And so it is...

Monday, January 24, 2011

MonaVie - Bzns Shubahah Ya Alkafirun, Jus Keramat Untuk Si Badut Lurus Bendol Dan Aidid Mu'addib Masih Belum Jugak Mencarut... Pheeuww!

3 hari aku balik kampong, nampak gaya ada troll Monaviecreep singgah kat blog aku ni ya? Omboih! After I declared in my last entry that I wouldn't curse, one after another you people started cursing like a two-bit whore ha? Stop it! This blog is not a brothel. Rasa nak basuh aje mulut korang sengsorang dengan feminine wash "Blyss" pH 4.5 - mahu kasi wangi balik aku punya blog. Kasi bersih itu semua fungus dan bakteria yang mendatangkan bau kurang enak di bawah sana. Anyway, aku selalu balik kampong - at least sebulan sekali tengok orang tua, dan dengan iPhone aje aku takleh nak reply dengan komen merapu minah rempit "sakai" MsAwin tu... bukan sakai Malaysia, sakai dari Papua New Guinea, tarak abis sekolah punya orang. Jenis masuk sekolah, kena tendang separuh jalan sebab cikgunya takleh tahan dengan perangai merapu minah rempitnya. Tak padan dengan pompuan, mulut mengalahkan "drunken sailor on shore-leave". Lain yang diajar, lain yang dia faham agaknya. Suruh baca buku, supaya jadi orang yang berguna kemudian hari, akhirnya jadi distributor Monavie... wadefreakingdumbass? Siap ada pemikiran yang saintis dan doktor kat dunia ni ada manyak-manyak konspirasi maaa... wuhuhu! Memang terencat akal dowh! Seriously man, para saintis dan doktor kat dunia ni boleh ada konspirasi illuminati dan freemason jugak ka samdol? Korang rasa orang terpelajar yang sebok mengkaji pasal sains ada nak berkonspirasi dan buat komplot jadi anak angkat dajjal dan nak control dunia macam Bush and The Gang ka? The retarded girl tengok The Arrival sampai tak hengat dunia ke apa neh? Lurus-bendol percaya setiap benda orang ntah sapa-sapa suap. Takde perangai saintis langsung - tu sebab fikir para saintis pun ada konspirasi jugak tu. Dan pulak, disebabkan USFDA tu ada konspirasi - jadi, jawapannya meh ramai-ramai jual MonaVie? What the fu... (sabar bang)? SakaiPNG terencat akal betul.

Banyak kemusykilan dan ketidak-puasan hati timbul sejak aku bercuti ni ya? Pehal korang rasa? Dah berasap bontot ke sakai Monavie tu semua? Jangan gusar, no problem... meh aku kasi terangkan sikit kegelapan bawaan dajjal Monavie buatan alkafirun neh. Sebelum tu, satu benda la kan... pengamal-pengamal perniagaan shubahah MLM ni takde keje lain ke daripada "character assassination"? Dah berapa kali dah barua ntah datang dari mana pertikaikan karektor dan personaliti yang empunya diri si Aidid Mu'addib - the heck do I care dol? Boring nya la ya amat, perangai mat rempit tak sekolah betul la lahabau korang (pengamal MLM) neh. I have my track-record here man, my blog speak louder than words... as in 800K pageviews in 3 months. Korang lanun MLM di luar sana cuba la buat blog sendiri promote MLM or whatever - try dapatkan 800K pageviews in 3 months. Bukan nak riak, sori - tapi kalau aku merapu kat blog ni, rasanya ada tak orang nak datang baca karangan aku ni semua 800,000 kali? Seriously? Dan kalau nak datang sini lain kali, nak kasi komen begitu-begini, make sure bawak team terpelajar yang betul-betul ada degree, masters atau PhD - jangan bawak ilmu mat rempit sakaiPNG korang tu kat sini. Nak layan pun rasa tak berbaloi sungguh. Hoi! Mangkok-hayon mat rempit sakaiPNG MLM? Paham tak apa aku cakap ni? Mat rempitnya memang nak cari nahas btol. Mahu kasi aku cerita pasal MonaVie lebih lanjut ke kak? Dey, yenadey?

SakaiPNG nya ada cakap Monavie ada 10 produk. Uik! Aku ingat ada 11. Monavie akan release produk baru tak lama lagik dengar cite. Namanya: MONAVIE AIR! Hasil ciptaan Dallin Crappy McLarsen, ianya adalah rekaan proprietary gabungan oksigen dan karbon dioksida yang dikumpulkan di hutan Amazon dan juga di USA. Acai berry, yang menunggu untuk di petik untuk dijadikan bancuhan jus MonaVie dan MonaVie Emv tersebut memang sentiasa mengeluarkan karbon dioksida 24/7 di tengah hutan banat tu ha. Jadi, karbon dioksida itu di "harvest" dan disimpan dengan penuh kasih-sayang oleh kuli Indian Amazon dengan upah 5 sen US, untuk setiap bag ce'nonet 5 ml, yang kemudiannya di bawa ke Utah dengan kapal laut dan kapal terbang Cessna untuk dicampurkan dengan formula MonaVie, dan seterusnya beg angin tu di chop dengan logo hebat MonaVie Air, sebelum dipasarkan ke seluruh dunia, termasuklah juga ke Malaysia neh. Di pasarkan khas untuk mat rempit Melayu yang tarak sekolah dan jugak untuk sakaiPNG yang sesat macam MsAwin. 

But, that's not all! MonaVie jugak telah ikat kontrak dengan Black Diamond terunggul, Orrin dan Laurie Woodward (bekas barua terulung Amway), Brig dan Lita Hart, Robert Dean, Randy Schroeder dan banyak lagi barua MLM-skim piramid dari seluruh dunia, untuk menyumbang gas pernafasan mereka sebagai gabungan formula tercanggih MLM-skim piramid ke dalam produk MonaVie Air. Sebagai penghargaan kepada distributor yang dapat naik tangga piramid MonaVie sampai ke peringkat Black Diamond, Dallin Crappy McLarsen telah berjanji akan kasi distributor yang bertuah itu selain daripada satu Mercedes S-Class mainan dan cheque perhiasan yang sebesar signboard kedai runcit, dia juga akan kasi satu "Black Diamond MonaVie Air Extractor" - yang mana, mesin sebesar excavator ini akan dapat mengumpulkan udara pernafasan distributor hebat tersebut untuk dicampurkan dengan pernafasan mala'un-mala'un di atas tadi, sebagai formula yang sentiasa di-updated untuk produk MonaVie Air bagi musim jualan produk tahun 2012-2013. Tambahan lagi, Dallin Crappy McLarsen sendiri akan menyumbangkan setitik peluh jantannya untuk kasi itu MonaVie supaya ada ooomph!

MonaVie mencadangkan para pelanggan untuk hisap dengan penuh nikmat, satu bag Monavie Air di waktu pagi sebelum gosok gigi dan satu lagik sebelum maghrib! Harganya hanya RM13.50 satu beg, dan dalam satu pakej jualan ada 10 beg, siap ada chop MonaVie Air bagai kat uncang warna silver. Dengan essence peluh sial Crappy McLarsen dan koleksi udara pernafasan sekumpulan parasite Black Diamond tu sume, dicampur dengan karbon dioksida daripada buah acai berry dari Amazon, dan oksigen daripada persekitaran kilang MonaVie di Utah, MonaVie menjanjikan bekalan tenaga 30 joule (bagi satu dose MonaVie Air) dan vitamin serta berpuluh jenis anti-oksidan untuk kasi pengguna sihat macam monkey yang hepi bergayutan di hutan Brazil tu. Report untuk clinical studies dah siap dirangka sebelum produk tu keluar pasaran lagik. Tak payah research kat mana-mana - gilbabs dowh! "Untuk ramai distributor, peluang untuk menghidu bau Black Diamond jantan dan betina yang tengah estrus tu, serta dicampur dengan bau peluh jantan CEO si McLarsen adalah jarak paling dekat untuk mereka merasa bau kehebatan distributor pangkat Black Diamond," kata Orrin Woodward, dan MsAwin si sakai PNG terus angguk-anguk aje, sebijik macam monkey Amazon tadi.

MonaVie Air: Smell It, Breath It, Share It! - itulah tagline kempen MonaVie yang akan dilancarkan serentak di NBC, HBO, ABC, Fox, SkyUK dan Astro sedikit masa lagik. Tengah tunggu approval FDA yang penuh konspirasi Illuminati aje tu.

MonaVie Air akan mula dipasarkan mulai 1 April 2011, sempena sambutan April Fool's day serentak di seluruh dunia. Rege satu bag RM13.50, jadi untuk satu kotak 10 bag, harganya 135 hengget (non-negotiable). Anda boleh order sekarang daripada sakaiPNG MsAwin, atau suku-sakat terdekat yang sama terencat akal dengannya. Amaran - bekalan tidak mencukupi, tapi order anda pasti akan sampai jugak... eventually.

Hikhikhik! This is what MonaVie has become after 5 years selling junk... meaning junk-juice and junk-dreams. In the mean time, Dallin Larsen and Orrin Woodward and all their all his closest disciples are reaping the big-bucks. And now, MonaVie has become the jokes of Late Night America - and you all can find these kind of jokes everywhere. And I do like their sense of humour, so I also wanna join in.... hahahahaha! The same kinda sense of humour that Monaviesakai MsAwin brought to my blog in the last 2 days. Anyway, cite pasal Oprah camane boleh spin sampai cakap aku fitnah dol? Sure, Oprah did sue more than 40 companies, but the biggest one was definitely Monavie. I read it was settled out of court in April 2010, dan kak Oprah terus jadi bertambah kaya (duitnya masih tak cukup lagik kut). Fitnah kejadahnya Monaviesakai dol? 2010 bukan recent ke? The lawsuit was filed August 19 2009 in New York. After about 8 months negotiations/litigation, MonaVie tersungkur dan mintak hampun. Kasi Oprah duit - sweep the issue under the carpet. Tapi, untuk orang yang berfikir, this is a big issue, ain't it?

Dan seperti besa, Dallin Larsen kasi "the standard excuse" (macam perangai Amway jugak - Orrin Woodward ada kat sebelah kasi coaching), distributor MonaVie tu semua yang buat hal tuan-puan. Distributor kejadahnya punya salah dey? Yang dapat untung paling besar dalam fiasco ni still Dallin Larsen... sapa pulak la lagik? Ater... mike ingat senong sangat ke nak ngelentong oghang ramei yeop? Ko ingat pembaca aku kat sini sama IQ dengan ko ke sakaiPNG woi? Does it really matter it was settled in April 2010 - the implication of MonaVie parasitic and manipulative behaviour is clearly manifested here. Korang pegi google "MonaVie Oprah" - berapa results korang dapat? Aku dapat 67,800 - gilabab punya distributor punya salah jugak ke, kalau syarikat induk MonaVie tak encourage benda tu dan biarkan ianya berleluasa? Sapa yang paling banyak untung dalam hal ni tadi, please kasi tahu kat sini? Berapa banyak Dallin Larsen boleh dapat sales jual jus cikai ni agaknya selama ~2 tahun isu Oprah jadi modal promosi produk MonaVie? Ratus juta USD? Oprah mungkin mintak 10-20 juta pocket money - tapi, pada Monavie this was an excellent marketing strategy - masih longkah woo! Sapa budak akhil baligh yang korang rasa nak dikelentong kat blog aku ni? Pembaca blog ni aku yakin memang kebanyakannya terpelajar. They all can read between the lines. Bukan macam sesetengah sakai Melayu yang lurus-bendol selurus-lurusnya. Dey sakaiPNG MsAwin... apa punya terencat akal daaa?

If anyone interested to read the full-transcript, go here: Sue them Oprah baby yeah!

Oh! SakaiPNG ini ada accused aku timbulkan isu Amway dengan Monavie - uik! Who here knows what this retard was talking about? Beats me man! Mana ada aku diskus pasal isu Amway dengan MonaVie - the closest thing rasanya kat bawah-bawah sekali, yang mana aku tulis: OK, apa-apa yang selepas ini aku copy-paste aje daripada wikipedia, malas nak translate. Bendanya pun simple sangat, tak perlu penerangan sangat pun.... bla bla bla. Aku kopipes dari wikipedia bulat-bulat dan memang aku tak kose nak diskus pun, suka hati la pembaca nak selidik lebih lanjut pasal lawsuit tu semua. Camane aku boleh fitnah sedangkan aku tak diskus langsung tentang isunya - SakaiPNG ni bior betui? You sure you have all your marbles with ya girl? Psycho ka?

Anyway, since we're on the subject - apahal isu lawsuit ni penting dalam sejarah MonaVie? Dalam 5 tahun adanya parasite MonaVie ni dalam dunia ni, selain daripada mengelentong pengguna di seluruh dunia sebagai satu modus operandi bzns MLM nya, hobi utama syarikat adalah melayan lawsuit after lawsuit. Sama ada Dallin Larsen buat palat personally, atau kuncu-kuncu dia ikut perangai bos buat crap kencing berlari jugak. Quote: "Litigation: The company, its executives, and various senior distributors were involved in 5 lawsuits between 2007 and 2009. MonaVie was the plaintiff in trademark infringement suits against rival companies Fruitology (2007) and Amazon Thunder (2007) and was the defendant in false advertising suits filed by Amway (2008), Imagenetix (2008), and Oprah Winfrey/Mehmet Oz (2009). End of Quote. Doesn't really matter to me when these all happened - it happened man! Memang CEO dan kuncu-kuncu MLM-skim piramid company ni cari makan cara sebegini. Tak abis-abis, lepas satu-satu melayan saman. Tapi, apa mesej aku nak mention ni semuanya kat sini sebenarnya? Kata si sakaiPNG, aku saja aje buat fitnah (of which the explanation really defy believe). Yang aku nampak, MsAwin punya IQ takleh tangkap sejauh mana isu ni penting dalam konteks MLM kepada orang Islam. Ramai pembaca blog AididLeaks dah tangkap awal-awal dah. Korang pun tahu bahawa kalau sesebuah syarikat itu banyak litigation dan berderet dengan rekod buruk saman-menyaman, ianya adalah sesuatu perniagaan yang gharar dalam konteks Islamic Commerce. Jadi orang Islam wajib untuk jauhkan diri daripada benda shubahah sebegini. Ini bzns style alkafirun - etika ka, kelentong ka... dia orang tak kesah, janji dapat jadi millionaire. Apa culture sebegini OK untuk peniaga muslim ka? Kok itu pun tak faham ka samdol? 

2.75 biilion lawsuit beb! Gilbabs punya marah Imagenetix tu! Btw, ada lagik lawsuit lain rupanya yang aku missed. Xowii vs Monavie Lawsuit.

Satu isu yang si sakaiPNG utarakan 2 hari ni adalah aku tak diskus dengan menyeluruh pasal IDS (Income Disclosure Statement) untuk penjajap Monavie - kira aku kelentong korang la tu... hikhikhik. Aku ingat nak kasi pembaca senang faham - tapi dia spin aku pulak yang kelentong. Tapi aku sendiri tak letak carta IDS tu pada entry sebelum ni. Carta yang aku letak adalah kesah MonaVie di Kanada. Isu yang aku diskus pulak takde kaitan dengan isu "work-hour-per-week" pun. Sebenarnya, sapa yang nak spin sapa neh? Bloody crap matematik SPM tak pass punya mala'un. Nah aku copy-paste IDS 2008-2009. Ingat, ini IDS yang dikeluarkan oleh MonaVie sendiri, bukan aku buat-buat punya. We get the story straight from Dallin Crappy McLarsen's ass.

Ini penerangan aku sebelum ni - haiiish! Nak diulang lagik jugak ke? Aku dah diskus: "Syarikat MonaVie memang berharap sungguh sipenjual tak pass matematik masa SPM, sebab daripada data yang dicatat melalui Monavie 2009 Global IDS (Income Disclosure Statement), dan dengan mengambil-kira penjual juga adalah pelanggan jus keramat ni, kita boleh lihat bahawa jumlah semua penjual adalah 713,139 (dengan 620,431 atau 87% daripada keseluruhan ahli tidak layak untuk dapat komisen). Pangkat Royal Black Diamond ke atas sehingga Bronze Executives (2,570) adalah bersamaan dengan 0.36% jumlah penjual. Untuk 0.36% ini, dia orang dapat 53% daripada jumlah komisen - gilbabs yahudi betul punya perangai. Untuk pangkat Star1000 hingga ke distributor level (90,138) atau 12.64% daripada semua ahli, mereka mencatat jualan sebanyak USD37.33 seminggu. Of course, kalau korang ambil-kira duit minyak penjual, duit makan dia, duit nak belanja prospek dan macam-macam lagi semasa menjajap produk ni, USD37.33 tu dah dikira LOSS. Ingat yang 620,431 tadi tu dapat ZERO. Jadi, untuk mengayakan 0.36% ahli Monavie, kita perlu merugikan 99.64% daripada semua penjual jus keramat ni. That's the beauty of MLM (oops! MLB maaa! Bullshit without compromise!) according to Monavie! Quadruple gilbabs man! 

Does it really matter how many hours the distributors work if the numbers of potential customer is finite? You get me? That's why it wasn't relevant in the discussion before. Even if someone work 100 hours a week, but there's only 5 customers that are stupid enough to believe the crap that Monavie distributor said in a small town like Pokok Sena, Kedah, does it really matter then? Diskusi sebelum ini adalah isu plan pemasaran dan plan kompensasi MonaVie yang mengutamakan "all those diamonds", that's all. Ingat yang 7 Royal Black Diamond dalam carta kat atas tu betul-betul kerja >40 jam seminggu ke? Sapa sini yang lurus-bendol terus terima fakta ni bulat-bulat? Ingat kenapa 7 orang tu dapat duduk "at the top of the pyramid"? Becos they were there first, they were closest to Dallin Crappy McLarsen... that is all. Dan, korang percaya dia orang bekerja cari downline manyak-manyak >40 jam seminggu ke dey? Seriously? 7 orang ni la kerja yang tak kerja langsung dol - goyang kaki saban hari sunbathing kasi tanned lepak kat yatch rege juta-juta, beromen dengan mistress kat Bermuda macam takde bini dan anak kat rumah, main golf (handycap 24) tiap hari kat exclusive golf clubs, shopping sakan mengalahkan Paris Hilton, perasan hebat bak kamen rider kat distributor MonaVie yang kat bawah-bawah.... what the shit? Apa nak dikenang? Woi sakaiPNG - are you stupid or something? Mau spin jugak ka ini isu dey?

Sapa ada baca komen yang ini 2 hari lepas? Kira nak tunjuk terer la minah rempit sakaiPNG nya, mau kasi gempaq seehhh! Ingat pembaca Aididleaks sekolah separuh jalan macam dia jugak ka?

MsAwin said...
AididLeaKelentong suka membodohkan pengikutnya... buat conclusion dulu dan buat selective fact to achieve the, pengikutnya semuanya jadi bodoh...Ni aku nak crite pasal antioxidant capacity dan free radicals yang mana Si AididLeaKelentong dah banyak bohong kat korang.Human body is complex dan produce so many free radicals, known and unknown, good and bad.
To name a few types of free radicals DAN testing procedures to measured them.
1) Peroxyl Radical dan untuk ketahui antioxidant capacity, kita guna Peroxyl ORAC.
2) Hydroxyl kita guna HORAC test.
3) Peroxynitrite kita guna NORAC test.
4) SuperoxideAnion kita guna SORAC test.
5) Singlet Oxygen kita guna SOAC test.
Bukan itu sahaja, banyak lagi cara kita nak test antioxidant capacity sesuatu makanan/buah-buahan samada in vitr atau in vivo...contohnya, TEAC test, CAP-e Test, dan macam-macam lagi...

Senang-senang aje minah sakaiPNG ni tuduh pembaca blog aku ntah hape-hape. Korang pembaca blog ni pengikut aku kejadahnya. Siyes? Takde aku nak korang ikut aku dalam apahal sekali pun, and I won't insult your intelligence by thinking I can brainwash you all that easily. Ingat senang ke nak brainwash berpuluh ribu orang yang dah singgah baca artikel komedi aku kat Aididleaks? Komedi tentang orang Melayu yang lurus bendol dan terlalu senang kena brainwash oleh duit seciput dan kelentongan omputeh dan chayanunalip. Aku pun tak sure pembaca blog aku ni aku dapat influence ke tidak dalam mengelakkan mereka daripada join bzns lagha seperti MLM dan skim piramid ni - but I pray it does make a difference. Yang aku sure, satu aje. Aku sure bahalol seperti MsAwin si sakaiPNG tu yang senang ya amat kena kelentong dengan dakyah MonaVie, sebab dah banyak sungguh telan jus Amazon made in Utah kut. Atau pun, dah banyak sangat telan duit shubahah skim piramid MonaVie, itu yang iye nye. Anyway, aku cakap-cakap aje neh. Tak payahlah nak sebok-sebok cakap aku fitnah la, apakejadah la lepas ni ya. Tak payah sebok-sebok samdol... sebab walau apa sekali pun si MsAwin tuduh aku lepas ni, she's still FULL-OF-SHIT!
Oh ya, meh kita jadi orang saintifik sket kat part yang ini. Aku mahu cerita pasal ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) mengikut kata saintis, dan bukan ikut kata brochure MonaVie, atau eXfuze, atau Xango, atau whatever the hell the MLM companies are peddling right now. ORAC adalah satu kaedah untuk mengukur tahap kapasiti anti-oksidan dalam sampel biologikal "in vitro". Istilah "in vitro" tu penting - maksudnya dalam tabung-uji (ujikaji makmal) dan bukan berlaku dalam badan manusia. Kalau dalam badan manusia ianya dipanggil sebagai "in vivo". Banyak makanan yang sudah diuji dengan kaedah ini dan ORAC sesuatu makanan itu telah dikenal-pasti, tetapi secara amnya, ORAC hanyalah satu kaedah biochemical-assay yang tidak bersangkutan dengan sihat ke tidak seseorang manusia itu kalau dia makan makanan yang tinggi ORAC, sebab perkara ORAC adalah perkara ujikaji di makmal dan bukan merujuk kepada kebaikannya kepada kesihatan manusia.

Dari segi fisilogikal, walau pun ujian in vitro menunjukkan polyphenols itu adalah anti-oksidan yang baik, sebaliknya kesan in vivo pula adalah terlalu sedikit atau tiada langsung. Daripada interpretasi kajian oleh Linus Pauling Institute dan EFSA (European Food Safety Authority), polyphenols daripada makanan mempunyai kesan yang sangat sedikit atau tiada langsung pekdahnya pun, selepas kita memakan makanan yang mempunyai molekul anti-oksidan. Tidak seperti ujian in vitro, hasil serapan polyphenols in vivo menunjukkan konservasi yang terlalu sedikit (<5%) dan apa yang diserap itu pula akan bergabung dengan metabolites untuk dikumuhkan dengan segera. Peningkatan anti-oksidan dalam darah yang diperhatikan selepas memakan makanan ORAC-rich tidaklah disebabkan oleh polyphenols secara "direct" tetapi hanyalah disebabkan peningkatan penghasilan uric acid daripada metabolisma flavonoids tersebut. Secara dasar, benda yang paling utama yang datang daripada syarikat MLM seperti MonaVie adalah nilai BORAC nye... iaitu berapa tahap borak/kelentongan sesuatu statement tentang ntahapakejadah yang bahalol tu semua nak kelentong pengguna yang lurus bendol. B dalam istilah BORAC tersebut merujuk kepada BAHALOL atau BONTOT (as in bercakap melalui bontot, macam Dallin Crappy McLarsen dan Orrin Woodward yang sentiasa suka melepas angin ikut suka dia orang - sesuatu yang cuba diemulasi dengan sungguh-sunggguh oleh sakaiPNG MsAwin).

OK... apa maksud semua statement kat atas tu? Tak kesah la ORAC makanan begitu-begini tinggi sekian-sekian. Apakebendanya ORAC tu tak penting langsung in vivo. Itu semua measurement dekat lab, dalam isu kesihatan tak masuk book sangat pun. It's all hype man! Badan manusia tak berfungsi seperti itu tuan-puan. Ikut carta, coklat mempunyai kandungan ORAC tertinggi, tapi sapa sini yang berani makan coklat ori daripada buah koko setiap hari? Seriously man? 

Apa isunya di sini, sebenarnya? Berlambak syarikat komersial dan khasnya syarikat-syarikat MLM lintah-darat (MonaVie? Helloooo) yang tak pernah kenal erti etika jujur berniaga menggunakan isu ORAC untuk jadi marketing tool dalam memasarkan produk cikai masing-masing. Sebagai contoh MonaVie ni la kan - sebok cakap ORAC ini-itu bagai nak rak - tapi satu kajian "peer-reviewed" pun tak pernah dilakukan sebenarnya. Boleh kasi tumpang-tumpang kajian orang lain pulak tu... hahaha! Mana ada kajian pernah dilakukan untuk setiap 10 produk Monavie di mana-mana pusat penyelidikan di mana sahaja dalam dunia ni. Yang dia kasi hanyalah link kepada website lain yang buat kajian tentang anti-oksidan, kajian tentang ORAC dan kajian tentang buah berry yang itu yang ini, ntah kat mana-mana. Banyak kajian, except kajian terhadap produk MonaVie itu sendiri. What the shit? Senang sangat la pengguna kena kelentong? MonaVie tu sendiri pun memang tak kose nak buat apa-apa... relax la beb. Kira duit shubahah (yang pasti memang tak shubahah pada alkafirun) lagi best maaa! Kecoh-kecoh nak buat ujikaji produk... apa cer?

Last sekali, aku kompius statement yang ini:
MsAwin said...
Ada yang anggap Blog Aidid ni macam Kitab turun dari langit. Aidid kelentong pun korang percaya jugak. Aku dah rasa Aidid just copy and paste then translate...itu aja...
1) Berkenaan paper ni,
- macamana Dr yang published report ni boleh katakan ianya disebabkan Monavie Active? Adakah perempuan tu berada dalam lab 9 bulan? brape orang test vehicles? Sorang ajer...perempuan tu sorang jer...ini macam Design of Experiments tak valid. Ini dah kontra bila dia nak kaitkan jumlah Anthocyanins dalam Monavie Active yang tinggi menyebabkan kandungan nya jadi macam tu? 
AididLeakelentong pulak kata Juice PowerBerries yang harga Rm5.30 tu lagi tinggi kandungannya berbanding Anthocyanins dalam Monavie. So, lagi dangerous la minum jus yang rm5.30 tu dari minum Monavie...sebab Monavie just amik 2 Oz ajer tapi PeelFresh yang kadar Antocyanins yang sangat tinggi tu segelas sehari kot...

Kitab? Huiyo! wohoho! Aku masih belum mencarut neh... orait man! Anyway, sapa yang kelentong sapa neh? Bila masa aku pakai report saintifik daripada Scopus? Nak masuk login name dan password pun aku tarak. Fu... (seb baik tak teruskan) asshole punya sakai! Gilbab punya putar-alam mala'un minah rempit yang ini. Ini kes pasal ibu mengandung dapat anak sakit jantung tu ke? Aku dapat report tu kat PubMed... you know, depository kajian saintifik dan perubatan yang dikawal oleh US government yang penuh dengan ahli Illuminati dan Freemason tu. Ada .gov kat hujung url tu beb. Takde report sebarangan boleh masuk PubMed dey, korang tahu tak neh? Only the highest quality report and only the real thang is allowed!

Scopus kejadahnya? Report yang aku rujuk adalah datang daripada PubMed, itu yang aku komen 2 hari lepas:

Aidid Mu'addib said...

hikhikhik... 1st time aku dgr ada org pertikai report kajian kat Pubmed... ini mat rempit tak abis sekolah neh... itu yg Monavie s'ka tu...
dey, application ke Med School dolu-dolu kena reject ka dey?
Anyway, aku cuti kat kpg... carry on people... layanz la korang sakai yg ini...
shoot! marah sakai nanti... ada sakai yg dah dapat degree dah skrg...
sori tok batin yek....

Satu aku nak komen yang paling penting kat sini - kalau dah sakaiPNG tu, jangan la sebok nak baca laporan kajian saintifik samdol, karang ko takleh la bawak pulak baca report sebegitu - migraine kepala lutut tu nanti dey. Laporan di atas bukan "kajian statistik perubatan", tapi ianya adalah satu "case report". Takde isu satu kes ia jadi takde makna, ianya memang sangat bermakna daripada segi perubatan, sebab ada baby yang sakit tenat angkara MonaVie. Itu la sebab sakaiPNG ni tak sepatutnya komen pasal benda ni sebab minahnya memang tak tahu langsung pasal ilmu perubatan. Kecoh aje lebey, ilmu zero! Tiada ubat farmaseutikal atau terapeutik yang akan dikaji directly pada ibu mengandung - that's the most rigid rule in pharmaceutical experiment the world-over sejak zaman-berzaman. 

Semua ilmu pengetahuan tentang ubat yang ada berkenaan ibu mengandung secara amnya didapati "after-the-fact". Saintis dan penyelidik perubatan tidak akan test apa-apa agen atau ubat farmaseutikal pada ibu mengandung, sebab kita tak nak jeopardise kesihatan janin, no matter what - jadi dalam case-report yang ini, walau pun satu kes, ianya sangat bermakna daripada segi perubatan. U all follow me here or not? Satu kes di atas sudah cukup untuk doktor perubatan keluarkan statement, "oi! orang mengandung, jangan sekali-kali tonggak botol MonaVie tu!". That's it! Kalau korang bukan doktor perubatan, korang akan ingat ini bukan kajian yang bermakna. You're wrong! Ianya sangat bermakna dari segi perubatan. Sebab ibu tu mengandung dan dia minum MonaVie sepanjang mengandung, kecacatan itu terhasil, dan ianya menyeksa baby tu seseksa-seksanya - itulah akibatnya daripada penjajap MonaVie yang takde kesah etika dan memandai-mandai buat sesuka hati jual jus lahanat tanpa memikirkan kesan pada pengguna. Bahalol nak mampos! 
May Allah pay them back for all the mischief they had brought upon this earth!

You all know where I stand.... I'm going home for lunch.




When we first got involved in Mona-vie and being so analytically minded, my goal was to tear the product and company apart and see what the hype was all about. The science behind the product was truly astonishing. Knowing that the vitamins and minerals we get in vegetables can also be obtained by a vitamin pill. There will never be a vitamin pill that will give us the necessary anti-oxidant and phyto-nutrients (phyto meaning plant derived) needed found inone serving of Mona-vie. Two servings give us the nutrient equivalence of 13 fruits a day. That is a fact. Most people believe that just eating the common fruits which are apples, bananas and oranges is enough. But after researching the fruits in Mona-vie which are not massed farmed, which contributes todepleting the nutrient value are not organic but wild. Wild is better than organic nutritionally. Our proprietary blend of fruits are from some of the most remote regions of the world that the toxic levels of pollutants has to be measured in parts per billion as compared to parts per million (ppm). That’s wild! Organic fruits and vegetables contain such a minimal difference in nutrient value as compared to wild, that most people waste their money purchasing organic as compared to regular store bought. Today we are seeing more over weight people and health issues then ever before in our history.

Which now makes the sickness business a huge money maker. We want to keep people out of the doctors office. Mona-vie can not make medical claims because as soon as we do the government wants to get their hands on the product. But with one of our new products, Pulse, we can state a medical claim. Don’t you know that the government can mess up a good thing? So lets keep their hands off. It’s not FDA approved, it’s God approved! The body was made naturally to heal itself, we just have messed it up for so long it took medical science to try to fix the mess we made of it. That’s another fact. Keep the government out of Mona-vie unless they want to initiate a great Health Care Plan and get everyone on the product. Praise God for doctors, but I knew of one doctor that actually stated he did not want his patients to get on Mona-vie because of the kick backs he was getting from the pharmaceutical companies. That’s a fact and sad.

A product generally goes from the Manufacturer to the wholesaler, to the jobber and then on to the retailer. Which ends up in our home. When I first looked at Mona-vie with a very skeptical and analytical mind and then read the reports and then did the research myself, I could not find anything bad on the product, company and their business model to market the product. What an amazing product! Finally a product that in my eyes if our government wanted to develop a health care plan they need to put everyone on Mona-vie. The sickness business, which by the way we are in the wellness business, is the only trillion dollar a year industry. Mostly generated from the pharmaceutical business which is killing 105,000 people annually. And these are medications taken as prescribed by their doctors. Amazing fact. The propriety blend in Mona-vie is what makes it so loaded with nutrients it allows our bodies to get back in balance. The acai berry has been proven to be the only food that can sustain the human body with life. It has the protein profile of an egg and contains the necessary amino acids and nutrients needed for the body to survive. No other food has ever displayed this life sustaining profile.

The product VIBE may have some health benefits, but it’s the proprietary blend that sets Mona-vie apart. Our ORAC value of the acai berry that is part of this blend stands at 1,027 when freeze dried. Any other product that claims more is not factual with their harvesting practices, if you can find out how it is harvested. And we need to remember that the body will only assimilate so much in one serving and the rest will end up in our septic system. A solid pill form vitamin only has the absorption rate of 17-20% into our body. That’s one reason after taking a multi-vitamin our urine is so yellow in color. We own the patent process to harvesting our acai berry. That is big. Companies jumped on the band wagon with the acai berry after discovering the amazing super food that it is. Put the acai berry freeze dried to keep its high pure ORAC value with 18 other wild exotic fruits and you have a nutritional product that no one can touch. Mona-vie went under years of research before being marketed. This gave the company an infrastructure scientifically, medically and in leadership that no one can touch. We had a Medical Advisory Board in place and the scientific research to back our product before the company was ever introduced to the general public. As a Christian one area of the company that intrigued us was knowing that before the company was rolled out, they had their eye’s on people. Before they made their first dollar the M.O.R.E. Project was being introduced. Mona-vie Operation Rescue. Getting kids off of the streets, teaching trades, feeding people and giving people hope that the enemy wanted to keep them from.. Key Note: People can mess up a good thing. On the Oprah Winfrey show Dr. Nicholas Perricone stated that the number one “super food” is the acai berry. Dr. Perricone has revealed the secrets of youthful, perfect skin and is known as the Dr. of the Inflammation Theory. Ever wonder why the Brazilian’s have such beautiful skin? They live near the equator where you would expect their skin to appear more aged. It’s because their consumption of the acai berry almost in their every day diet in pure form. Their disease rate is low and life long. People have taken the fact that Dr. Nicholas Perricone stated that the acai berry is a “super food” on the Oprah Winfrey show, mixed her name with it as someone who endorsed the product, which has led to controversary. We can not control what people say and if anyone follows Oprah to any degree knows that she has a cult like following.. You can YouTube Oprah and witness her stating that Jesus Christ can’t be the “only way to God”. She has a following of over 2 million people with this New Age belief that is totally contrary to Gods unchanging word. So whatever comes out of her mouth, unless it’s repentance, has to be taken with a discerning spirit.

Mona-vie is generating hope and health for people and a lot of money. It has blessed my family financially and we have the tax statements to prove it. You can not take a percentage of people making money based on the number of people that have been sponsored. Only 1% as stated by a recent article mathematically incorrect. The numbers would be skewed by the fact that the actual people working Mona-vie is not in any comparison to the actual number of working distributors. Business takes work. It’s a business and those that quit have lost their vision or have been poisoned by what they have found on the internet or ignorant words of another. You can search on the internet the word Christianity or Santa Claus and guaranteed to find junk from somewhere. Our lives from Mona-vie has been changed. Since our first month in the business we have never paid for a case of the product because we saw the business model and quickly got to the point where our work paid for the juice. We could not afford it in the beginning, but we had hope in Christ and Mona-vie, God did the rest.

The product works and it is going to attract “ambulance chaser” lawyers to just lay and wait for the moment that someone makes a claim that is not approved by Mona-vie. Mona-vie has more going for them than against. And one with God is a majority. Attached is a little information that we hope you can find useful. Don’t let dream stealers steal your vision. Remember, people without vision will perish. Obama stated that our country was no longer a Christian nation. We know where that lie came from. We were founder on Christian beliefs and principles and no one can ever take that away.

Mona-vie is a company worth talking about.

[Name Withheld]
Mona-vie Gold Executive
[Email Withheld]
P.S. If you want to scientific facts, we can provide them. 


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 381 of 381
hyelbaine said...

New day and same troll?

I have to come to the conclusion that this Shim (she+him) is nothing more than a daft retard. Everyone here sees how shim has gone from one topic to another in a bid to stay alive. Much like MLM'ers jumping from one sinking ship to another.

Come on MsAwin, I think it's pretty obvious your wasting your time. You say that you'll continue to stalk the blog until we all are turned towards the so-called truth? Since when we were turned in the first place?

Most people here were already anti-MLM'ers before Aidid started. Aidid did nothing more than to provide a place to congregate, consummate ideas and deliberate. Yes occasionally we indulge in trolls but mostly the trolls stop when they know their cause is a lost one.

I think your efforts are best put to continue leeching your own race of their money. The inevitable will happen and you might as well leech as much as you can before this blog and its readers continue to grow.

When that happens you and the rest of your MLM buddies would be in trouble. You will then run to the company to claim your "compensation benefits" only to be laughed at straight to your face.

Lonely life you must lead, thank heavens that you're married for it must be difficult to live when your mates hate you, your friends despise you and the thousands in this blog curse your existence.

Read the posts and you know that Aidid is no simple rubber tapper. Read the comments and you know that some of this people are whole lot smarter than your down liners. Your normal marketing talk and spin might work on most but not on these group of people.

You can say what you want about us. Vulgar, cursing and what not but that does not hide the fact that deep down inside, you know you can't debate on a factual level.


When one does not have to beg for people to defend their cause or shall we say head hunt, you know that they are in it because they believe in it.

If you want to continue bugging everyone by all means so long as you don't keep repeating the same nonsense over and over again. Read the earlier posts and its comments and see how to contribute rather than useless nonsense.

Your a guy selling tudung and what not, doesn't make business sense. Unless of course you're one of the "broken wrist" type. But then again you're married. No wonder you're always contradicting in your comments, your whole life is a contradiction.

ps> Fuuhh...sungguh sukar nak menaip tanpa membiarkan rasa bengang tertulis :P

Hell`s Angel said...

hyelbaine... i saspek u lah... ( AC Mang

Aslina said...

awat deni percaya sangat kat google tu?

bukan kat library banyak ka buku??? dulu cekgu aku marah woo dok pi percaya cerita2 kat internet ni...

kalo dah berkemampuan sangat, pi la mana2 amik journal sebijik2 tu terus. yang version hardcopy munya. takdak sapa nak marah aihhh... tak pun pi interview siap rakaman live lagi dengan depa yang buat journal tu. tapi kalo dah meninggai tu nasib la kan...

bebai betui laaa aku tengok msawinmawek ni...

sat pi konar kot nu sat konar kot ni... sat kata aidid tabok pasiaq dalam periuk nasik orang la... ni sat kata bukan join MLM pulak...

deni pasaipaaaa???

ghoplah laaa deni... kalut tak pasai...

penin aku lahhh

part time mom, part time slave to the bosses said...

MsAwin ni ada split personality.

Saja nak kasi blog ni goyang.


Cool said...

Chill laa oeiiii@!~

Dah tahap meraban dah komen dlm ni!

Cik Awin aka dude, just back off. Dari bising-bising kehebatan Monavie tu baik korang bertempik pasal corak pemasaran dia yang sah sah menguntungkan sebelah pihak.

Baik korang bertempik dlm ni cara mana plg terbaik nak jual"MONAVIE" cara ISLAM.

Atleast dua-dua pihak dpt manfaat.

Ni jual guna strategi MLM-- lagi la menampakkan produk indah khabar dari ropa.

1. Kalo susah gila bangang nak dpt kat Acai Berry, kenapa laa nak recruit orang suruh jual jus ni. MLM network akan bertambah, cukup ke Acai berry kat Amazon tuh nak cater satu dunia?

2.Kalo dah terlalu bagus sangat, takan takde sekor saintis MONAVIE kat USA tu cuba buat kajian tanam acai berry kat belakang rumah.. oh pencemaran ko kata eh?Masih tak cukup hebat le kalo faktor mcm tuh pon tak boleh nak counter.

3.Dari jual benda harga tak masuk akal, baik jual makanan yang disarankan oleh Rasullah. Melambak-lambak.

Yang aku tau la objektif blog ni nak benteras MLM yang bergerak mencari duit orang menggunakan barang sebagai syarat shj.

It Just Me..... said...

humang aih...panjang nyer komen...berjela2...
sampai abeh popcorn aku...

tak abeh2 ngan MLMers dgn DENIAL SYNDROMnyer....

Biar la situ...

It Just Me..... said...


Aku suka kartun batman tu...creditforu...

Kipidap bro, abaikan je la tungau2 tu...

lipas said...

kah kah kah ms awin = zomba kah kah kah..kalu zombie kampung pisang akan sebut ...otak.. miss awin = zomba ... acai... berry... kah kah.. kesian pun ada.. semangat usahawan dah padu.. ilmu putar belit ok jugak tahap roudabord.. ilmu buah2 tahap orang asli amazon..kah kah kah tapi sayang kah kah kah akal tahap mormon je kah kah kah kah wei ms awen kau jual jer jus acai beri tu kat zoo..kah kah jangan lupa dresing ala ala badut kah kah..
ps.. raja lawak musim depan tak berhajat ker..buat la scene mlm.

RudyShahrin said...

assalammualaikum semua,

aku pun follower blog nih dari mula dia bukak lagi, aku tak penah comment sebab aku suka baca jer, lagipun nak komen pun takde faedah nyer kan sebab korang semua mmg dah bagi byk komen..baru nak pikir apa nak tulis, dah ada post yang sama yang aku pikir kan, baik aku takyah komen...dan aku mengaku yang level of education aku hanyalah setakat SPM, and currently i'm pursuing my part time degree although umo dah tua.

tapi kali nih aku mmg nak sgt2 komen dan ditujukan khas buat Msawin, aku mintak maaf byk2 kat tuan tanah kalau terkasar bahasa, here it goes :

What The F**k Are you trying to prove B**ch!??ko ingat org yg sokong blog nih low-IQ ker? dulu masa kecik2 otak ko tak terbentuk dengan sempurna ker? atau ko nih sama spesis dengan mamat nih? :-

serius, aku baca post ko, aku rasa ko sama spesis dengan dia. mentally disable, dillusional and intelligance-impaired kind of person.

aku baca post ko, seriously. anak aku lagi tau mana salah mana betul tau.

ok, tu je aku nak komen, pasnih dah takde dah aku nak komen lagi, tak perlu jawab komen aku nih, sekadar luahan rasa sahaja.tapi kalu ko jawab jugak terima kasih lah ye.

sekian terima kasih dan minta maaf kalau terkasar bahasa. jangan carik aku kat akhirat tau...

sukasuki said...

IQ aku takde la tinggi sampai 124, tapi aku rasa baca komen2 MsAwinHanginTakTentuPasal boleh drop IQ aku.

Aku conclude MsAwin ni ialah mamat/minah yg TAKDE SKILL MEMBACA/MEMAHAMI TEKS DAN MENJAWAB SOALAN. Baca dah la sekerat je, komen lari topik pastu pusing tah ke mana. Mende laa.. Kalau exam sah2 kena pangkah besau2..

Nak jadi silent reader balik la.. teruskan usaha korang sedarkan mamat/minah ni. Maybe someday dia akan faham blog ini bukan sekadar menghentam tapi nak bagi kesedaran kat manusia2 yang suka sangat dengar cakap org bulat2, takde inisiatif langsung nak kaji betul ke tak..

ilufne said...

humangggggg aiii!

aidid, kalau redmummy leh dapat rm12k sebulan ngan blogging, dengan traffic blog kamu nih sah2 buleh dapat rm50k sebulan.

pakcik koyo!!

ilufne said...

lupo, sila create search box ek?

go to DESIGN > click at ADD A GADJET > scroll down to SEARCH BOX > click '+' (ADD) > click SAVE

tadaaaaaaaaaa! :P

Abgcengkih said...

Possible ya laila, possible. Probably a girlie account shared by couple of stud. Huh...patut hot semacam nooooo( dengan muka serius)

Aidid Mu'addib said...

ilufne... tq, ilufu

missatieah said...

fuhhhh....abis sebakul manggis aku telan smbil baca blog ni.....hehehe

bak kate org tua...bodoh xblh diajar...pandai tak boleh ditegur....betul ntah ayt ni....hehehe

Anonymous said...

So apa theme MsAwin hari ni?

Kemarin pasal AM tak letak youtube pokok acai berry ngan gorilla Amazon, pemahaman journal Aidid salah, facebook, revelation MsAwin ni jantan/shemale (aww), Aidid takder akhlak..

haizzat zainal said...

Senarai complaint pasal monavie

osip said...

aidid, blog ko ni layout default gila baban..haha tapi trafik mencanak...

Anonymous said...

osip, sensational yo! Ok ler tu, layout generic tapi clean, kemas & takder benda alah lelain yg distracting. Org memasuk page ni terus focus kat entries.

azwan said...


ehem ehem..taknak carut. Where is that clown?


kiko said...

salam semua,

aku pun ada rase yang sama cam laila. kalau bukan 1 person pun pale otak tetap sama gak.. kalo kajian menunjukkan bahan-bahan organik yang kita tanam kat kebun tu lagi bagus apasal nak minum jus merapu tu.. ko tak paham benda2 basic ceni xyah la nak lawan msawin oii.. aku pasti ko dengan seanterio famili x percaya pada makanan organik ni... haa togak monavie tu banyak2.. parents ko dulu kasi ko minum vitamin ala2 monavie ke..? aku pasti diorang suh ko makan nasi dan buah banyak2. ke ko yang taknak tu sebab nampak bisnes tipu org ceni otak ko da mereng terus join tipu orang jugak?

- silent reader yang dah naik hangin..

Anonymous said...

azwan yg kudus dan mulus is back! Kui kui kui

Let see kalau kekudusan ni bertahan bila MsAwan masuk kang. Hahaha.

zura said...

aku rasa aidid dah bertemu buku dengan ruas. selama ni you all semua asyik sokong membabi buta, sbb addicted ngan tulisan dia, aku pun sama. in a way, bagi aku. msawin ni dah mengangkat aidid dan blog dia ke satu level yang lain. takde la macam kita semua, asyik sokong sokong je. bila dah ada perbahasan macam ni, baru la kita berfikir sket, idok le main sokong je. tapi,'ve missed the main pointnye, pointnye aidid yg aku puja ni, anti MLM dan salah satu ciri2 MLM ni, produk dia sume hampeh dan jual rege yg tak masuk akal. itu je point aidid (ikut paham aku yg hanya takat darjah 6 dan tolong mak jual nasik lemak je). thanks aidid, at least you dah buat budak2 melayu ni terbuka minda sket, discuss bende2 heavy camni dan saya tau niat awak mmg murni sbb nak sedarkan orang melayu. good luck to you.

azwan said...


Weh Laila ko kutuk aku ke? Dia aku mmg takbleh tahan la.

buku dengan ruas? ko biar betik? MsAwin tu totally knocked out. Waa pasal Aidid ni lah kan, benda yg dia tulih ni ramai yg boleh buat, tp effort dia tu yg aku respek. aku tak sanggup buat blog camni. tu sbb kita mesti hargai..thats all.

angkat level lain? aku rase dari segi level kemeriahan. tu sbb kita perlukan badut mcm MsAwin. sorry la aku bukan jenis main belasah je sokong hujah. aku ade stand aku. And Aidid has positioned his blog differently. Dia pos view dia, kita analyze, digest. Mesti ada knowledge dan experience, kalau takde tu yg jadi mcm MsAwin tu. amik benda baik dari blog ni sudahla.

even antara anti-MLM pun ada berlainan pendapat. tapi it does not matter la. Yg penting anti-MLM.


It Just Me..... said...

aku rasa belum sampai lagi buku bertemu ruas tu...
and for me, aku tak amik sebijik2 apa yg aidid cakap, apa aku rasa betul, aku amik, apa aku rasa aku kurang setuju, aku abaikan....tapi yg penting die ketengahkan satu isu yg patut dari dulu lagi org perangi-MLM. Sebelum aku jumpa blog ni, aku selalu kene approach ngan MLMers tapi aku tak tau nak tolak cemana, skrg aku da tau..hehe

Izzat said...

ini ke orang yg diseru2 Azwan itu?

Unknown said...

buku dgn ruas? yeker?
Msawin ni sama je ngan pencacai MLM lain... cuma lebih berani mati .... sebab tak sedar2.
kalo tgk pada troll yg lain2 sebelum nie 1-2 posting terus senyap sebb dah takde idea/atau sedar yg diorg mmg silap. Tapi Msawin ni jenis yg tak sedar2... takleh pikir yg rasional. otak dah berkerak...

Usop Wheelchair said...

(jenguk jup kot2 msSawan ada muncul..)
Hampeh! Lets Off The Topic then waiting for next clown.

hyelbaine said...

@ Zura,

You hold that SHIM in much too high regards. Someone that cannot stick to the conversation and present facts that is not their own did not will never bring the level +1.

Doesn't mean than you don't see the likes of Azwan, Laila, Tok Moh or me even disagree with Aidid doesn't mean that we have our noses pierced to tow the line.

That's the beauty of all readers and those who comment here have. The ability that MsSawan clearly lacks, comprehension. Reading, understanding and contributing your own views.

Tetiba rasa boring pulak troll takder tapi biler dah ada dok sakit perut sebab gelak berdekah-dekah :P

zura said...

maksud aku, buku dengan ruas tu dari segi berbahas la..bukan ilmu. aku rasa aidid ni seorang yg dah biasa buat research dan banyak membaca. aku salute sangat orang melayu yang camni. betul, aku setuju cakap ko pasal effort dia ni, dah macam fardu kifayah plak tahapnye.
bayangkan, aku yg bodoh bengap ni pun dah boleh paham pase MLM ni.
satu yg aku insaf skrg ni, kalau nak bercakap tu, kene disokong oleh facts, kalo tadak, baik diam, kalo tak, malu kene hentam dan nampak bodoh sangattttt hahaha.

p/s: kadang2 dia post pukul 4 pagi, aku selalu wonder..tak tido ka this batman?

d0tbl0gsp0td0tk0m said...

MLM nih jdah jadi wabak plak dah..... lebih teruk dari denggi lagi kot....

denggi tu boleh bawak mati je... kira dah mati..tutup kes la..

MLM nih.... lingkup 1.... buat lagi yg lain... x untung yg ini.. buat yang itu....

apa kehenye BENAK sangat nak mempertahankan MLM nih..... BODOH PIANG sungguh deme nih....

BODO nye ngaloh budok tadika lagi.....

azwan said...

even berbahas pun out...ape punye cara daaa. teori konspirasi la..ntahhapekebenda. Point pusing2. Purposely nak tarnish Aidid punya reputation.

kiko said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
It Just Me..... said...

sabar azwan,

kang kut dia muncul lagi, ko smash je...bersedialah..hehe...

Usop Wheelchair said...

suspect -

rasa2nya dia dah xberani coz identiti dah terbongkar..bagi aku 98% aku yakin tue dia..Ms Sawan..woman..sebab tue pernah ter taip ayat YOU ALL..kalau lelaki aku rasa xkan guna ayat gini..kalau refer balik semua ayat2 dia..mmg kena dgn personaliti dlm gambar kat blog tue..perghhhhhhhhhhhhh..kantoi la lu..
WALL OF SHAME..siap sedia!

azwan said...

Hahaha niaga..aku ingat aku je perasan perkataan YOU ALL tu.

Weh, Aidid bukan popuan ke?

It Just Me..... said...

kejap2laki dia kut yg pakai account gugel bini dia beb...kejap2 dia.....tu yg kejap gitu, kejap gini...pusing-pusing macam gasing daaa....tu macam2 fakta (auta) kuar tu.....

Usop Wheelchair said...

ada kemungkinan..jeng jeng jeng..
Topik Mengisi Masa Lapang utk Viewers :
Benarkah MsAwin punya identiti sudah terbongkar.

laki bini combine IQ pun xleh mlebihi IQ tadika gak ke..haha..

mmg laki bini duk comment sini..i think bout you all(adakah aku seorang perempuan juga)..adoyai..

Asyraf said...

all sums up to ..laki bini sama je.....

azwan said...


Aidid, aku propose ko buat entry pasal penganut Mormon dan kaitannya dgn MLM. Macam mana satu penganut ni boleh mengasaskan banyak big boys in MLM industry.

Bila kita tahu sejarah/asal usul..baru kita tahu kenapa org2 MLM ni, termasuk di Malaysia ni berperangai terikut2 mcm Mormon at Utah, US.


hyelbaine said...

I second Azwan's recommendation.... Kalau tuan tanah sudi lar :P hahahahha

ps> I don't think the hubby-wife combo of Awin Ibrahim and Izrin Ibrahim would be coming back...

Unknown said...


Aku silent reader, tp aku ader ayat special utk MsAwann..


-Aku mencarut ke?

orang said...

smalam aku dgr radio Ikim kul 6 lebih.. ada lagi slot utk GoCell, sorang boss, sorang distributor.. yg aku nak tergelak, ustaz pengacara radio tu tanya GoCell ni jualan langsung ke? sorang jawap ye, sorang jawap tak.. lepas tu try cover line sambil gelak dibuat-buat.. ade ke dia cakap, memang jualan langsung, kita jual orang beli - jualan langsung la tu..

Xeno said...

MsAwins post made me rage at first. Then i fapped to the speed of light. MOAR

orang said...

selagi tak cukup bukti, tak adil korang kaitkan MsAwin dgn Awin Ibrahim laki bini.. kalau salah mcm mana? lepas tu orang percaya, peniagaan dia terjejas, dia tak dpt beli susu anak dia macam mana? lepas dia tertekan jadi gila, anak2 dia terabai macam mana? facts only please, no rumours..

Usop Wheelchair said...

betul gak..berdosa aku nanti..
<---see..wrong is wrong..hee

Aku suspect jer..belum confirm lagi yer pada pembaca2..tapi pada aku..aku suspect 98%..xbleh nak ikut aku k..sorry yer 'ORG"..(msAwin ke ni)hee

orang said...

siol la ko "Semua".. hehehe

syafiq said...

udah2 la tu.... jangan lah korang layan si msawin firaun ni.... die ingat die blh hidup 1000 tahun kut.... tu yg buat MLM tu supaya boleh kaye kot.... x kire la ape pun die cite n buktikan kebaikan air mujarab nye tu, yg penting kat sini die dpt promote MLM yang haram die tu......

myQza said...

** Tu pun kalau aku masih rase nak layan korang...hahaha...wife aku pun dah marah ni...asyik tenung internet ajer...kui3x...
24 January, 2011 22:01

MS Awin ni jantan/
mesti dia pakai nama bini dia. =))

Oh Oeya said...

Salam. Teruskan usaha anda yg membantu Aidid..gini la Aidid..emang ade hamba ALLAH yg spesis "BODOH TAK BOLEH DIAJO, PANDAI TAK BOLEH DIIKUT"..taksub melampaui batas akal waras..

MsAwin said...


Did you know that generic drugs sold by Drugs and Pharmaceutical Company were marked up as much as 3000 percent and more? Wow!!!

Hey guys, i think we have a new target. This is useless price. FDA punya pasal. Tapi inilah yang Azwan claim back up by clinical studies but still prescription drugs jadi pembunuh utama di dunia.

Bayar 3000 percent lebih mahal? Ini dah berapa kali lebih mahal dari harga produk MLM. Aiseh. Macamane boleh jadi macam ni. Sepatutnya Harga Jual = Harga Kos...kah kah kah...

More statistics will come Aidid...

Opss...tadi ada berita kat Bulletin Utara, seorang pakar ekonomi mencipta theory terbaru perniagaan iaitu Theory Aidid Muaddib...Teory tersebut berbunyi " Harga Jual adalah Harga Kos "

Tapi theory ini hanya applicable untuk produk kesihatan natural sahaja.

Ada wartawan bertanya, "Aidid betul kah FDA control dan manipulate healthcare market menyebabkan harga Prescription Drugs yang sepatutnya berharga 50 sen untuk 100 biji tapi dijual sampai RM200 untuk 100 biji."

Prof Aidid menjawab "Ya, betul. Itu tak salah. Sepatutnya boleh RM1000 untuk 100 biji sebab ianya diluluskan FDA. Jual produk kesihatan tak boleh mahal, nanti untuk orang yang jual tu untung, TAPI ubat boleh mahal sebab yang untung syarikat AlKafirun, bukan orang ramai".

Kui kui kui

Celebrex 100 mg
Consumer price (100 tablets): $130.27
Cost of general active ingredients: $0.60
Percent markup: 21,712%

Claritin 10 mg
Consumer Price (100 tablets): $215.17
Cost of general active ingredients: $0.71
Percent markup: 30,306%

Keflex 250 mg
Consumer Price (100 tablets): $157.39
Cost of general active ingredients: $1.88
Percent markup: 8,372%

Kui kui...Aidid is FDA supporter...

osip said...

awin, kitorg dah boring da ngn ko ni..dah eh? eh? eh? eh? dah la tu....

Usop Wheelchair said...

apa isu FDA plak ni deyyyyyyy..
Bebal is coming again...happening nyaaaaaaaa!

lu kan..bebal gila la..haha..sapa2 nak layan?layan je la...for me,watpe nak argue dgn bebal ni coz dia ckp pun terang2 xde fact yang menyokong..ayat saja maaaaaaaa...aku pun bleh bagi gak..

"Korang tau tak beras yang korang beli kat kedai tue sebenarnya markup 3000% dari harga sebenar...wauuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."ni aku tipu ni..kang ada plak saman aku..percayalah ckp aku ni..korang xpercaya pergi check..aku memang tipu ni..percayalah ckp aku wehhhhhhhhhhhhhh...sapa yang dah percaya??ada tak??tolonglah weiii..percayalah ckp aku ni...3000% markup..korang xmarah ke..aku tipu korang pun korang xnak percaya..mcmana aku nak wat ni..adoyaiiiiiiiii..

azwan said...


Pikir dgn kepale lutut. tu la masalahnye dgn penjilat bontot Mormon ni. Shemale, ko jadi bahan kat sini. Aku reply ni bkn sbb ko, tp sbb nak educate viewer kat sini, yg kebanyakannya silent reader. mereka lebih matang dan berpelajaran. tak mcm ko yg obviously pakai logic akal, langsung tak faham pasal bines pharma dan langsung dah tak boleh diperbetulkan. hahakhaka..best2..

Kawan2 sekalian(tak termasuk monababi)..ape2 ubat sekalipun, ni prosesnya utk mane2 drug discovery dan development process. aku explain dlm layman term.
Stage 1: Basic research. Profesor2 kerja dekat lab, study basic physiology dan pathology camne targeted cell berfungsi. Aim samada nak prevent atau treat disease. cabaran utama nak identify which specific cells,protein,receptor yg berfungsi dalam sesuatu penyakit. not talking about cikai lab, mesti at least cGMP punya fasiliti.
Stage 2: Drug Discovery and proof of concept. Guna bioinformatics dan hydroput screening, they design a chemical compound dan biologics untuk sesuai dgn targeted cell/protein/receptor dalam stage 1 tadi. Bioinformation technology juga akan allow drug untuk diuji pada tahap keberkesanan tahap paling cipan. jadi dapat proof of concept.
Stage 3: Pre-clinical stage. ini nak pastikan drug tu at least selamat utk diuji pada peringkat seterusnya. kat sinila kita nak dapatkan nilai basic PK/PD utk drug. kat sini gak, toxicology study (teratogenicity,mutagnicity, blablabla..etc), animal study juga dibuat pada 3 jenis haiwan yg berbeza saiznya, biasa rodent(kecil), anjing(medium), kuda(besar).
Stage 4: Clinical trial phase I. Small number of healthy volunteers, dalam 20-30 orang. dalam phase ni, lebih kepada nak safety. closely monitored, even 1 serious side effect, dorang akan close study. stage ni jugak nak test basic PK/PD dalam manusia.
Stage 5: Clinical trial phase II. Dalam 100-250 org pesakit, nak evalauate safety dan efficacy. ni jugak nak compare further side effect based on phase I clinical trial. Ni kira proof of concept utk clinical trial.
Stage 6: Clinical trial phase III. larger group of patient dalam 1000-3000 orang, worldwide multiple site clinical trial. test utk tengok efficacy, safety dan monitor side effects. ni untuk established indication of treatment.
Stage 7: Registration and pharmacovigilence. ni semua nak compile necessary data untuk registration kat mana2 negara pun. safety come first. the benefit of drug must outweigh the risk and side effects!
Stage 8: Phase IV clinical trial. untuk tgk long term side effect and look for other indications of drugs.

The whole process will need about 20 years. cost of development nearly USD 1.5 Billion for one drug. out of 5000 drug candidates tested, only 1 approved to market. Thats why malaysia dan negara2 membangun lain tak mampu buat semua ni. but high risk, high return. ADIL untuk pharma company dan semua org yg bertungkus lumus buat research. Ni belum masuk buat kat cGMP lab yg kosnye at least RM 100 Million untuk build.

Bebal punya MsAwin. aku seronok explain semua ni kat viewers dan ko mmg tak same level dgn aku. ptui..

Usop Wheelchair said...

Bravo Azwan...apapun MsSawan..plz la enjoying ur bushettttt show...plz and plz..reply..walaupun statement ko semuanya bebal..i want to know more how bebal u are..hehe.

Aidid Mu'addib said...

Opss...tadi ada berita kat Bulletin Utama, seorang pakar ntahapekebenda mencipta theory terbaru penilaian minda iaitu Theory Aidid Muaddib...Teory tersebut berbunyi " Bahalol MsAwin memang 3000% BANGANG-BAHALOL nak mampos gilbabs"....

Ada wartawan bertanya, "Aidid, betul kah sampai 3000%? Bukankah ini manipulasi blogger menyebabkan tahap kebodohan budak Melayu tak sedar keuntung MsAwin sekor ni yang sepatutnya dalam IQ 53 (yang kiranya sama tahap dengan sekor monkey Amazon yang makan 100 biji acai berry hari-hari tu) terlalu diperbesarkan, dan ditaksirkan sampai 3000% BANGANG serta BAHALOL tak reti bahasa?

Prof Aidid menjawab "No... tak betul tu dey. Itu sebenarnya memang salah gila. Sepatutnya boleh sampai 3650% untuk estimate kebebalan budak sekor yang ini, tapi wad psikiatri HKL kata scale ke-pyscho-an yg dia orang ada hanya sampai 3000% sahaja." Tapi 3000% pun kira dah tinggi bebenor, sebab kalau nak challenge hanya monkey psycho Amazon yang dah mabok makan acai berry peram aje yg boleh kalahkan tahap IQ mamatnya. "Monkey tu memang gitu, sebab dia tak terima hidayah lagik... alkafirun maaa!", ulas Prof itu lagik.

Wartawan itu sambung bertanya, "Sapa yang tak terima hidayah lagi? MsAwin ke, atau monkey Amazon tu".

Prof Aidid refuse to divulge any further because he had some other important things to attend to....

azwan said...

Podacit lahanat punya MLM..

Ader kira costing camtu jek. korang bace ape aku tulih, ni MsAwin low IQ pikir percentage camtu je.

Hahahahahha..wa cakap lu dia jadi bahan beb. apepun biar viewer paham. thats all.

Fahmi said...

Nicely said azwan.. Aku baru nak tulis bende sama. Haha

Anonymous said...

Mama Kay,

Ko setuju ke kalau anak ko dimalukan dalam Hall of Fame tuh? Kalau setuju ko letak gambar ko sini.
24 January, 2011 21:36 End Quote
Nih aper kene mengena dgn soklan aku pasal jurnal toxic ko tuh dgn soklan ko nih. Naper plak ko nak gambar aku nih, nak gambar aku klik kat nama aku tuh gi kat blog aku, ader siap link ke FB aku.
BTW bg la link jurnal2 yg ko kata khasiat acai beri monaapentahxpernahdgr tuh aku nak tgk gak. aku mmg jenis tunggu org suap, xsuap mana aku nak caya ko betul ker x, tp tgk dari gaya ko korner baring nih mmg nampak dah xbetulnyer

Unknown said...

setelah sekian lama ku mendiamkan diri, akhirnya tidak tertahan lagi rasa dijiwa untuk memberikan sepatah dua kata di sini…

hyelbaine: No, it didn’t take me 7 minutes to finish reading the entry, let alone to analyze it too. 7 minutes is how long it takes me to read what aidid posted on sntm wall saying that he got a new entry, close my bakery in Baking Life, open a new window where I bookmarked this blog, scroll down the page and discovered that Wal lah!..nobody has leave any comment yet. so for me who seldom got 1st at anything e.g. lumba lari, kelas sek.menengah, to be the 1st to comment here is oh-sem….pity me huh…sob…fuhgetaboutit.

so…tengah saya drift, eh drive dgn alza semalam (chewahh), saya terdengar lagu semi-charmed life dari 3rd eye blind yang mana timbul pula idea bernas saya utk menggubah lagu tersebut kepada lagu duet antara…drum roll please…..MrAidid and MsAwin….nama pun ala ala sedondon gitu…so here goes…nak baca silakan..tak nak, sila scroll ke komen yang selanjutnya…oh, by the way, ‘She’ refers to our dearie MsAwin la…:P

MrAidid: I'm packed and I'm holding,
I'm smiling, she's bullshitting, she's blacken and
she lives for Monavie, She says she lives for Monavie,
Ovation, She's got her own motivation,
she comes round and she goes down on me,
And I make her meroyan, It's like a drug for my readers,
Do ever what you want to do,
Coming over you,
Keep on meroyaning,
what we go through.
One stop to the rhythm that divides you,
And I speak to you like cikgu dgn budak kindy,
Chop another line like a “P” words with a curse,
And you come on like a freak show takes the stage.
We give them the games we play, she said,

I want something else, to get me through this,
Semi-charmed kind of blog,
I want something else,
I'm not listening when you all say, effyouseekay off la mangkokmonavavie!!.

p/s: kalau ada tesalah bahasa or lirik kat atas tu, maafkan lah ye..kalau tak pun abaikan lah ye..

p/s2: MrAidid and MsAwin, jgn marah haa….nanti kena jual…MLM style!

p/s3: bila baca komen2 yg guna loghat negeri masing2 tu kan, teringin pulak saya nak guna lidah mak saya jugak (mother tongue la…) this is especially 4u MsAwin. lagu kat atas tu belom special lg…”Kau (pronounce as Kawu) tok la dipadah urang serawak KERIBANG MANTAK tauk ko, urang nok kurang hajar tapi xmasok dihajar eh…ceredit jak mulutnya nganok ya nganok ya sak jak dikpun xtauk malu ngesor dirik rah ctok…oi, bagus ko melayan laki/bini kau nun dari ko membazir masa rah sitok, ada juak pekdah..kau rah sitok pakei tetak urang ajak ko tauk sik??...langgak jak aik monavavie kau ya sak geruk ko sampei sendat, x ko nyakit ati urang lain…Cerik rasa ko!

p/s4: sila on kan google translate anda…jika ada…paham ke tak paham, I think u get my point.

lastly, YNWA gunners…;p

azwan said...


I know you and i are in the same wavelength.


Anonymous said...

Aidid & azwan,

You guys are insanely sick muthafuckahs!

Notakaki: Kepada readers, sila jgn translet ni secara literal atau direct dlm bahasa Melayu. Sekian maceh. ;)

neutronization said...

monavie.. baik tengok movie lagi best sambil2 makan epal dan limau...

kiko said...

Bro Aidid,

ada lagi 1 company yang claim diorng bukan cam company MLM biasa.. tapi carta piramid dia ada je.. dengan bonus2, level knight rider, prince charming lagi.. pastu paksa2 orang suh join bayar RM2000. nama company tu mc ocean. Jual minuman cam nestum sampai RM1000 lebih 1 kotak.. betul ke ni...siap ada campuran air laut dalam lagi.. cuba kupas skit citer pasal company ni.. kecoh lagi ada register dlm list kpdnkk.

Anonymous said...

Just noticed komen yg implied Aidid being in the same league as MsA. I'm sure this's just my misinterpretation. Else i'd go all batshit theatrical. Kui kui kui.

MsA? Shim is playing a different sport. With the gibbons. In amazon jungle.

hyelbaine said...

@ szwb_80,

No offense mate but was just pulling ur leg ;) None the less ur translation is ohsome!

@ azwan,

Bro, what can I say. +99999999 dowh!

@ MsSawan,

Your facts are so poor you should be paying Azwan for such an intellectual and factual comment. Kalau nak contribute tak boleh and nak bayar pun tak mampu sila pergi balik jaga anak dan bini/laki, depending which are your right now

Anonymous said...


MsSawan sekang tengah cari angle lain untuk counter azwan. Probably cost/price comparison mendistribute/jual tenok?

Dan tengah cari idea nak spin kot celah mana lagi nak counter Aidid.

Give s(him) time to do all the gu-gling.

Unknown said...

kebayakanya suma org termasok aku dh pernah kena tipu dgn mlm azab tu yg marah2 ni, memang si*L mlm bangang , sikit org kaya byk org bangkrup khaatuii kat mlm

Aidid Mu'addib said...

Wow! Another 200+ comments entry this one - poom pang poom pang like nobody's business... and I'm in gratitude for all your enthusiam, carut and whatever. Btw, MonaVie is still full of shit!
Hey, I'm inviting everyone (who's interested that is) to go back to my entry about Amway... got another hot stubborn troll on radar! Yeeha!

cek chun said...

nampaknya sudah ada kotak Search dan Labels..
cayalah bang.. holioww

zon hijua said...

ms Awin,cuba ko semak sumer entry2 aidid sebelum nie..penuh dengan fakta,ko baca ke tak nie???
dia nak bagitahu kat ko pasal penipuan MLM nie..ko faham x entry dia nie???MLM nie penuh ngan penipuan,xde etika,PEROMPAK duit masyarakat..ko suka tak duit,harta ko kena rompak...tapi dia x rompak mcm penjenayah bank rompak bank,MLM dia xwat cmtu....dia x guna pisau,pistol,keta kebal untuk rompak duit ko..tapi diorg nie licik,guna penipuan,ayat2 manis,umpan guna produk yg boleh sembuhkan sumer jenis penyakit...rompakan diorg nie lagi dahsyat sebab diorg ni musuh dalam selimut..pakaian diluar smart,nampk baik,kemas,x pakai topeng pun nak tutup2 mka macam perompak tetapi sebnrnya PEROMPAK BESAR..ko faham x nie isu utamaya ialah MLM nie, aidid nak sedar kan sumer org supaya sudah2 la jadi perompak,cukup2 la tu jadi,ko kene berterima kasih kat aidid sebab sedarkan ko daripada terus jadi PEROMPAK dan carila pekerjaan yang halal seperti menanam padi,menangkap ikan yang mana x menzalimi org lain dgn caraMEROMPAK HARTA org lain..ko faham x nie awin ???
senang citer MLM=PEROMPAK..ok x??
susah sgt ker nak faham yg MLM NI PEROMPAK...nak tunggu perompak masuk rumah ko rompak sumer harta ko baru ko sedar ker awin??
tu sebab ALLAH SWT ISYTIHAR PERANG terhadap org yg laksanakan SISTEM RIBA.. sebab sistem ni ROMPAK HARTA teraniaya,org terzalimi...ko faham x nie???MLM=RIBA=PEROMPAK...OK??FORMULA TU??

zon hijua said...

ms Awin,cuba ko semak sumer entry2 aidid sebelum nie..penuh dengan fakta,ko baca ke tak nie???
dia nak bagitahu kat ko pasal penipuan MLM nie..ko faham x entry dia nie???MLM nie penuh ngan penipuan,xde etika,PEROMPAK duit masyarakat..ko suka tak duit,harta ko kena rompak...tapi dia x rompak mcm penjenayah bank rompak bank,MLM dia xwat cmtu....dia x guna pisau,pistol,keta kebal untuk rompak duit ko..tapi diorg nie licik,guna penipuan,ayat2 manis,umpan guna produk yg boleh sembuhkan sumer jenis penyakit...rompakan diorg nie lagi dahsyat sebab diorg ni musuh dalam selimut..pakaian diluar smart,nampk baik,kemas,x pakai topeng pun nak tutup2 mka macam perompak tetapi sebnrnya PEROMPAK BESAR..ko faham x nie isu utamaya ialah MLM nie, aidid nak sedar kan sumer org supaya sudah2 la jadi perompak,cukup2 la tu jadi,ko kene berterima kasih kat aidid sebab sedarkan ko daripada terus jadi PEROMPAK dan carila pekerjaan yang halal seperti menanam padi,menangkap ikan yang mana x menzalimi org lain dgn caraMEROMPAK HARTA org lain..ko faham x nie awin ???
senang citer MLM=PEROMPAK..ok x??
susah sgt ker nak faham yg MLM NI PEROMPAK...nak tunggu perompak masuk rumah ko rompak sumer harta ko baru ko sedar ker awin??
tu sebab ALLAH SWT ISYTIHAR PERANG terhadap org yg laksanakan SISTEM RIBA.. sebab sistem ni ROMPAK HARTA teraniaya,org terzalimi...ko faham x nie???MLM=RIBA=PEROMPAK...OK??FORMULA TU??

Unknown said...

to shemale awin..

ko patut layan lagu cromok - i don't belong here..

FI3 said...

As'kum......hah dah pagi rupo eh baru den nak komen plak ha, sori la aidid den lambek pikap la...
ok den nak pastekan kek sini apo yg msawin cakap dlm komen sebelum ni yo.....nak baco, bacolah tak nak korg skip ajolahhhhh....

Ni fakta yang betul berkenaan buah acai berry yang jadikan ianya mahal.

1) Acai Berry bukan ditanam tapi hanya tumbuh liar di Hutan Amazon dan negara sekitar.

2) Pokoknya tinggi macam pokok pinang. So,nak petik bukan macam petik buah epal atau anggur, tapi kena panjat. Hanya guna tenaga mahir dan orang asli yang panjat.

3) Disebabkan ianya liar dan tumbuh dihutan, maka tidak terdedah dengan sebarang jenis racun.

4) Dipetik mengikut musim.

yg kek ateh tu dio yg nulih yo bukan den, den cumo copy/paste yo....
perkaro yg den nak koba an kek sini (yg den perasan lah) dlm korg bincang bagai nak rak semacam tuh, den terpikir la kojap.....

1. acai beri ni buah eh tak la bosa manopun, ado la bosa guli yo, dah tu 80% adalah bijik eh, 20% eh dio punyo pulp, so amik jus gune teknologi ontahpokenamo eh tu dr 20% ni lah? iyo tak?

2. pokok ni buah eh ikut musim cam musim durian/manggo/manggis ko dik? iyo la tu kan dah dikoba eh kek atas tuh....

3. dah tu plak, dikoba eh pokok ni tumbuh moliar, takdo org lain yg tanam pokok ni kek belakang rumah aposal den cari cito pasal acai ni dah ado yg buek skala industri penanaman eh?

4. sonang cito eh lahkan msawin (yg bijak pandai ngalahkan saintis) den nak tanyo skit kek ekau ni...????

5. kok iyolah dah smpi berjuta yg minum acai beri ni, dapek ko pungutan buah tu sejak 5 tahun lopeh tampung permintaan smpi berjuta2 peminum tegar jus acai nih, ekau biar boto skit dah la ngobakan ekstrak dr pulp 20%tuh, kok dah diekstrak semacam, camno nak tampung perut berjuta org yg minum eh? ha ni mosti kes jus yg asli tu ditaruk eh ado la dlm 2 3 sudu pehtu yg lain campur air suam, gulo pehtu adola kut2 sirap < ha ha ha ha
iyolah campur dgn 19buah yg lain eh, mmg la bnyk tapi tak ko nampak eh cam kono koncing yo dgn monavie sobab dah campur dgn hasil buah yg lain, ekau bebotul pasti ko yg korg minum tu lobih bnyk kandungan jus acai dr buah lain, pasal market yg diketengahkan diorg buah acai kan?.....

ha tu yo la 2 soklan den kasi kek ekau.....

HMmmm ado laie den nak kasi nanti kok ekau takleh nak jawab plak kan, so biarkan lah dulu, ado maso sok lopeh den balik tang pi tngk kobun gotah den, akan den komen lagi kek sini......

p/s: bro aidid pokok gotah ekau skrg ni bnyk kluar susu tak? he he he

Unknown said...

thanks aidid for writing this. dulu sy dah hampir2 nak percaya dgn kepoweran acai berry ni.

ade 1 produk yg sy musykil. airboom namanya. skrg dah makin ramai jual. dikatakan mggunakan nano tech, FIR, n anion dan blh memulihkan segala mcm penyakit. it just seems too good to be true. tgk bendanya mcm getah tayar je.
can u help me n explain bout this product?

Muhammad Affandi Adnan said...

aku setuju dgn pndpt FI3.

kalo difikirkan scr logik, mst diorg dh wat ldg acai berry utk cut cost (to MsAwin yg suka sgt bercerita psl COST, sila gunakan akal fikiran & bknnya kepala lutut anda utk mencerna bait2 perkataan aku ni!) takde bilanya darlin larsen & kuli2 bataknya tu gi utan amazon amek acai berry setiap kali utk wat jus keramat (keparat) dia tu. DH MCM REGE SEBOTOL WINE KO TAW? kalo selama 5 thn dia bisnes msh pakai cara cmtu, maknanya dia mmg seorg businessman yg teruk!

gamaknya kalo bijik acai berry tu cmpk kt utan2 di Malaysia ni pon, acai berry tu leh tumbuh merata2. cuaca sini dgn amazon tu bknnya bnyk beza pon. kenyataan ni scr tak lgsg mnjwb knp produk2 lain pon boleh ada acai berry mcm marigold peel fresh. takdenya acai berry tu eksklusif utk monavie je aih? ada KALIMAH monavie ke kt bijik acai berry tu? ada? ada?

Anonymous said...

I guess the show's over folks now that batang hidung MsAwan dah tak nampak lebih setengah hari. Selalunya bertubi2 & dgn prolifiknya dia balas ngan komen putar alam dia. He probably realised that he has overstayed his welcome here.

Can we move on to the next entry already?

rahman said...

since i follow this blog a few months ago and read all the entry here..
i think my knowledge about mlm scheme and their siblings
scammer are increase 200 %..
i think you deserve a millions thanx...bcause i'm a
geek so i will thanx you in a geek style..hehe

echo "Thanx";


hyelbaine said...

@ Laila,

Trolls tend to have such an effect don't you think. When they're not around you wish they were but when they are you wish they would just buzz off.

@ Rahman,

Wow...dah lama tak nampak coding. Terasa tua sungguh diriku ini :P heheheh

RudyShahrin said...

SZWB_80 said:

p/s3: bila baca komen2 yg guna loghat negeri masing2 tu kan, teringin pulak saya nak guna lidah mak saya jugak (mother tongue la…) this is especially 4u MsAwin. lagu kat atas tu belom special lg…”Kau (pronounce as Kawu) tok la dipadah urang serawak KERIBANG MANTAK tauk ko, urang nok kurang hajar tapi xmasok dihajar eh…ceredit jak mulutnya nganok ya nganok ya sak jak dikpun xtauk malu ngesor dirik rah ctok…oi, bagus ko melayan laki/bini kau nun dari ko membazir masa rah sitok, ada juak pekdah..kau rah sitok pakei tetak urang ajak ko tauk sik??...langgak jak aik monavavie kau ya sak geruk ko sampei sendat, x ko nyakit ati urang lain…Cerik rasa ko!

aku jawab : wakakaka, ngerico baja ko pok...wahaha, terpaksa aku reply comment kawu, tapi nang best lagu polah kawu ya..haha

Unknown said...

banyaknya komen entry nii...lari topik dah wehh...

MsAwin said...

i'm back....yuuhu...

Bab-bab testimoni ni(actually pengalaman pengguna), you just can open and type testimoni monavie malaysia...

Yang artis Opah, Normala Omar...semua tau dia operate mata 2 kali sebab kencing manis, kemudian ada pendarahan mata...minum Monavie 12 botol, matanya pulih...kencing manis back to normal...

Orang2 bodoh macam korang, boleh lah tuduh macam2...ini testimoni, tipu punya...salah disisi undang2...

Tapi bagi pesakit, ini dah kira satu rahmat...dia ni bukan tak masuk spital beb....2 kali operate mate...beribu-ribu habis...tapi dengan product ni dia connected...

so, rumusannya, hanya sebab korang anti-mlm, korang nak banned semua produk mlm? mana tau kalau ade something active element dalam buah acai berry yg mampu menyembuhkan sesuatu dalam badan korang...

Pengalaman aku dengan produk MLM...emak aku suffered milk stroke masa umur 65...lepas tu...makan ubat spital, tak dapat pulihkan jugak...fisioterapi pun tak jadi ape...

kemudian kami anak2 beli machine teraphy electrostatic jenama Aculife, beransur-ansur tangan dia boleh angkat...emak aku ada lelah...kakak aku bagi makan Intra dalam 5 bulan macam tuh, hilang lelah dia yang dia alami bertahun-tahun...

Ini semua korang panggil testimoni dan testimoni adalah haram? Haram sebab korang penganut agama FDA...Dan korang nak ban semua produk MLM sebab mahal? Ikut suka hati korang la weih...satu masa nanti, korang tau dimana bumi yang korang nak pijak actually korang knows nothing about itu.

Wei Azwan, by theory, process flow nak produce drugs tu betul but you cannot justify the cost by this only. Sangka baik betul ko kat syarikat drugs and chemicals yer...

Ni facts nye.

1) Combined profits for 10 top drugs company is 50 billion USD per year. WTF. Dengan cost yang billion USD pun untung billion USD...kah kos nya brape?

2) Most of the drugs approved by FDA is just a little bit different from the existing drugs but with a minor of modification. Lu nak nak tipu sape bhai!...Tak kan everytime nak produce drugs baru, kena setup kilang baru...kena beli radas baru...ko punye projek biossimillar tu memang lah sebab projek baru...infrastructure takde...cost yang besar sebab infrastructure...

3) Most drugs has 20 years patent law. Naye korang ubat yang dimark up 10,000 kali ganda tu, hanya boleh dijual murah lepas 20 tahun...ekeke....menagih la 20 tahun...lepas tu baru rege turun...uiks...mcm agreement konsesi tol jer...

continue later...ada appointment jual tudung...kah kah...

daliela said...

camane loratidine (clarytine tu generic) sampai $215 untuk 100 tablet....kat farmasi jual 12 hinggit 10 biji (100 tablet baru RM120)....

nak tambah point azwan...
apa yg disenaraikan adalah proses macam mane satu2 kajian klinikal untuk satu2 ubat...
itu tak masuk lagi keperluan makmal untuk kajian.

pihak yang membuat kajian bukan boleh suka2 nak guna mana2 makmal. setiap makmal yang digunakan perlu mendapatkan pensijilan dari pelbagai badan untuk memastikan keputusan setiap kajian adalah tepat dan reliable.

pensijilan termasuk accreditation, ISO 15189 (yg khusus untuk makmal perubatan) bukan dapat diperolehi dgn mudah. ianya mengambil kira proses kerja, aspek teknikal, human resourse dan juga reliability peralatan perubatan / analyser yang menjalankan ujian.

macam mana sesuatu analyser digunakan, dijaga, penyelenggaraan semua akan diambil kira semasa proses audit dijalankan.
ini tak masuk aspek kualiti, QC (internal dan external) - nak ensure setiap keputusan adalah accurate dan precise....

kakitangan yang menjalankan analisis pun mesti kompeten...macam mana nak make sure competency? it's up to the is important...semua ni diambil kira masa audit

it's a tough job...memerlukan komitment yang tinggi...

once the lab being accredited, baru lah kajian2 tu dapat setiap keputusan ujian reliable, precise n accurate....pihak lain susah nak argue...

sedangkan makmal kat mane2 hospital kat mesia ni, kalau nak involve dgn mane2 study (dalam/luar negara) antara kriteria yang perlu - accredited, performance test bagus berdasarkan pencapaian external quality assurance program...
inikan lagi makmal yg terlibat dalam study besar seperti yang azwan ceritakan tu...

Dayu said...

Adeeehhh....penat tul baca komen2 nih!! Just imagine....286 comments. Naik juling bijik mata...!!! Tak tahan beb..nak join gak

To MsAwin - Tak kira ler ko ni laki2 ker pompuan ker...2 alam ker?? Uiiikk...pondan ker??? Whoeveryouare...Pi ler blajor sampai khatam dulu, baru kita hentam org. Ini idok, baru suku bab ko dah nak tunjuk terror. Jgn jadi cam KETAM, sendiri jalan senget nak hajor anak jalan tegak. KUI..KUI...KUI...

To Aidid - Am Waiting 4 ur next post. Tak sabar deyyy....

hyelbaine said...


I think it's true your clueless. Testimonial are not clinically proven and that's a fact. What worked for your mom may not work for others. That's the whole point.

MLM preys on what we call emotional marketing. When all hope is lost you try anything. Maybe the medication on your mother worked slower compared to normal and your subsequent "treatment" was nothing more than a coincidence. The challenge for you is to prove the claims against a larger population. Ensure that the relevant steps to clearly differentiate between actual effect and placebo is done.

Do that and no one will doubt your product. Until you do that, no matter what you say can and will convince a number of people (like us) that your product is proven. It takes the ability of a product to be proven over and over again in different scenarios to make it acceptable to some people. That's just it.

You continue to miss the message of this post and the blog in general. If something works for the entire populace, there shouldn't be a reason for the producer not to market it and get the relevant product accredited.

Do stop harping about FDA and conspiracies. The whole world is a conspiracy if you want to put it that way. You should have nothing to fear from a blog and its readers. If the product is proven it will stand up to scrutiny.

Your blind ambition to defend a cause is admirable while at the same time stupid but hey, to each its own. People don't condemn you for no reason.

MsAwin said...


4. Most of the claims by big Pharma, most of the costs come from R&D. In 2008, some researchers showed the biggest cost spent by big Pharma is in advertising theirs final product. Kui...kui...Sometimes exceeding the cost for R&D.

5. This SHIT is, researcher found that most of the formulation is not done by the company BUT they just by reseach works done by the universities and they just pay very small and sells very big bucks...kui...kui...Yang paling bangang is, most of the research is funded by government through university using people's money.

Senang aje ye big pharma...formulation orang lain buat, korang claim...Azwan, ko nyer research guna duit rakyat ke? Ke dapat grant goverment...Grant MOSTI ke Ministry of Health?

6. Studies show that more 25 percent of doctors received money from big pharma to help market their drugs.

7. Big Pharma is not interested in research focusing on 'curing' but only interested in research for 'treatment'. Kui..kui...diorang nak korang sakit je manjang...

Kui..kui...dalam tu ade seorang PhD yang cerita pengalaman menggunakan produk...dia kata terlantar dispital dan doktor nak tebuk paru-paru buang air...

Ingat ada tak sekumpulan pesakit yang berlainan latar belakang, pendidikan, gender, penyakit dan mintak video nya direcordkan? Ada yang bukan pengedar pun ade...

Maksudnya, penyembuhan itu, milik Allah jua...ko telan panadol banyak2 pun, kalau Allah tak bagi sembuh...tak jugak...

Produk MLM pun gitu juga dey...cuma, produk MLM, duit advertising dan marketing dipulangkan kepada pengedar yang juga rakyat jelata tu...kalau ko rembat drugs, sure duit untung advertising dan marketing dapat kat doktor, syarikat tv, syarikat suratkhabar, kontraktor...

Kalau korang semua paham benda ni...baru korang paham kenapa ada nya MLM...

sebab MLM itu jadi skim pyramid tu, tu masalah manusia...Ustaz pun boleh jadi perogol...

Nak atasi masalah manusia, sila gunakan saluran UNDANG2...jangan mcm org Barbarian... entry la...aku nak join...aku taknak join thread AC Mizal...itu jelas pyramid...kui kui..

sukasuki said...

Hate to comment but have to.


Aidid ke, Azwan ke, siapa2 ke, BUKANNYA TOLAK 100% PRODUCT MLM. Tapi it is questionable bila you cakap certain product boleh sembuhkan penyakit kencing manis. And questionable knapa org atas pun dapat komisen bila downline level ke-12 penat2 cari downline lain/jual product.

Do you have proper statistic berapa ramai yang betul2 sembuh kencing manis lepas minum jus monavie? Setakat testimoni, itu bukan dasar utk korang claim this product can do such thing. Maybe it works for you, tapi it is wrong to say it works for everybody. Bukan testimoni tu haram, tapi you cannot use testimoni as fact. Aku boleh je cakap, aku minum sirap tiap2 malam sambil study maths, pastu SPM aku dapat A for Maths. So boleh tak aku jual sirap harga RM10 so semua manusia kat Malaysia ni boleh dapat A for maths? Fikir sendiri laaaa...

Entry ni cakap pasal LAW SUIT, aku ulang, LAW SUIT!!! Punya la banyak saman Monavie ni.. Kalau tak salah takdenye kena saman. Settle by paying a large amount tak bermakna dia tak bersalah. Why do you pay if you're not guilty?

MLMers kan suka guna comparison yang tak masuk akal. Meh aku compare law suit monavie ngan pencuri yang dah 10 kali masuk kluar penjara. Kalau aku nak kawin pun, aku tak kawin dengan org yang dah masuk penjara banyak kali. You get what I mean? Ke ko tak kisah anak/sedara ko kawin ngan pencuri?

Bila company tu dah problem, macam mana nak trust product dia pulak? Dah la distributor pun macam haram, main suka hati cakap jus to boleh sembuhkan penyakit. Gila ke apa?

I remembered you talked about Univ kat Malaysia ranking rendah sebab lecturer Malaysia malas buat research. Reading you statement, memang useless la nak argue ngan ko. Sebab tu ko tanak terima clinical research tu menyebabkan ubat2 tu mahal. KO TAK TAU PUNYA LA SUSAH NAK BUAT RESEARCH, PUNYA LA SUSAH NAK DEVELOP PROTOTYPE UTK JALANKAN RESEARCH. PUNYA LA SUSAH NAK ANALYZE RAW DATA. PUNYA LA SUSAH NAK DOCUMENT ALL THE FINDINGS. That should be enough to justify the pricing. Macam juga ko justify harga acai tu. Ko kata susah nak panjat la itu la ini la. Sama la tu.. Tu belum masuk lagi nak bayar gaji researcher yang pecah kepala nak berfikir. Ke ko nak compare kesusahan panjat pokok acai berry sama dengan kesusahan org yang buat research?

Ok fine aku terima jus Monavie mahal nak mampus sebab kena upah mamat Brazil panjat pokok tu. Tapi aku tanak beli sebab aku tau aku boleh minum jus lain yg jauh lagi murah with more or less the same property (vitamin/etc). Ok fine harga panadol tu (konon) sepatutnya RM0.001 sen sebijik. Tapi aku beli dengan harga RM0.20 sen sebab aku yakin benda tu dah clinically test, dan dah siap bagitau awal2 tak boleh lebih dari 8 biji sehari. Jus Monavie kalau orang telan sebotol sehari, boleh ko justify apa effect dia?

Wow, you are amazingly annoying pathetic MLMer. I don't need Aidid's scientific explanation to reject Monavie juice. But if you believe it so much, minum lah. I don't need syariah panel to tell me riba2 yang ada dalam MLM, but I totally disagree bila you buat kerja, orang atas pun dapat bahagian. It's not fair at all!

Aidid Mu'addib said...

Barua ni mmg nak kena delete komen nye ni... gila babi punya terencat akal punya penerangan pasal testimoni - jenis tarak baca punya org. Korang faham aku maksudkan? Dia tak baca langsung entry aku pasal isu testimoni, lepas tu nak cite pasal isu testimoni pulak kat sini. Haiya!
OK.. aku ulangi:
TESTIMONI ITU USELESS DOL! Itu hanya jalan syarikat MLM seperti MonaVie utk kelentong pengguna yg lurus bendol. No place in scientific statistical study... ah! malas nye nak ulang lagik. Gilababi punya bahalol tak baca rumi punya org Melayu.

Anyway... dey sakai PNG:
Cuba la komen lagik. Aku jumpa komen ko, aku akan delete.
You're so full of shit, sama tahap dgn MonaVie yg full of shit jugak.
Sesuai sgt la ko buat bzns jual jus cikai tu...

azwan said...

Hoi Shemale,

The fact that care ko kire percent mark up tu ikut sedap bontot jek.
Consumer price/Cost of general active ingredients x 100?

what the fuck? Ko giler ape cibai. Ko bodoh ke tak ni? otak kat bontot? Bdk2 belajar basic accounting tau kire. form 4 pun boleh justify. ko nampak tak level bahlol ko skang taraf ape? aku malu la weh communicate dgn makhluk cam ko. tu terang2 bodoh tu. mak bapak ko ajar ko kire camtu ke? ko nak salahkan cikgu form 4 ko? bodoh tahap cipan la ko ni sial.

Ko cetek ilmu takyah cakap kat sini la bahalol. cakap ikut sedap, takde experience dan knowledge. sedar diri la beb. ko memalukan dan memualkan.

1) dey dey..untung berbillion2 pun bila breakeven dey? bila ROI? ko ingat 4-5 tahun ke? this is the nature of pharma business. high risk, high return, good for long term. ROI 10 years pun tak dapat dey. at least 15 years selepas ko dah buat proses2 sumer tu.

2) ko denga sini puki. ko ingat minor/slight modification tak perlu clinical trial ke? cost at least RM 500 Million untuk clinical trial sahaja. slight drug modification can cause disaster, tu sbb kena repeat clinical trial. sape tipu sape bhai? ilmu ko tu yg cetek. bodoh pegi hempuk kepala ko tu dengan hanger tudung ko tu. biosmilar pun same la. hei..aku tanye biosimilar tu ape bkn ko tau pun.

3) mark up 10,000 kali ganda? ko bace komen aku yg first tu pasal kebahlolan ko yg form 4 pun lagi bagus.

4)bace la entry Testimoni Kelentong tu. aku malas nak suap ko banyak2.

Semua org kat sini nampak masalah ko ni ialah BODOH SOMBONG. Ilmu takde, belagak tau. last2 memperbodohkan diri. org macam ko ni akan terus mundur dan mundur.

sukasuki said...

Azwan, aku sokong ramai gila nampak bodoh sombong mamat/minah ni. Eh MsAwin, kalau dah ramai cakap ko bodoh, ko tak rasa nak reflect balik kat diri sendiri ke, knapa orang lain cakap ko bodoh? Fikir la weh...

azwan said...


Hhahahhah aku dalam delima,..opss..dilema.
1) reply shemale psychotic comments so that i can indirectly educate other viewers as well.
2) ignore shemale comments at all. But sometimes its really irritating to see the level of he/she stupidity.

The next move is yours Aidid..


daliela said...

tak rasa yang mamat/minah ni baca entry2 AM sebelum ni....agaknya dia masuk sini sebab ade downline bg tau monavavie dah kena ngan aidid...tu yang masuk terus meroyan...

kalau memang dia dah pernah bace entry2 aidid and berbincangan ilmiah untuk setiap entry sepatutnya dia tau azwan kejer mane...

dalam salah satu komen azwan ade mention

azwan said...

Dah bodoh, bodoh gak.

hyelbaine said...


Let her comments be sir, its fun mehhh. Good mental exercise for those who comment and good tummy exercise for the silent readers ;)

Nothing to fear sir as deleting the comment would only lead to claims that you're the most unprofessional penoreh getah on the net...

Not that you give a rats ass though :P heheheh

It Just Me..... said...

ABAIKAN JE....tungau mmg camtu...

aidid....waiting for ur next entry beb...

It Just Me..... said...

Nak cukupkan 300..:P, pahni jgn komen dah tau...muahahaha

azwan said...

For the benefit of viewers (except Monababi)..

No such things as small bucks in pharma industry. As the R&D process moves on from one step to another, the cost is getting higher and same goes to the value. Relatively most of the basic researches/discoveries done by the universities, but the IP bought by the big player are proportionate with the researchers effort. they are paid at least 5 times of the total cost of research, not including the IP. most of them receive royalty and superb compensation plan. their reputation explode, and even appointed as board. there is no such thing researchers are not well compensated, its is fucking bullshit and only assumed by mentally retarded uneducated person like monababi. In Malaysia, where rarely the research reach the commercialization level, they hardly experience these kind of things.

The cost of advertising exceed the R&D only happens in company like CCM, Pharmaniaga, mostly GLC. this is because they have very little in-house R&D. they only register and market the drug. they don't have the expertise to do the R&D, and they are not willing to take the risk. if you look at MNC like novartis and pfizer, their investment in R&D is at least 40%. Marketing is 20%. A statement by monababi shows she/he has no experience and knowledge at all about pharma business. a bit lower than mentally retard.

They fact that the doctors receive a grant from the company, its not a bribery kind of thing. once they receive the offer, their reputation is on the line. they must did some research about the efficacy of drug before representing any company. Its a TRANSPARENT JOB.its not an easy task.

about the fda nak focus on treatment sahaja...ala ko teruskanlan dengan teori konspirasi ko tu. sebab tu ko sampai bila takkan maju. hahhahha best2!

net said...

you guys remember the violin riff during the famous shower scene in the movie Psycho? most suitable sound effect while reading msawin's psycho babble bullshit..

me said...

go aidid do!!go aidid go!!!


msAwin, gua respek lu nyer kekentalan untuk terus bertahan kat sini...walaupun lu bodoh tahap Royal Black Diamond...huhuhuhuhu...

kebodohan yang tak mampu diubati lagi ko ni...

MLM SUX!!!MsAwin SUXX too~

daliela said...

azwan said...

"They fact that the doctors receive a grant from the company, its not a bribery kind of thing. once they receive the offer, their reputation is on the line. they must did some research about the efficacy of drug before representing any company. Its a TRANSPARENT JOB.its not an easy task."

it's totally correct...nowadays if they were to deliver speech/presentation in any seminars/conference/congress they have to disclose terms of their involvement in studies granted by any pharma company..

nak mintak sponsor g seminar pun susah skrg ni...

Usop Wheelchair said...

MsSAWANvavie ni bodoh piang...xleh terima kenyataan..biarkan je bro aidid..biar viewers tahu yang MLMers seperti Vavie nie mmg kaki kelentong,kencing merata..walaupun ada tandas,nak gak kencing kat tiang mcm anjing..dah tau mandul,urat alat sulit(sopan ni) dah putus,lagi mau try kasik stim..tau nak sedap wat amal ibadat la..(apa aku citer ni..haha)...

credit la to sukasuki and azwan..also others lah..statement simple dan jelas..aku baca sekali bleh paham..kalau Vavie nie mesti 18kali baca..pun xpaham2..haha..Vavie betul la..

Usop Wheelchair said...

"mana tau kalau ade something active element dalam buah acai berry yg mampu menyembuhkan sesuatu dalam badan korang..."MsSAWANvavie.

aiyo ma aiyo pa...tau ke xtau ni?kajian itu la ini la,gorila la,apa la...last2 mana la tau kan?kan?kan?gie minum sirap bandung la,mana la tau kot ada something gak dlm sirap tue sembuhkan penyakit...

"kita try je jual vavie ni..kot2 ada yang kebetulan sembuh..leh wat testimoni.."haha..

ini pendapat aku..ko xpayah la nak tekankan sgt pasal treatment2 nie..kalau betul lu nak tlg org dari penyakit2..yang sebenarnya kita semua kena ingat..PREVENT IS BETTER THEN la lakukan pemeriksaan kesihatan utk pastikan kesihatan anda..jgn tggu sakit kuar baru gie check..ok.

honeylily said...

Naik menyampah dah aku rase..

Woi Awin,

ko ni memang bodoh tahap gaban la...
dah la tak tau ilmu perubatan..
ilmu perniagaan pun hancuss....
ko pegi bukak balik buku teks tahun 1 BBA kat mana2 universiti yang bahasa melayu-takyah yang bahasa omputih la.kang ko bukan faham pun..kat kedai buku MPH ke POPULAR tu pun banyak..
ko cari ape definisi "relationship marketing"...
MLM tetap MLM la woi....tukar la ape nama sekali pun,jual la ape produk sekali pun~ape ke payah sangat benak kepala otak budak sorang ni...makin putar alam bace cite budak sekor ni...

Anonymous said...

Awesome factual rebuttal interspersed with carutan yg terlampau. Lu memang rock Dr. azwan.

ps Haruskah kita terus melayani ke-poondeq-an MsAwin yg tiada tara itu? Kui kui kui

MsAwin said...

kui3x...orang yang maki hamun aku takde kelas la woi...aku saja jer nak jadi heroin fact Acai Berry lawan cell cancer...published by University of Florida and University of Ohio State...again, kajian dari sebelum tahun 2006 lagi BUT big pharma not interested to support this study. Last, natural food company jugak yang market...

Brazilian berry destroys cancer cells in lab, UF study shows

Filed under Agriculture, Health, Research, Sciences on Thursday, January 12, 2006.

GAINESVILLE, Fla. — A Brazilian berry popular in health food contains antioxidants that destroyed cultured human cancer cells in a recent University of Florida study, one of the first to investigate the fruit’s purported benefits.

Published today in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, the study showed extracts from acai (ah-SAH’-ee) berries triggered a self-destruct response in up to 86 percent of leukemia cells tested, said Stephen Talcott, an assistant professor with UF’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.

“Acai berries are already considered one of the richest fruit sources of antioxidants,” Talcott said. “This study was an important step toward learning what people may gain from using beverages, dietary supplements or other products made with the berries.”

He cautioned that the study, funded by UF sources, was not intended to show whether compounds found in acai berries could prevent leukemia in people.


Aidid Mu'addib said...

Nah aku kopipes drpd link ko kat atas tu sakai...

GAINESVILLE, Fla. — A Brazilian berry popular in health food contains antioxidants that destroyed cultured human cancer cells in a recent University of Florida study, one of the first to investigate the fruit’s purported benefits. Published today in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, the study showed extracts from acai (ah-SAH’-ee) berries triggered a self-destruct response in up to 86 percent of leukemia cells tested, said Stephen Talcott, an assistant professor with UF’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.
“Acai berries are already considered one of the richest fruit sources of antioxidants,” Talcott said. “This study was an important step toward learning what people may gain from using beverages, dietary supplements or other products made with the berries.” He cautioned that the study, funded by UF sources, was not intended to show whether compounds found in acai berries could prevent leukemia in people.
“This was only a cell-culture model and we don’t want to give anyone false hope,” Talcott said. “We are encouraged by the findings, however. Compounds that show good activity against cancer cells in a model system are most likely to have beneficial effects in our bodies.”
Other fruits, including grapes, guavas and mangoes, contain antioxidants shown to kill cancer cells in similar studies, he said. Experts are uncertain how much effect antioxidants have on cancer cells in the human body, because factors such as nutrient absorption, metabolism and the influence of other biochemical processes may influence the antioxidants’ chemical activity. Another UF study, slated to conclude in 2006, will investigate the effects of acai’s antioxidants on healthy human subjects, Talcott said. The study will determine how well the compounds are absorbed into the blood, and how they may affect blood pressure, cholesterol levels and related health indicators. So far, only fundamental research has been done on acai berries, which contain at least 50 to 75 as-yet unidentified compounds.
“One reason so little is known about acai berries is that they’re perishable and are traditionally used immediately after picking,” he said. “Products made with processed acai berries have only been available for about five years, so researchers in many parts of the world have had little or no opportunity to study them.” Talcott said UF is one of the first institutions outside Brazil with personnel studying acai berries. Besides Talcott, UF’s acai research team includes Susan Percival, a professor with the food science and human nutrition department, David Del Pozo-Insfran, a doctoral student with the department and Susanne Mertens-Talcott, a postdoctoral associate with the pharmaceutics department of UF’s College of Pharmacy. Acai berries are produced by a palm tree known scientifically as Euterpe oleracea, common in floodplain areas of the Amazon River, Talcott said. When ripe, the berries are dark purple and about the size of a blueberry. They contain a thin layer of edible pulp surrounding a large seed.

Aidid Mu'addib said...


Historically, Brazilians have used acai berries to treat digestive disorders and skin conditions, he said. Current marketing efforts by retail merchants and Internet businesses suggest acai products can help consumers lose weight, lower cholesterol and gain energy. “A lot of claims are being made, but most of them haven’t been tested scientifically,” Talcott said. “We are just beginning to understand the complexity of the acai berry and its health-promoting effects.”
In the current UF study, six different chemical extracts were made from acai fruit pulp, and each extract was prepared in seven concentrations.
Four of the extracts were shown to kill significant numbers of leukemia cells when applied for 24 hours. Depending on the extract and concentration, anywhere from about 35 percent to 86 percent of the cells died.
The UF study demonstrates that research on foods not commonly consumed in the United States is important, because it may lead to unexpected discoveries, said Joshua Bomser, an assistant professor of molecular nutrition and functional foods at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio. But familiar produce items have plenty of health-giving qualities, he said. “Increased consumption of fruits and vegetables is associated with decreased risk for many diseases, including heart disease and cancer,” said Bomser, who researches the effects of diet on chronic diseases. “Getting at least five servings a day of these items is still a good recommendation for promoting optimal health.”

WOI! SAMDOL! INI RESEARCH KEJADAHNYA? NOW, kat mana dalam artikel drpd link ko tu ada perkataan MONAVIE? Wadefak bangang punya sakai! For all we know, Monavie pakai air paip campur perasa beri dan anggur bancuh kat kilang kat Utah - lurus bendol punya budak sakai la ko neh...

Aidid Mu'addib said...


>>> MonaVie says four ounces of MonaVie Original (and Active) has an ORAC score of between 4,000 to 5,000 units (see #11).

However, the AIBMR study done by Dr. Alex Schauss concludes “the total antioxidant capacity of the JB (i.e. MonaVie) measured by ORAC is 22.8 umol/mL.” Using simple math, we can conclude that 4 ounces (or 118ml) of MonaVie has an ORAC score of 2690 (22.8 multiplied by 118 is 2690). AIBMR’s research is sponsored by MonaVie and done by MonaVie Advisor Dr. Alex Schauss.

MonaVie knows that the ORAC score of four ounces of it’s juice is 2690, but claims it has nearly twice that in the material they circulate to the public and distributors. Isn’t that lying? What am I missing here?

Kena kelentong dgn MonaVie buta2 sakai sekor ni...

>>According to this website and other research, freeze-dried acai berry supposedly has an anti-oxidant value of 102,700 per 100g. This is also the number that MonaVie’s Dr. Alex Schauss has referenced in the past. This number may be debated, but for sake of this article, let’s give MonaVie the benefit of the doubt and assume this fact to be true.

The AIBMR study done by Dr. Alex Schauss concludes “the total antioxidant capacity of the JB (i.e. MonaVie) measured by ORAC is 22.8 umol/mL.” AIBMR’s research is sponsored by MonaVie and done by MonaVie Advisor Dr. Alex Schauss.

Let’s take some freeze-dried acai and mix it with water (which has no ORAC value) in an attempt to make a liquid with an ORAC of 2280 per 100 grams just like MonaVie. How much acai would you need to create a liquid with 2280 ORAC per 100 grams? The required ratio is 2280 / 102,700 = .0222. This means that you need .0222 * 100g, or 2.22 grams of freeze-dried acai berry mixed with 97.78 grams of water to produce an acai berry juice with an ORAC of 2280 umol TE per 100g. If you added more freeze-dried acai to the mix it would have more ORAC than MonaVie… thus the maximum amount of freeze-dried acai is 2.22%

However, in the previous paragraph we assumed that we were mixing the freeze-dried acai with 97.88% water. MonaVie claims to not have any water in it (according to it’s label), and we can only assume that the rest of the fruit juice in MonaVie provides significantly more ORAC value (as all fruit juice does) than water. This means that there is much less than 2.22% freeze-dried acai.

Conclusion: Since MonaVie is SIGNIFICANTLY less than 2% freeze-dried acai, a wise consumer is better off focusing on what the other 98% of MonaVie is. Furthermore the consumer should be concerned that MonaVie appears to be violating FDA’s labeling laws, by listing freeze-dried acai so high on the list.

Aidid Mu'addib said...

Meh kita bongkar semua SCAM yg Monavie buat kat US... yeehaaa!

Therefore you have a doctor’s conclusion that “any health claim for acai is plain conjecture.” In short, you are wasting your money.

“A recent study at the University of Florida, for example, showed that acai berry extracts destroyed a high percentage of leukemia cells in culture dishes. Interesting, but not all that unusual. Extracts of mangoes and grapes do the same. In any case, this is a long, long way from showing that such extracts have any effect on leukemia cells in the body. But such studies are enough to supply the ammunition that some unethical marketers use to hype the “anti-cancer” effect of acai juice. Maybe they need to learn a lesson from the promoters of Xango, a mangosteen juice product that was all the rage before the company received a warning letter from the FDA.”

We’ve seen a lot of MonaVie distributors make the same claim about leukemia cells from the University of Florida study. Fortunately we have a doctor saying that cheap grape extract has the same effect… but again it’s not a proven effect. So we are again looking at the FDA sending a letter to MonaVie for the very same thing.

“The chance that mangosteen or acai juice can make a significant contribution to our antioxidant status is slim. Better to concentrate on getting five to ten servings of common fruits and vegetables every day…. Perhaps extracts can be used as preservatives in foods, and it may even turn out that concentrates may have a therapeutic potential. But if that turns out to be the case, you will hear about it from the New England Journal of Medicine, or some other such peer-reviewed publication, and not from you neighbour who has become involved in selling acai juice through a multi-level marketing scheme.”

So there you go, just a pile more evidence from an unbiased doctor telling you that MonaVie is a scam.

Anonymous said...

MonaVie's ugliness of epic proportions. Lu memang hawt abg Aidid Mu'addib.

Usop Wheelchair said...

cayalah bro..DUSHUUUUUUUMMM!!

@mal12 said...

good job bro!!..bravo..bravo..

Fahmi said...

Kak/bang msawin,

Aku mase undergrad je ade jumpe 9 tumbuhan yg ade antibiotik/antifungal properties kat lab. Senang je nak buat labworks mcm ni. Nak prove ade antioxidant? Same thing. Tukar procedure sket je. Tapi bile ko nak prove bende yg kau jumpe tu bley pakai as drugs, tu yg susah. Kalau tak kaye dah aku ni jual extract pokok2 tu. Aku letak dalam capsul, jual cakap ni antibiotik. Aku tenyeh2 jadik krim, jual, cakap ni ubt panau. Haha. Same je kak ngan ape yg monabie buat tu

zatyhanyut said...

sejajar dengan kenaikan harga minyak dan diikuti dengan kenaikan hargai bahan2 mentah yang lain, wahai rakyat malaysia sekalian, jangan lah kalian habiskan ringgit malaysia kalian tu dengan membeli barang2 yang takda pekdah + mahal nak mampos contoh yang paling dekat monavie ni, dan jangan la korg join MLM yang memang tak lain tak bukan hanya merosakkan financial korg in the end, tak nampak lagi ke apa motif bro aidid buat blog ni, dia cuma menyedarkan kepada orang ramai pasal ada segelinitir manusia yang suka take advantage dekat orang lain tuk kepentingan sendiri dengan cara halus but not very discreet (last2 dikantoikan gk oleh adidleaks), tapi aku tak paham why aa ada some creatures yang nak amok tak tentu pasal. bro aidid ni nak tolong sedarkan orang je dari menghabiskan duit hasil titik peluh sendiri ke poket2/akaun2 bank manusia jahanam tu. ini pun nak amok ke, haihh..

sukasuki said...

Just in case ko (which is MsAwin) tak baca abis apa yang Aidid dah paste, ko baca perenggan ni dah la..

“A recent study at the University of Florida, for example, showed that acai berry extracts destroyed a high percentage of leukemia cells in culture dishes. Interesting, but not all that unusual. Extracts of mangoes and grapes do the same. In any case, this is a long, long way from showing that such extracts have any effect on leukemia cells in the body. But such studies are enough to supply the ammunition that some unethical marketers use to hype the “anti-cancer” effect of acai juice. Maybe they need to learn a lesson from the promoters of Xango, a mangosteen juice product that was all the rage before the company received a warning letter from the FDA.”

p/s: camtu boleh la aku claim mangga dari pokok mangga depan rumah aku boleh cure cancer, kan? kan? Nanti aku kasi testimoni kata jiran aku yg dah tenat kena leukimia terus boleh pecut 100m bawah 10 saat lepas aku suap jus mangga.

hyelbaine said...

Therefore you have a doctor’s conclusion that “any health claim for acai is plain CONJECTURE.” In short, you are wasting your money.

Aidid, I think that's too much of a big word for shim. There's no stopping this troll but yet it has a long way to go before it gains the status as the longest surviving mangkukhayunpinggangarpu troll here.

There's no stopping shim and there's no stopping us either. In the long run shim will run out of materials to copy+paste. Therein lies the difference.

The likes of you, Azwan and the rest are using knowledge and facts garnered through your own research, experience and understanding. All shim is doing is copy+pasting unsubstantiated crap from the scampony's website and adding "kui kui kui" to it.

Oi shim. What on earth makes you think you can sway the views of these group of peminat susu tegar eh? Susu biasa jer bukan susu awal lembu or kambing tau ;)

Anonymous said...


You meant mangkukhayunpinggangarpuwhoneedstobebitchslapped?

Where's dat troll by the way?

MsAwin(the dude version hokeh)...where are ya baby? What took you so long? Gugel crashed?

Anonymous said...


Dia tak akan baca ponya...hotak dia dah tegar nak prove jus acai-beri2-yg-pokok-tinggi-macam-pinang-ada-kat-amazon-berok gila jer-boleh petik, yg paling keramat boleh sembuh semer penyakit.

Usop Wheelchair said...

Bukan nak fitnah..tapi berdasarkan kemungkinan2 yang ada..korang kaji la balik:

Ada pendedahan terbaru profile MsAwin di fan page SNTM . nama suspek di FB ialah "Siti Zainon Jamin".Profile blog "Kesuma Rai". .

Ada kemungkinan sebab "Rai" and "MsAwin".Dua2 nama ni try wat kecoh kat blog nie...MsAwin pada entry Monavavie...Rai pada entry AMWAy..

Thats All.Aku tak ckp dia betul org nya..suspek jer..korang jangan percaya bulat2..

MsAwin said...

Aidid, aku boleh list banyak paper published in peer reviewed journal berkenaan kelebihan Acai Berry. Dan semua paper tu mostly ditulis oleh penyelidik Monavie.

Ini paper baru published kat journal Food Chemistry Oktober 2010 hasil kajian Dr A. Schauss dan beberapa co-author dari Monavie dan University lain. Penyelidik USDA pun salah seorang co-author.

Bab ORAC panjang ceritanya...ORAC value banyak sangat misunderstanding secara sengaja atau tidak..

Anti-oxidant capacities of flavonoid compounds isolated from acai pulp
(Euterpe oleracea Mart.)


Acai fruit (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) has been demonstrated to exhibit extremely high anti-oxidant capacity.
Seven major flavonoids were isolated from freeze-dried acai pulp by various chromatographic methods.
Their structures were elucidated as orientin (1), homoorientin (2), vitexin (3), luteolin (4), chrysoeriol (5),
quercetin (6), and dihydrokaempferol (7) by NMR, MS and compared with the reported literature. Compounds
3 and 6 were reported from acai pulp for the first time. Anti-oxidant capacities of these flavonoids
were evaluated by oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assay, cell-based anti-oxidant protection
(CAP-e) assay and reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation in polymorphonuclear (PMN) cells (ROS PMN
assay). ORAC values varied distinctly (1420–14,800 lmol TE/g) among the seven compounds based on
numbers and positions of hydroxyl groups and/or other substitute groups. The ORAC values of aglycones
are generally higher than that of glycosides. CAP-e results indicated that only three compounds (4, 6 and
7) could enter the cytosol and contribute to the reduction of oxidative damage within the cell. The ROS
PMN assay showed that five compounds (2–3 and 5–7) demonstrated exceptional effects by reducing ROS
formation in PMN cells, which produced high amounts of ROS under oxidative stress. In evaluating the
anti-oxidant capacity of natural products, combining both chemical and cell-based assays will provide
more comprehensive understanding of anti-oxidant effects and potential biological relevance.

MsAwin said...

Aku baca semua yang ko copy paste tu...semua yang menjadi isu tu sebab FDA...

FDA warning letter
FDA said
FDA bla bla bla

Tapi FDA just quote kata2 doktor bukannya based on study...cuba bagi satu kajian yang FDA buat berkenaan Acai Berry?

Semua nya FDA...sah dah theory naturalist dan herbalist berkenaan Monopoly of FDA...

Aidid Mu'addib said...

Barua ni tak faham langsung pasal statistical medical studies macam mat rempit tak sekolah gila bab macam bab gila neh...

Dol... takde satu kajian pun dilakukan tentang 10 produk Monavie tu. Kajian yg ada hanya ada pada acai beri dan lain2 buah aje. Mana ada kajian perubatan boleh ikut prinsip assosiasi shj? Katalah ada kajian pasal buah langsat yg kata ianya tinggi ORAC. Jadi aku buat jus langsat, lepas tu aku war2kan jus langsat aku tinggi ORAC, sedangkan produk aku tu sendiri tak pernah diuji. Aku tumpang kajian org lain... tanpa segan-silu macam MonaVie buat. Ko boleh tangkap ke tak ni samdol?

Dan pengakuan saintis MonaVie Scahuss sendiri pulak mengatakan bahawa dlm sebotol Monavie ada <2% acai beri... kelentongan di siang hari tak abis2 perangai syarikat alkafirun nya, itu yg org Melayu yg join MonaVie nak sokong? Ko sure ko org Islam ni? Perangai peniaga Islam gitu ke dol? Wadefak bahalol nak mampos yg ko samdol tak faham lagik? MonaVie tu terkenal didalangi oleh penipu tersohor seantero dunia, dan perangai distributornya pun byk yg sebijik mengikut kepala dajjal tu... apa yg musykil sgt ni?

Kat sini kita dah ada contoh yg ketara bagai nak rak. Memperkenalkan tali-barut alkafirun Monakelentong sakai sekor ni... MsAwin... yeehaa!

Ms Odah said...

No wonder Dallin Larsen tu rileks je kena saman jutaan USD. dapat speaker/distributor cam MsAwin yg begitu kental. kencang seh... kena kencing dengan Dallin Larsen. dia bayar saman sambil pejam mata siap boleh buat profit 3-4x ganda lagik dgn adanya speaker/distributor cam MsAwin. Yeeaaa Haaawwww.....

sukasuki said...

ok ok, I get your point MsAwin, ko tak berkenan ngan FDA. Fine.. toksah cakap pasal FDA la..

Ko sendiri cakap Dr. Schauss tu penyelidik Monavie. Aku quote ayat ko, "Dan semua paper tu mostly ditulis oleh penyelidik Monavie"

Itu bias la, aku ulang, BIAS.. Serupa macam aku nak suruh mak aku komen pasal aku kat calon husband aku yg kaya nak mampos. Konfem la mak aku puji aku kaw kaw punya.

Takkan la penyelidik Monavie tu pegi kutuk acai berry? Dah nama pun org Monavie, mesti la nak agungkan Monavie. Macam comparison aku tu, mesti la mak aku nak tunjuk aku la anak solehah terbaik konfem masuk syurga punya manusia.

Patutnya yang pegi komen pasal aku depan calon husband aku ialah somebody yg LANGSUNG TAKDE KAITAN ngan aku, hatta member seopis pun tak boleh.

Sebab tu kalau nak cari penyelidik, atau nak cari opinion, tak boleh org yang ada relation dengan kita. Contoh Monavie, takleh la ko nak puji Monavie sebab paper yg penyelidik Monavie buat, that is BIAS.

Get me? So takyah nak salahkan FDA. Pegi cari saintis lain yang puji PRODUCT MONAVIE, bukan puji acai berry semata2. Kalau ko boleh jumpa yg puji MONAVIE ACAI BERRY JUICE dalam mana2 journal/conference paper oleh saintis yang BUKAN related to Monavie, then maybe aku fikir balik, okeh?

Aidid Mu'addib said...

And... MsAwin girl baby woot woot...
Sejak bila AIMBR tu PEER-REVIEWED journal?

American Institute for Biosocial and Medical Research (AIBMR), a private contract research organization (CRO) located in Puyallup, Washington. It's a private institution that do things for commercial... whatever. Dan barua MonaVie Alexander Schauss tu melepak kat sana buat experiment kejadahnya utk kasi modal kat Dallin Larsen mengelentong consumer dgn half-baked assumption dan ntah apekebandanya lagik.

Wadefak? Kalau nak kelentong org buta2, kelentong la kat budak tadika ke, atau budak Melayu yg tak ambik UPSR ke... atau kelentong si mat rempit yg keluar-masuk SERENTI ke. Jgn la datang sini ada cubaan nak kelentong aku dan pembaca blog aku neh. Ko ni tak khatam Aididleaks ni lagik ya dol?

Haiya! Aiyo ma! Aiyo Pa! Dey, yenadey?

me said...

msawin berjaya mempamerkan kebodohantahapgabanbangang beliau lagi.....

acai berry <2%...maybe another 98% tu contain drugs yang buat msawin ni berkhayal tak habih-habih kot...

kesian bebeno teman nengok orang tengin ghope kome msawin ooiii...

azwan said...


For benefit of viewers (except Monababi).

I fully understand the abstract. Any bioprocess engineer and biotechnolgist are able to do it in 2 weeks. We can even ask the favor of consultant at the Bioprocess Department, UTM to do it for us. The abstract just showed a basic research activities. It worth something, but useless. I am giving a fair opinion.

Its done through standard EXTRACTION AND PURIFICATION process. Guys..i give you another simple example. let say papaya. first you have to turn the papaya into smaller pieces/particles and at the same time preserve the active compounds. In order to do this first you have to control the temperature in order to avoid the destruction of the valuable active compounds. it is known that high temperature can cause the destruction of most of active compounds, moreover if it is a protein. This is where the important role of "FREEZE DRY", where the papaya is being freeze(sejuk beku) and dried sampai kering kontang. The freeze dried papaya is then will go through a grinder (bukan macam blender kat umah korang tu, yg ni lagi sophisticated), to crush it into small particles. the small size particles allows it to be easily diluted and dissolved with solutions(water,oil,alcohol,etc). so now the final product is in liquid form. then the liquid will run through HPLC(High Performance Liquid Chromatography) machine, a highly sophisticated machine that functions to identify, separate and isolate very2 small active compounds up to 5000kilo dalton (depends on how good the machine actually). After the HPLC complete its job, there you go all the active compounds identified (siap ada graph keluar): vitamin A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J...(hehehe..). The most valuable active compound found in papaya is actually Papain, discovered more then 20 years ago..pheww!. It functions as anti-inflammatory(kurangkan bengkak). Its has hundreds of other benefits too. The scientist know the benefit in reduction of swelling because papaya fruits has been used traditionally for a long long time. Knowing the function, the scientists then test Papain at inflammatory cell at laboratory. under the microscope they can see the significant reduction number of inflammatory cell, means ada proof of concept yg papain ni boleh kurangkan bengkak.


A more brilliant scientist then take this papain to next level of research. they still repeat the same process, to get more papain solution. the test it for toxicology, simpel animal study, etc. once they get a positive result, they decide to produce papain at mass scale using recombinant technology. they have to complete all the pre-clinical tests, and ultimately do the clinical research. before enter the clinical research, they must transform the papain into the most suitable form of delivery to human being..either in tablet(makan), intravenous(cucuk straight dalam saluran darah), transdermal(kulit), subcutaneous(kulit), etc. the whole process take at least 15 years. if it is proven clinically in terms of safety and efficacy, then papain is allowed to be registered. You guys, over ingestion of papain can also cause serious side effects!

The result right now is....papain as the active compound already being approved and used widely in the market as prolase(generic name) or papase(trade name..depends on company). Prescribed by doctors and still used traditionally. You can find prolase at any gov and private pharmacy around the world including Malaysia. Bomoh2 kat kampung pun seronok guna betik sebab dorang cakap dah ada scientific value. Hhahahha..

You guys, you see if you want to defend something, better have knowledge and experience. Better ask if you guys not sure. don't be like Monababi. She just know how to cut and paste. its a total stupidity.


azwan said...

If..the Monavie people believe in the benefits of active compound of acai beri as anti-oxidant, they have follow the example of papaya story.

me said...

unfortunately, monababi prefer to follow the padayappa(citer tamil a.k.a. putar belit) story rather than papaya story

It Just Me..... said...

Abu Ryan,


MsAwin said...

Bangang gak Prof Aidid, ko download tak paper yang aku bagi tu...paper tu published kat journal peer reviewed Food Chemistry ngok...bukan published kat AIMBR...researcher AIMBR tu letak situ, untuk orang macam ko dapat access paper dia..Cuba tengok balik paper la dey, baru sembang...

Bukan semua orang boleh dapat FREE ACCESS untuk Journal Food Chemistry.

Ada orang tanye R&D Monavie, kandungan Acai Berry dalam Monavie ialah 50%. Selebihnya juice buah2 lain...

MsAwin said...


We Azwan, sape kata produk Monavie leh prevent, cure or treat disease...apa yang disebut testimoni tu adalah pengalaman dan komen pengguna terhadap produk monavie...bukan monavie claim sendiri...

by the way, adakah doktor, pharmasist tak bersetuju yang diet pemakanan ni menyumbang kepada penyakit?

Ayat FDA gile tu jugak korang ulang2...aku debat ngan orang macam korang pun bukan kat sini jer beb... Food Tech CA yang muncul kat semua laman2 anti-Monavie pun aku debat juga...kui3x...pasal korang PENGANUT AGAMA FDA...

Aidid Mu'addib said...

Ko penganut agama mormon ke MsAwin?
Nampak gaya ada jugak iras2 sket...

Btw, report ko tu aku bukan shj dah download, aku dah baca setiap ayat... kat mana produk MonaVie yg di mention dlm study tu? Sapa yg rajin, cuba baca ayat terakhir report tu... sebelum references.

"The authors appreciated the financial support of MonaVie LLC (Salt Lake City, UT) that was required to carry out the study" ...HAHAHAHA!

Usop Wheelchair said...

Financial Support?
"wes Mr.Piang..aku kasik ko duit,ko wat la study pasal buah pelir aku..ko ckp la menda bagus2 ckit.."hahaha..

Nampak sperti MsSawanvavie mengadu kepada uplinenya..lalu uplinenya berkata.."meh ko punya password..aku plak gie terjah blog tue..dirog xtau yang aku lagi bengap dari ko MsSawan.."hahaha..

Aidid Mu'addib said...

Study pasal buah pel** yang takleh tahan tu...
Aku mana ada carut sampai gitu sekali wei?
Anyway girl babe MsAwin, ko tulis la report kasi gah dia punya buah pel** tu, nanti dia kasi ko bonus besar... pastu tu ko boleh mintak dia nak usap2 dia punya.... what the....?

Usop Wheelchair said...

Ada pendedahan terbaru profile MsAwin di fan page SNTM . nama suspek di FB ialah "Siti Zainon Jamin".Profile blog "Kesuma Rai". . Try selidik bro..ada kemungkinan tue..
Rai - dkt entry amway..bengap yang sama..

Sorry bro...tercarut..haha..

Aidid Mu'addib said...

Aku lupa nak rumuskan satu benda... itu yg ramai kompius aku tengok.
Takde doktor perubatan atau pakar dietetik yg akan kasi nasihat bahawa makanan atau minuman yg datang dari kilang dengan campuran ntah hape2 serta dgn colouring dan preservative... (percayalah byk produk dipasaran yg cakap produk dia preservative & colouring-free, tapi tipu buta2 aje) itu adalah baik utk kesihatan... kecuali doktor dan pakar dietetik tu datang daripada syarikat Monavie, atau doktor dah nyanyuk dgn duit haram. Saranan pemakanan yg terbaik adalah makan sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan yg segar sebanyak 5 hingga 10 servings sehari (satu serving itu ada kiraannya, please study this)... no unnatural chemical, no whatever the hell companies like Monavie put into the product to poison you in the long run... Go the nature way people!

Eh, ada satu topik lain pasal MonaVie aku belum mention... Dalam produk MonaVie ada Sodium Benzoate. Bukan shj MonaVie, tetapi jugak Xango and Ageless Xtra. Even the Coca Cola company has stopped using Sodium Benzoate in it’s products. Apa problem dgn sodium benzoate?
Here are the three big reasons for concern:

1. Sodium Benzoate with Vitamin C creates a carcinogen… "Sodium benzoate has already been the subject of concern about cancer because when mixed with the additive vitamin C in soft drinks, it causes benzene, a carcinogenic substance. A Food Standards Agency survey of benzene in drinks last year found high levels in four brands which were removed from sale."

2. Sodium Benzoate has been shown to damage cells leading to aging…
"Now, an expert in ageing at Sheffield University, who has been working on sodium benzoate since publishing a research paper in 1999, has decided to speak out about another danger. Professor Peter Piper, a professor of molecular biology and biotechnology, tested the impact of sodium benzoate on living yeast cells in his laboratory. What he found alarmed him: the benzoate was damaging an important area of DNA in the “power station” of cells known as the mitochondria. He told The Independent on Sunday: “These chemicals have the ability to cause severe damage to DNA in the mitochondria to the point that they totally inactivate it: they knock it out altogether. “The mitochondria consumes the oxygen to give you energy and if you damage it – as happens in a number if diseased states – then the cell starts to malfunction very seriously. And there is a whole array of diseases that are now being tied to damage to this DNA – Parkinson’s and quite a lot of neuro-degenerative diseases, but above all the whole process of ageing."

3. Sodium Benzoate when ingested with certain food coloring leads to hyperactivity in children… "A study by researchers at the University of Southampton has shown evidence of increased levels of hyperactivity in young children consuming mixtures of some artificial food colors and the preservative sodium benzoate. The possibility of food colors and preservatives affecting children’s behavior has long been an unresolved question for parents. This significant new research by a team from the University of Southampton’s Schools of Psychology and Medicine provides a clear demonstration that changes in behavior can be detected in three-year-old and eight-year-old children."


azwan said...

Wey Awin sape suruh ko amik quote aku?
- For benefit of viewers (except Monababi).
Ade paham bahse? apesal ko balas?

Aku takde perkataan nak describe kebodohan di Awin ni. Ntah sekolah mana, makbapak ajar apa, makan apa, pun xtaula. subjek sains confirm fail. Elok disekeh2 sampai benjol.

Kalau aku kate fuck FDA? ko still cakap aku ni penganut gak. pikir sekerat2, bukan nak amik the whole story. copy paste pun sekerat2. otak pun sekerat. ayat2 yg negative pasal monavie tak berani nak pastenye. nak interprate journal pun tak reti, ni kan pulak nak justify.

aku harap bdk2 yg masih blaja yg baca blog ni, jadikan si Awin ni sebagai case study..sebagai pengajaran. belaja la btol2 la adik2 oi..kalau tak tersimpang jauh dah susah nak betulkan. habeh org2 kita.

Usop Wheelchair said...

MsAwanvavie,Upline,and downline2 tgh mengadap satu laptop sambil melayari internet menggunakan WIFI mamak,membaca kenyataan aidid lalu menghirup air suam masing2 dan bertanya masing2.."mcmana ni wehhh...?betul ke apa aidid ckp ni..?",upline2 yang ada mngelabah pasal dia tau statement aidid mmg tepat,diorg pun dah 50-50 terhadapa bisnez monavavie,tapi duit dah invest kesemuanya,termasuklah duit EPF,tabung ayam,tabung doraemon anak...lalau meng'google' apa yang ptot utk mepertahankan bisnez alkafirun itu supaya downline2 nya xlari..dlm hati "aku dpt pulang modal blik pun xpe,pastu aku blah arr.."...Bravo Mr.Aidid!

Usop Wheelchair said...

bro aidid,plz bongkarkan plak ...

Aidid Mu'addib said...

TVIExpress FAQ:

1. How much does it cost?
The cost to join TVI Express is USD 250 if paid using prepaid vouchers and is USD 275 if paid by Liberty Reserve or Credit Card. It's a one time out of the pocket expense for a lifetime membership and does not include any recurring charges.

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Instantly. You immediately receive your membership backoffice and one click access to all various booking and search engines to start planning your next holiday. You also receive your very own Marketing Package and a self replicating website to start promoting the TVI Express Opportunity and build your way to the financial freedom.

3. Do I need to sell any products?
No. You don’t need to sell any products. TVI Express is a unique e-commerce opportunity allowing you to build the Business around the globe sitting at your home. However, we do support leaders who take initiatives to promote the opportunity offline conducting seminars and workshops about the Opportunity.

4. Is there a recurring cost or monthly membership payment?
No. There is no monthly payment. Your one-time payment to join TVI Express entitles you to have lifetime access to our upcoming promotional deals, programs and campaigns.

5. What do I need to do to cycle out of the boards?
The first thing you need to do is sponsor two (2) people who join the TVI Express Opportunity. This will qualify you to cycle out of the boards as you progress ahead in the Compensation plan. Secondly, you need to encourage and teach those two downlines (people you sponsored) to sponsor more people and duplicate the process. Following these two simple steps will have you making money even while you sleep


MsAwin said...

1) Kui..kui..kui...Aidid kata doktor dan pakar pemakanan suruh makan 12-13 jenis buah per day or per week...kalau ikhlas, jawab soalan aku ni...kalau nak kelentong pengunjung blog ko, boleh jawab ya..

Hari ni dah berapa jenis buah ko makan? Banyak mane? Ulam banyak mane?

2) Food preservation? Sodium Benzoate? Ini pun isu yang ditimbulkan just compare dengan theory. In reality?

- Hari2 korang rembat Nasi Briyani Gam, KFC, McD, Starbucks, Coke etc...Teh tarik? Milo? Kopi tarik? tak danger ke woi?

- Research shows the real danger of Sodium Benzoate is in soft drinks. Terutamanya yang dibotolkan dalam botol plastic dan tin..

- Research shows Sodium Benzoate interact with the packaging...Itu sebab ianya jadi bahaya...That's why Monavie dibotolkan dalam botol kaca. Lagipun sejak ratusan tahun orang letak Sodium Benzoate untuk bagi makanan tahan...tapi kajian menunjukkan bila ianya dalam bentuk packaging botol plastic atau metal, baru interaction jadi bahaya.

- USDA dah test kandungan Sodium Benzoate dalam Monavie, jauh lebih kurang dari Soft Drinks..dan ianya diluluskan...sebab ianya datang dari sumber natural...buah cranberries sendiri menghasilkan sodium benzoate

Rumusannya ialah Sodium Benzoate by itself tak bahaya. Bahaya bile interact with botol metal dan produce benzene yang carcinogen. Interact with plastic to produce dangerous chemical...Tapi Monavie botol kaca bhai...

RESEARCH DULU...jangan ambil kat aje woi....

Usop Wheelchair said...

lu sembang apa babun..?tokyo drift jauh gilerrrrrrr...baca la betul2..sial giler..rasa nak mencarut kaw2 la kat bahalol ni..sodium benzoate itself tak bahaya..bile interact with botol metal and plastic baru bahaya?apsal company lain sngup xpakai sodium benzoate,daripada tukar botol plastic ke kaca?sebab cost?podahhhhhhhhh la lu..nyata2 suma sebab bahaya..kalau metal tue yg bahaya..better diorg tukar metal tue..siottttttttttttttt la kau BAB1...

Usop Wheelchair said...

lu sawan mmg siakap betui dah gelabah pasal isu sodium benzoate gie tanya kat upline lu,pastue upline lu kencing and berak atasa pala pun sanggup la hancing and busuk sepanjang hayat lu..deyyy..baca la bebetui deyyy..malas la aku copy paste..kat atas je statement aidid tue..bro adid wa igt dia xpaham bahasa omputih la..sebab tue statement dia malay je..sebab tu la selama ni dia bebal sbb dia xnak ngaku dia sbelum amek PMR kena buang sekolah pasal ajak dak kelas main kutu..huhu..kalau bro aidid snggup kasik penerangan dalam bahasa melayu..terang dan jelas lah..kita lihat sama ada dia memahami atau tidak (skema camni xpaham xtau la)..

Aidid Mu'addib said...

SODIUM BENZOATE BILA BERTINDAK-BALAS DGN VIT C AKAN MEMBENTUK BENZENE.... bukan ke itu statement nye kat atas? Kejadah nya botol plastik botol kaca pulak samdol girl fewwiitt? Benzene adalah carcinogen.... meaning, it's cancer-causing chemical - dan ko dan bahalol MonaVie tu semua telan benzene hari-hari kan? Haiiya dey! Yenadey!

rahman said... his comment wanna make me raise my midle finger towards him..unfuckingbelievable..

It Just Me..... said...

jelas dan nyata dia tak baca entry aidid yg lain2...

Denial Syndrome.....same old thing...sampai nek boring haku tgk komen2 dia...kalau bernas takper gak, ni beras bernas lagi elok dari komen dia.
Jgn layan bro aidid, nanti tah kemana dia bawak ko lagi...

Anonymous said...

Ada potensi sampai 10 pages ni kalu campur ngan entry sebelum ni.Memang citer Tamil tol, dah 20 kali salin baju, lari turun naik bukit, golek2 turun bukit pahtu kejar2 keliling kebun getah lam hujan, pon lum habis lagi? Memang kepoondeqan yg tiada tolok bandingnya sawan ni. Sampai habis seluruh ceruk maya,Gugel & enjin2 carian dah kena korek. Koreklah lagi bang sawan jgn tak korek.

In the mean time, who wants to have my popcorn & join me on the couch to watch this never-ending saga, while i doze off.

Aidid, when is the next entry, roughly? I'm stuck here & tired olredi...

Anonymous said...

" MsAwin said...
1) Kui..kui..kui...Aidid kata doktor dan pakar pemakanan suruh makan 12-13 jenis buah per day or per week...kalau ikhlas, jawab soalan aku ni...kalau nak kelentong pengunjung blog ko, boleh jawab ya..
Hari ni dah berapa jenis buah ko makan? Banyak mane? Ulam banyak mane?"

Don't misleading the fact . Aidid stated
"sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan yg segar sebanyak 5 hingga 10 servings sehari " Ini buku sains kat sekolah pun rekomen.

Common knowledege ini pun kau tak tahu, fail . Kau memang tak boleh berbincang ilmiah dengan Azwan, Abu Humairah, Aidid Muadid dan ramai doctor & saintis yang jadi silent reader kat sini...

MsAwin said...

1) Apa lah korang kecoh...cuba buat research sendiri woi...Sodium Benzoate, agama FDA siap guna untuk formulate drugs in rawatan Pediatrik lagi.

Pediatric drug formulations of sodium benzoate: I. Coated granules with a hydrophilic binder
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics

2) Agak-agak korang akan mampus dengan natural products atau DRUGS? Sodium Benzoate digunakan secara meluas dalam buat ubat woi...aku tak tipu weh...FDA yang tipu...comparatively dalam drugs dan consumer product macam ubat gigi etc tu penuh dengan Sodium Benzoate..

Sodium benzoate, N.F./F.C.C. is used extensively in pharmaceutical preparations, toiletries, and
cosmetics. Sodium benzoate is a well known and widely used preservative for pharmaceutical
products such as syrups, flavored vehicles, and multiple dose containers for liquid preparations. The
pH is an important factor and use levels may vary.
In the manufacture of compressed tablets that will give clear solutions, a level of 2 to 4% sodium
benzoate powder in the granulation has been described as an efficient lubricant and provides rapid
disintegration times. Sodium benzoate has a solubilizing effect of certain drugs, which is useful, for
instance, in caffeine preparations or certain anesthetic compositions. Sodium benzoate is also used as
a diagnostic acid for liver function.
Sodium benzoate is a safe, economical preservative in certain toilet preparations such as creams,
lotions, gum solutions, and toothpaste. The advantages of sodium benzoate in these applications are
that it is colorless, odorless, readily soluble, and generally is compatible other ingredients. Sodium
benzoate has been generally reported to be used at concentrations below 3%. The preservative is also
most efficient at lower pH values. The inhibitory level of sodium benzoate in emulsions increases with
oil content. Sodium benzoate has found antimicrobial applications in mouthwashes, dermatological
creams and ointments, and deodorants.

3) In order Sodium Benzoate interacts with vitamin C to produce BENZENE, you need catalyst. Research found this interaction can only speed up dengan kehadiran light, haba. Sebab itu juice dalam botol kaca dan plastic macam minuman diminati AIDID iaitu jus murah PEEL FRESH paling tinggi Benzene. Monavie guna botol kaca yang gelap untuk atasi masalah ni.

4) Kandungan BENZENE dalam udara yang dihirup 5-7 kali ganda dari yang terdapat dalam soft drinks.

* Air: A European study found that people breathe in 220 μg of benzene every day due to general atmospheric pollution. A motorist refilling a fuel tank for three minutes would inhale a further 32 μg.[9][10] The estimated daily exposure from "automobile-related activities" is 49 μg and for driving for one hour is 40 μg.[8]

* Smoking: For smokers, cigarette smoking is the main source of exposure to benzene. Estimates are 7900 μg per day (smoking 20 cigarettes per day),[9] 1820 μg/day, and 1800 µg/day.[8]

* Passive smoking: Benzene intake from passive smoking is estimated at 63 μg/day (Canada) and 50 µg/day.[8]

* Diet and drinking water: 0.2 to 3.1 μg per day[8]

agak2 korang kena cancer sebab juice drinks ke atau sebab DRUGS?

Unknown said...

cancer?aku boleh kena cancer kalau terus layan bebal kau ni tau tak..chiow dulu kengkawan..sesapa yang rasa2 kuat utk hadapai cancer..layan la sawan ni..LEH KENA CANCER 4TH STAGE TERUS!



Aidid Mu'addib said...

In order Sodium Benzoate interacts with vitamin C to produce BENZENE, you need catalyst. Research found this interaction can only speed up dengan kehadiran light, haba. Sebab itu juice dalam botol kaca dan plastic macam minuman diminati AIDID iaitu jus murah PEEL FRESH paling tinggi Benzene. Monavie guna botol kaca yang gelap untuk atasi masalah ni.

>>> PEEL FRESH pakai container apa samdol? HAHAHAHA!
>>> Monavie ada sodium benzoate, but so are many other products, so telan aje la Monavie tu... everything cause cancer anyway... HAHAHAHA!

Kandungan BENZENE dalam udara yang dihirup 5-7 kali ganda dari yang terdapat dalam soft drinks.
>>> Udara rumah MsAwin banyak benzene, sampai 5-7 ganda daripada soft-drink... itu sebab dia telan Monavie... Monavie ada benzene penyebab kanser kureng sket - but, who cares? Everything cause cancer anyway... HAHAHAHAHA!

Lastly... MsAwin tak tipu, FDA tu yg tipu weh! BRAHAHAHAHA!
MsAwin, yg nampak gayanya beragama Mormon... home-schooled.

sukasuki said...

Nasib jela ni bukan face to face discussion. If Awin ni discuss depan2 senang aje nak pangkah point2 tak guna dia tuh. For me (as an educator), this is one of the biggest failure sebab tak berjaya nak ajar manusia ni at least guna sikit otak tu sebelum bercakap/berhujah. I don't expect him/her to understand pasal Sodium Benzoate of whatever freaking chemicals yang ada, tapi siap boleh pusing ayat Aidid and said doktor suh makan 12-13 BIJI BUAH PER DAY/PER WEEK..... man... i'm speechless.

This is a sad, sad morning for me. Megi goreng fevret pun dah tak sesedap biasa.

~Back to silent mode~

Aidid Mu'addib said...

In the beginning, the retarded girl was hilarious...
But the amusement factor seemed to have dissipated fast...
So, anything from her after this... I'll just delete I think.
So, don't bother to comment please.
I'll get my new entry out today... by hook or by crook!

Pakwan said...

perghhhh letih membaca .... yang penting SAY NO TO MLM ....

Unknown said...

i'm hungry... i'm hungry... im angray...
bukak topik baru la,,, lotih den, klu camni 3hari 2malam pon x habis2 nak ngadapnye... banyak betol pusingnye... biarkan la MsAwww dgn labulabinye...

teruskan usaha mu tuan tanah(Aidid) saya menyokong dr jauh(silent reader)

sory, english saya teruk... hehe...

honeylily said...

Laila ~ like ur comment! Ni bukan cite hindustan dah...dah macam sinetron indon pun ada, banyak sangat tak logiknye...

MsAwin ~ what ever u want to say, what ever u want to prove, when ever you said it or where ever you are..the answer is still SAY NO TO MLM..
ade faham ka?

Hell`s Angel said...

wallawei... 4 hari outstation sudah ini maciam punya manyak ka? nampaknya budak monababi ni tak serik2 jugak pusing sana sini... haishh... percaya sangat kat acai berry ye?...aku tau sapa yang dia cakap pakar ekonomi utara tu... tapi whatthehell apa gua pedulik...janji produk lu tu scam...

Kalau agak2 gua import acai berry dari brazil tu brapa RM SEKILO? Jual yang frozen/dired lagi baik dari minum MONAVAVIE dah tentu asli...
FDA FDA FDA itu aje dimarahnya kata natural food takleh cari makan... apa kata hang makan benda natural?

Pedulik apa aku kalau 40 orang saintis kata monababi tu genuine tapi founder dia penah kena saman scam? A scammer will always be a scammer la... Takat saintis 40 orang tu bleh bayar punya kalau ada duit...

ACAI BERRY takleh tanam... heran aku... panda pun ada yang berjaya diberanakkan kat zoo China ni kan pulak pokok yang diam tak bergerak...

DEY CERITA KASI MASUK AKAL LA.... BERAPA JUTA BIJIK ACAI DALAM SEBOTOI MONABABI THAT JUSTIFY THE PRICE OF RM135? Dari kopipes research yang hang bagi, aku baca takdak satu ayat pun yang MENTION tu adalah research monababi.....

Smart N Creative said...

gua no komen laa tapi blog lu nie.. kene buat dalam bentuk web kasi tukar itu blogspot kepada .com baru thrill cth- klau lu nak buat web n design gua boleh setting kan , web dlm blog.. same macam blogspot jugak tapi lebih power laa.. call gua 019-3369388 saiful

Blogger Addict said...

Malaysia Internet Club Spam Project

satu lg program baru untuk mengelirukan orang ramai.....Tuan Aidid sila jalankan tgjwb anda....

aku paling benci program camnie...bersepah2 diorg spam....

Farahanani Amhazali said...

Ala.. kalo dah sampai ajal tu.. mati jugak.

Apa heran segala anti-oksidant.


publicgold said...

aku dah terbeli camna nak buang ka atau teruskan minum

mama eyya said...

byk dosa aku baca blog nih.. kalau adib ni btul, okla.. kalau salah, tergolong dlm org yg menyebarkan fitnah.. aku baru jek call jakim bhgn muamalat.. dieorg sendiri ckp, x sume mlm tu x ikut syariah.. n ade senarainye.. n hukum mlm tu adlh harus..

x fhm nape kat blog ni seolah2 mengharamkan.. cukup2lah.. lgpun kalau nk menegur, menegur dgn berhemah.. takut adib kene merangkak pulak kat neraka utk minta maaf kat dieorg, kerana menjatuhkan maruah n memalukan dieorg..

n siap ade topik2, panggil dgn gelaran dajal n lain2 yg x patut.. means dah dihukumlah kan.. Terlalu senang menjatuhkan hukum.. n ramai pulak pengikut..

Bacalah perkara-perkara yg baik, insyaallah hati kite ke arah kebaikan..

azwan said...

Oi Arnie,
First time aku baca komen ko, aku tgk ko ni macam on the fence.

Pastu aku tgk profile ko..hoh monavie agent yek. apesal belakon baik popuan cibai. ko nak cakap byk ke tak nihh. aku nyampah kalau troll macam ko ni setakat parking je.

Ko dah abih baca betol2 ke blog nh? ataupun ko tak kesah sebab ko TOP MONAVIE AGENT? kah kah kah..dah la cibai. ko nak bercakap dgn kitorang, make sure ko ade facts okeh. sini bukan bodo2 ok. tegakkan kebenaran berasaskan fakta. ko...berdasarkan apa? berfikiran positif? semuanya boleh je?

Aku critical dan super critical. kalau ko setakat nak menyemak satu dua komen, ko boleh get lost. modal ko nak kata kitorang ni tak berhemah la, mencarutla, itu modal lama ok. setakat popuan sampah mcm ko, aku dah byk kali encounter. setakat popuan jual benda jus abc alah tu, buat skim piramid, ko deserve respect aku? get it loser?

Rose said...

Bukan Monavie saje, Premium Beautiful gak.. Hahaha.. Patut la cakap camtu. Kelalar..

cek chun said...

soalan gua satu jer
akak pakai beg apa sekarang?
chanel dah rasa ker??

wv: foens (uitttt!!!)

Rose said...

Soklan pohwer tu...

Ari ni dah dua versi nama Aidid: Adidi and Adib. Nampak sangat tak cuba nak baca dah fahamkan isi, kalau sampaikan nama penyampai blog pun salah.

Arnie, baca dulu la. Kesian Aidid tulis panjang2, terpaksa korban masa dari lapan orang anak2 dia tau..Lepas baca pastu komen la. Baru best.

Aidid Mu'addib said...

Sekor lagi penyokong tegar kristian mormon monavie dan cinapek hai-o menonjolkan diri di situ.... self-righteous fakshit no less.... yeay! Ramainya anak Melayu ngok sekarang ni eh? Wadefak man? Udah la cikgu, buat MonaVie, buat Hai-O.... haiya! Seronok sgt ke dik dapat duit keuntungan drpd mengencing sesama org Islam dan elok sungguh ke kasi anak2 tu makan duit sebegini?

Call JAKIM ya dik? Call macam gitu aje? Never mind...

Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan telah mengeluarkan fatwa bahawa secara amnya hukum Multi Level Marketing (MLM) adalah harus. MLM itu harus hukumnya sekiranya:
- Transaksi iaitu akad antara penjual dan pembeli dilakukan atas kerelaan dua-dua belah pihak iaitu atas dasar suka sama suka dan tiada paksaan.
- Barang yang diperdagang atau dijualbeli suci, bermanfaat dan sahih sehingga tiada unsur kesamaran atau penipuan.
- Harga barangan yang diperjualbeli adalah wajar dan tidak membebankan.

Tetapi ada beberapa sebab yang akan membatal dan mengubah hukum harus tersebut kepada HARAM:
- Hasil pendapatan bukan dari hasil penjualan barang.
- Barangan yang ditawarkan tidak berkualiti dan benar-benar berguna atau mempunyai kajian saintifik.
- Ahli menyertai MLM kerana keinginan terhadap pendapatan yang dijanjikan bukan produknya.
- Harga tinggi daripada biasa.
- Belian peribadi minimum (target) sebagai syarat komisyen.
- Jika ahli berdaftar menyertai MLM dengan yuran tertentu, tetapi tiada sebarang produk untuk diniagakan, perniagaannya hanyalah dengan mencari orang bawahanya (downline), setiap kali ia mendapat ahli baru, maka diberikan beberapa peratus dari yuran ahi tersebut kepadanya. Semakin banyak anggota baru bermakna semakin banyak jualah bonusnya. Ini adalah bentuk riba kerana memperdagangkan sejumlah wang untuk mendapat sejumlah lebih banyak yang lain di masa hadapan. Ia merupakan satu bentuk Riba Nasiah dan Riba Al-Fadl. Hal yang sama juga hukumnya bagi perusahaan MLM yang tidak mempunyai produk bersungguh dan berkualiti, sebaliknya produk miliknya hanyalah berupa ruangan laman web yang tidak berfaedah buat kebanyakkan orang, atau apa jua produk yang hanya dijadikan sebagai alasan pembelian. Malah harga sebenar produknya juga adakalanya jauh dari harga yang dijual kepada ahli (sebagai contoh dijual produk web komputer, sedangkan harganya jauh lebih tinggi dan si ahli pula tidak mempunyai komputer pun). Pada hakikatnya, si ahli bukannya ingin membeli produk itu, tetapi untuk menyertai rangkaian serta memperolehi wang darinya. Ia juga termasuk dalam yang diharamkan. Hal membeli produk tidak benar dengan niat utama memasuki rangkaian dan mendapat untung dari rangkaian ini telah difatwakan haram oleh Majlis Fatwa Al-Lajnah Ad-Daimah Arab Saudi no 15/192-193.
- Jual beli melibatkan barangan yang diharamkan dalam Islam.
- Terdapat juga unsur mirip “shafqatayn fi shafqah”, atau bay’atayn fi bay’ah, (iaitu dua aqad jenis jual beli dalam satu). Contohnya “aku jual barang water filter ini dengan harga RM 2000 dengan syarat engkau jadi wakil jualanku dengan komisyen sebanyak 3 % dari harga jualanmu dan aku beri mandat kamu untuk jadi lantik ahli baru dan setiap jualannya kamu akan dapat 1 % dengan syarat kamu ada jualan sendiri sebanyak RM 1000 setiap bulan”.

(Jawapan dari pihak JAKIM berhubung Hukum MLM).

>>>Kalau nak jadi blog-troll... buat betul2 dan sungguh2 dong... Byk betul dosa ko baca blog ni? Wadefak punya bahalol reasoning ko dik? Ada aku dan readers kat sini makan duit org lain ke? Yg ko buat bzns Hai-O bzns bengkung RM160 jual RM2600 dan MonaVie jus RM5 jual RM135 tu kategori apekejadahnya pulak tu dol? Dah ada pelajaran pun, mengalahkan org tarak sekolah... dan bekerja mengajar murid sekolah? Hancus! Paiseh maaa! Tak boleh harap langsung org Melayu sebegini... memalukan betul. No hope.

Khairul Hazwan said...

Go Monavie

Khairul Hazwan said...

Lepakla Bro, Syarikat besar-besar multimillion dollar company mesti la ada saman menyaman....

Klu takde saman menyaman memang luarbiasa tu.... Apa kata bro Aidid try minum Monavie dulu... Klu Bro Aidi termuntah dan meroyan memang betul sial la Monavie ni...

Tapi kalau best jangan pula asyik nak minum je.... Acai berry diclaimed as Viagra from Amazon.

Kalau Monavie dapat menyembuhkan penyakit (beribu testimonial Monavie) orang lain boleh ke kau kata Monavie tipu. Tanya Normala Omar la senang...

azwan said...

Bodohla ko Hazwan. Dah bersedia nak berperang dgn aku?

Aidid Mu'addib said...

Kalau dah join MonaVie... tak bongok ke namanya tu? Percaya bulat2 cakap org Mormon USA... kehkehkeh

ailove said...

jual ABC Acai Berry murah. ABC Acai Berry adalah pelangsing badan alami terbaik.

Aidid Mu'addib said...

Minumlah acai berry drpd hutan belantara Amazon...
Produk scam utk anak2 meleis tak sekolah - fits like a glove beybeh!

Asyraf said...


ketinggalan la ko... oprah dah saman org yang guna dia dalam penjualan acai berry ni......

Jr. Cruiser said...

Bro Aidid nak mintak tolong tgkkan bisnes MLM Fusion Excel yang jual barang skalar energy tu. Full of bullshit ke? Got lots of my fren are in that particular MLM biz. Yang masuk sampai buat personal loan berpuloh ribu pun ada. kengkawan duk ramai ajak masuk tapi aku sayang duit , byk nak pakai untuk family aku , sampai depa duk suh aku buat loan. Aku memang x blajaq tinggi. Tapi aku ada akal. Anyway for me , I SAY NO FOR MLM.

Ira said...

adeh..pinar mata baca comment2 kat sini.. ni dr pandangan peribadi aku:

- aku mmg tak suka dia mencarut2 semua tu.. tapi aku suka fakta2 yg diketengahkan..sbb ada kebenarannya.. aku rasa byk org kita tertipu dgn MLM..yg rata2 pengasasnya bukan muslim pn.. yg herannya pengguna kebanyakan org melayu..dan mostly melayu kat sini adalah muslim..sebab? org melayu senang digula2kan..

- dr pengalaman sendiri.. monavie tu mendatangkan kemudaratan.. seriously.. baik tak payah minum..Dr cakap makan berkhasiat, makan byk sayuran n buah2an pn dh cukup ..

- apa salahnya aidid cuba buka bahaskan pasal product2 MLM ni..bila kita baca jgn amik bulat2..tapi cuba pikir betul2.. klw hati kita sentiasa menidakkan kebenaran..fakta apa sekali pn yg keluar kita tak bole terima..klw hati kita sentiasa menerima pulak kita akan terima fakta tu bulat2 tanpa berfikir.. sbb tu la kena sentiasa berlapang dada.. bersederhana.. pikir dan pikir

- kat sini..sama2 la kita fikir dan renung balik... klw betul amik..klw tak betul..cari la hingga jmpa yg betul..

Fatynz Hatanan said...

sy pnye komen da xde kew?? =_="

Fauzzan Helmy Anuar said...

Adoi... pening nak baca entri pepanjang macam ni.Aku ingat baca blog ni bolehlah dapatkan info yang berguna.Ni pendedahan yang aku pun makin tak faham.Tuan tanah ni benci MLm ke benci minuman kesihatan dan produk-produk yang seangkatan dengannya?

Aku minum gak monavie ni.Tapi taklah jadi ahli MLM ke ape ke even kena tarik banyak kali.Bagi aku,kita cuba dulu.Berkesan atau tak tu belakang kira lah.Ajal maut tu urusan Tuhan.Kalau kita minum berbotol-botol pun,sampai masa mati,kita mati kot.Perkara paling penting kita nak cuba jaga kesihatan kita.

Aku rasa sama aje kot macam ubat benda alah ni.Kalau kita sakit,contoh sakit jantung,doktor takkan bagi ubat demam yang sama pada setiap patient dia.Macam tu jugak dengan benda alah ni.Ada yang minum ok, ada yang minum tak.Tengok pada kesesuaian badan.

Betul ada sesetengah orang jual nak mendapatkan keuntungan.Kadang-kadang orang yang jual membabi buta nak untung tu yang salah.Dorang patut bagiadvice dulu.Yang nakminum pun dok dengar bagus terus telan.Kenapa tak periksa dengan doktor condition badan sebelum ambik apa-apa.

Aku rasa tak payah gaduh-gaduh or buat pendedahan yang pelik-pelik kot.Pucuk pangkal balik pada diri kita sendiri.

Al-Fatihah untuk mak cik yang meninggal sebab kencing manis tu. Allah lebih sayangkan mak cik tu lalu Allah jemput untuk kembali di sisinya.Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat dan kasih sayang dari Allah hingga hari perhitungan.

p/s: Memusnahkan tu lagi senang dari membina.


azwan said...


Ajal maut memang urusan Tuhan dol. Tapi tuhan bagi ko otak untuk berfikir dan timba ilmu. Ilmu yg berguna untuk justify sama ada produk2 mangkuk camni berkesan/berguna ataupun tak. Takdela dgn ilmu tu ko dapat tau bila ko mati, tapi at least ko boleh bezakan mana yg baik dan buruk kat dunia ni. Org nak menipu kat dunia ni byk dol. Yg bongok senang kena tipo. Takdela main terima je depan mata. Camtu tonggang je taik anjing bergelen2, last2 cakap "aku tak mati pun".

Second jgn samakan dgn obat dol. Silap besar tu. Minuman scam ko sama levelkan dgn obat. Kalau taktau ape2 pasal obat toksahla sebut2..mcm ade sekor troll empat segi sibuk sebut "over dose". Utk layman mcm ko lain maksudnye, utk medical professionals mendalam maksudnye.

Nak bagi prospek minum product sampah MLM, buat apenye nak bagi advice? Ko ingat MLMers jual product ke dol? Mimpi ke dol? Kalau dah yg drive business MLM tu false hope, kebaikan produk memang hampir tak wujud dol. Non sense.

Tapi MLMers suka prospek macam ko...main telan. Jenis tarak pikir punya.

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