK dan LM sure suke erk?).

Okeh, sekarang sapa-sapa yang baca artikel pendek aku ni cuba pikio dalam-dalam. Produk-produk jus buah yang dipasarkan dengan kaedah MLM seperti MonaVie, Vemma, eXfuze, TF, dan semua tu... adakah ianya makanan segar atau makanan proses? Apekejadahnya kempen minum jus buah untuk elak kanser sedangkan produk tu sendiri ada kemungkinan kejadah jadi punca kanser pada manusia. These sick MLM people are really making a sick joke... aren't they? And it ain't funny - and I hope you people can figure out by now why Aidid Mu'addib is so fucking angry with all these MLM scammers. Demi duit yang disayangi, sanggup mengenepikan fakta perubatan yang telah dikaji dan dibuktikan dengan kajian sains, serta berdasarkan kajian statistik dan epidemilogi. Dan mereka ini terus-menerus mengelentong orang-ramai dengan dakyah jagaan kesihatan yang bukan-bukan merepek kepada sanak-sedara dan kengkawan sendiri, serta ntah sapa-sapa yang dia orang buat promosi produk MLM lepas satu-satu tak sudah-sudah. Itulah masalahnya kalau mat rempit dan minah klepet perasan nak jadi duktuuurr... tapi SPM dulu grade 3. Memang bangsat barua macam cipan dalam semak yang tengah menghendap Kak Kiah.

Bottom-line: Pegi aje la beli buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran segar, dengan harga yang amat murah pulak tu, dan makanlah sepuas hati korang beb... dan pastikan tukar-tukar menu setiap hari. Takde sesuatu makanan yang Allah jadikan itu perlu dimakan setiap hari, sebab kalau dimakan terlalu kerap atau terlalu banyak... ianya akan jadi "overload" dalam badan korang, dan akhirnya benda berkhasiat akan jadi tak berkhasiat. Bayangkan saranan suruh minum pati MonaVie 30ml setiap hari sampai ko mati (atau sampai MonaVie crash) - where did these people go to school I wonder? School Of Fucking Scammers? Takde maknanya makan/minum cranberry atau acai berry yang diimport daripada luar negara sedangkan negara kita sendiri ada buah-buahan segar pelbagai jenis yang sama jugak berkhasiat... malah, contohnya buah manggis tu - siap diekspot ke Amerika, terus dijadikan modal scam MLM bagai nak rak oleh Xango dan Vemma kat omputeh di sana, jenis omputeh yang sama terencat akal dengan meleis terencat akal di Malaya, geng pengamal MLM bingai... satu sen tarak guna.

Korang pernah dengar tentang konsep "cost-effectiveness"? Takde guna beli barang mahal kalau keberkesannya tidak diketahui atau tidak mencapai tahap yang dikehendaki, sedangkan ada makanan/barang yang lebih murah tapi dapat membekalkan kita vitamin dan mineral yang diperlukan untuk hidup sihat. But anyway, in the case of MLM products - it's the scam of the pyramid-schemes that is the core of the problem, not the lack of nutrient in the products. Tapi, apehal pun... lebih baik "safe than sorry". Makanlah benda yang semulajadi dan segar, dan kurangkan makanan proses. May you live a long and prosperous life, God-willing. 

2. Diet and cancer prevention: where we are, where we are going.
3. Epidemiology of stomach cancer.
4. The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC).
5. Increased consumption of fruit and vegetables and future cancer incidence.
6. Fruit and vegetables in cancer prevention.
Ah! Banyak lagik rujukan... cari la sendirik.

1991 Sep;2(5):325-57.
Vegetables, fruit, and cancer. I. Epidemiology.

Division of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis 55455.

The epidemiologic literature on the relationship between vegetable and fruit consumption and human cancer at a variety of sites is reviewed systematically. A total of 13 ecologic studies, nine cohort studies, and 115 case-control studies are included. Cancer of all sites, cancers of lung, breast, colon, rectum, esophagus, larynx, oral cavity and pharynx, stomach, pancreas, prostate, bladder, ovary, endometrium, cervix, and thyroid, as well as mesothelioma and gestational trophoblastic disease, are considered. Relevant data from clinical trials, animal, and in vitro studies are included. It is concluded that consumption of higher levels of vegetables and fruit is associated consistently, although not universally, with a reduced risk of cancer at most sites. The association is most marked for epithelial cancers--particularly those of the alimentary and respiratory tracts - and, currently, is weak to nonexistent for hormone-related cancers. The association exists for a wide variety of vegetables and fruit with some suggestion that raw forms are associated most consistently with lower risk. Possible mechanisms by which vegetable and fruit intake might alter risk of cancer and possible adverse effects of vegetable and fruit consumption will be considered in Part II of this review.

Promoting MLM products as cancer prevention, and even cancer cure, but the products themselves may increase the risk of cancer... retarded, ain't it?


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

QuestNet - Dah Cukup Bukti Ke Blom?


New Straits Times - May 8, 2007
Gus Dur lodges report against Vijayeswaran
by Amy Chew

INDONESIA'S former president Abdurrahman Wahid yesterday officially lodged a police report against Malaysian businessman Datuk Vijayeswaran S. Vijayaratnam for fraud and embezzlement.

Abdurrahman, affectionately known as Gus Dur, lodged the report through his lawyer, Ikhsan Abdullah.

"Gus Dur has instructed me to lodge a report with the police against Vijayeswaran Vijayaratnam and his colleagues," Ikhsan Abdullah told the New Straits Times in a telephone interview.

The report was lodged yesterday against Vijayeswaran and others for fraud and embezzlement. He added that this was a crime under article 370 and 372 of the Criminal Code.

Vijayeswaran and his colleagues had tried to cheat Gus Dur during his term in office from 1999-2001, offering to print gold coins bearing his picture and that of his grandfather, Hasyim Asyari.

But Gus Dur never gave them permission to use either his own picture or that of his grandfather, a highly-revered ulama who founded the country's largest Muslim organisation, Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) which claims 40 million followers.

Vijayeswaran and his partners allegedly used his multi-level marketing network to solicit funds from NU followers by offering to sell them gold coins bearing Gus Dur and Hasyim Asyari's pictures.

Some of the NU followers paid deposits to Vijayeswaran's network while some had paid the full price. The coin could cost anything from five million rupiah (RM1,900) to 100 million rupiah, said Ikhsan.

Vijayeswaran company's continued to solicit funds from the public even after Gus Dur stepped down as president, he added.

According to Ikhsan, many of the NU followers did not receive any gold coins after paying up.

And those who did receive their gold coins found that its gold content was far below the value which they paid for.

Vijayeswaran is being held at the Jakarta Metropolitan police detention house as the police investigate whether he has committed any crimes in the country.

"We arrested him because of a red notice from Interpol in the Philippines," said Ketut Untung Yoga, a spokesman for the Jakarta Metropolitan police.

"We do not know when he will be extradited. We are co-ordinating with the Filipino authorities," Ketut added.

Vijayeswaran was arrested last week after Gus Dur tipped off the police about the businessman's whereabouts.

New Straits Times / May 9, 2007
Vijayeswaran confident innocence will be proven
by Fay Angela D'Cruz

KUALA LUMPUR: "This is the most challenging time of my life."

Embattled Malaysian businessman Datuk Vijayeswaran S. Vijayaratnam, who is now being held in a Jakarta lock-up, told the New Straits Times in an exclusive interview that "I have embraced this challenge."

Replying to questions channelled through QI Limited group director of finance Richard E. Zinkiewicz, Vijayeswaran said he was sure he would be found innocent.

"My wife and I are confident we will come through because the truth will always shine."

He thanked the many supporters who have offered prayers for his speedy release.

"I believe God tests hardest the ones he loves the most.

"All over the world, my friends have been sending me messages of support through my people here."

Vijayeswaran said he was being treated well by his Indonesian jailors.

The 46-year-old group managing director of QI Limited is, however, not only depending on divine intervention to get him out of the pickle he is in.

His lawyers said they had lodged a police report against a consultant, a woman, who they accuse of manipulating a contract between Vijayeswaran and Gus Dur.

The woman was a former director of PT GoldQuest Indonesia, a subsidiary of QI Limited.

The lawyers said the woman was hired as the consultant in the deal to mint coins with the picture of Gus Dur and his grandfather, Hasyim Asyari, the founder of the country's largest Muslim organisation, Nahdlatul Ulama (NU).

It is learnt that Vijayeswaran's lawyers have copies of the contract which was signed by the Malaysian businessman and Gus Dur on May 2, 2003.

Vijayeswaran is being investigated for fraud and embezzlement by the Indonesian authorities.

An official from Indonesia's Interpol said Vijayeswaran would not be extradited to Quezon City until the case against him in Indonesia is settled, one way or the other.

"This means, the Malaysian businessman is going to be held longer than initially thought," he said.

It was reported that Gus Dur had lodged a report on Monday against Vijayeswaran for defrauding and embezzling millions of rupiah from members of NU.

"We are currently investigating Gus Dur's report. If we have evidence, we will charge him," the official said. "Vijayeswaran's extradition would then be delayed."

To date, the Philippine authorities have not given a date to extradite Vijayeswaran and his colleagues, according to the Interpol official.

Vijayeswaran's associates claim the charges in the Philippines arose because of a falling with his business partners there.

The group managing director of QI Limited was nabbed, along with three of his Filipino partners, in Jakarta last Thursday.

New Straits Times - Aug 8, 2007
Datuk V works on getting name out of Interpol's list
by Fay Angela D'cruz

PETALING JAYA: Datuk Vijayeswaran S. Vijayaratnam is back home.

After spending three weeks in a lock-up and another two months under house arrest in an apartment, he was cleared by the district court of south Jakarta.

The 46-year-old group managing director of QI Limited found his name and photograph in Interpol's Red Notice following police reports lodged by two of his Filipino partners.

He was arrested in Jakarta on May 3 this year.

He was brought to the district court for an extradition hearing to move him to the Philippines to face charges in connection with a US$50 million (about RM170 million) alleged fraud case dating back nine years.

"I was optimistic that justice will prevail as I am innocent. Although it took three months to clear my name, I was willing to wait for the law to take its course," he said.

He was released on July 31 after the court rejected an extradition order on the grounds that the matter was a civil case involving a financial agreement.

Vijayeswaran said, initially, the police were harsh and rude.

"They treated me like a criminal even though they had little idea of what the case was all about. My arrest was based on information from the Interpol and had nothing to do with my business activities in Indonesia."

He added that when the authorities received more information from the Philippines, including the fact that the fraud case was 10 years old, the authorities were kinder and allowed him to move into an apartment within the police complex.

The Iranian Intelligence Ministry says 10 major members of a company called Viprol, which was involved in pyramid schemes, have been arrested.

Intelligence agents arrested the suspects in Tehran, Kerman, Bushehr, and some other provinces after several plaintiffs filed complaints against the company, an Intelligence Ministry official in charge of combating pyramid scam companies announced on Saturday, the Tehran Times reported. 

The company had been active in cyberspace under the guise of e-trade and investment in international stock markets, oil and gold markets, advanced industries, and arms sales. 

“They robbed people and then closed down their website. As a result of follow-ups by the ministry's agents, the main members of the network were identified and arrested,” the official added. 

The official also said some companies, which claim they have obtained official certification permits to run marketing activities via the Internet, have not been granted permits. 

In January, the Intelligence Ministry announced that 15 companies involved in pyramid schemes had been identified and forced to discontinue operations in Iran. 

Palinure, Inviting, Golden Village, FSG, Griffin and Gold Quest were some of the companies that were shut down in Iran. 

The source recalled that after the closure of over 410 offices of the pyramid company Gold Quest in Tehran, a large number of the leaders of the company said they were ready to halt their activities and somehow satisfy the people who had lost their money by investing in the fake company. 

Gold Quest is a global network marketing company that claims to be engaged in selling coins and watches that are said to have numismatic value. 

Network marketing companies work on the principle of the pyramid scheme, a non-sustainable business model that involves the exchange of money primarily for enrolling other people into the scheme. 

Network marketing differs from pyramid selling (pyramid schemes) in that the latter is a financial fraud and those who deal in this kind of business can be prosecuted based on a relevant law ratified in 2006, which imposes a ban on the activities of pyramid selling companies in Iran. 

According to the law, everyone who cooperates with these companies is disrupting the economic system of Iran and is legally responsible. 

Gold Quest, believed to be involved in one of the largest economic corruption cases in Iran's history, was banned in by Iran in 2005. Prosecutors found the pyramid company's activities have led to the exit of half a billion dollars from Iran. 

Pyramid schemes have been banned in many other countries, including the United States, Great Britain, France, Canada, Malaysia, Norway, Australia, New Zealand, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. 


Ponzi scheme victimizes thousands in Turkey

Friday, May 28, 2010
ISTANBUL - Daily News with wires

The Turkey branch of an international Ponzi scheme that collected millions of dollars from thousands of people has collapsed after police raids against the company., which defines itself as an “international direct selling brand that utilizes network marketing combined with e-commerce,” victimized nearly 20,000 people in Turkey, according to government officials. The company, which is headquartered in Hong Kong, has been banned in many countries.

The scheme operates like an investment chain. People begin to invest an amount of money to be a part of the chain and then find new people to invest. The invested money is distributed between members while a big chunk of it flows up to the top of the pyramid.

The system, which recruits members with the promise of becoming rich, has been banned in many countries including the United States, Iran, Albania, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia and Afghanistan.

The Turkish Ministry of Industry and Trade has launched an extensive study on the issue, and nearly 60 members of the system have been taken into custody.

No official representation

The company does not have an office in Turkey. Nevertheless, it recruits members in home offices located in Istanbul districts, such as Bahçelievler, Kadıköy, Esenler, Zeytinburnu and Güngören.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade has filed a criminal complaint, alleging aggravated fraud, against executives. The company has victimized nearly 20,000 people, taking millions of liras from them, said Minister Nihat Ergün, speaking to Anatolia news agency on Thursday. “The company has collected a great amount of money, varying between $570 and $2,500 from those people. Nearly more than 20 million liras have been raised,” Ergün said.

Turkey met with the Ponzi scheme in September 1997 with the “Titan” company. Hakan Kenan Şeranoğlu, who was previously a hairdresser in Germany, and his friend Vahit Gülal had established the scheme in Turkey’s western city of İzmir, collecting a total of 8.6 million liras from nearly 30,000 people. The founders and top executives of the system faced lengthy prison terms in 1998.


Canada regulators say Gold-Quest a Ponzi scheme
CALGARY, Alberta | Thu Jan 21, 2010 6:03pm EST

(Reuters) - Securities regulators in the Canadian province of Alberta said on Thursday that Gold-Quest International Inc was a classic Ponzi scheme that bilked investors out of $29 million with the promise of sky-high returns from foreign currency trading.

A panel convened by the Alberta Securities Commission said Gold-Quest, operated from Las Vegas but registered in Panama, promised investors an 87.5 percent return on money invested in the company for one year, as well as payments for convincing others to invest in the scheme.

The commission also said Gold-Quest illegally distributed securities in the province and made untrue statements about the safety of the investments and anticipated returns."Gold-Quest International Corp. raised approximately US$29 million from approximately 2,940 investors ... through a sham investment scheme that was both a classic Ponzi scheme and a classic pyramid scheme," the commission said.

The firm operated from June 2006 to May 2008, when it was shut down by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. A number of such schemes, which use cash from new investors to pay returns to earlier participants, have been uncovered in North America since an estimated $65 billion swindle by financier Bernard Madoff was revealed in December 2008.

In its decision, the commission said Gold-Quest investors were told the firm had developed proprietary strategies for trading currencies, which generated high returns. However most of the money raised was paid out as commissions and the firm did no currency trading.

No officials from Gold-Quest could be immediately located for comment. The panel will meet again in March to decide on penalties.

(Reporting by Scott Haggett; editing by Rob Wilson)

Gold-Quest owners face fines, jail time if assets not surrendered

Posted: May 15, 2008 | 10:00 p.m.
A federal judge on Wednesday told representatives of an alleged Indian enterprise called Gold-Quest International that he would fine individuals up to $1,000 a day and order them jailed if they continued to violate his order to turn over assets to a receiver.
The Securities and Exchange Commission accused Gold-Quest, which operated out of 11086 Crystal Crest Court in Las Vegas, of cheating 2,100 U.S. and Canadian citizens out of a total of $27.9 million.
Investors were told Gold-Quest could make large profits trading foreign currencies, but the SEC alleges that Gold-Quest was operating a Ponzi scheme. In a Ponzi scheme, the first investors are paid by money from later investors.
U.S. District Judge Lloyd George on May 6 froze the assets of Gold-Quest and appointed Cook Receiver Services of Lenexa, Kan., to serve as receiver.
The receiver has located $148,000, or less than 1 percent of the money entrusted to Gold-Quest.
SEC officials say Gold-Quest defendants are defying the judge's order.
At the hearing Wednesday, the judge said he was sending deputy U.S. marshals to accompany the SEC in recovering records and assets from Gold-Quest.
"You better cooperate," George told John Jenkins, one of three individuals named as a defendant. "I entered the order, and I expect it to be complied with in every respect," the judge said.
George scheduled a hearing for May 23 so that Jenkins may show cause as to why he should not be fined $1,000 a day and jailed for violating the court order.
The judge questioned why Jenkins and Michael Howard Reed, who claims to be attorney general of the sovereign Little Shell Nation, were 45 minutes late for the hearing. Reed and Jenkins blamed their tardiness on traffic.
George also seemed annoyed that Jenkins left to feed a parking meter and was absent when the delayed hearing started.
Reed acknowledged that he had no law degree except from the Little Shell Nation, a tribe of 3,800 Indians living on a reservation that spans North Dakota, Montana and Canada.
The SEC says that neither the United States nor Canada recognize the tribe, but Reed told a reporter that President Lincoln recognized the tribe. All three individuals charged in the case -- Jenkins, Michael McGee and a man called Lord David Greene -- are members of the tribe, Reed said.
The other defendants didn't attend the hearing.
Reed said that Greene was out of the country. Michael McGee answered the phone at Gold-Quest shortly before the hearing. McGee said the lawsuit identified him as an owner of Gold-Quest but he said he was only an employee.
McGee said Gold-Quest was engaged in foreign exchange trading and wasn't operating a Ponzi scheme.
"There are a lot of things being printed that aren't true," McGee said.
"The SEC thinks a whole lot of things," he said. "I don't know that I want to continue this conversation."
Reed told the judge that the company was properly known as Little Shell Gold-Quest International.
"We're a sovereign nation, and we're immune from civil suit," Reed explained following the hearing.
Contact reporter John G. Edwards at or 702-383-0420.
Oi! Scammers QNet meleis haramjadah:
What is fucking wrong with you people?

P/S: Nah, aku kasi korang semua senang nak rujuk.
More infos coming... Let QNetters shit blood.