Thursday, January 20, 2011

Say No To MLM


I'm inviting you all to this group in facebook:

This is where I hang-out everyday for almost a year now. A place where I learned and researched the issue-at-hand, and a place where people (mostly Malay kids really) share ideas and experiences in the field of anti-MLM and Pyramid-Schemes. This is Say No To MLM version 3... it has been sabotaged twice before. The last one was just a few days ago, when the group had almost reached 10,000 fans... But, we started over, and we had ~1,000 fans back in within the first 24 hours... eat your heart out you MLMshit! And to those dumbf**ks that think MLM and pyramid-schemes are a way to make money, be aware - we are relentless and cantankerous, and you all can sabotage all you want a thousand times over, we will come back up... back in front of your ugly faces. I personally, can promise you that!

For Our Race, For Our Country, For Our Religion!


  1. Hahahaha... I can't believe this and this will be my first and last.



    Keep it going bro ;)

    ps>> Bro, might want to check your timezone settings kat Blogger. I think you're still using US nyer time zone ;)

    From your dashboard go to Settings > Formatting > Time Zone

  2. Theres nothing to comment...just-- 2nD!

  3. Congrats hyelbaine bro! LOL. I've booked da 200th spot.

    ps Mcm seganlah pulak saya nak joinT Say No 2 MLM group ni.

  4. yeah bro..sntm is like my 2nd encyclopaedia after ur blog to find about the scam of MLM..Go Go SNTMv3!!!!!!!!

  5. yup..say no to MLM coz sy jgk salah seorg manusia lurus y pernah tertipu..hajat nak bantu keluarga, alih2 hidup makin susah...mmg dh xleh dgr dh bler org nk bercerita byk2 sal MLM ni..

  6. sapa yg masuk MLM tu amat bodoh kerana anda susah payah jual produk,tebalkan muka ketuk pintu rumah atas yg senang2 dpt duit...

  7. hah... siot tol... sape lah yang mangkuk pergi banned... aku percaya SNTMLM boleh pergi lagi jauh..

  8. kdg2 boleh putus saudara kerana MLM! tidak ada kebaikannya terutama dr sudut 'infinity' tu. mmg sy bersetuju dgn smua entry dlm blog ni dan dah Likes SNTM tak kira version berapa.

  9. MLM oooo MLM..hairan btol la aku...makin aidid bongkar makin galak plak diorg iklan kat newspaper...mcm si dr jism tu..skang dah berpage2 iklan..makin beso..sama la dgn dr tunjuk kepala otak mindpower tu...makin menjadi2..klu sesapa join gak aku tak tau la nak ckp ape..

  10. i'm with aidid, bro pernah dengar tak omega trend, saya pernah jadi mangsa dulu, upline saya macam nak gila, hari2 sampai mengigau cakap akan tolong orng cari orang bawah, last2 kena pukul dengan orang kelate, (peristiwa ni berlaku dikelate)hahaha sekarang dah insaf kot heheh. MLM is bullshit!!!

  11. is a good move bro, bagi saya bro memang dah berjaya buat MLM kecut tahap gaban, bro ni bukan tugas main2 bro, dah selamatkan individu, keluarga dan masyarakat...banyak tu pahala!bro memang kena panjangkan isu ni sebabnya bro dah dapat pahala free jika jadi apa. 1) ilmu yang diajar 2) anak yang soleh 3) sedekah.
    bro bagi ilmu, bayangkan ilmu bro ni kalau masih diingat dan diguna walau 20 tahun lepas ni,SYABAS!!

  12. haha..ada yg makan cili kut...sampai kutuk saya kat my blog...dek komen pedas saya diatas...btw tak perlu layan 'guest' yg pengecut mcm tu...berani kutuk tp tak berani ltk url...

  13. Salam,

    Hm..good effort Aidid. I don't have any facebook account. I should have one. Hahahah..


  14. still remember that day...try to click SNTM few times with no success...messaged GHA, and he gave me the link to SNTM v3...i would like to see those MLMers dumbface who delete SNTM....ggrrrrrrr...

  15. joined!

    en aidid, nanti create la satu search box kat blog ni. senang sikit nak cari tajuk2 berkenaan. takyah nak scroll satu satu.

    thanks. semoga allah mudahkan usaha2 kamu untuk terus berdakwah. :D

  16. LOL azwan... I also dont have FB account...

    But keep it up Aidid...

  17. At the top left corner of the blog there's a search box. I think that would suffice for most requirements to search specific key words in this blog

  18. I kinda like Butterfly's suggestion to have related links at the end of each entry.

  19. I try to keep my blog lay-out as simple as possible (after a learning process in a few days of blog-surfing those months ago) before my own blog materialised - some blogs really gave me a spinning headache with all those unneeded and useless bells & whistles... not to mention some creepy and unsightly thingy and colour...
    Anyway... some of your suggestions are still greek to me - can help ah?
    Explain to me step by step... say, by emailing me at aididmuaddib@gthang - I'm still a noob (actually too bz researching, and never bothered about making a blog properly).

  20. nak tanya....ada org introduce satu network marketing...nama dia Questnet...apa pendapat aidid...

  21. tgh kecewe dgn majalah Nur keluaran february :-(
    ade 2 articles featuring KEHEBATAN 2 dr mickey mouse "DR." Azizan & "PROF EMERITUS DR. SIR" Norhisham..

    so sad.. so sad..

  22. We are live n kickin' MLM asses all over the place!
    Tally ho! *dives

  23. aku dah join awal2 lagi lepas kene banned tu...biarlah derang nak hacked ke apa...kita buat la susah...heheh

  24. why create new SNTM at FB sbgai fan pages, why xcreate sebagai group pages.

  25. mmg bnci gile huh!

  26. Dol Izham,

    Dengan penghapusan yg ko claim 2 main reasons tu belum cukup untuk menidakkan keburukan mana2 mlm.

    Kalau ko tak kidnap pun, jika pelan pemasaran tu still mendahului kepentingan produk, then thats it...back to square one. Sistem keuntungan melaui berbilang tingkat tu yg bermasalah, yg mana menyebabkan company growth curve tu jadi exponential. Tak kesahla 1 cari 1, 1 cari 2 ke, atau downline boleh atasi upline ke, ape2 je la. Yg paling teruk ialah wujud unsur paksaan bila seseorang dah terjebak dalam sistem mlm. Suka tak suka, nak dapat komisen kena menten.

    Penekanan pasal potensi produk, bukan recruitment boleh memanjangkan jangka hayat sesebuah syrkt mlm, tapi ia takkan memusnahkan fakta dan isu ketepuan dalam mlm.

    Isu MLM tak semudah yg ko pikir. Buat konvensional je la dey kalau ko betol2 nak fokus produk...hahhahHAHAHAhahahah..

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    MLM Leads
    New MLM
