And so it is...

Friday, March 11, 2011

QuestNet - It's So Stupid, Lantak Ko La Dol

Banyaknya orang tanya aku pasal QuestNet. Kengkadang aku memang semangat nak research dan menulis kat blog ni tentang sesuatu MLM dan skim piramid, dan cara-cara syarikat MLM tu semua mengelentong pengguna di kalangan orang Melayu (kalau MLM tu mengelentong alkafirun - lantak dia orang la pun), sebab ramai orang Melayu ni memang dungu dan kuno ya amat. Ada yang memang terlalu dungu sampai ke peringkat tak bole tolong doh... Jenis yang kalau ko tunjuk dia bahawa sesuatu bzns tu adalah skim piramid, yang jual benda sepaling merapu, dengan promosi keuntungan sepaling cikai, yang ko terangkan separa terperinci daripada segi sains dan matematik - sipolan yang buat bzns tu, yang dungu-sengap-bingai-nak-mampos, akan balas balik: "itulah sesetengah orang Melayu ada perasaan hasad dengki bila orang Melayu lain nak berniaga". Kepala lutut hatok bapak dia dengki.

Some things in this world are so stupid, it's NOT worth to dignify it with any explanation whatsoever. Example: ko curah air kat kaca bulat (gambar kat bawah) dan tampung masuk cawan - lepas tu ko minum air tu, QuestNet cakap air tu akan kasi ko jadi superman. Fucking lame retarded freaky dumbass!

They look stupid? You betcha!

Kejadah "scalar energy" ntah. It never existed. Tak pernah wujud, dan ianya bukan misteri, dan ianya bukan alternative therapy, dan apa saja yang syarikat tu kelentong... it's plain crap. IT"S PURE SHIT! Ini benda sains yang memang tak pernah wujud, you stupid QuestNet asshole. "Nano fusion resonance energy transfer" hatok ko la dol.

The non-existent science: These new waves of energy are called "longitudinal" EM (electromagnetism) to distinguish them from "transverse" EM, the kind we are familiar with in our daily life, which power our cell phones and pagers, television and radio broadcasts, microwave ovens, and so on. Rather than modulating in 3-dimensions they are modulating in the direction they are going, accordian-like, that is, along the axis of time, the 4th dimension. What this means is still a mystery to me, but one important facet of this new discovery in the new field of "scalar electromagnetics" is the discovery that time itself is compressed energy, compressed by the factor of the speed-of-light-squared. Does that sound familiar? It brings to mind Einstein's E = mc2. Matter itself is also compressed energy, and compressed by the same factor as scalar energy is compressed in time. So the discovery of scalar electromagnetics is that we can tap and use the immense energy existing in the ocean of time. Penerangan kat atas ni diklasifikasikan sebagai sains untuk orang bongok dan bingai tahap cipan... yang cukup suka buat skim piramid untuk cari duit, dan seterusnya kasi anak-bini makan dan minum, dengan duit haram-laknat sebegini.

Nak mampos betul alkafirun Questnet tu semua sekor-sekor. Dan kalau korang ada terjumpa orang Islam menjajap pendant kat atas tu kat korang, cepat-cepat ajak kengkawan atau sapa-sapa sahaja yang berdekatan dalam 4 - 5 orang gitu - ko belasah salesman tu cukup-cukup sampai lembik - dan campak aje bahalol tu masuk longkak. Cari longkang yang dalam sket, dan kalau boleh... ada taik manusia bertakung dalam longkang tu. Itu lagi baeeek...

Komen aku: Wadefaaaaahahahak?!

Tak payah aku nak kesahkan untuk kasi penerangan apa-apa pasal QuestNet ni. It's just plain shit. It's a plain pyramid scheme too, by the way. Kepada orang Melayu di luar sana yang join, jual, dan beli menatang satu-sen-tarak-guna QuestNet - apekejadahnya samdol? Tak sekolah ke apa? Talak tau baca ka apek? QuestNet telah disaman atau diisytiharkan atau di "banned" sebagai perniagaan skim piramid di USA, India, Emirates/Dubai, Turkey, South Africa, Rwanda, Kenya, France dan banyak negara lain lagi. Malaysia seperti biasa... tertinggal bas lagik. Apa nak jadi la korang neh? Nak sangat jadi alkafirun, teruskan aje la niat murni korang tu. Jangan la pulak orang Islam lain diajak sekali sama-sama jadi alkafirun. Cukup aje la korang salesman QuestNet yang sesat dan dungu tarak sekolah, tak payah diajak orang Islam lain tu dol. Memang la ramai orang Melayu sama tak sekolah jugak, tapi jangan la kacau dia orang tu. They are innocent.

That's it. Ini perniagaan orang kafir, 
orang Islam tak yah sebok nak join doh.

Kalau dah kemaruk sangat nak tuang air kat atas coaster kaca satu-sen-tarak-guna ni, tak payah sedekah ribu-riban pada orang kafir Questnet tu deerr... pegi aje kat, order 50 bio-disc tu..... knock yourself out, man!

7 Arrested in GoldQuest Scheme
April 28, 2006

Seven persons who were caught promoting the GoldQuest network marketing scheme have been arrested in southern Sri Lanka, police said. The seven who were having a GoldQuest promotional scheme were arrested under the new anti-pyamiding provisions of the Banking Act, police in the town of Karandeniya in the southern provincial, Galle district said.

“We arrested them on a complaint from the Central Bank,” Officer-in-Charge Kapila Kumara said. This is the second time GoldQuest upliners have been arrested after the Central Bank brought in new anti-pyramiding laws to combat referral and network marketing schemes that operated as endless chains.

Chennai Police Seek Arrest Warrant For Malaysian Datuk

CHENNAI, May 7 (Bernama) -- The Chennai police have sought a court order to arrest a prominent Malaysian "datuk" after one of his companies was alleged to have duped thousands of investors of millions of rupees in south India in a pyramid scheme.

A Chennai-based subsidiary, QuestNet Enterprise India Pvt Ltd, the marketing and distribution arm of Hong Kong-based QI Group, claimed to have collected millions of rupees from the investors and promised to repay their investment dividends in gold coins, but left failed to do so.

Deputy Commissioner of Police in the Chennai Police Commissionerate, G. Sampath Kumar said the police were stepping up pressure to bring the prime accused to India to solve the cases. More than 1,000 people are believed to have lost their savings in the scheme.

"We have approached the court to issue a formal arrest warrant to secure him.

"It would be done through proper channels... we will bring him in a month or two, following all procedures of extradition (just) like in the (notorious Indian underworld don) Abu Saleem (case).

"Since we have (an) extradition treaty with Malaysia, it is easy for us to bring him here. We need him to investigate the case," he added.

India and Malaysia signed a draft extradition treaty in 2002. Last Sunday, Chennai police arrested seven staff of QuestNet in the Indian city, including the company's top woman director after numerous reports were lodged in various districts in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh on the well-designed, quick-rich pyramid scheme. The scheme has left many investors in tears over the past few days. Several top south Indian actors and actresses, and prominent Indians were also believed to have paid huge sums of money to make quick profits from the company's scheme. While police have yet to determine the actual figure, local media estimates that it could reach a staggering RM10 million.

Sampath said the department had also informed Interpol to freeze the datuk's company assets. Besides, a string of names of suspects are on the police investigation list. "We are investigating the alleged involvement of an Indian Foreign Service officer who was to take over the mantle of the company. He (datuk) has utilised foreign service officers to bend all the rules and regulations of the country," added the police chief. The police are also probing the alleged involvement of several prominent south Indian artistes involved in widely promoting the pyramid scheme among the poor masses.

The "datuk" is suspected to have violated the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act which regulates foreign exchange and securities, and also breached the Reserve Bank of India's rules, added Sampath.


Datuk V works on getting name out of Interpol’s list
By Fay Angela D’cruz
8 August, 2007

PETALING JAYA: Datuk Vijayeswaran S. Vijayaratnam is back home. After spending three weeks in a lock-up and another two months under house arrest in an apartment, he was cleared by the district court of south Jakarta.

The 46-year-old group managing director of QI Limited found his name and photograph in Interpol’s Red Notice following police reports lodged by two of his Filipino partners. He was arrested in Jakarta on May 3 this year.

He was brought to the district court for an extradition hearing to move him to the Philippines to face charges in connection with a US$50 million (about RM170 million) alleged fraud case dating back nine years. "I was optimistic that justice will prevail as I am innocent. Although it took three months to clear my name, I was willing to wait for the law to take its course," he said.

He was released on July 31 after the court rejected an extradition order on the grounds that the matter was a civil case involving a financial agreement. Vijayeswaran said, initially, the police were harsh and rude. "They treated me like a criminal even though they had little idea of what the case was all about. My arrest was based on information from the Interpol and had nothing to do with my business activities in Indonesia."

He added that when the authorities received more information from the Philippines, including the fact that the fraud case was 10 years old, the authorities were kinder and allowed him to move into an apartment within the police complex. He held meetings with friends and associates at the apartment as security was lax and people were allowed to visit him. His wife, who arrived from Kuala Lumpur stayed in the apartment during his "house arrest". He said his lawyers were working towards removing his name from the Interpol Red Notice.

He said while in Jakarta, more allegations were heaped on him, including that he had cheated former Indonesian president Abdurrahman Wahid or Gus Dur and his family. Vijayeswaran was alleged to have used his multi-level marketing network to solicit funds from followers of Nahdlatul Ulama. "Some people in Jakarta wanted to see me fall. Gus Dur eventually came forward to clear the air."

Vijayeswaran’s company, which is based in Hong Kong, has branches in 30 countries, from Australia to Brazil. Its regional office is in Petaling Jaya. It is a multinational multi-level marketing company with 2.5 million customers world- wide. He is also an author and motivational speaker. After the court’s decision on July 31, an elated Vijayeswaran and his wife went to the apartment and started packing their bags immediately. They caught a flight to Kuala Lumpur the next day.

"The police sent us off to the airport, which was a nice gesture. During my detention, I embarked on a health regime — swimming 50 to 60 laps a day and working out in the gymnasium in the apartment." 

Vijayeswaran, who said that he wants to move on with his life, was unhappy about certain press reports. "I was disappointed with some press reports about me. The facts were wrong."


Indonesian police have arrested top operatives of the GoldQuest scheme, while its founder is also wanted by Interpol for his activities in the Philippines, reports said. Quest International (QI) group Chief Executive Vijayeswaran Vijayaratnam, director Joseph Bismark, and two other senior executives, Donna Marie Imson and Tagumpay Kintanar were arrested Thursday The Jakarta Post reported. Police arrested the four people, believed to be the operators of GoldQuest, a network marketing scheme that sells gold coins, following a red notice from Interpol. Jakarta police chief Adang Firman told reporters Friday the suspects, Malaysian and Philippine citizens, were also accused of mis-using the image of former president Abdurrahman Wahid, better known as Gus Dur. Wahid’s lawyer, Ikhsan Abdullah, has said the Goldquest had used pictures of both Gus Dur and late Nahdlatul Ulama founder Hasyim Asy’ari in its promotional material without Gus Dur’s consent to sell gold coins.

Following the alert from our Observer, the FRANCE 24 editorial team examined QuestNet's activities.

QuestNet's business model is simply a pyramid scheme: a non-sustainable system in which the products are phoney and the salespeople deceived. The system is clearly explained on Wikipedia. The QuestNet managers con potential salespeople into believing that they will easily find others willing to sell the products too and therefore receive regular commission. However, while the first few of those involved do earn some money from the system - an outcome used to convince others that it works - there soon become too many salespeople and not enough buyers to purchase the product. The large majority of people who buy the Bio Disc or the Chi Pendant have no chance of recruiting enough salespeople in order to make back the money they spent on it and let alone gain any profit. 

The system is illegal in many countries, including France, Belgium and Canada. QuestNet takes advantage of loopholes in certain national legislations however in order to continue the scam. As soon as their dealings begin raising suspicions in a country, they find a new one to establish themselves in.

Banned in Dubai and India
The geographical origin of QuestNet is unknown, although online records show that the company originated in the US, when it worked under the name of "Gold-Quest International", selling coin collections to indigenous Americans.
The US authorities clamped down on the company (in 2008 the founder's assets were frozen after a court order - see conclusion by the US Securities and Exchange Committee). But they were already operating elsewhere; adapting products to the local market, but always using the same business model. As early as 2002 the company had been closed down in Dubai. It was investigated in 2004 in Cambodia, and just a few months ago, the company was sentenced in an Indian court.

Selling coasters that protect you from HIV
Today, the company is making tracks in Africa. Its first targets were Uganda, Kenya and Rwanda, where it tried to commercialise coasters that supposedly protect you from contracting HIV. In Rwanda, an investigation launched by the National Bank of Rwanda quickly saw the company banned by order from the finance minister.

Targeting the poorest of society
QuestNet presents itself as a miracle money maker, despite the model having been proven scientifically unsustainable. The sale of the products is fraudulent and targets the poorest of society - those who are desperate to make money quickly. The scam destroys relationships, because it's to family and friends that recruited salesmen then sell the scheme to themselves. They convince their friends into indebting themselves in order to enrol in the scheme, and later find themselves responsible for both their own and their friends' financial struggles when the pyramid collapses.

No need to open an office
QuestNet is very efficient when moving to a new country. There's no need to open an office. The company begins by holding an introductory meeting, usually in a hotel. It attracts its first salespeople by offering them the best tariffs. Once they've been recruited, word of mouth does the rest. QuestNet quickly transfers its earnings outside of the country, before the number of salespeople becomes too high and the pyramid collapses.

The company is very skilled at handling communication and uses the Web to respond to any attacks. It posts FAQ pages specific to each country online (see here for the Ivory Coast) and has a number of sites and blogs which are well referenced by Google. Pages written by QuestNet itself come up first if you search for "QuestNet fraud" or "QuestNet scam". If you click on the results you will find out that QuestNet is simply a "multi-level" marketing company, a "legitimate business" and not a pyramid scheme. Most of the countries it's worked in, however, seem to think otherwise.


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dear anies said...


me said...


kerazee.hisham said...


kerazee.hisham said...

3rd la plak. sori en abu...

LittleLady said...

5th .. yeay~!

Unknown said...

cepat2..aku no bape ni

iluvtupperware said...

Ada jugak benda lahanat cam gini. Memang nak kiamat sungguh!

me said...


no problem :p

anyway, ape benak beno melayunye yang join menatang samdol ni? terang2 dajjal2 ni buat main je nama Allah tu..lagi korang nak join ke? kalau ade orang islam yang join tu, adalah lebih afdal korang bertaubat....

abangkus said...

huhuhuhu top 10

dear anies said...

letak nama allah kt pendant tu? mudah nyer org kafir mempersendakan nama allah... nauzubillahiminzalik!!

lg 1, bio disc tu mcm dulang/talam kt umah anies jer?

x sabar nk tggu dungu2 questNet serang aidid kt sini

zulfadhlimansor said...

takut2 suatu masa nanti akan keluar barang hasil teknologi alien....... lagi haru biru....


Org yg ke 303 plakk..cess

Pakwan said...

fuhhh ada lagi cam ni... thanks bro for the info ... memang nak kena belasah nie......

katakbiru said...

dah terlajak jauh..malas nk kira no berapa...huh..~
sampainya masa tibanya waktu..kesian Embok. hahaha :P

LittleLady said...

tergezut aku tgk pendant yang ada nama Allah tu.. hmm.... igt nama Allah ni mcm rantai salib ke..??? hmm.. nak akhir zaman..

sebab dah ada nama Allah tu, nanti org Qnet ckp aidid ni menolak kekuasaan Allah sebab tak percayakan pendant hikmat tu...

GAFARO a.k.a. agentno9 said...


gua pernah terjumpa bilik seminar questnet ni kat rawang..

siap gambar dorang taja sukan bolasepak brazil ngan kereta lumba F3. ronaldinho pon ada sekali ngan pengurus besar questnet ni..

masatu gua terkejut berok gak la. kagum pon ade pasal dorang sponser sukan bolasepak dengan kereta lumba.

tak silap gua pengurus dia bangsa india

Anonymous said...

Memang bodoh bangangla siapa yang join Qnet, tambah2 lg memang CONFIRM jatuh syirik kalau menjaja dan memakai pendant nama Allah tu.
Damn these imbeciles!

Mudahbots said...

no. 19... hahaha...

word verification : dulak

zini said...

Gump! You're a god damn genius! This is the most outstanding answer I have ever heard. You must have a goddamn I.Q. of 160. You are goddamn gifted, Private Gump. Listen up, people...

hyelbaine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hyelbaine said...

I understand why the post is so short now, it's practically useless. Those who do participate are not only playing with religion but also are total head-cases.

And yet I think the number's must run in the thousands in Malaysia with the majority of them being the ever wonderful Malays.

Seriously, I want to see the trolls back this one up.

me said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mudahbots said...

ader member aku yg x sabo2 tunggu aidid keluarkan topic nie.. nak pkai pegi blasah orang yg sebok nak joinT benda alah nie... hahaha

me said...

my foot will be on the throat of those MLMers if they dare to come near me with this pendant!

or even if they try to sell me with this pendant!

Mudahbots said...

tapi masalahnya, ader jugak mamat2 @ minah2 sengal yg sibuk buat benda nie...

org2 yang buta mata hati nie, camne kita nak buat? pastu, pantang tegur skit, mula la nak melenting kata orang nak kacau bisnes (kepala otak diaorang) org melayu sendiri..

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sayagilamakan said...

aku ada knl org y msuk benda ni..
rasa nk bagi penampo je bila tgk dia punya taksub dengan chi pendant hanguk dia tu..
memang da bengap gila padahal budak farmasi...pelik2

Anonymous said...

dude, seriously? Allah's name on a pendant?????? i mean, seriously? come on!!!!

[i can continue this "seriously" thing but then by the time i get over the shock aidid would delete my comment cuz there'll be 100000000 "seriously" in it.) seriously.

Anonymous said...

tp mmg ada org yg bodoh pun yg xtau bnda2 ni...lg2 org yg x skolah n jarang terdedah ngan benda2 cmni...dorang xtau pun MLM tu x baik,dorg xtau pun produk tu x elok...yg kalau dorang tau,mungkin dorg xnak join pun...mmg org melayu byk yg baik hati tp bodoh..dorg jugak kena tipu...dorg jugak cuma ikut ckp org...n dorang jugak rugi n dalam kesedihan lps kena tu...itu gunanye org2 yg tau n pandai Subhanallah mcm korang semua...yg blaja tinggi2,yg dah banyak tgk dunia,yg tuhan limpahkan nikmat ilmu dan tiupkan kekuatan untuk korg mencari ilmu,yg byk bergaul dgn org2 high social status,n mgkin x pernah ditakdirkan berjumpa pn dgn org2 yg dlm hidupnya jrg bertemu dgn pilihan,yg ada cuma jalan buntu...ada org tidak...mereka hanya duduk dan menunggu seseorg dtg untuk menunjukkan jln kpd mereka,kalau yg baik dtg dulu,baiklah,kalau yg x baik,x baiklah...Allah yg memegang hati2 hamba2nya,Dia yg memberi hidayah kpd sesiapa yg dikehendakinya,dan dia yg berhak menjatuhkan balasan dan hukuman...bukan manusia,bukan kita semua,apa yg menimpa org2 MLM tu blh menimpa siapa saja dari kita...untungnya kita semua kan,sbb tuhan lindungi kita dari terjebak dgn perkara begini,Alhamdulillah...Ilmu itu dari Allah,keikhlasan itu jugak dari Allah,dan hidayah itu lebih2 lagi dari Allah..maka janganlah kamu berbangga-bangga dengan ilmu dan keturunan kamu...betulkan niat,tingkatkan kesabaran,semoga tuhan redha dgn usaha korg semua,sbb dengan keredhaan Allah itu dtgnya hasil penat lelah manusia...Insyallah:)

Rembulan NagaGala said...

Wadehelloanybodyhome. Pendant nama Allah? Memang _________(insert any curse word here) punya orang.

kadori-san said...



Aslina said...

laa... wujud lagi mende ni... ingat dah pupus mcm dinaso da...

ehh... ada pendant ngan nama Allah? huhu... tak pikir abes ke apa ni? org pakai pendant tu merata pegi termasuk toilet. ada jugak bebal nak pakai? plus lelaki islam bukan bleh pakai pun pendant2 nih...

Neotoxin said...

"Rather than modulating in 3-dimensions they are modulating in the direction they are going, accordian-like, that is, along the axis of time, the 4th dimension. What this means is still a mystery to me, but one important facet of this new discovery in the new field of "scalar electromagnetics" is the discovery that time itself is compressed energy, compressed by the factor of the speed-of-light-squared. Does that sound familiar? It brings to mind Einstein's E = mc2. Matter itself is also compressed energy, and compressed by the same factor as scalar energy is compressed in time. So the discovery of scalar electromagnetics is that we can tap and use the immense energy existing in the ocean of time."

hahhahaha.. lol lol lol .. Kalau mcm tu baik wat time travel.. kekkeke

依之汉 said...

38??? Alamak? Lambat la aku...
Apa guna piring kuno ni nak sihat? Apa cer. Memang bengap la sapa beli ni. Beli jer piring kat pasar malam. Lagi murah. LOL.

Xeno said...


Dulu setakat perubatan Mickey Mouse.
Wow, just wow.

azwan said...

"The healing power of Biodisc HAS PROVEN to amazingly balance the "yin" and "yang" and cure various syndromes such as AUTISM, DIABETES, HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE....."

Fucker punya Qnet. main belasah claim ek. what the fuck punye bahlol lahanat cipan. siape2 kenal tuan punya Qnet tu meh ajak dia dtg sini. Defend product dia. Bahlol celaka btol.

Mr. Bali said...

Sangat-sangat jelas Al-Kafirun mula menyebarkan dakyah nak menyesatkan Umat Islam... Nyirap-nyirap rasenye tgk ade plak Allah Chi Pendent. Btul ckp Aidid. Kalu jumpe salesman ni kasi balun ramai2 sumbat dlm longkang. Kalu aku juz sembelih aje.... Hidup pun tarak gne... Aidid keep the good job...

terjun.tanpa.parachut said...

Minum air Yassin lagi ada pekdahnya....

tupaimerah said...

subhanallah. Allah chi pendant?
oke, ini sangat melampau!!!

cek chun said...

the bio disc energy spins into the liquid
the bio disc salesman spin n spin like there's no tomorrow

hyelbaine said...

Seriously, takder yang nak defend ker? I would love to see any of them. Especially troll yang suka kutuk and condemn org mcm dia tahap alim gaban.

No one?

amhami_a said...

bro, cam ner nak subscribe rss blog nih? aku pun nak rase gak dapat no 1. ni asyik no 100 jek

Max_Underwood said...

Thanks mate. I've been hassling you for this write up for quite a while. U see, among those who promote questnet are those in the top management of top companies. I can give u an example :

There is this one indian datin who works at ambank, i think in their customer relations department in Jalan Yap Kuan Seng, (somebody here from ambank??) who is a very active questnet "head hunter". The MO is always to prey on her junior staff and greenhorns (budak innocent baru masuk kerja yang dia interview).

Now this indian datin is assisted by a small group of other questnet lackeys who works in Ambank Yap Kuan Seng as well, albeit in different departments (mostly chinese and indians). They prey on (especially) young malay greenhorns desperate to please the "boss" so to speak.

One of the lackeys is called Prodeep Gupta. I heard of the name from a source.

This is worrying as most of their prey are senseless malay girls who are too dumb to think for themselves.


Max_Underwood said...

aidid --->THANKS MATE...UR A LEGEND!!!

Annette Michelle said...

And now that MLM has come to this extend! To kid Allah is just toooo much!
Saya sangat2 sedih dan kecewa. Now please gov, ngo and all of us... it's our jihad to combat MLM.

Say NO to MLM!

ps: waiting for the authorities to speak up over this Allah pendant issue. por favor...

MLM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rose said...

Alah Smeagol sorang nie..

cek chun said...

seaching for his ring..ehh disc i

Unknown said...

serius shit.... don't tell me ramai percaya???? tengok je dah tau betapa dumbass nye fakta tue... daym.... this makes me feel rage... budak2 kat sekolah sekarang WAJIB diajar skill untuk mengkaji and it must start NOW!!! sistem pendidikan kat malaysia mesti berubah... damn...

Da One & Only said...

forward ke JAKIM... ini kes menghina ni...

Sang Kelembai said...

Rasa kecewa jugak bila ada orang yang sanggup membuat fakta mengarut untuk menjual barang sebegini. Dan rasa lebih kecewa lagi bila ada jugak orang yang percaya penipuan sebegini.dan lebih kecewa lagi bila jual kalung nama allah pulak lagi.

Anonymous said...

I don't wanna sound repetitive but yeah, this is stupid indeed.

Albeit the stupidity, i'm hoping that any Questnet trolls could come forward and make an ass of themselves here. (cos i've not had my troll fix for days. Heeee)

Max_Underwood said...

Susah for trolls now cos aidid's been deleting their arses since 2 days ago. So no troll fix i'm afraid....

Anonymous said... entertainment? Does that mean this blog is porno-expletives-free now ? Hua hua hua..

Aidid Mu'addib said...

uik! razali aje yg kena delete...
becos his comments are becoming more & more moronic...
other than that dumbass - no deletion whatsoever.
Anyway, it's the school hols - c ya!

cek chun said...

papai bang.. drive safely

laila, the trolls dok himpun point nak bantai ini blog.
sabar ya nok

Rose said...

Rasanya trolls dah takut nak komen, ramai sangat defenders kat blog Aidid...kecut perut maa...

Nak tanya if anyone has heard of a new product called Eskayvie (Radianze) founder Dr Syid Ayob Syid Mustafa Al Qudri. They are using a mixture of marine peptides, Astareal, etc. What I know about Astareal, it's another product and the active compound is astaxanthin (the red color of cooked shrimp- ada la sket2 antioxidant activities). The good Dr also pengasas (tapi now dah xde dia dlm profil syarikat) another product, Gamat eMas.

My sister yg asked, and I have looked up some stuffs, but really x de masa nak look into details (4 chapters to submit by next Tuesday) so, if anyone have any thoughts or insights on this product, please share. Thanks.

dear anies said...

rs sgt2 kelakar. x tau la kalu u ols pn kena gak. mn2 malaun x yg x puas ati ngan bro aidid, lani wat tektik g serang hendap blog org. guna ayat2 18SX. dgn hrpn bla kite baca, kite akn sembur kat aidid smula.da tu, punya la berani, komen guna 'anonymous'.. blah la! x mati nyer kalu kena carut marut tu..

Hanif said...

boring la xde troll sob sob..

tetibe rindu ngan pacek kordi huaa

Anonymous said...

Trolls gi clubbing memalam minggu ni. Kalu tak clubbing, tengah mintak sedekah kat prospek kat kedai kopi. Kalu tak mintak sedekah, tengah cuci keter BMW sekeng heng.

Kalu rindu kat pakcik kordi, gi lah blog dia. Sian dia terkelip2 terkulat2 sensorang kat sana.

cek chun said...

Anies, be strong :)

Wehhh. Don't call2 le his name. I cannot tahan one. Nanti I puke puke

Anonymous said...

Haiisshh..dah aku balik dari hutan ni, sunyi lak belog ni..

Anyway, anak2 sapa, mak pak orang manalah agaknya berselera beli produk Qnet or other stupid MLM products for that matter. Kalu balak wa belikan menatang ni wat hadiah besday wa ker or for other special occasion..memang wa cerai talak tiga terus..kuang kuang kuang

plunox said...


firstly, thanks a lot for the research and presentation. was waiting for this info, since most of my 'ex-friend' were joining 'score-f' n this stupid program..
(seriously, putus kawan sebab they keep on pushing me to join those stupid things.. moron can't understand n respect pendirian orang lain)

honestly i do have an experience attending their presentation.. seriously wtfish r they trying to prove? sembur2 org, pastu boleh angkat mamat tu pakai jari, bla3, air dah nak sama level ngan air zam2, bla3.. haish~

thanks again sir.

cek chun said...

Rasanya belog sunyi sebb ko takde la laila.

Plunox, nak proof kata ayaq tu hebat la. Mana tau kot2 hg nak beli 3disc. Hehe

Anonymous said...

@ plunox : Good for yah fer coming to yer senses.

@ cek chun: cer ko seru sket trolls tu ..aku dah wat kopi susu ais gelas besar neh.

cek chun said...

Aku dah tunggu 2 malam sehh. Tk dtg2. Mesti depa takot kat azwan nih. Hahaha

Bak sket kopi.

minah_stapler said...

i was curious so I google for BioDisc promo-talk-demo videos. It is as ridiculous as it can get... ada mat salleh joget2 macam terencat akal.

Rupanya mende ni sama saiz macam coasters jer. Kalau tak laku and dorang lelong satu seringgit cantik ni kalau buat alas gelas untuk hari raya nanti.

Word Verification: cattersi (courtesy untuk tuan rumah)

Anonymous said...

tak tahan geli aku dgr all the crap new-age branding they've been giving MLMs nowadays - social business model, consumer based marketing, health-based business, screwing-you-up-the-ass marketing, etc - I've heard quite a few of them. dulu2 masa belajar selalu gi convention/talks/seminar/motivation(konon2 nya la) si hantu2 MLM ni. org yg nak bawak org baru masuk akan sponsor - dapat mkn free, plus dapat belajar ayat2 kelentong yang power. seronok tgk org mcm kena sampuk ramai2. mcm kultus sesat pun ada. heheh.

anyway, I wanna ask boleh tak tolong check out Maleleuca -

SP dia, & also brg2 dia. too many friends (& their family) dah join. worried. aritu dah pergi dgr marketing plan dia. mcm solid - lubang tak byk, susah nak attack. lagi2 org tak pandai mcm aku ni. dia tak overpriced gile babi utk so-called "fully organic products" ke ntah hape tah, tapi still mahal la drp generic brands. search on the net pun scam dia byk curi details n charge, pasal scheme dia ngan products takde cite sgt. kalau ada facts senang sket nak counter, especially since diorang dah target mak aku dah ni..

terima kasih in advance..

azwan said...

My personal opinion..
melaleuca is going to be next Omegatrend. Nothing great about the company. Its purely about branding, just like Herbalife, USANA, etc...


Rose said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
KR555zal said...

"Nano fusion resonance energy transfer"..maka aku pn brtukar mnjadi Power Rangers kaler Merah!hawhawhaw!

airin nabila said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
airin nabila said...

kau memang pandai. tapi kau salah guna. aku rase kau ni kurang kasih sayang kot. qnet is not MLM. kau da tgk ke sijil pendaftaran company ni??research kau pasal company ni x cukop lagi bro. cube lagi k.

efa said...

MLM or not, this is dumbass.


azwan said...

Ape ke bodoh ko wey..
Ko tak paham ke argument kat sini? Product cibai ko tu macam puki la oi. Kalau ko rase bagus sgt, defend la product fuck ko tu. buat malu je bai. kalau ko tak mampu, panggil upline2 ko, meh bedebat dgn aku. budak mentah, nak jual brg tapi haram jadah taktau mende. dah tolol, patutla senang sgt kena tipu...bodoh.

Unknown said...

i saw melalueca or whatsitsname dekat UOA bangsar sbb selalu turun situ nak pegi keje. seriously masa mula-mula tu, mmg ramai gila orang beli barang kat situ. sekarang ni dah memang tade org. adalah dia letak shelves dia foot and bath, health tah hape bende lagi tah.

ada sekali tu nmpk sorang auntie ni duduk sebelah dalam putra bukak produk dia. tahla, siap berbalut bagai rupa mcm eksklusif gila. tapi kedai tu sendiri nampak dodgy sbb tade sape masuk atau keluar.

anyone has any idea about this? abang azwan maybe? i assume i have to call you abang because if you are around muhammad abdullah's age, then you pangkat abang to me la :)

azwan said...

Airin dey..

Ko tgk first paragraph la bahlol. patut org2 popuan ni sharp sket. tp budak, read the 1st paragraph bangang..

"In direct selling, a distributor earns a commission by referring a company’s products to customers. They also earn commission when other distributors in his or her network successfully refer products to other people."

Isn't that a multi level system? Qnet takde telor nak tunjuk gambar pyramid tu. Hahahaha...dumbfuck la ko airin..dumbfuck. budak, elok ko pegi sekolah balik la.

azwan said...

no idea la dik...ade rezeki aku pegi UOA Bangsar. orait!

mimi said...

..and i wondered ada wujud jugak ke org defend benda ni.. -.-

Anonymous said...

yg Maleleuca tu takyah gi kedai dia. kalau jadi member, dia akan kol every month sebab kena maintain point (mcm biasa dia ikat leher lembu2 dia) pastu deliver terus kat rumah. barang dia standet cam omegajing jugak, konon2 save in the long run sebab dia consentrated and tahan lama. tapi kalau banding dgn generic brand, cost dia around double, atau lebih kurang harga upper range brands. dia punya health benefits la konon nya. langsung takde carcenogenic/harmful chemical la, buat pakai kulit kaki kiri platipus yg masih dara la, whatever shit.

pastu selling point dia ialah produk2 kat luar tu sume penuh najis dan racun merbahaya, dan dia adalah save n healthy alternative. jadi jgn tunggu bulan depan, minggu ni gak kena join. takkan nak terus pakai racun tu buat shampu rambut. share ngan family, takkan nak biar mak bapak spray ubat ketiak yg penuh dgn air longkang dan najis beracun. takkan nak bagi family pakai brg2 kanser iteww! fine la mmg ada point, tapi tayah la scare tactics mcm aku ni budak bodo tepi jalan. puluh2 tahun pakai oi brand2 'racun' tu, tayah la pressure aku pakai ayat2 bangang. dah la aku isap rokok. ari2 aku sedut lebih drp 1000 bahan kimia masuk paru2 aku. abis cuak la aku nak letak rejoice kat kepala ni. pastu motivasi MLM yg aku tak tahan tu. 'don't just be an audience in life' la, 'to be a good player, you must decide your game' la... haha what a load of crock. ko ingat aku ni abis terpedaya la ngan ayat2 ala dr masyitah ko tu. baik aku dgr fadilah kamsah. atau ustaz kazim. tu baru best.

yg aku nak tau, tolak tepi taktik piramid longkang dia tu, tolak tepi health shake and rumpai laut ajaib or sup DNA dia tu - aku nak tau kalau brg dia mmg tak cilaka dan organik/safe as they claim. kalau dapat org selongkar skim dan bonus2 puluh2 ribu dia tu, lagi best. aku just print, susun buat spreadsheet, pastu bila nak fire aku bagi straight. aku dah belajar tulis upside-down, khas utk menganjing upline2 bile diorang explain skim pak man telo diorang.

Anonymous said...

oh lagi satu. diorang claim retention rate org yg join is >90%, ada yg sampai as high as 95-97%. sedangkan the highest retention rate utk MLM is at 20-25%, average is around 15-20%. gilo riddikulus mantap siut kalau cecah 90%. ye, riddikulus. MLM ni mcm bogart, kan best kalau bole jadik harry potter dan sentap wand terus ilang..

ni ha, kalau nak baca:

utk lembu2 yg tak puashati, ni ha aku bagi geng korang punya link. kang kata aku tipu/berat sebelah pulak (padehal nak kencing korang bukan susah pun. mmg hari2 pun korang dikencing):

kalau 80% org keluar, mcmana nk kata tak menipu? mmg la ada org kaya buat mlm, yg 20% tu amik lg 80% punya duit. mcm robin hood cilake, tp curik duit org yg takde duit bg kat org kaya. setan pun sesatkan org gak mcm MLM, tapi takde la dia curik pahala org lain pastu share ngan kaum2 dia. so kalau aku nak kata org2 atas MLM ni shaiton pun mcm slander kepada shaiton.

Unknown said...

benda ni mmg MLM. kwn saya yg wat web untuk biodisc malaysia ni ( dia pernah offer kat saya (saya ni web developer) untuk sama2 bangunkan web bila saya tgk benda awal2 saya dah tau benda ni mengarut dan xmo terlibat. tp org2 biodisc mmg mengarut.leh lak percaya benda2 camni. tahniah aidid sebab bongkarkan benda ni.mmg terlintas nak mtk bongkarkan pasal ni sebelum ni tapi disebabkan jd silent reader dari dulu lg,segan lak..hehe

Miss Ted said...

fuiyo, panas sungguh encik SP. reference kat boggart tu yg tak tahan sekali LOL.

mende biodisc ni dah quite some time aku pernah dgr. even then dalam ati mmg sungguh rasa musykil dgr claims dia, like, diorang ni biar la betik...takkan setakat lalu air kat piring kaca boleh jadi macam2 magic kat characteristics air tu.

cakap bab air2 ajaib brings to mind pasal titisan mata 'permata hijrah' or something yg akhirnya diorang discover boleh mudaratkan mata lagi ada.

mmg dalam dunia ini, sunggih kena mengamalkan BUYERS BEWARE!

word verification : otion (magic potion!)

Miss Ted said...

to Ahmad, tahniah kerana dari awal anda telah mengikut kata hati untuk tak bersubahat dgn perniagaan tak betul tersebut.

Unknown said...

terima kasih miss ted, sememangnya saya akan cuba elakkan dari berurusan dgn MLM ni walaupun byk kali diaorg datang mtk tlg watkan website untuk bisnes MLM diaorg. pada pengamatan saya bila berurusan dgn MLMers ni, diaorg ni cakap berbelit2 dan suka corner sana sini tapi habuk pun tarak. kelentong je banyak. cakap gebang tp semua nak duit org jek.penipu je budak2 MLM ni. tunjuk duit berkepuk2 depan saya dengan bongkak diaorg tu. padahal tu semua duit org2 yg diaorg tipu.tah pape la diaorg ni. mcm Al-Jabbar tu pun saya pernah dioffer untuk jadi web developer diaorg, bila saya baca blog aidid ni (first baca time tu) terus saya xjd kerja kat sana. tak mahu bersubahat la.thanks aidid for valuable information

Aidid Mu'addib said...

>>>airin nabila said...
kau memang pandai. tapi kau salah guna. aku rase kau ni kurang kasih sayang kot. qnet is not MLM. kau da tgk ke sijil pendaftaran company ni??research kau pasal company ni x cukop lagi bro. cube lagi k.

QNet MLM? It's a pyramid-scheme straight-up (kecuali pada org yg dungu-piang).
Research ko pasal Aidid Mu'addib x cukop lagi la anak Hindu. Cube lagi k?

Pai said...

it's plain wrong..dh terang2 org islam lelaki x bole pakai rantai & gelang (acHUKK!! HUKK)..

teknologi abad ke-21? come on la..dh dekat 50 thn cakap pasal abad 21 okay..kalau nak kasi gempak, cu citer pasal teknologi abad 22 plak..

S.T.A.L.K.E.R said...

kawan sy ade join menatang ni 4 thn lps. time die tunjuk brg2 tu, all i think is those stuff looks like something coming out of doraemon's pocket..

Unknown said...

oooooo gitu ka? terima kasihlah. hang ni mmg rajin tau.

tima kaseh tima kaseh kerana tolong share scare tactics melalueca yg sesuai utk budak lima tahun tu.

kalau jual barang shitty mcm tu, tak lama bungkus la tu. tak dak orang pun duk masuk kedai depa aku tgk.

azwan said...

Just read a story from n0tangel.

Amik2 pengajaranlaa..To MLMers, korang semua mmg takde cara nak defend bisnes bahlol korang lagi. MLMers ni actually lagi hina dari peragut, patut disepak, diludah, belasah sampai paham otak benaknye tuu..

E-ZONE said...


kerazee.hisham said...

tu diaaa....babi biodisc suda panas punggong. mesti kau ade pakai pendant ALLAH tu kan? xde agama ke ape ni?

farid said...

dah ade yg panas punggung dah..... abam e-zone cube la citer sket kehebatan produk nie...tgk kat blog mcm pendek sgt.

rafly said...

JADI HINDU LA E-ZONE dia x pakai pendant ALLAH dia pakai omg

Rose said...

Abg Ezone,

Saya juga amat tertarik dengan kehebatan biodisc tu. Ceritalah lebih lanjut. Tengok kat blog abang, tak banyak penerangan, ada la dalam bahasa Indonesia, tolong terjemahkan.
Kita tak nak blog Aidid berat sebelah, biarla Abg Ezone defend produk dia pulak.

hyelbaine said...

Elehh...tahap itu jer troll2 yg 2 ekor tuh defend produk depa? I'm so..err..impressed?

En. Zone, dalam profile anda you left out one thing under Interest.

Membaca, Melancong, Memancing, MENGENCING!

You read? What would that be? Mangga? Metro? :P


kerazee.hisham said...

1st time aku tngk blog troll ade promo due MLM/Skim cepat kaye sekaligus! Usana + Biodisc..

musti abg e-zone ni taraf JUTAWAN ni. Due MLM skali die bwt. BMW E38 die bederet2 dlm pic. tp pelik lain2 kaler plak. plat pun oversea. terbaek la bang..

aku the great said...

bro pi explore website questnet tu tp x jumpa pun pendant yg ada nama Allah tu. mgkn diorg dah remove. agaknya dah panas la diorg skrg. ada ke suka2 je letak nama Allah. dah tu jual plak sekali dgn pendant SALIB dan om chi. igt Allah setaraf dgn benda2 tu semua ke???? Astaghfirullahalazim...oh ye patutnya bro aidid print screen page tu..huhu

kerazee.hisham said...

aduyai abg ezone,

Monavie pun ade bwt??? Satu blog promo 3 jenis MLM/Skim Cepat Kaya? Wahhh....terer la abg ni. Kiri-kanan MLM abg balun. Masyukkkk...musti berkat pki pendant ni.

Nak jugakkkk....


Aku ada brekdisc nak jual..keuntungan 300% cepattt cepatttt laii laiii


Rose said...

ala you all ni, takut abang Ezone nak jawab...

Lama tak bermain dengan trolls nie, janganla takutkan dia lak..

By the way, kalau tengok blog biodisc abg Ezone tu, Cuba tengok gambar air yang dah lalu biodisc tu - jadi snowflake lagi (sejibik cam air hexagon dalam produk Kordi). Tak de gambar lain ke, kalau air tu dah jadi maha hebat, gambar mesti gambar snowflake? Hehehe, patut ku telan snow-snow yg turun...mesti power...

Word verication: appala..

Aidid Mu'addib said...

Hey... An Annoying Talking QNet Donkey came by erk?
Hahaha! Soalan terbaek dari donkey, yg dia dah jawab sendiri dgn jayanya - Cepat kasi duit. Donkey s'ka duit... especially kalau duit ngencing org lain macam QNet... bzns alkafirun... u know, sakai, hindu, nasara, yahud, atheist, zoroastrian, rastafarian...

Eh... korang tengok menatang ni... HAHAHA!
Ko letak gelung tu kat apa2 paip air - terus air tu jadi magik... kasi bertenaga.
Again... where did all these donkeys come from btw? Gilos dungu sengap bingai punya bangsa betui laaaa... harap2 jgn la org Melayu dikaitkan (uik! too late). And that donkey just now boleh accuse org lain BODOH... what the fuuuuuuuu......?

Asyraf said...

hahahahahahahhaha.......panas pungkoq hang ezone.... wahahahahahha... counter la apa yang aidid tulis kat sini... baru la hebat.... cuba letak benda tu kat dahi kut... dapat idea...

Anonymous said...

kpl otak dia la...

eh, Malay ke yg jadik stokis nih? nangis mak bapak dia... penat2 skolahkan pandai2,, ini yg dibuatnye,,


Aku nak jual BrekDisc cap Berembohh..yg bole di rendam dlm air,antara khasiat brekdisc ni adalah dipercayai dpt menyembuhkan berbagai penyakit khususnya pesakit2 tegar MLM waaadehelikopter madefaker bengap samdol...

Cara2nya: tanggalkan brekdisc yg thgpanas tu, rendam dlm air ECPai bersepai..pastu togok smpai mabuk.

Nak cepat sembuh lagi, brekdisc panas2 tu tekap je kt muka or lidah bercabang para MLMers bangang.

Sekian. Hahahahahaa

dear anies said...

hahaha.. den da tau siapa yg mulut puaka yg dok terjah2 blog org dgn ayat2 yg penuh kesopanan dan kesusilaan tu..

biodisc ni elok rendam dgn air kencing bdk2 umo 10 thn jer. br ummpphhh mcm kata kat link ni

nekochan said...

aku pelajar jurusan sains FIZIK.

azwan said...

Aku baru balik dari spital tgk2 ade troll. What the fuck?

EZONE? OZON? Lepas aku ludah MLM je dia komen terus. Dia mmg cakap kat aku ke? Memang target aku?

Dey, aku dah tgk diri aku...mmg aku tak hina macam ko puki. hm..aku tak bodoh dey, thats for sure. lahanat taik anjing, meh bedebat dgn aku fucker. Bukak la topi ko tu, rupe mcm cipan. ganti topi ko tu dgn biodisc, baru hensem sket. Malaun, aku taknak ko blah dari sini..meh betekak dgn aku sampai kita tgk saper yg betol.

Ozon, ko tau apesal aku belagak?..Sebabnye..aku cakap pasal facts, dan aku tau ape yg aku cakap. aku tak cakap ikut bontot upline mcm ko!. keh keh keh keh..Dan aku tau org mcm ko memang takde ruang utk defend. ko gerenti gol punya, tu sbb aku yakin. Get lost loser...ptuii..

Meh sini baiiii.....

pijam said...

MLM plg best..join ar
ramai melahirkan jutawan..huhu

Rose said...

Anies, ada lagi ke trolls kacau blog ko tu? Kesian betul, tak pasal2 ko yg kena...suruh trolls tu datang sini la, kalau hebat sangat...

Anonymous said...

So lemme get this straight, e-zong, some dimwit with deep-seated stupidity who looks like he has just escaped from some mental facility called tuan belog & his factual presentation of Qnet BODOH?


Masuk2 gah macam anjing gila kena sawan tapi bunyi salakan cam anjing nyah kentut terkepit..ada hati kata worang menyalak/bodoh. Menghabihkan boreh ko neh.

Such a waste of space.

ps One thing about MsAwan, dia masuk first time rilek jer terus bagi facts walaupon contradictory to this blog's overall agenda tapi still relevant ngan topik. Meriah (tapi nyampah) kalu dia ader, walaupon aku most of da time jadi silent reader. Hollering for MsSawan...where art thou?

Verification word: paria (erkk?)

Hanif said...

alahai... ingat td da fun da ade troll.. skali troll ni jenis yg slalu ponteng time tadika dulu2.. haiyo boring2.. terlebih minum air jampi la ni kot

cek chun said...

tauhu goreng siap!!!
teh ais gelas beso.
mana action??

azwan said...

Ni troll jenis kentut pastu blah..

MLM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rose said...

Alamak, terpaksa gak komen. Sebab word verification is morouns. Hahahahaha....Sgt sesuai...

dear anies said...

@ rose
dia ada bersembunyi kt komen aidid ni. tgk ayat je da tau.mmg jenis x sunat nyer org!

aleh, setakat nombor je cantek, tp perangai mcm malaun.. pe kebende nyer love of god! piirah! cit!

cek chun said...

laaa.. dah kena delete ka. guwa tak sempat nak digest nombot2 tuh..
veri d morons tahap gabans

hyelbaine said...

@ Laila & Rose,

Ada simpan screenshot tak for the word verification? Would like to add to my collection :P

Razali kordi dah sampai tahap stalker gay dowh. Get a life dude.

ps: Seriously, where have all the trolls gone? :P

azwan said...

Aku baru terima SMS ntah dari mane:

"A nuclear power plant, Fukumi japan meletup pt td pukul 4.30 so esok atau bila2 kalau hujan jgn keluar rumah..or makesure cover badan. bcoz ia adalah hujan acid will caused u hair lost or other cancer or other"

What the....???

MLM said...

Jangan panggil PacikLi nanti dia datang tuan kedai ni tak buleh buat kerja lain asyik tunggu nak padam padam aje..kesian eh

cek chun said...

dapat jugak sms tu wan.
sekarang musim forward sms.
tak caya, try create 1. mesti cepat jer tersebar.

pak kordi.. udah2 ler tu. sedih sangat aihh tengok hg nih.

aku dapat sestness (sesatness?? seswai untuk pak kordi)

dear anies said...

Jangan panggil PacikLi nanti dia datang tuan kedai ni tak buleh buat kerja lain asyik tunggu nak padam padam aje..kesian eh



x kn begitu cpt proses ujan asid ni?

azwan said...

Layan je la zali kordi tu kalau korang kuase.

Aku pikir, kalau aku org MLM, aku percaye sms camtuh. lebih2 lagi kalau lurus bendol perasan pandai macam Joe. lagi caye mehh..

Rose said...

Sorry, tak save image tadi (was rushing to pick up d kids from school, but can not resist, coz sgt sesuai utk Kordi td). Next time dapat WV yang best, I will capture n email to you ;)

ezat8055 said...

haiyoo.... kurang sopan cara komen macam ini....

ezat8055 said...

mana post ezone.... author da delete ke... apsal delete... baru nak baca... mcm xgentle jer.hahahaha

Rose said...

About d acid rain, trust Malaysian to make it about themselves...patut fikir nak bantu Jepun camna, ni dok sibuk pasal acid rain...
Usually acid rain comes from either SO2 or NO which usually comes from pollutions (tapi kalau volcanoes mmg boleh contribute to acid rain). Letupan di Fukushima adalah disebabkan oleh hydrogen build up, bukan letupan nuclear and anyway, the authorities are checking to make sure no dangerous levels of radiations are being released. So, rasanya xde kait acid rain n explosion tu. Lagi satu, tahap acidity acid rain selalunya x merbahaya pada manusia (pH ala-ala lemon gitu). Tapi kalau nak pakai payung, pakai la,
kalau x, basah lak...

E-ZONE said...

ramai nya anjing2 yang menyalak... kesian,,, kalau lapar cakap... BLOGGER ni bodoh tak berani tunjuk MUKA,,,,

Rose said...

Hi Abg Ezone,
Dah nak cerita kebaikan biodisc ke?

ezat8055 said...

woof woof woof...

pasal letupan nuklear... akan datang konfirm rate letrik akan naik di malaysia sbb resource arang batu n gas da tinggal skit...

becoz jepun sanggup bayar tinggi untuk bahan mentah tu...

Anonymous said...

saudari rose... kalau u ada produk lagi bagus dari ANJING ni.. saya joint u....

azwan said...

Tak sehina mcm ko E-ZONE, jual biodisc hampeh mcm shial. bawak fakta ko sini la kalau ko berani. aku nyampah sbb ko ni mcm sampah.

Rose said...

Agaknya kalau abang Ezone jual biodisc tu kat Jepun, sure laku. Kan air dari biodisc boleh jana tenaga... Eh, best tu abang Ezone, lagi cepat abang kaya... Pastu cakap la boleh elakkan radiasi, wow, mesti berebut-rebut orang beli..

Anonymous said...

agaknya kalu jual rose dan azwan tgh kongkek lagi best kan.. dpt jana WARIS baru JEPUN...

Anonymous said...

sekurang-kurang nya GUA TUNJUK MUKA... TAK MCM LU... baling batu sembunyi tangan... kesian... bahasa lu yang buat orang menyampah... fakta kalau dah betul pun... follower lu dah mcm org TAKSUB BODOH yang mana sokong lu

ezat8055 said...

azwan: woof woof woof

Aidid Mu'addib said...

Tak tunjuk muka terus diklasifikasikan sbg bodoh?
Tapi kalau buat skim piramid bawaan alkafirun jual gadget yg ada scalar wadefak sains yg tak pernah wujud, boleh kasi air jadi "more hydratious" dan penuh bertenaga utk kasi IQ masing2 mencadak naik... dah kira jadi genius?
Anak sakai mana la ni woi?
Adakah namanya - Selupeng anak Labun?
Sekolah sampai darjah 2 setengah?

What a freaking dumbass!
Bahalol QNet memang badut 1st class...

Anonymous said...

ada lagi sekor menyalak...

azwan said...

Manusia low class macam korang loser. Cari rezeki cara lahanat. Mmmg patut kena maki mamat sial mcm korang ni. buat keja lain la woi. buat malu mak bapak jek. dah bodoh..bodoh gak.

Bagi fakta la wey. cakap beria2 tak guna. IQ lawan IQ hoi. aku tak bodoh bebal mcm korang.

ezat8055 said...

author dia da berbunyi.... sekolah kat tanjung rambutan kot... woof woof

Rose said...

Ezmanizon or abang Ezone,

Seriously, tolong la cerita apa tu scalar electromagnetics. Dan saya amat tertarik mengenai struktur air berkuasa biodisc tu, kenapa mirip snowflake? Cer cer cerita la..
Kalau takde idea, pergi minum air biodisc dulu, pastu mesti otak bergeliga putar balik ;)

Anonymous said...


ezat8055 said...

rose: internet kan ada.. pegi la carik..

azwan said...

Dey tambi..sape taksub sama Aidid wey? gua anytime leh carut sama Aidid dey. guna tada peduli sama dia loo..

Mamat bodoh macam ko ni yg mangkuk sgt, dah bodoh, cari rezki cara bangang. elok sgtla bagi anak bini makan.

Aidid Mu'addib said...


Following the alert from our Observer, the FRANCE 24 editorial team examined QuestNet's activities.

QuestNet's business model is simply a pyramid scheme: a non-sustainable system in which the products are phoney and the salespeople deceived. The system is clearly explained on Wikipedia. The QuestNet managers con potential salespeople into believing that they will easily find others willing to sell the products too and therefore receive regular commission. However, while the first few of those involved do earn some money from the system - an outcome used to convince others that it works - there soon become too many salespeople and not enough buyers to purchase the product. The large majority of people who buy the Bio Disc or the Chi Pendant have no chance of recruiting enough salespeople in order to make back the money they spent on it and let alone gain any profit.

The system is illegal in many countries, including France, Belgium and Canada. QuestNet takes advantage of loopholes in certain national legislations however in order to continue the scam. As soon as their dealings begin raising suspicions in a country, they find a new one to establish themselves in.

Banned in Dubai and India
The geographical origin of QuestNet is unknown, although online records show that the company originated in the US, when it worked under the name of "Gold-Quest International", selling coin collections to indigenous Americans.
The US authorities clamped down on the company (in 2008 the founder's assets were frozen after a court order - see conclusion by the US Securities and Exchange Committee). But they were already operating elsewhere; adapting products to the local market, but always using the same business model. As early as 2002 the company had been closed down in Dubai. It was investigated in 2004 in Cambodia, and just a few months ago, the company was sentenced in an Indian court.

Selling coasters that protect you from HIV
Today, the company is making tracks in Africa. Its first targets were Uganda, Kenya and Rwanda, where it tried to commercialise coasters that supposedly protect you from contracting HIV. In Rwanda, an investigation launched by the National Bank of Rwanda quickly saw the company banned by order from the finance minister.

Targeting the poorest of society
QuestNet presents itself as a miracle money maker, despite the model having been proven scientifically unsustainable. The sale of the products is fraudulent and targets the poorest of society - those who are desperate to make money quickly. The scam destroys relationships, because it's to family and friends that recruited salesmen then sell the scheme to themselves. They convince their friends into indebting themselves in order to enrol in the scheme, and later find themselves responsible for both their own and their friends' financial struggles when the pyramid collapses.

No need to open an office
QuestNet is very efficient when moving to a new country. There's no need to open an office. The company begins by holding an introductory meeting, usually in a hotel. It attracts its first salespeople by offering them the best tariffs. Once they've been recruited, word of mouth does the rest. QuestNet quickly transfers its earnings outside of the country, before the number of salespeople becomes too high and the pyramid collapses.

The company is very skilled at handling communication and uses the Web to respond to any attacks. It posts FAQ pages specific to each country online (see here for the Ivory Coast) and has a number of sites and blogs which are well referenced by Google. Pages written by QuestNet itself come up first if you search for "QuestNet fraud" or "QuestNet scam". If you click on the results you will find out that QuestNet is simply a "multi-level" marketing company, a "legitimate business" and not a pyramid scheme. Most of the countries it's worked in, however, seem to think otherwise.

azwan said...

Hhahaha..suruh cari online plak. nampak sgt la bebal. upline suruh makan taik, makan!

Anonymous said...

alhamdulillah... sekurang2nya kami ni tidak pernah maki org..... sbb kami heran anjing pun tak menyalak mcm ni....

ezat8055 said...

azwan ni kot yg makan datang dari rezeki bangang... cara dia bg comment pun da tunjuk dia lagi teruk dari bangang...

Rose said...

La, tak gentleman la kita kena cari. Patut otak hebat sebab minum air biodisc mesti dah semua dalam kepala.. Okla, saya boleh tengok Internet, tolong bagi nama paper and publications yang berkaitan, ok? Ke abang2 ni pakai buku panduan produk biodisc aje? Hehehe..

ezat8055 said...

author keje copy paste aje.. aidid ni pun sama makan dari rezeki bangang.. huhuhu

azwan said...

sekurang2 aku tak mengemis, menipu, menyangak, membodoh cari rezki guna biodisc? wtf biodisc?

modal aku maki manusia mcm korang ni dah basi dey. ko nak buktikan ape? ko baik sgt. bace semua post kat sini..baru terpelajar sket.

jgn jadi bangang. buat malu mak bapak jek. ko nak judge aku dari cara aku cakap? hahaha..ko silap la lahanat..

henti aje la kerja memalukan korang tu. product pun taktau nak defend. memualkan..

Rose said...

Camni la, abang2 ni tak pandai terangkan the "physics" of biodisc. Apa kata, just terangkan kenapa bagi pendapat abang2, penjualan biodisc ini bukan skim piramid (ke abang2 ni tahu, tapi nak tegakkan benang yg basah?)

Anonymous said...

rose... si adik yang bijak pandai.. sila layari mana2 jua informasi yang berkaitan.. jangan asyik nak nefatif... tak baik.. sbb esok kalau dh tergigit lidah (sbb panjang sgt mcm lidaa anjing)... baru sibuk nak mohon ampun segala mcm.. NERAKA n SYURGA siapa yang boleh tentukan.. nk kutuk pun kutuk laa... tak ada masalah... IQ jer TINGGI tapi ATTTITUDE rendah... tara guna pakai jugaaaa

ezat8055 said...

rose: hehehe cari buku FIZIK ATOM ataupun NUKLEAR PHYSICS... pahamkan basic tu dulu baru boleh bg publications..

azwan: ke tuan azwan yg da terlebih makan taik... sedap tak taik tuan azwan :D

Anonymous said...

eh azwan... mak bapak kau hidup lagi ker... kalau dah MAMPOS,, baik kau belajar fatihah.. sedekahkan kepada mereka.. kesian mak bapak kau tau.. ada anak.. bahasa umangai.. sgt indah.. nauzubillah...

azwan said...

korang mmg loser la. aku tgk blog EZONE pun nak muntah.

low class punya manusia. fakta tak bagi, cakap beria2. defend la product korang kalau nak cakap kat sini. aku dah cakap, kalau dah bodoh, bodoh gak..

ezat8055 said...

alamak... skali tahi tuan azwan xsedap... pttla dia muntah... hihihi

Aidid Mu'addib said...

QNet formerly known as QuestNet has been banned in many countries.
Among the countries that consider it illegal and a form of fraud.
1. Afghanistan (2008)
2. Rwanda (2009)
3. Iran (2005)
4. Sri Lanka (2004)
5. USA & Canada (2008)
6. Syria (2009)
7. India (2010)
*Dates indicate the year Quest was banned/shutdown.

For the following reasons:

- QuestNet worked in the country without a legal license from any governmental Ministry of Administration.
- QuestNet activities has damaging effects on the people and the country including:
1.Huge economic loss of the country.
2.The outflow of foreign currency outside the country.
3.Economic loss of families joining the business.
- General export/import licenses for individuals DO NOT authorize pyramid activities.

The government believes Quest Net is illegal and fraud.
Quest Net DOES NOT follow the companies and tax laws imposed by the country.
The National Bank of Rwanda (BNR) believes that Quest is operating under a pyramid scheme and could be involved in money laundering.
Quest IR representatives declare that they do not need an office because it’s an e-commerce business, which contradicts the Companies Act of Rwanda that it is COMPULSORY to register the in the Registrar General’s office. It only takes 7 days to register a business.
Income tax by individuals is not reported.
QuestNet use of illegal commercial transactions.
Individuals joining QuestNet destabilized the status and welfare of their families.
The outflow of the money is distributed outside the country in uncontrolled and unsupervised ways.
Government accused QuestNet of sending $500,000 out of the country untaxed.

· Gold Quest is described as a pyramid scheme and a form of fraud and deception.
· Gold Quest was banned in 2005.
· Gold Quest agents has been arrested in Iran at the Imam Khomeini International Airport (IKA) in 2009.
· GoldQuest has led to the outflow of half a billion dollars outside of Iran.
· Anyone who participates on those companies is legally responsible and disturbs the economy of the country.

Sri Lanka
· Sri Lanka banned pyramid schemes and network marketing to encounter Gold Quest and Quest Net.
· Pyramid schemes in Sri Lanka has led to the outflow of $50 million.
· Since many investors borrow to invest, they resulted in great debt.
· The Central Bank of Sri Lanka warned for the damage it can hit the country for the outflow of the money without any corresponding return of goods or services of the same value.
· Pyramid schemes target poor countries because they are more attracted to the promised high returns and thus so hard to resist.

USA & Canada
· Canada regulators declare that Gold Quest is both a classic Ponzi scheme and Pyramid scheme.
· Gold Quest raised US$29 million from 2940 investors.
· The Securities and Exchange Commission accused Gold-Quest of cheating US and Canadian citizens.

· QuestNet in Syria collected millions of Syrian pounds, shutdown their offices and disappeared from the country without any prior warning.

· The Central bureau of Crime Investigation Department (CB-CID) has filed a charge against Gold Quest.
· 265,757 IRs has been cheated from all over India.

azwan said...


Ezmanizon, manusia mcm ko tak layak nak argue dgn aku. lengkapkan diri ko dgn fakta, baru ko menyalak kat sini ok...

skali lagi..dah bodoh, bodoh gak..

Rose said...

Abang ezat,
Saya dah ada buku tu dengan saya sekarang ni, so, buku dah ada, apa kata bagi publicationsnya terus? Saya dapat access most of the publications via my university, so tak kisah kalau bagi tajuk dan author je :)
Abang Ezma,
Ni pasal scalar electromagnetics ke pasal biodisc bukan skim pyramid? Kurang jelas la

Anonymous said...

ROSE : SAYA FHM SGT ORG MCM AWAK NI.. baik nanti solat tahjud..

Anonymous said...

azwan si PERFECT MAN.. yang tidak membuat dosa... syukur alhamdulillah... hehehe.... dah belajar ASAS MORAL ker??

azwan said...

Ape ko cakap dgn dorang ni Rose? Dorang tak setaraf dgn ko la. buang mase je weh. takde dorang nak bagi fakta punye. tak bagi sbb mmg taktau. tuh je. case closed.

ezat8055 said...

tuan azwan ni da ada Phd ke sampai dah rasa berilmu sangat...

skali lagi..dah bangang, bangang gak <--(tiru ayat tuan azwan cuma tukar 'bodoh ke 'bangang' jer)

azwan said...

tu silap ko bai..
ko ingat org2 yg join kat sini bodoh mcm ko ke bai. Biodisc?????


Suap la bontot korang dgn biocibai tu..

Anonymous said...

aidid. fakta kamu mmg lengkap dgn COPY N PASTE.. mmg handal bab copy ni.. apa kata masuk dalam qnet. u kaji sendiri.. tapi kalau u dah mmg JUTAWAN.. tak payah la susah2.. hidup jer dgn blog u yang sgt2 bagus ni.. tahniah

Rose said...

Alamak, abang ezmanizon spin macam air spin masuk biodisc la....hehehe...kalau tak tahu nak jawab, buatla cam tak tahu, ni nak sembunyi balik agama pulak... Kalau kita tak tahu, elok mengaku tak tahu, bukan nak pandai- pandai buat "pseudoscience", dan boleh tipu orang lagi, siapa yang berdosa sebenarnya (if you wanna go there).

ezat8055 said...

rose: yeke ada buku tu?

cek chun said...

budak-budak nih..
ingat depa berdebat dengan sapa ler yer..
gud luck ezat, ezma n ezone..
ehhh.. kembar 3 ke nih

Rose said...

Azwan, aku habis tulis paper, so nak relaxkan otak, layan trolls :)

Anonymous said...

Perusahaan yang memiliki kerjasama dengan
1.CMB (Chase Manhattan Bank New York,USA) Bank international yang di akui Dunia Sebagai Bank terbaik ,dan sebagai penjamin dalam bisnis QNET.
2.FAO (Food And Agriculture Organization) Badan Dunia PBB yang bergerak dalam bidang pangan karena Royalty (sebagian hasil penjualan Produk QNET ) di sumbangkan untuk kebutuhan pangan dunia di Negara-negara miskin,juga untukmpengobatan TBC secara gratis di Puskesmas di seluruh INDONESIA.
3.Tokoh-tokoh Dunia dan keajaiban Dunia
Seperti :Ir.Soekarno,Bung Hatta, Jenderal Sudirman,Borrobudur,Taj Mahal,Lady Diana, Jhon F Kennedy,Paus Paulus II, KA'BAH dan lain-lain,Even-even Dunia Seperti Olympiade Athena Yunani 2004,FIFA Worl Cup,PON (Pekan Olah Raga Nasional) dll.
4.Bekerjasama dengan BH Mayer 's Mint ,Perusahaan Pencetak Emas tertua dan terbesar di EROPA sejak Tahun 1871.
5.Bekerjasama dengan MICROSOFT CORPORATION, Perusahaan Program Computer Dunia dengan menggunakan E-COMMERCE untuk menjual Produknya ke seluruh Dunia,melalui INTERNET, di mana Pemiliknya dari MICROSOFT CORPORATION adalah BILL GATE Orang Terkaya No.1 DUNIA.

Mungkin banyak yang bertanya,bagaimana sih..bisnis di Qnet itu??Apakah halal dalam agama dan bagaimana sytem kerja yang sebenarnya apakah sistem piramid atau bukan??...saya bisa memberi sedikit jawaban

Quesnet adalah perusahaan penjualan secara direct(penjualan langsung) maupun indirect (tak langsung),Qnet perusahaan didirikan di Eropa dan kantor pusat berada di Hongkong,mengenai profil silahkan baca secara rinci diblog ini maka anda tahu asal usulnya..harus..iya...,dengan sytem kerjanya kita sebagai promotor untuk penjualan langsung atau gabung bisnis (penjualan tak langsung)dan mendapatkan barang dari Perusahaan,

Apakah dibisnis Quesnet sah didalam agama??...
Semua bisnis penjualan diqnet menurut saya sah,dan bisnisnya sah karena jika kita kerja dibisnis ini kita dapat bonus atau gaji dari laba penjualan barang,bukan money game,judi online,penipuan dan pembayarannya lewat cek yang dikirim ke tempat saudara,kenapa kita hanya diberikan $41,7 setiap ada transaksi itu kan sedikit....???he..he.. nah ini dia,Quesnet mengeluarkan produk tentunya juga buat ijin dan tentunya sangat sulit dan biaya yang cukup lumayan besar di luar negeri,belum juga untuk riset biayanya dah berapa??dan masuk keberbagai negara jika Qnet terbukti fiktif udah dari dulu di DO sama uni eropa..he..he..,apa lagi indonesia,Orang mendirikan perusahaan kan kepenginya untung,exist bisnisnya maka wajar,bayarannya sudah ditentukan,dan perhari diQnet pembayaran dibatasi $1500...untuk keseimbangan perusahaan.
Dan Gambar dibawah ini membuktikannya :
Di ambil dari 17 ayat suci Alqur'an, dan Quest-Net / Qnet /Qi Ltd, adalah bisnis yang HALAL

Apakah diQnet sama dengan system Pyramid??menurut saya TIDAK.
kenapa?? Karena disytem piramit seperti dibisnis Mlm yang lain harus segitiga dulu baru dapat bonus dan selalu yang diuntungkan diatas(Upline)kita,tapi di Qnet tidaklah yang selalu diatas yang winner siapa yang kerja lebih dulu dia mendapatkan Bonusnya bukan atasnya sangat fair dan adil bukan... dalam kata lain tidak ada piramit di Qnet yang tiap ada penambahan kaki dibawah kita sudah dapat bonus $41,7 tidak haruslah pyramid tapi jika segitiga keuntungan kita malah semakain besar karena seimbang antara kanan dan kiri...dan di Qnet banyak promo bonus yang ditawarkan jadi tidak usah kawatir kalu bonusnya Flat..hanya segitu terus....he..he..he,

azwan said...

Ko jawab si Rose tu bingai...
She is damn good. aku nak tgk ko bagus sgt ke tak. jgn elak2, jawab je la bai.

Aidid copy paste fakta. org2 bodoh mcm korang ni yg dok percaye sgt biodisc. biodisc????? HahahaAHHAahah..

ezat8055 said...

azwan: kamu tu yang silap..
kamu tu sebenar yang bodoh.. kui kui kui dah la muntah makan taik sendiri.lalalala =)

Rose said...

Ezat: ye, so, mana publications nya?

(aku buat molecular biology n organic chemistry, tapi basic physic kena ada sebab guna banyak instruments)

cek chun said...

Bekerjasama dengan MICROSOFT CORPORATION???

watdefak??? blog guwa pun bekerjasama dengan bill gates jugak.. kahkahkah

Rose said...

Loh, di copy paste dari website Indonesia pulak?

azwan said...

Bukan system pyramid??
Tgk blog EZONE tu pun ko dah tau bai. Apesal lembab sgt?

ezat, aku tak sebodoh ko nak main belasah jual brg2 yg aku sendiri tak paham. aku tak bodoh mcm ko nak bagi rezki shubahah kat anak2 aku. ko tu yg low class, buat bisnes MLM. suruh belajar rajin2 taknak, tu yg jadi bodoh.

Anonymous said...

azwan : jawapannya ada pada diri awak
rose : tak payah nk DING DONG
cek chun : itu saya copy paste.. mcm blogger ini... saya belajar dari beliau COPY N PASTE..

azwan anak ustaz mana yerk.. hahaha

azwan said...

Tula, guna bahase indon. sah2 jilat bontot indon budak2 bangang ni. dah bodoh...bodoh gak.

Anonymous said...

eh azwan dah ada anak rupanya,,, ya allah BAPA yang cukup baik budi bahasa nya.. wan kau tgk anak kau nanti.. takut dia jual yg pelek2 plak

azwan said...

Dia blogger ader class, bentang fakta beb, viewer lebih sejuta. ko ape ade? bentang bahasa indon, fakta zero.

Buat bisnes murahan. Jap lagi, aku budget dalam 1 taun lingkup la ko. Ke bodoh nak survive dgn bisnes low class mcm ni. takpun part time jadi pengemis cari downline. dah bodoh, bodoh gak..

Rose said...

Yes, my dear friends, we can see the classic MLM trolls defence - attack the personality, no substance, being self righteous and using religion as a shield.

Congrats, dear 3 Es, you guys are now in the statistic of pitiful trolls that have no substance that have made Aidid's blog much more enjoyable. Thank you :)

azwan said...

kui kui kui..(style MsAwin),

Anak aku makan dari sumber rezki yg berkat. tiap hari aku selamatkan org. orang sampah mcm ko patut kena ludah je.

Anonymous said...

tak kisah la wan.. indon ke apa ker.. yang penting aku tidak menyusahkan kamu.. tapi agak pelek kamu ni MENYALAK mcm anjing tak habis2 mencarut..... alhamdulillah

Rose said...

Ok 3 Es, we had our troll fix now. You guys can go now, if you have nothing substantial to say. Yawn....

Anonymous said...

wan ko nk ludah aku.. sila kan... di persilakan.. tak ada masalah semua tu

azwan said...

Aku taknak anak2 bangsa aku jadi sampah mcm korang: perosak, pengemis, penipu. Alih2 buat MLM. carila rezki cari lain. aku dah contribute sket2 melalui blog ni dgn meaningful info. org mcm korang ni tak deserve respek...fakta zero, buat kerja bodoh. suruh belajar pemalas, tu yg buat MLM. pikir nak mudah je. tu yg jadi otak bengap, jahil.

Rose..agree with you.

Anonymous said...

perghh wan ni org yg bijak rupanya.. wan kalau kau buat SISTEM yang bagus.. sure aku joint kau wan.. dan sapu bontot kau sekali kasi licin.. jgn risau wan.. aku support kau...

nurul said...

uncle2 3Es,
(mode bahasa indonesia)
diijinin lalu ya pak.
kiranya saya bisa enggak bertanya sama bapak shiapa 'saya' di dalem statement itu pak?.
ahli majistret kah atau ahli nujum?
ataupun bibik saya yang sedang ketiduran di kamarnya?
saya musykil pak.
bisa enggak tolongin saya ni pak?
hahaha.(sambil tiru gaya action kamen)

ezat8055 said...

rose: ow yeke saya blajar Nuclear Physics and skang ni futher study in Nuclear Engineering focus on Neutron Scattering and Shielding of Neutron Facility. Quantum Mechanic 1 and quantum mechanic 2 subject yg paling susah tapi kalo faham baru boleh refer Fizik Atom and Nuclear Physics. Bila da phm skit2 baru kita kenal apa itu atom, neutron, quark muon, and ada lagi kecik. kat ctu baru kita bole tahu kenapa scalar energy boleh terjadi :) (correct me if i'm wrong, mende da lama xasah)

Babunlaut-sama said...

Imam Syafie pernah berkata, "jika aku berdebat dengan orang bijak/ilmuwan nescaya aku akan menang. jikalau aku berdebat dengan orang jahil nescaya aku akan kalah."


Yahoooo 200 comment!!!

azwan said...

dah takde modal ke dey? yg korang bangga sgt2, dari blog EZONE:

"kita hanya perlu 2 kaki sahaja.. yg lain2 boleh terus susun kebawah.. n sapa perkenalkan die akan dapat bonus tajaan..

setiap individu yang anda perkenalkan, anda akan dibayar bonus tajaan. tiada had, seramai mana pon boleh..

2. Main Plan 3 + 3 = 250 USD
yg paling dikejar n paling byk beri pulangan kepada rakan kongsi..

setiap kali cukup 3 kiri dan 3 kanan, anda akan dibayar sekali lagi bonus dalam bentuk USD.
tak kira bentuk macam mana pon, janji 3 kiri dan 3 kanan.. bonus ini juga akan dibayar infiniti.."

Tak cukup dgn skim pyramid aku taktau nak ckp apela. ni la melayu2 bangang kerja menipu menyangak org lain..

Rose said...

Ezat, now u sound more interesting! Just simplify the expalinations of the scalar electromagnetics tu, orang dah well versed in Physics like you should be able to do that! Like when I'm explaining organic chemistry to undergrads, I tried to simplify things to their level. So, please, try to explain at undergrad level. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

nurul : saya ikut belajar copy n paste...
babun : saya setuju.... nauzubillah

tidak salah menidakkan apa yang tidak benar.. tapi benda yang benar pasti jadi salah jika PENYAMPAIAN nya seolah2 dia ni PENCIPTA.. asyik tahu nk memaki orang.. mencarut orang.. dan ramai pula yang BERTEPUK TANGAN.. maka semakin ramai la yang terikut-ikut cara mereka ini... hehehehe....

TUNJUKKAN DIRI KAMU.. BARU LA BETUL BRO... ni nk tunjuk muka pun takut,, esok suruh berJIHAD.. lari masuk kain BINI

ezat8055 said...

rose:huhuhu okay i will try if i got time...

KR555zal said...

cehh..general manager questnet malaysia yg nama Navaratnam tu sndri trkial2 nk bg penerangan cmna Biodisc tu dibuat...nmpk sgt produk tu x penting.yg pnting aliran ringgit yg msuk...

snang citer...bisnes gampang,produk haram jadah.aku xkn join...

kpd MLMers yg dok bsing2 kt sni,blh pg tmpt lain sbb wlau korg defend bgai nk rak pn produk korg,still xde sapa kt sni yg brminat nk bli.itu fakta yg pling simple.xkn tu pn korg x fhm?

azwan said...

Layan si Rose tu, baru nampak terpelajar sket. jgn cakap kosong jek.

Yang ni apahal plak..
Uji buta-ganda dengan kontrol plasebo berhasil mengukur khasiat Amezcua Bio Disc dalam menyeimbangkan pusat energi, membuktikan bahwa ini merupakan metode yang sangat efektif dalam memberikan energi dan menyeimbangkan medan hayati manusia, menurunkan ketidakseimbangan energi, dan mendistribusikan ulang energi yang terhimpun. Terlebih lagi, berbagai hasil pengujian juga mengungkapkan bahwa Amezcua Bio Disc dapat mempertinggi tingkat energi dan harmoni pada mereka yang menggunakan cakram atau meminum air yang diolah dengannya.

Cakap merapu2 bahase indon. bagi aku link pasal study tu bai..

Anonymous said...

WAN... kau ni dah BANGANG juga ni.. kau tahu baca dan dgr2 ckp org... lihat sendiri dengar sendiri.... dan baru buat penilaian.. jgn sekali dgr.. dh buat PERSEPSI mcm2... mak kau tak ajar budi bahasa ker wan... meh sini aku kenalkan USTAZ yang boleh tenangkan hati dan lembutkan lidah kamu...

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