And so it is...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Finite Downline - Skim Piramid Paling Senang Nak Explain.

Komen Aidid Mu'addib di Say No To MLM di facebook, 24 Okt 2010: Jgn adik2 semua kompius. Dajjal MLM suka kuar statement macam2 dan berbelit2... mau kasi gah gitu, mau kasi canggih gitu. Simple je dek... Kalau org ajak join biz dan ada syarat pencarian tajaan 2 atau lebih, that's it - itu SKIM PIRAMID le tu. Kalau duplikasi syarat itu berlaku berterusan, suatu hari biz tu akan crash. Ini macam manusia buat dosa la kiranya, dan dia tak mo pikir hari kiamat tu akan berlaku. Dia hanya fikir setakat downline kat bawah shj, downline level 12 bukan problem dia. Macam akhirat tu cerita dongeng gitu...

Dear readers,
Of all the "businesses" that has been roaming around facebook for the last year or so, INFINITY DOWNLINE (which I always prefer to call FINITE DOWNLINE - because, where's the infinity factor man?) is the clearest pyramid-scheme you could ever did find, anywhere - bar none! It's such a simple system to see inside-out, even Stevie Wonder can see it on a moonless night. The promotional sites for finite downline are everywhere on the internet, and in Malaysia... you'll find the name Celya and Morgan Tay, who fought tooth-and-nail every day, to keep this scheme going, and had even intruded into places where she shouldn't had been in the first place... that is, in the issue of halal and haram. Dear Celya... it's none of your business. From there, you all could all see that the muslim masses are her intended target population for this lousy pyramid-scheme. Don't you know that in Islam, we have strict rule regarding pyramid-scheme? To us, pyramid-scheme is a stupid way to earn money by uneducated (religion-wise) muslims. If you have muslims downlines, well you know what kind of muslims those people are. People, it's clear-cut HARAM. For a lousy RM100 a pop? When do you intend to get rich, btw? 2043? Haiya!

Anyway, here are Mrs. Tay's site:

I don't intend to keep this going on and on, like I had done on previous discussions about other pyramid-schemes. I don't want complicate a real easy explanation, and bore you along the way. Anyway, I had prepared lots of flyers over the last year, and you can browse through down below. If you're up to it.

Eh! Baik la aku cakap Melayu. Mesti la ada bebudak Melayu yang tak paham langsung nanti. Dan yang peliknya, orang yang tak pandai baca BI tu jugak la yang nak jadi millionaire dengan finite downline ni atau skim-skim piramid yang lain-lain kat facebook. Menakjubkan beb! Ustaz Zaharuddin juga telah membincangkan dengan panjang lebar pasal isu ini, tapi anda semua boleh lihat kat facebook, saban hari ada aja bebudak Melayu (yg kat profile cakap "muslim") yang promote menatang ni kat wall. Macam... udah la tak pandai baca BI, baca BM pun tak jugak pandai agaknya, sebab Uzar dah bincangkan sepenuhnya tanpa kesangsian lagi keharamannya - dalam bahasa Melayu.

Satu benda aku nak komen. Seperti dalam perbincangan Uzar di atas, dan soal-jawabnya dengan Celya Tay di bawah, Uzar macam tak nak terus pegi straight-to-the-point gitu. Banyak isu yang ditimbulkannya. Tapi, itu tanggungjawab dia aku kira, dia terangkan satu-persatu dengan cara berbudi-bahasa dan telus, sebab "he is what he is". Aidid Mu'addib ni lain sket... eh! lain banyak! "I say as I see it... consequence be damned!". Aku cakap aje apa yang ada depan mata. Kan ramai cakap Aidid Mu'addib kurang ajar dan suka maki-hamun orang? Aku tak boleh nafikan, memang betul tu. Agaknya. Tapi semua orang kan ada pandangan/opinion masing-masing? Pandangan aku... orang Islam yang buat skim piramid itu adalah orang munafik dalam masyarakat Islam, orang yang terang-terang jadi musuh dalam selimut. Orang yang buat mungkar, jadi... dah tanggungjawab aku (dan korang jugak?) untuk memerangi mereka ini. Mereka ini ambil duit daripada orang Islam lain dengan cara yang tidak halal dan tidak haq. Aku mesti perangi. And frankly, I am ruthless and I don't care what you think of me!

Anyway, korang tengok gambar yang aku ambik daripada website Celya Tay ni:

Dey, bukan skim piramid ke tu, dey? Penerangan kat kanan tu cakap, biar aku translate, "Setiap kali anda menaja seseorang, orang itu pula kan menaja orang lain dan orang lain itu pula menaja orang lain dan duplikasi akan berterusan... blablabladalabladabla". Dengan kata lain - SKIM PIRAMID. Kok susah sangat ke gitu? Dan katanya, "walaupun kaedah ini digunakan oleh sistem MLM, finite downline kasi 'fresh twist' dengan memperkenalkan sistem reverse 2-up." Nak terangkat bontot aku membacanya. What's your point man? Does it mean, it is a better pyramid-scheme? Pyramid-scheme is a pyramid-scheme, dan pada orang Islam yang luhur - HARAM! Duit yang sama haramnya macam menyamun, melacur, rasuah, ragut handbag, dan lain-lain lagi. Korang semua yang Islam pun tahu kan?

Tengok yang ini pulak:
Itulah dia sistem reverse 2-up finite downline ni, kena cari 4 downline minimum, tapi 2 kaki dapat kat upline anda (maksudnya menjangkau ke atas 1 level) lepas tu, downline yang lain semua 100% dapat pada anda. Itu yang infiniti katanya tu. Carilah berapa banyak anda mahu. Cuma, kalau Celya Tay ada 6 billion downline dalam dunia ni sekali pun, mana infiniti nya meh? Topik infiniti ni dah aku bincang panjang lebar dalam topik kerbausms, sila baca di sana ya? Tapi, biarkanlah Celya dengan infinitinya, orang Islam jangan sesekali beri'tiqad boleh buat infiniti dalam hidupnya. Ye la... macam kata Abdul Malique dan Azam Zainal, jangan cepat melatah kalau ada orang cakap perkataan "infiniti"... Tapi, itu tahap keislaman mamat berdua tu. Tahap keislaman Aidid Mu'addib tu lain dek. I'm bloody serious about such issues! Kalau dah syirik, dengan sedar atau tak sedar, sebab tak kesah dan tak terkincit pun bila orang dah bagi penerangan, abis la keislaman kita ni kan? That's my opinion.... in my life. In turn, I don't care about your opinion in this matter. Ini isu SYIRIK. Dan jangan nak argue lagi dengan aku... tak sudah-sudah la pulak!
OK... sekali tu saya google, sebab nak cari apa pandangan orang al-kafirun tentang finite downline ni. Ini yang saya jumpa:

Katanya, "bla bla bla... (kat last sekali)... ID ini, dalam pandangan saya, adalah salah satu lagi contoh sistem piramid yang bertopeng, seperti beribu lagi skim cepat kaya yang tidak akan dapat mengkotakan apa yang dijanjikannya." The End. Orang kafir tu pun cakap benda ni skim piramid. Dia pun tahu halal-haram, cuma dia tak ada alQuran, Hadith, atau majlis fatwa. Tapi, dia sendiri advice orang kafir lain supaya jangan join. Tapi, anda boleh lihat sendiri, saban hari, bebudak Melayu yang Islam sebok menjaja benda ni di facebook. Apekehenye yeop? Tak malu ke dek?
Jadi saya berpesan kepada diri saya sendiri dan kepada anda semua...
OK... udah la tu ya? This stupid thing is making me angry all over again. Those who join and get the littlest money from this stupid thang... you're a real special kinda stupid, aren't ya? Real dickheads... 33rd degree disciples of you know who!

************     ***     *************
Flyers ulangkaji tentang SKIM PIRAMID finite downline:


>>>>>>>>>>>    <<<<<<<<<<<<
Di bawah adalah copy-paste drpd Uzar punya site. Ada copyright ke? Kalau Uzar komplen, aku akan delete.

I have received an email from one of the leader of Infinity Downline. In this entry, I would like to share my short reply to her email. Even though it is short and unable to cover lot of issues which need to be clarified i.e Shariah related issues, I am still hoping that it could give some additional benefit to the's readers.

From: Celya <>
Sent: Thu, March 11, 2010 5:01:07 PM
Subject: Questions on Islamic Perspective

Greetings Ustaz Zaharuddin,

I was just reading your article on facebook entitled "Web saya tutup perik nasi orang". I found it really informative.

I hope you don't mind, but i sincerely want to understand the Syariah law as i have Muslim customers and it is important to me that they feel comfortable, and that i am being fair. Would you please consider answering some of my questions? In your article you stated that you would entertain intelligent debate and while i am not here to debate, i am certainly interested in intelligent clarification and understanding from a factual perspective.

Referring to the below..

"Hukum asal seluruh urusniaga perniagaan dalam apa jua bentuk adalah harus kecuali ada dalil yang membuktikannya haram. Apabila telah wujud dalil menunjukkan ia haram serta tiada hujjah balasan konkrit untuk menafikannya, sesuatu urusniaga itu paling pun akan bertukar menjadi syubhat, jika tidak menjadi haram. Islam mengajar kita agar menjauhi syubhat sebagaimana yang disebut Umar Al-Khattab tadi walaupun terpaksa mengorban 9/10 cara niaga yang mungkin halal."

FIRSTLY, In the case of Infinity Downline, is this why you referred to the lack of a clear company identity as being ONE factor for it to be labelled as haram? Because Muslims cannot be sure who is behind the scene and therefore there cannot be conviction that it is "safe"?

I receive emails from the company (Multiplex) and they also provide weekly LIVE training on a webinar where we interact with the president itself (the webinar link is The president isn't a CEO of a large corporation, but i think a small company, so it's not a multinational but it has of course gone international due to the power of the internet.)

This morning, we received a mail from Peter Wolfing himself as below (regarding when the library will be updated)

From: "Peter Wolfing" <>View contact details
To: "'Morgan TAy'" <>

I have not had time to add more. Just keeping up with the growth is taking all my time. There is way more than what is charged anyway but I will add some soon.


So Peter exists and we are in touch with him weekly at the training webinars, the company exists BUT the thing is that members need to OPT in to receive contact as he sends out emails only to those who allow the company to contact them (unlike many companies that just keep sending emails whether we want it or not). Also, because it is not a large corporation - it is unlikely to be cost effective to set up a branch in malaysia.

My question now is - is this still considered 'gharar' to the Muslim? Meaning uncertain? (please forgive me if my understanding is poor as i am not familiar with the Islamic terms and am only following what i am capable of understanding from reading your articles. please feel free to point out if i am wrong as the purpose of me writing this whole email is to learn)

Or would this just be a different form of business, and not actually one intended to deceive? From what Mr. Irfan Khairi explained to me as well, i understand that this business does not make itself VERY apparent on the website because it is collecting a database list of emails and it is following the style of many businesses online now that offer a free ebook or video BEFORE you even know who they are. After giving the free ebook/video, THEN they introduce themselves. Is this then 'gharar' and therefore also then not acceptable practice in Islam?

I ask because i teach internet marketing methods and collecting a list is one online marketing method. However, if being 'invisible' while collecting the list is causing it to have a 'haram' elements then of course, i must tell that to my Muslim students.

I would then truly appreciate your help on this.


I use certain ID products in the library to train my students. Certainly i have benefitted from it, but of course I understand english and internet marketing very well. From what i understand ID is haram because MOST people do not want the products. However, if people join my coaching program (and i already tell them upfront i provide coaching for internet business BEFORE they sign up), and i direct them to listen to the specified products as well as provide my own training materials as part of my program for them, would they still be guilty of 'haram' as i am still using ID as my platform?

Again, i would so appreciate your help on this as i am not sure anymore if i should advertise my services to Muslims given that I will still be using the ID system for a while as it is the perfect live 'case study' for my students. (When they can start earning an income from implementing the methods i teach, then it is a good indication for me and them that they have benefitted from my program for them.)


The monthly fee is for the online system they get and not the same old products that yes, logically should only be paid for once. I too would be silly to pay for the same products every month. I pay monthly as i want the online system and viability of online storage of all the files i use for my program being easily downloadable from anywhere. I have a student in Sabah and one in Terengganu and having the files online as well as online business system makes it easy for me to deal with faraway clients in terms of registration and payment. And i only pay RM100 a month so i am okay with that.

My question is, is this still Riba for my muslim clients? I collect RM100 but for coaching i give plus of course the fee of the online business facilities they get. Is this conceptually unacceptable in Islam because most of the other titles in the library will not be used?

Again, I could set up my own system and compile my own videos and audios, but it was so much cheaper and easier for me when i started coaching to just use the ID registration system plus business tools in it.

But now i am unsure if it is okay for my Muslim clients.

Ustaz, I find that your opinions on many other articles are valid and justified and so i am writing to gain clarification.

I realise that i of course have a different view of the programme being non-muslim, but at the end of the day, if i am to have Muslim clients then they must be comfortable and i certainly do not want to be labelled as culturally insensitive. Your article on ID raised many doubts and questions so i would like very much, instead of speculation - to just clarify with you given these facts about the program that are somewhat different from what you initially spoke about.

I look forward to your reply and thank you very much in advance.

Yours sincerely,
Celya Tay
Home Business Consultant


Hi Ms Celya,

Thanks for your email. I'll try to reply in a very simple manner as i really don't have much time to write long explanations.

Generally speaking, i do think that you have got most of my points from my article and response. By scrutinizing some of ID current website, it is realized that the team is currently trying to fix the problem by doubling the promotion of the products rather than the system. May be that way, the program might be appeared as the true selling products program. However, it is still not, at least from my perspective.

In response to your quires, my response will be as the following:-

1) Background of the company & Peter

It has been said that, Multiplex System is responsible of the ID program or scheme and it is regarded as the founder company and also the owner and provider of the products.

My question, what is the website for multiplex system company? Do you have any of the detail about the company such as management of the company, board of directors, audited financial report, license etc. the company is govern under which law and which country?

Is there any legal proof that multiplex system is responsible for any issues regarding ID program? Say that there is a problem with regard to the program i.e. the ID login system vanished, suspended, or the owner fleeing away, so is there any guarantee that multiplex company will always be there and take full responsibility on all the their customer's fund ? If not, where can the participant seek help to? It is not about the company only but also the regulation adn law which regulates them.

That is what i mean by 'gharar' (uncertainty elements which could tantamount to quarrel, argument and coercion). Forwarding Peter Wolfing's very short email is absolutely will prove nothing in that regard. It has to be noted thatBernard Mardoff is million times popular that Peter Wolfing but he is still running a scam business.

I understood that some of the home marketing or internet business need not to have a big premise to run the business. However it is different when it involves lot of people, and lot of people's money, moreover the company is offering and attracting consumers to the commission system which need to be monitored carefully to avoid fraud, cheating etc. The case is totally different from an internet seller or marketer who is selling real asset such as map etc to their clients. There is no commission system and he is the only one who sells and conducts the business. In addition, all the deals are from the type of one off deal. This is obviously not for the ID program.

2) Products

As i said and you have also quoted it in one of your website, yes, for those who join the program to benefit from the products in a genuine manner and concurrently take advantage of the commission system, it might be permissible (but still depend on other issues) but in reality, the otherwise happened. So in Islam, in order to determine the precise ruling, we will have to focus on the majority of the participants and how the company advertise itself. In many cases both of them are already portraying that their true intention of joining the program or scheme, is to benefit from the commissioning system which as a result will simultaneously evolve as a money game. However the minority might be exempted from the prohibition (but still depend on other issues as well). The same situation applied to the company in which is putting lot of their efforts in promoting the system rather than the products.

Have i seen the products?

Yes I have seen some of the videos and listened to some of the audios. I find it ok and acceptable but to a very small number of people. Therefore I have regarded such products as 'rubbish' although i have to admit that for some quarters they would perceive the products to have value and good information which they might need. However, as i told you, the majority views, and their behaviors and how they treat the products and promote the program will give us clues on how relevant is the product to them, and also whether or not they are 'rubbish'.

It is observed that campaigns and promotions which are made by many of ID participants (and also Login Facebook dapat RM 100) are not giving any attention to the products.

Another issue with regards to the products is that it is unclear whether the products are being sold or leased by monthly payment for access. Some tries to relate the monthly payment fee as a rental whereas other said that the prroduct is being sold. Anyhow, it is noted that many of the products can still be downloaded and saved into your PC. So which one? Is there anywhere this rule is being mentioned in the registration form etc.? All of these are gharar in Islamic point of view.

The regulations are unclear as to whether it is lease by monthly payment or being sold to the customer. If the fees payment are representing a lease payment, why in the world it can be saved and downloaded freely?.

Such unclear term related to the products also convinced me that actually the company has no serious attention on selling or promoting the products. For that reason also they are promoting the products in a bundle. If the products are really good and can be sold or leased and worth for money, the company will absolutely sell or lease them separately as it can bring more profit. However, i am sure that they have no confidence to sell the products and in fact, i am almost sure that most of the people WILL NOT PURCHASE OR LEASE the products if there is NO REVERSE TWO UP SYSTEM in place.

Without the true products, the system is a money game and fall under the category of riba from the Islamic viewpoint. If the products really have their own qualities and are marketable by itself, the commission should also be based on the price if each product and not by way of registration fee or whatever you wanted call it.

From Muslim jurist point of view when :

a) The products have no special qualities

b) The promotion is more toward head hunting and promoting the benefit of the system lot more than the explaination on the benefit of the products

c) Commission is based on the registration or monthly fees and not in accordance to each and every product which has been sold by the participants.

Such program or scheme will still be deemed as money game and Riba, furthermore it would also fall under that category of gambling as well.

As for non Muslim, it is up to them and their belief but for Muslim i am responsible to prevent such scheme, program or whatever you want to call it from spreading to our Muslim brothers and sisters.

In Islam, they are many rules in obtaining wealth; one of them is that you must not gain without putting an equal effort. In some circumstances, profit or gain must be associated to certain type of real business risk. This is to ensure wealth are being created and not transferred. One needs to comprehend this philosophy in order to understand the issue.

Actually i can say that i have plenty of other arguments but i am sorry, for my inability to response or clarify all of the contentious issues with regards to the program as the time is very limited and there is lot of other tasks which need to attend to, finally I hope that this email could clarify something if not everything.

Thanks and best regards,
Zaharuddin Abd Rahman
17 March 2010
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shindosai said...

wow. go aidid.

mrspingupenyu said...


pisang said...

syabas beb.. u are truly hero. kasi open skit mata melayu

Unknown said...

Salam. Bro, I heard there is a new MLM scheme called Neumax Blackcard. Heard the conman behind this is a Tan Sri/Dato. NEUMAX INTERNATIONAL SDN BHD (535297-T) (AJL 931827) You may take a look on this.

markmie said...

bro, tolong remove gmbr saya!/photo.php?fbid=166484073384775&set=a.154620817904434.33508.154618694571313 .. jangan dok tabur fitnah bang.. saya bukan pemilik domain & saya tidak terlibat langsung dengan aktiviti MLM walaupun 10sen.. pemilik hanya kenalan saya dalam dunia cyber. minta perhatian utk group MLM.. OK?

Mish Natrah De Silva said...

bro nak tnya ND LALA NETWORK tu pon MLM jugak kew??nak taw sgt nie...
kalau free balas kat email saya eh...

time kasih abg aidid.. ;)

Aidid Mu'addib said...

Off the record:
ND Laklok is using Uptrend system/product...
definitely MLM, or worst... PS
(Still under research)

Sha LeaYana said...

salam bro aidid, aku tak berapa setuju ngan score A..berselindung di sebalik education..bole cari info skit pasal score A?

Mu'addib Aidid said...

Nasib ko la wahai Aidid al Ujubi wal Riyaqi...

Audieance ko mcm hampeh...banyak bebudak hingusan baru mumaiyiz, padan la dgn standard blog ko ni. BOSAN GILER !!!! apatah lagi bila ko cakap omputih...perhhhhh...berbau HANCING PEKAT ORIENTALIS !!

Namun begitu, teruskanlah "perjuangan" suci murnimu ini sampai akhir hayat.

Teruskan pecah kepala hotak berjambul ko tu, yang lain2 melopong mcm cicak berak kapur menelan semua kata2 hikmat sakti puaka ko kemudian kata "iya betul..betul". MELAYU la katakan...

Paling tidak pun, dapatlah sikit sebanyak ilmu google yg ko perturunkan kpd peminat2 ko biar pun kadang2 bercampur dengan TAIK.

Janganlah duk ulang2 sebut "ada aku kesah..", mcm bapok tak bertelur je bunyinya.

O ya...ko sensitif ke pasal komen TAK SOLAT atau DAH LAMA TINGGAL SOLAT tu ? hooloholoholoh...

CUAK ke dengan komen aku ? DELETEKAN saja...Team ko pun boleh DELETE KAN.

Chow pendek!!

Unknown said...

aidid faker... syohhhhh.. syohhh .. syohhh.. gi main jejauh... bau najis... apsal tak tahan dengar aidid "betul" sebut ada aku kesah.. so takyahle buang masa ko baca dan pastu... naik hangin... hehehe boooo.

fotoflyfotografi said...

aku ada byk mnatang neodymium ni bro..
tapi bkn kat gelang la...

aku invest kat earphone dgn headphone studio..
aghagha... leh tingkatkan pengaliran darah jgk ke?

lg satu lh la dgr lagu2 nasyid ke...
bacaan al Quran ke...

disamping leh menghiburkan hati dgr lagu2 lain.

boleh dibawa semasa berjogging.

haduih..magnet pon nk jual mcm apa..
lebih baik bli yg branded mcm sennheiser, bose, bang and olufsen, klipch, audio technica, AKG, dan berbagai2 lagi brand terkemuka...

lagi dekat dgn kepala otak kan??? so lg leh cergas otak tu berfikir supaya tak tertipu dgn skim MLM nih...

sekian terima kasih =]

Azam Zainal Arif said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Azam Zainal Arif said...

u all boleh bace message antara i dgn Aidid Mua'ddib mase memule dia ganggu hidup i dulu.. di bawah ni, web page untuk message2 kami suatu masa dahulu.. hakikatnya aidid mua'ddib ni bukan sape2.. dia perasan diri dia bagus.. hakikatnya xda ape2 pn untuk dibanggakan tentangnya..

lets have a look.. dn kenali dia sebenar2nya..

ahmed said...

tak bleh buka la link tu encik epal

Aidid Mu'addib said...

Hey Azam Zainal Arif... long time no hear...
Penjilat bontot tegar alkapiaq Celya Tay... penyokong skim piramid infinity downline kepalajadah ciptaan yahudi... species otak letak kat palelutut - nama aje engineer - elok campak degree masuk longkang.

Dol... kalau kasi link, jgn kasi lnk kosong.
Dan pada sapa2 nak tgk sejarah bahalol sekor neh... sila ka Koleksi...


azwan said...

Ni apa ini, jejak kasih kaa dgn Aidid?

Setau aku si Aidid ni grad ni taska je, memang bukan sesape. Tapi serius, masuk Infinity downline memangla kerja bangang. Giler poyo lah ko mamat oi, ape kejadah bisnes ko masuk, memualkan. Org taikun MLM pun takkan masuk Infinity downline, giler ape memang clear cut bisnes sampah. gaye ko pun jenis yg tumit kaki punya beb, low class memang takde kerja lain. gini la melayu2 bengong, bongoknya tak sudah2. buatla kerja engineering ko tu, lagi elok.

Amy Amira said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amy Amira said...

baek kita bersusah payah dulu cari rezeki,bkn dgn cara login fb dpt duit.hari tu kawan kita join gak bisnes mcm ni,tp nombor he ade...duit lesapppppppp habes..

Amy Amira said...


Norshyla Mohd Nor said...

kalau nk bagi komen pon gunalah ayat yg baik..saya yg nk insaf ni pon tk jadi nk insaf dgr cara awk berhujah ni...sbb nampak mcm awk dengki je...(walaupon awk tk dengki)

ermmm.... awk kata yahudi buat ID dah tu FB sape yg buat ek??blog sape yg buat ek?? setiap kali awk login FB awk sumbang duit gak kat TOKEH FB and awk sumbang duit gak kat TOKEH blog yg berbangsa yahudi ni an :D

so kenapa ID je dipersalahkan??
and awk dah menggunakan gambar2x org yg join ID tanpa kebenaran tau tak?awk boleh kena saman??

kalau nak nasihat pon guna bahasa elok ye.. nabi bagi nasihat kat org pon tak mcm awk.....TERLALU KASAR BAGI SAYA.... sekian

Asyraf said...


awak ni tadika lagi ke????

zaman sekarang ni kalau cakap elok elok org pijak kepala....

grow up... this is the real world....

Aidid Mu'addib said...

Tak buleh nak tolok amek doh... elok tojon gaung copek2 tu dol.

>>>Copy-paste dari entry satu lagik...

Aku selalu keluar teori yg mengatakan anak meleis yg buat skim piramid itu semua jenis tak sekolah dan IQ masing 2 level lembu benggali - I guess, I am correct on all counts - it has been proven today by some of you.

Berapa kali nak explain benda yg sama neh?

1. Korang tu mintak sedekah sebab ambik duit org lain tanpa segan silu. Dan mintak sedekah korang tu lebih hina sebab korang buat keje mungkar dan menipu... dan yg makan tipu tu pulak adalah anak2 meleis yg sama dungu yg tak pernah faham matematik dan sekolah pun mungkin tahap darjah 3... you people revolves around the same circle of stupid donkeys.

2. LoginFB100, RM20segera... or Rm30 or RM50... semua dah di terangkan sebelum ini, dan masing2 ada flyer masing2 - ko yg tak research blog aku abis2, page aku kat FB pun ada byk flyers - bukan salah aku kalau attention-span ko tu 5 saat... mengalahkan hyperactive child terencat akal. It's just in your nature to be dungu I supposed... takleh tolong di situ der.... Hopeless.

3. ID itu skim piramid paling sempoi - sure korang boleh buat duit, tapi duit yg korang dapat tu bersandarkan keahlian ahli yg terkemudian, yg pasti akan rugi... crash tergolek dog. PASTI AKAN RUGI - dah berlaku dah dalam cycle ID tahun lepas... korang tu semua baru keluar hutan, tak tahu cite ni langsung ke apa? Salah sapa tu erk?

4. ID mengamalkan skim piramid 1 downline 4, di mana kadar kerugian ahli adalah melebihi 75% - ingat tu 75% ahli akan rugi apabila ID complete one cycle and then it crash... jadi, kalau ada korang dapat duit drpd bzns cibai ni... itu duit downline yg terkemudian yg korang dah sambar awal2 dan korang bebankan kat downline masing2... Faham ke tak apa itu skim piramid dol? Anyway... kat akhirat nanti jawab la masing2. pasal keje mungkar masing2. Kat dunia ni, kalau ko dah makan duit sebegini... tanggungkan aje la bala bencana musibah yg akan menimpa korang - spt... ada otak kepala dungu gilabab, tak boleh faham2 benda paling simple sebegini... itu satu contoh. Contoh lain... kalau duit sebegini diberi pada ahli keluarga utk dimakan - tanggungkan aje la anak2 yg low IQ dan perangai sekor2 macam setan. Tak kan tak perasan benda2 gini berlaku di sekeliling dik?

Anonymous said...

Kalau nak insaf dah insaf dah. Tak payah nak mengkambing hitamkan cara penyampaian. Info dah ada, sendiri boleh nilai.

Excuses are for losers.


ooo dunia skrg ni dah kena cakap kasar2x ek??ok...haha layankan aja korang ni... :D

Aidid Mu'addib said...

Sapa suruh buat skim piramid tu dol?
Tanggungkan aje la apa2 yg tersua... dah mmg hina.
Tak faham2 jugak eh?

P/S: You wanna be more famous?

farid said...

tak boleh bkasar2 konon... ape ingat cakap elok2 boleh lembut ke kepala benak nko tu?
dah terangkan straight pon tak paham..
suh cakap berkias kang lagi tak paham...

org mcm nie... ape nak buat pon tak boleh...

Anonymous said...

Norshyla sayang..*sambil lap2 muka shyla* naper sentap sangat ni? Syila ni macam bontot periuk lah, duk ngata cerek tu hitam .

Amy Amira said...

Sape lah yg report blog lama aku ni!sial!pasal aku share link aidid muaddib ni pon diaorg nak report ke!habes aku x boleh nak update blog lama aku pasal bende alah ni lah,aku kutuk bisnes haramjadah ni!ade org report!mmg mangga(dlm bahasa jawa) bodoh! lah org yg report blog aku dulu sb diaorg marah aku kutuk infinity downline sampah ni!org yg join bisnes ni maybe org miskin kot!kalau anak datuk2 x ade diaorg join bisnes ni!!!!!!! org miskin yg mintak sedekah kat fb mmg lah hina!dh miskin tu buat lah cara miskin x payah lah nak join2 bisnes haram ni pulak!

Unknown said...

wah,,,baru ku thu...nsib baik xterjerumus...alhmdulillah

Gracey Ave said...


Admin, you left out one person in your WALL-OF-SHAME!

Well, here you go,

He's considered as a "main player" or whatever title they gave him.

By the way, I like your blog sir. Thanks for writing something so informative. =)

Slashtown said...

Salam bro.. disini aku nak minta jasa baik bro aidid agar membongkarkan muslihat Lamp berger atau DCHL yg mengaku x buat MLM tetapi Network marketing. Ade member aku da ajak aku join dan dia da setahun buat benda tuh. Pastu dia cakap SISTEM yg DCHL buat tu membuatkan bisnes dia akan kekal utk tempoh jangkamasa panjang.

Izat_Fuad said...

aku minta tgk2an budak ni, dh penuh wall fb die dgn bisnes MLM ni...xlarat dh nk tgk
Noor Afidatul Akma :
kasi nasihat kaw2 pya

norliyana said...

Setuju ngan bro aidid! Keep on mengutuk dan menyumpah makhluk2 yg masuk MLM nih.menyampah saye tgk!


baik jual kain n emas macam aku ni, klient suka, aku pon suka. Nak beli, bole beli, xnak beli takpe. Bukan dok paksa2 orang suruh joint. Xde yang mudah dalam dunia ni. Usaha lagi bro, atas usaha bro aku dah bebas MLM. No more MLM, Jual kain lagi untung, 2 bulan dah collect 10k, joint mlm 1 bulan aku rugi ber k k k. :)

YOUR STYLE said...

goldkeeper..hehehe..btol2..baik meniaga dari join menda xbtol ni :)

bulat said...

haah betul tuu, mana ada org meniaga konventional yg tk pernah rugi semua pun untung je...

azwan said...

hahahaHAHAhaha.!! Tu la care mlmer nak menghalalkan mlm, bisnes lain rugi, mlm same gak. Too stupid to understand...patutla konsep ownership pun tak pass. Bab research jgn cakap la. So ape value ade pada mlmer? Illekkk...

bulat said...

aik ada org nk kecoh pasal bab research plak wakakakaka... benda yg suruh di buktikan pun belum dapat tunjuk lagi nk kata org kat lain plak.... sedar je laa diri tuu takde value...

bulat said...

n lupa plak nk tambah yg infiniti downline nie mmg skim piramid... tp sebabkan kurang ilmu membezakan skim piramid dgn MLM genuine jadi semua pun akan kata sama je, itu yg lebih pathetic...

azwan said...

Ko tu yg bahlol bulat satu haprak pun tak boleh paham. Berdebat dgn aku pun tak pass, nak kecoh ape hal nyer pondan woi?

Dah ready nak buat research sama2 dgn aku? ke still bacul? Actually bukan soal ko tak berani atau malas, soalnye ialah ko tak mampu... wakakakakaKAKAkaka!!

azwan said...

"n lupa plak nk tambah..."

Kalau rase power sgt nak tambah2 taik kat blog antimlm, bagitau satu contoh yg pada pendapat ko pondan...sebuah syarikat "MLM GENUINE".

Dari satu meh kite head to head berdebat. Tgk sape yg mampos. Ade brani? Ini cakap seketul2 ntah hape2. Konon ade antimlmer yg akan tersedar...bodoh ape?

Memang betolla jebat cakap, lembu pun boleh paham bahase. Bila cakap lembu paham bahase, spin ke lain plak. Sah2 la lembu ko ni.

bulat said...

haiyaa lemau punya otak...

ko je yg perasan ko pass, sendiri masuk bakul sendiri angkat memalukan je.. tuu jelaa pointnya, bila dh tarak idea, nk ajak org buat research sesama.... berapa byk kali aku nk ulang daa, masih tak paham2...

sedar ke tak sedar diaorg punya pasal laa, klu rasa terus nk diperbodohkan silakan aja... aku just bagi tau apa yg sepatutnya bingai2 mcm ko nie tahu... aku tak rujuk pada org bingai, takkan org yg terlibat dalam memperincikan MLM yg dibenarkan untuk org islam nie bodoh... sendiri mau fikir laa sapa yg bodoh..

bru tahu fakta yg auta dah terasa konon cerdik, lepas tuu nk kata org lain lembu... bila jahil sesama jahil kemukakan fakta, jawapannya tetaplah jahil takkan ada yg betulnya...

bulat said...


takde idea laa tu namanya bila bab sembang mumbang nk bandingkan produk kononnya mcm tau je, bila suruh tunjukkan apa berbezaan smpi skrg habuk pun tarak.. lepas tuu untuk cover, suruh aku join skali pulak apa daa... mcm nie je tahap antiMLM mcm ko nie... pastu nk membangangkan kepekatan pati lagi.. setakat tere pusing mana ada value...

cuba ko bagitau aku kenapa perfume EDP lebih mahal dari EDT??

dan bingai2 antiMLM mcm ko nie sepatutnya tahu mcm mana nak buat perbandingan... bukan berlagak mcm tahu..

azwan said...

"bila bab sembang mumbang nk bandingkan produk kononnya mcm tau je, bila suruh tunjukkan apa berbezaan smpi skrg habuk pun tarak.. lepas tuu untuk cover, suruh aku join skali pulak apa daa... "

Dey bangsat mlm, tarak paham ka aku dah ulang byk kali. Suruh tunjuk bukti tu kerja bangang la mangkuk. Ke mak ko yg bahlol? Bukti kejadahnye merepek. Tu sebabnye ultimate solutionnye ialah buat research sama2. Paham? In case ko mangkuk meh aku paste balik...

2) Ape2 research pasal monababi, lebih2 lagi mcm yg ko propose tu memang tak pernah dibuat kat mesia ni. Ko tanye mana2 researcher kat pelosok mesia sekalipun, memang takde yg dah buat research pasal monababi..comparison dgn ape2 jus lagila tarak. Sebabnye:
- takde sape pun interested buat research cikai camtu.
- takde fund, collaborator/industrial partner.
- researcher2 ni semua sibuk buat research yg lebih signifikan utk publish, yg boleh naikkan pangkat dorang.

Tu sebab tuan blog neh ketengahkan semua fakta2 yg signifikan untuk menjelaskan isu product scam dalam monababi. Fakta2nye signifikan...ko sembang dgn mana2 org yg educated pun akan setuju.

"lepas tuu ko cakap kajian tuu tk penting pulak, klu tk penting kenapa nk bandingkan peel fresh dgn jus monavie??"
--Perbandingan peel fresh dan monababi hanye dari segi harga. takde isu keberkesanan, ko yg naikkan isu keberkesanan...then meleret pasal suruh aku bukti melalui research. wtf? of course la tak penting pada mana2 researcher kat mesia neh, sebabnye aku dah sebut 3 atas tu.

Then ko bagi pulak soalan ni kat aku:
"cuba ko bagitau aku kenapa perfume EDP lebih mahal dari EDT??"

Samdol, same jugak...buatpe aku nak jawab soklan bangang gitu? Aku takde bukti la bahlol. Kalau aku memandai2 jawab...ko akan kate aku takde buat research, takde bukti, pusing2. Ko distribute perfume yek jadi pencacai?