Tuesday, January 18, 2011

MLM in Malaysia - Ain't That Pathetic?

 Souvenir daripada Hazwani... she's the best!

Korang pernah cerita rusuhan besar-besaran di China pada tahun 1998 sampai merebak ke banyak bandaraya, dan sampai ada yang mati merusuh? Pehal? Rusuhan pasal isu syarikat-syarikat MLM yang buat "pyramid-selling" - downline cari downline cari downline, dapat komisen up and up and up. Sejak itu China haramkan terus semua MLM, walau pun kemudiannya "direct-selling" dibenarkan pada tahun 2003. Itu pun disebabkan China mau join WTO dan syarikat MLM lintah-darat tu pulak semua datang daripada U.S., terpaksa jugaklah China mengalah pasal isu ni... tapi mengalah sket aje. Jadi, direct-selling dibenarkan... cuma, "an interim solution was reached in which direct selling companies could offer their products through fixed locations in which customers came to the fixed locations to purchase the products"... hahaha! I love Hu Jintao! Kalau MLM memang dah diharamkan, apatah lagik bzns-bzns yang berunsurkan skim piramid terang-terangan? Rakyat China sampai la ni ketakutan nak buat skim piramid dalam apa bentuk sekali pun. Jangan harap la kalau mende macam LoginFB100, Hyprobulksms, Bioasli, VIPOnline, Emall, Ads4Faks, Aleacorp, Gelang AC Mang, E-Dymium, dan berlambak lagik skim piramid yang berkeliaran di Malaysia ni (untuk santapan anak Melayu yang dungu dan tak beragama) boleh dapat berkembang di China. Walaupun market ada lebih 1 billion umat, a really huge market - skim piramid almost zero! Sapa aje buat skim piramid kat China, dapat tangkap dan sabit kesalahan, hukumannya tembak sampai mati - very simple ha? Memang cun meh! And you all think China is heathen communist country. Oi! Orang Islam Malaysia, takde malu sikit pun ka dey? Orang Islam konon...

Quote: "In a stunning upset against MLM schemes and promoters, the government of China has passed a law that outlaws the payments of commissions on purchases made by "downline" recruits in the scheme. News reports from China indicate that legitimate direct selling, based on retail selling to the public, not endless chain recruiting, has been approved in the country. The new law was urgently awaited by the MLM companies, which had been banned in China since 1999, following riots and the revelation of pyramid schemes masquerading as "direct selling" companies. Most MLM companies believed China would legalize US-style recruitment scams. Technically such scams are illegal in America, but the Federal Trade Commission seldom prosecutes them. MLM companies have contributed millions to Bush administration and successfully lobbied against law enforcement. They expected China to follow America's example in allowing recruitment schemes."end of quote. Ain't that something?


Prohibition of Pyramid Selling Regulations
2005-08-23 From: The State Council
(Promulgated by the State Council on 23 Aug 2005 and effective as of 1 Nov 2005)

Article 1 These Regulations have been formulated in order to prevent fraud, protect the lawful rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations, safeguard the economic order of the socialist market and maintain social stability. 

Article 2 For the purposes of these Regulations, the term “pyramid selling” means acts that interfere economic order and affect social stability by which an organizer or operator recruits personnel and seeks illegal benefits by means of calculating and paying remuneration to the recruited personnel on the basis of the number of personnel directly or indirectly recruited by them or their sales performance, or requiring the recruited personnel to pay certain fees as a condition of being qualified for participation. 

Article 3 Local people's governments at and above the county level shall strengthen their leadership in investigating and handling pyramid selling, and support and urge the relevant departments to perform their regulatory duties in accordance with the law. Local people's governments at and above the county level shall set up such mechanisms as required for coordination in investigating and dealing with pyramid selling and provide timely coordination and solution to major issues that arise in investigating and handling pyramid selling. 

Article 4 The administration for industry and commerce and the public security authority shall investigate and handle pyramid selling within their respective scope of responsibilities in accordance with the provisions hereof. 

Article 5 While investigating and handling pyramid selling in accordance with the law, the administration for industry and commerce and the public security authority shall adhere to the principle of integrating education with punishment, and educate citizens, legal persons and other organizations to conscientiously abide by the law. 

BLA BLA BLA..... at MOFCON People's Republic of China
Macam aku dah terangkan sebelum ini dalam banyak entry, benda MLM dan skim piramid ni simple aje. Ianya bukan sangat isu agama, atau isu masyarakat yang nak berniaga, atau isu free-market yang disanjung oleh alkafirun Amerika... ianya hanyalah isu matematik aje nye pun bang wei. Takde complicated nya. Kalau sistem perniagaan ada syarat menaja orang, dan setiap ahli yang join ada syarat yang sama (duplikasi), maka ianya jadi "pyramid-selling" bila jumlah ahli meningkat secara eksponensial dan crash/collapse akhirnya akan berlaku bila bilangan ahli sudah mencapai peringkat tepu. That's it... tak kesah la ko nak jual spenda keramat ke, nak jual gelang Ding Dang ke, nak jual tuition kat tenet ke. Apa Malaysia punya umat belajar Matematik lain daripada negara China ke apa? Matematik USA style di mana sapa yang pencurut join MLM akan kerugian begitu sahaja... but, that's OK, because those poor suckers are just a bunch of losers who join it late in that MLM so and so... is that it brutha?

Sebelum ni pun, lama jugak aku musykil kenapa MLM dan skim piramid kat negara jiran kita Singapore macam tak idup aje. Awek lama aku, buah hati pengarang jantung aku dolu-dolu orang Singapore (yang sekarang ni tengok muka aku pun dia dah tak mo - tapi aku memang confident dia jadi tak keruan bila teringatkan kesah lama kami bercengkerama kat Tampines - ganas dan romantik meh). Aku perasan macam umat Singapore tu semua tak minat aje buat kerja cari downline ni, tak macam rakyat Melayu yang sebok lari sana-sini cari downline/affiliate/member. Bebudak Melayu terencat akal tak abis sekolah yang perangai macam sakai (bukan yang orang asli tu) sampai letak kat facebook dengan gambar mengangkang kipas duit pinjam, bergambar dengan kereta mewah ntah sapa punya, cakap ayat hebat mengalahkan ahli politik BN (or PKR, the f**k do I care?) - macam monkey gersang kena gigit kerengga atas pokok manggis yang buahnya dieksport ke US dan diproses kat kilang dan diimport balik kat Malaysia sebagai jus keramat oleh skim piramid berproduk Vemma... what the shiiiit?! Silakan baca dan nilai fakta berikut di FAQ di: Ministry of Trade and Industry Singapore.

1. What is Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) and Pyramid Selling? 
A Multi-Level Marketing or Pyramid Selling scheme will typically require participants to pay an upfront charge. In return, the participants are promised financial rewards for each additional participant recruited, as well as all new participants who are in turn brought in by their recruits - hence the pyramid-like structure. As more salespersons are recruited, participants hope to recover their upfront charges and earn sizeable profits. However, such a pyramid schemes will eventually collapse when they run out of new recruits, resulting in those salespersons at the bottom of the pyramid losing all their upfront charges. In the interest of consumer protection, the Government's regulation effort is targeted at preventing the proliferation of such high-risk schemes.

Aidid >> MLM atau pyramid-selling adalah model bzns di mana ahli perlu bayar yuran bila dia join, dan ahli pula dijanjikan keuntungan daripada pencarian ahli (downline), di mana ahli baru itu jugak akan mencari/membawa ahli baru yang lain - itulah struktur piramid bzns tersebut. Skim piramid sebegini akan "collapse" bila tiada lagi ahli baru didapati, dan menyebabkan ahli yang paling bawah kerugian. Itu kata kerajaan Singapore - hari itu aku cakap apa dey? Ah! Itu jugak la aku cakap berulang-kali kat blog neh! Haiiisshh!

2. How do I recognise a pyramid selling scheme? 
Many pyramid schemes often disguise themselves as sellers collectors' items, software, training programmes, etc, when all they are interested is to make a quick buck through recruitment. Members of the public who attend sales talks must be vigilant to such schemes. Illegitimate MLM schemes usually share the following characteristics: When the promoter hype about how easy it is to earn money, people can get very rich in a very short time and that the way to earn money is by recruiting others to join the scheme; The so-called product that you are supposed to sell is not something you would normally buy at its price; Participants are required to invest money into the scheme, whether in the form of a joining fee, or buying inventory. Remember - there is no easy money, you must believe in what you are selling and you should not put your money at unnecessary risk.

Aku >> Intisari artikel 2:  MLM cilanat ada ciri berikut - boleh kaya dengan cepat dan caranya adalah dengan mencari mala'un lain untuk join, dan harga produk mahal gilabab (macam jus buah manggis/acai berry Peel Fresh atau Fruit Tree yang jual RM5.30, tapi dengan MLM jual RM192.50 eXfuze, RM135.00 Monavie, RM171.00 Vemma, RM160.00 Xango - bahalol nak mampos orang Melayu nye pun buat keje yahudi-style!)

3. How are MLM activities governed in Singapore?
MLM activities in Singapore are governed by the Multi-level Marketing and Pyramid Selling (Prohibition) Act. The Ministry of Trade and Industry administers the Act. The original Multi-Level Marketing and Pyramid Selling (Prohibition) Act was first passed in 1973. In June 2000, Parliament approved an amendment to the Act to widen the definition of pyramid selling to catch all business schemes that were multi-level in nature. However, as not all multi-level marketing techniques are undesirable, the Government concurrently enacted the Multi-Level Marketing and Pyramid Selling (Excluded Schemes and Arrangements) Order (hereafter, referred to as the 'Exclusion Order') to exclude legitimate businesses from the Act, such as insurance companies, master franchises, and direct selling companies which fulfill certain criteria. This Exclusion Order was implemented in June 2000. 

Dey >>Pengharaman MLM daripada tahun 1973 lagi wei! Patut la orang Singapore punya life tersusun rapi dan culture perniagaan kat sana 1st class! Hidup rakyat Singapore restrictive - true, but they're happy with their government. Takde nya ahli politik nak bercakaran tak tentu hala beb. Kerja birokrasi semua jalan. Dan kaum Melayu di Singapore happy aje aku tengok. Perkauman pehal?

4. Why is there a need to have an Exclusion Order? 
Not all multi-level marketing techniques are undesirable. There are legitimate businesses using innovative sales tactics, and should not be lumped together with pyramid schemes. Hence, the Government enacted the Multi-Level Marketing and Pyramid Selling (Excluded Schemes and Arrangements) Order (hereafter, referred to as the 'Exclusion Order') in June 2000, to exempt legitimate businesses from the Act. The following categories of businesses were exempted: 
(1) Insurance businesses that are registered, approved or licensed under the Insurance Act, the Insurance Intermediaries Act 1999 and the regulations made thereunder; 
(2) Master franchise schemes and direct selling schemes which satisfy the following conditions: 
the benefit received by any promoter or participant is as a result of the sale, lease, license or other distribution of a commodity and not as a result of the recruitment of additional participants; the promoter of the scheme shall not knowingly make false or misleading representation or omission relating to the scheme or the commodity; the promoter shall not make any representation on the benefits other than those allowed; there should be a clearly stated policy on refund or buy-back guarantee.
After the Exclusion Order was enacted in 2000, the Government received feedback that the provisions in the Exclusion Order were not sufficiently clear. Some members of the public were also confused by claims of legitimacy by companies and often requested for the Government to clarify if particular schemes were legitimate. In response to the feedback, the Government reviewed the Exclusion Order, and subsequently amended the Order in 2001.

Hey >> Detail, detail, detail...

5. Why is there a need to amend the Exclusion Order? 
As a result of developments in the market and suggestions from the public, the Ministry of Trade and Industry, in consultation with the industry, and taking into consideration the public's comments, has come up with a revised MLM Exclusion Order. 

6. What were the amendments made in 2001 to the Exclusion Order? 
The Exclusion Order 2001 continued to maintain that insurance companies and master franchises would be excluded from the MLM Act.  However, it also introduced the following rules for direct selling companies: 
Safeguards - A participant cannot be required to provide any benefit or acquire any commodity in order to become a participant in the scheme, other than the purchase of demonstration equipment which is not for resale, at no more than cost price and for which no commission can be given out. A legitimate multi-level marketing scheme would not impose a financial risk on salespersons. For example, salespersons should be entitled to full refunds, under reasonable commercial terms, for any inventories kept or purchased by them which are not sold to end consumers, so long as the inventories are returned within a period of 60 days. 
Behavioural checks - The companies must not misrepresent the scheme as get-rich-quick opportunities, and should not use fraud, coercion, harassment, or unconscionable means to force people to join the scheme. Instead, the companies should focus their efforts on promoting the quality and features of the products. If a company wishes to show potential participants the earning potential, they must keep records of the maximum, minimum, mean, mode and median earnings of their salespeople in the past. 
Sharing of commission - It is all right for a salesperson to share commissions from several layers of salespersons recruited by him. However, such commissions must be generated by sale of the product or service in question, and not through the recruitment of additional participants into the scheme.

Anak Mu'addib >> Simple premise:
Safeguards - skim MLM tidak boleh meletakkan risiko perniagaan yang berlebihan kepada jurujual, dan boleh dapat full-refund dalam masa 60 hari dalam pemulangan produk.
Behavioural checks - Tidak boleh menggunakan penipuan, hasutan, ugutan dan perkara yang tak wajar dalam mengajak bahalol lain untk join skim. Syarikat mesti fokus kepada kualiti dan kegunaan produk. Kena ada rekod keuntungan dan pendapatan jurujual yang lepas-lepas dari segi maksimum, minimum, min, mod dan median.
Perkongsian komisen - hanya melalui penjualan produk dan bukan pencarian downline baru.

7. When did the amended Exclusion Order come into effect? 
The amendments to the Exclusion Order were published on 14 December 2001, and came into effect on 01 January 2002.

8. Where can one obtain the amended Exclusion Order? 
The full text of the current Multi-Level Marketing and Pyramid Selling (Excluded Schemes and Arrangements) Order can be accessed at the MTI website.

9. What are the penalties for being in breach of the MLM Act?
During the review of the MLM Act in Year 2000, the fines were raised from $30,000 to $200,000. Currently, a conviction under the Act will result in a fine of up to $200,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 years, or to both. The fines are for the following offences: promoting or participating in a multi-level marketing, or pyramid selling, scheme or arrangement. Registering a business which is designed to promote multi-level marketing, or pyramid selling, scheme or arrangement. Registering a company which proposes to promote multi-level marketing, or pyramid selling, scheme or arrangement. In addition, the Act empowers a Court that convicts a promoter or participant of a multi-level marketing or pyramid selling an additional penalty of an amount not exceeding the amount or value of any benefit which the promoter or participant has received. This additional penalty ensures that the Act serves as an effective deterrent to potential offenders.

Yeop >> Promote, daftar atau menyertai MLM, pyramid-selling atau pyramid-scheme - sumbat aje dalam jail (Penjara Changi masih ada katil kosong). 

10. What would happen to "innocent victims" who participated in pyramid schemes unknowingly, and who did not benefit in any way before the scheme closed down? 
Under the Act, all persons who participate in multi-level marketing or pyramid selling would commit an offence. This is because the participants would have played an active but destructive role of attracting others into the scheme. We believe that this is the best way to deter the potential promoters of such schemes. Hence, we would urge the public to be extra careful and to exercise due diligence when deciding whether to participate in business schemes. They should be doubly suspicious of get-rich-quick promises. If they believe empty promises and hand over their money to the promoter, chances are they will be cheated of the money. At the same time, they might be guilty of committing an offence as they are participating in an illegal scheme. 

Aidid >> Artikel 10 adalah aku punya peberet! Sapa-sapa yang join MLM dan skim piramid di Singapore adalah dengan sendirinya melakukan kesalahan. Ini kerana ahli itu sendiri telah melakukan perkara sumbang sebab bila dia join dan bergerak aktif, dia sendiri ajak orang lain join, yang akhirnya akan membawa kepada "collapse" - jadi dia sendiri pun boleh di sumbat masuk jail. Kat Malaysia... huh? "Saya tak tahu tuan, saya tak faham isu sebenarnya, saya tak sengaja bang, saya kompius wadefak"... a bunch of real freakin' assholes!

11. Is there a special license required to conduct those types of businesses listed in the Exemption Order? 
Companies whose business schemes fall under the Exclusion Order are not required to obtain a special licence. 

12. Can the operators and members of the public seek the Government's advice on the legality of their business schemes? 
It is not proper, nor appropriate, for Government agencies to give legal advice on which scheme is legal and which is not, as this would circumscribe the Government's effectiveness in enforcing regulation against fraudulent schemes that may evolve over time. Instead, the operators and members of the public should acquaint themselves with the relevant laws, and seek legal advice from lawyers, where necessary. Lawyers should be able to advise on specific cases, according to the context and how the actual events unfold. 

Hello >> Artikel 12 ni pun best jugak. Kerajaan Singapore takde nak kasi amaran atau penerangan kepada mana-mana syarikat sebelum nak buat skim/perniagaan apa-apa, dia orang suruh cari lawyer sahaja - there will be no free legal advice. Salah buat bzns, berasap bontot. Sempoi meh! Kalau ikut undang-undang sebegini, KhairolR, Hairul Nizam, ND Lala, AC Mang, Akhil Hayy dan Dajjal B. Setan, semua dah duduk penjara Kajang dah neh! Go go Singapore! I wonder if she's still interested in me? Hmmm.... I got 8 kids already maaaa!

13. Which agency should a member of the public report to, if they suspect that certain business schemes are actually illegal multi-level marketing or pyramid selling schemes? 
The Commercial Affairs Department (CAD) investigates pyramid selling schemes. If you suspect a scheme has contravened the MLM Act, you can report to the CAD at telephone number 63250000 or lodge a report at 391 New Bridge Road, #06-701 Block D, Police Cantonment Complex, Singapore 088762.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

I can tell ya now, this is an "article of shame" in this blog. I am somehow ashamed of the backwardness of our dear old country... sebok cakap Malaysia dah bertambah maju, sebok mahu julang nama Malaysia di serata dunia, sebok nak buat bangunan 100+ tingkat yang ntah diperlukan ke tidak, sebok Islam Hadhari whatsoever. Kemajuan kejadahnya? Basic maths pun ramai yang tak faham-faham. Siyes... sampai sekarang berlambak yang masih tanya aku, pehal maths pulak jadi isu dan apa pentingnya isu ekponensial dalam pengharaman MLM? Dalam perniagaan kan ada untung dan rugi. Tell that to the government of Arab Saudi, China dan Singapore. They must have lousy professors, economists and politicians huh? Memang sedih meh... apatah lagi bila aku teringat yang aku pernah belasah sorang lecturer yang mengajar subjek matematik kat UiTM Arau... belasah kat facebook la, di mana minahnya berjaya dapat cari 79 downline (setakat Julai 2010) dalam bzns kerbausms skim piramid Hairul Nizam. Gila baboon punya mungkar skim piramid, dia cakap dia cari rezeki yang halal. Apa nak jadi dengan orang Melayu? 

Sebelum ni, aku banyak kali mention tentang pengharaman MLM dalam apa jua bentuk di Arab Saudi, sebab Majlis Fatwanya dah mengeluarkan fatwa atas nas dan dalil-dalil yang dikemukakan oleh ahli panel majlis. Tapi tak ramai orang Melayu (yang bangga perasan dia beragama Islam, luar dan dalam, katanya) yang kesah pun pasal ni, bila dia dah dapat genggam duit downline tu semua dalam tangan. Arab Saudi tu bukan negara kita, Malaysia ni negara kita. Islam Arab Saudi Wahabi la katakaaaan. Macam syiah gitu ye beb? Alien from outer space! Kalau rajin, korang pegi la kat forum carigold - thread eXfuze ke, Monavie ke, dan beberapa thread lain yang ada nama aku somewhere (last time I check, ada 42 thread nama aku di mention... hahaha!) - semua buat tak tahu aje pasal fatwa tu, sebab majlis fatwa kebangsaan dah udoh cakep hukum MLM HARUS maaa! Walau pun harus dengan bersyarat, abaikan aje la syarat tu. Allah bukan perasan pun.

Karya Hazwani memang class!

>>>>>>>>>>>    <<<<<<<<<<<<

Meanwhile, later in the afternoon....
Baine was asking, what song did I have in my mind when I wrote this article? Weird that he asked, I thought of one actually. I grew up with this guy, and more than 20 years later, I still listen to John Mellencamp regularly. I have all his albums in my collection. I guess it fits the occasion here...

Oh, they like to get you in a compromising position,
They like to get you there and smile in your face,
Well, they think they're so cute when they got you in that condition,
Well I think it's a total disgrace, and I said,

I fight authority, authority always wins,
Well, I fight authority, authority always wins.
Well, I've been doing it since I was a young kid, I come out grinnin',
Well, I fight authority, authority always wins.

So I call up my preacher, I say, "Give me strength for Round 5"
He said , "You don't need no strength, you need to grow up son"
I said, "Growing up leads to growing old and then to dying,
And dying to me don't sound like all that much fun", so I said,

I fight authority, authority always wins,
Well, I fight authority, authority always wins.
Well, I've been doing it since I was a young kid, I come out grinnin'
Well, I fight authority, authority always wins...


  1. belum baca lagi! tapi nak merasa jadik 1st! :D

  2. YOU ARE CRAZY LA~~~!!

    keep it up!!!!

    btw ko boleh letak perenggan banyak sikit tak?? kero mata aku lah.

  3. Kat singapore still ada MLM, tapi berselindung di belakang 'Agensi Mencari Kerja'. Contohnya ENYOUTH. Target, budak2 lepasan sekolah dengan budak2 U

  4. eii tak baca lagik dah buh 1st apa kes? baca dulu ler cittt 1st pun nak celah bedah ke?

  5. aidid numero uno

    pade kengkawan.... sedara mara ...pada sesape yang masih join mlm..... harap dapat bukak mata .... .... tolong letakkan balik otak & hati anda di tempat yang sepatutnya.... jalan kebenaran sentiasa terbuka.

  6. haahahah... si bonyot tu best laaa.. tomey2..
    kalau lah m'sia kuatkuasakan undang2 utk MLM nih mcm singapore, sure tkkan ada malaun2 MLM lagik..

  7. ceh bro..sempat singkap memori lama ngan aweks..hehehe..

    ada ke mn2 pengamal MLM kt m'sia ni try tembusi pasran s'pore? cuba beritau

  8. aku suka kisah Bonyot....terbaeekkk...hahahaha
    siyes lawa gmbr batman tuh...huhuh

    Negara lain mana suka MLM ni, Mesia je ramai nak kayer cepat tanpa buat kerja.....stendeddd...

  9. tataw nak cakap apa lagi pasal MLM ni. explain panjang lebar. details lagi.. tapi masih ada gak yang bengong kena shit. how a? rasanya by government intervention jer kowt.

  10. harap2 pasni org2 m'sia & kerajaan m'sia buka mata luas2..

    best arr gambar pembukaan & penutup tu, plg best e dark knight malaya tu.. ahahaha

  11. Kisah bonyot memang power, mcm tuan tanah blog ini jugak. Great article bro. Mind to share what song was playing in your head when you teringat kekasih lama?

    Btw, I agree with most of the facts in this post bar 1. Singapore is not as perfect as certain portions of this post seem to lean towards to. If you have the time, check out temasekreview.com

    Other than that, class post yet again Sir ;)

  12. Mungkin masyarakat Melayu mmg suka dengan angan-angan cepat nak kaya, usaha mau kurang, "easy money"...

    papepun... bro aidid..

    the world needs a hero. moh g jamming

  13. Baine... true brutha...
    I was in and out of Singapore for >10 years, long ago... that country is beyond scary to me. Parking kete sendiri kat bawah rumah (flat) pun kena bayar 24/7... dan kita kat Malaysia parking sesuka hati bawah pokok manggis dan wherever. Everywhere u go, whatever u do, what goes thru your mind - kerajaan Singapore sudah ada law dan fee/yuran menunggu meh! Free health-care is non-existent. You pay something even when you're already dead.
    But... when it comes to MLM dan skim piramid - dia org dah ada safety net sejak sekian lama... u can't deny them that. Mmg ada cubaan nak buat palat skim piramid ni... but never in the open... at least not that we can see in media, facebook, papers... etc.

  14. LOl,nice infographic by Hazwani :D

  15. Salam,

    Aidid you have strategy is it..to do this? Hahaha I am impressed the way you put things. I don't know what keeps your momentum, but I hope this is just the beginning.

    It is clearly our aim to screw the MLM is forever unsettled without the involvement from the government. The different is these Chinese and the Singaporean are really2 THINK what is best for their people in long term first, then comes the plan. They do research from all aspects. Not like us, wait for the cancer to reach Stage IV, only then comes the intervention plan. Its not really about nasi dah jadi bubur, but about no proactive plan.

    Hm..we, the Malaysian must adopt the think-do-think attitude, rather than do-think-do. But please aware that if you want to be entrepreneuer you must adopt both. Because entrepreneuer is believing/have faith in "something" that others think you can't really do. But please, the "something" must be guided with pure knowledge and experience.

    Aidid as far as I am concern, as Malaysian I am thankful to have think-thank like you. Please do not despair with the outcome of what you have done. I just go through this entry, haven't read thoroughly yet, will give my comments soon.


  16. terima kasih aidid, i pun penat dgn MLM ni, dah bnyk kali kena goda , tension nak membidas ahli MLM berhujah

  17. terima kasih. hate MLM!!

    bad news ma sis da join , yang manggis2 shamelin tu... makin kaya katanya.

    cilake la, dah aku jadik gaduh ngn dia. demm!!

  18. malaysia terchenta,
    nak kata tak ada org bijak pandai dalam kementrian sana, tak betul la pulak.
    tapi kenapa tak terpikir nak buat law mcm kat spore nih. iskkk..

    bang aidid, teruskan usahamu. bukan sedikit yg dah komen that they fight MLMer with this blog's info. BANYAK!!
    biasa la hero, awal2 memang kecundang/ditimpa bencana dulu.
    pastu bangkit lagi gagah perkasa.

    u r always my hero :*

  19. cantekk said...
    terima kasih. hate MLM!!

    bad news ma sis da join , yang manggis2 shamelin tu... makin kaya katanya.

    cilake la, dah aku jadik gaduh ngn dia. demm!!
    jangan gado2....kasi kesedaran kepada si dia....x bek gado2.... ^_^

  20. Aidid..thumb up!!!

    Agaknya bila la akta cam kat China tu akan diimplement di M'sia ni? MLM = edar dadah = gantung sampai mati.

    Agak2 ada tak pemimpin yg akan guna isu haramkan MLM ni sebagai modal utk raih sokongan rakyat dlm pilihanraya akan datang ni ah... Klu ada, sku sure akan bagi sokongan jitu nyer, count my vote in.

  21. keep it up bro... banyakkan bagi kesedaran dgn manusia2 yg tamak duit ni.. thank you for the info..

  22. bro... belasah blog ni please

  23. kiutnye... kiutnyeee... ske laa karya hazwani tuuu...

  24. assalamualaikum,

    nak tanya, tupperware n avon tu direct selling yang direct atau berundurkan mlm juga? dan produk2 kesihatan yang kebanyakan dijual oleh orang melayu ni berkesan ke, eg: dRrozmey, dunia herbs, natasya etc. Ibu saya selalu terpengaruh, dan papa n saya cuba pujuk jangan mudah percaya. bukan xnak sokong produk orang melayu, tapi kebanyakannya buakan dari bidang kesihatan/perubatan. Jadi, boleh jelaskan sedikit pasal perkara ni? jadi bolehlah beritau kat ibu pasal perkara ni.

    terima kasih! =D

  25. nice entry,,even ayat ko agak kasar,,tp terkesan gak kt hati aku ni huhuh,,

  26. That's Singapoh for yah...

    Always thought Singapore as an organised, efficient and well policised country. The moment you step out of Changi airport, everything just felt …so systematic. So not that surprised if they have legislation for everything to safeguard areas important to the public, city and the country . Heck, they even regulate the street right down to banning of spitting in public places and chewing gum (still?).

    Understand AM's frustration..bilerlah Mesia nak pass the same act, MLM/PS bermaharaja lela like there's no tommorow & macam Mexican druglords rule Mexico. Few entries ago i've wondered /intrigued abt da same thing, ya know if ada unit/dept? with cerdik pandai? yg handle this?. Malehlah nak elaboret my thots, takut nanti I ramble on, jadi cam citer porno lak komen ni.

    p.s jarang gi Singapoh as in the city itself but selalu transit Changi airport for long haul biz/ so-sial trips cos it's connected to all sorts of airlines with wider international destination network, including those uncommon routes. Plus kiter suker gak epot dier.

  27. Malaysia rase lg baguz dr singapore..
    Naikkan rege minyak n bg alasan pd rakyat yg negara jiran (such as sigapore?) nyer minyak lg tinggi ..walhal pendapatan perkapita rakyat negara jiran (such as singapore?) lg tinggi...
    Diorg nk luluskan judi bola hari tu, weh....i'm not surprised that MLM have not been ban!!
    Asyek srh yg tertipu ngan bizniz MLM g report kat KDNHEP...hell.. sampai bile?

  28. Salam,

    My wife is Singaporean, most of my relatives are Singaporean. Knowing them for a loong time, its not difficult to understand why they are able implement such a good enforcement.

    But comparing Malaysia and Singapore is something subjective. My personal opinion is..Singapore is not a country. Singapore is a way "big company". Its always being controlled by one man..the Singapore founder, Mr LKY, as long as he is alive. He manage the company efficiently. There is no opposition in Singapore, and the government actually appoint and pay them, so that everything will be in control. So just name it..the law, enforcement, policy making...everything is smooth sailing. They are republic, and even the President is appointed by Mr LKY.

    Malaysia...hm..to many feelings to take care of. You hit one..there goes the rebellion. Too complex. We need more time and at the same time we are lagging behind.

    This is something very superficial that I want to share. But it does not mean we can compromise with issues like MLM.


  29. Singapore -->A big company, eh?

    No wonder they headhunt Tan Sri Hassan Marican after his contract is not renewed by Petronas..thanks to the invisible hand who pull the string...

    We lost such Malay talent......but we nuture such dumb ass Uni student who use their PTPTN to join MLMs...although not all....such a sad sight..

  30. Haha...

    Nice one. To make things even worst Tan Sri also holds hundreds of Malaysia's secrets. Its a big loss for our nation. Now the government manyak susah hati woo..so they establish Talent Corporation, just to persuade the best brain to come back to Malaysia.

    Even the current Chinese government, still has the communism influence. Just like Singapore, people cannot say no..only yes sir!

    I believe in certain issues these two countries still can be our benchmark to follow, including banning MLM.

  31. bro aidid.
    stiap kali ada entry baru, aku share link kat fb aku. smpai la ke entry Let's Score A Pyramid, aku share jgk, mnyebabkn sorg mmber aku kat sekolah brpngkat Ustaz (aku cikgu, ngaja di sek) terus berasap dan attack kat fb aku. padahal aku bukan bantai ape2 pun kat page dia. dia ni join Score A.
    hah, org MLM, pale otak sume dah kena brain wash. smpai aku dituduhnya busuk hati, siap mengejek2 aku dgn kwn2 dia, smpai tahap klau dpt peluang, nak disepaknya aku. hahaha..aku gelak je dlm hati. punyela dasyat MLM, smpai Ustaz tak Ustaz, punya la berkiblatkn Score A dia tu, kutuk, tuduh, penyepak semua keluar. sikit punye baik adab seorg Ustaz yg join MLM.
    aku bg je fatwa dpd page ko, Mufti Arab Saudi, UZAR, tp, mcm yg kita tau, Ustaz ke, ape ke, demi mnjadi hero MLM dia tu, fatwa boleh tolak tepi. Kiblat dia skrg NDO2 jahanam dlm Score A tu.
    bro, mmg hancur lah Melayu skrg. smpai bab duit, halal haram tolak tepi, janji cepat kaya. mcm ko ckp la, mgkin bg org MLM ni, riba sket2 tu, Allah x perasaan.
    Memang bangang la sape yg join MLM ni...

  32. patulah manyak barang dari china masuk malaysia sbg produk MLM..rupanya kat sana tak leh niaga stail MLM...cilakak betull...kena klentong jer org malaysia....

  33. nak komen satu jek...sebab rase janggal skit...penggunaan 'meh' tu cam pelik...yg biase saya dgr is 'yer meh?' atau 'can meh?' atau 'hai meh?' which means 'ye ke?' dlm BM or manglish speaking i.e,' can do like that meh?'

    oh...tapi guna laaa macamana pun...saje nak bagitau...


  34. Singapura pernah ada kes Sunshine Empire... pernah dgr tak?

    Anyway direct selling masih ada sini like Amway, Cosway, Herbalife, Nuskin, Usana etc. Xfer Factor pun ada dan beberapa personali tv ada yang join juga (eg. Suhaimi Yusof sebagai Presidential Diamond).

    Tapi kalau mcm "bisnes" tayang2 sen kat fb kureng sket kot pasal orang can't be bothered.

    ~Singaporean tapi bukan x gopren Aidid meh *giggle tutup mulut sambil jeling2 Laila*

  35. Bravo Sir! Your choice of song is very nice indeed and I can't agree more ;)

    No offense @B3@r D 3@73r but appreciate if you could keep your SoPo believes to yourself. Problem with Malay's is that even with regulation, the urge to get rich quick will drive them to find any possible way to cut corners.

    Even without government laws as Malay Muslims, MLM tuh dah terang2 haram, kenapa nak tunggu government legislation? It is this same attitude that Aidid had pointed out. Just because Islam did not specify specifically that this exact company name, letter for letter, they say its not haram.

    There's no legislation that says every able bodied Muslim in Malaysia MUST pay zakat tapi we all still pay right? So why the double standards when it comes to MLM?

  36. Sunshine Empire was a Multi Level Marketing (MLM) company, setup in 2006, based in Singapore. It is now defunct with assets frozen by the Singapore Court. The company is listed by the Singapore Government's Monetary Authority in its Investor's Alert List, for possibly running investment schemes without authority. After investigation by the Commercial Affairs Department (CAD) of the Singapore Police and a court trial, Sunshine Empire's Directors were charged with and found guilty of fraud, criminal breach of trust and falsifying accounts.

    On 3 February 2009, investigation by the Singapore CAD was concluded after one year, two months and three weeks. It was found that Sunshine Empire generated a revenue of $189 million in just over a year. Jackie Hoo Choon Cheat, a director of Sunshine Empire, and James Phang Wah each faced a charge of fraudulent trading under Section 340 of the Companies Act, a charge of failure to maintain proper accounting records of Sunshine Empire under Section 199 of the Companies Act and eight charges of criminal breach of trust as an agent of Sunshine Empire under Section 409 of the Penal Code.

    The trial begun at the Subordinate Court on 29 March 2010. On 16 July 2010, Phang and Hoo were found guilty of perpetuating fraud, criminal breach of trust and falsifying accounts.
    On 30 July 2010, Phang was sentenced to nine years jail and fined $60,000; his wife, Neo Kuon Huay, was found guilty of falsifying payment vouchers, was fined $60,000; former company director, Hoo was sentenced to seven years jail.

  37. Rama-rama...
    Aku turun Singapore, belanja mutton chop & sup tulang... can ah?
    Air tangan mamak mmg best...
    Forgot oredi... Jalan Sultan?

  38. biler dah nampak duit depan mate..halal haram sumer ilang..mcm kes duit syiling kat highway semlm keh3

  39. @hyelbaine

    ouch...well..everyone have their beliefs...

    There's no legislation that says every able bodied Muslim in Malaysia MUST pay zakat tapi we all still pay right? So why the double standards when it comes to MLM?

    Not all muslim pays zakat.
    Tolak penerima dan yang xmampu bayar, ramai yg sepatutya bayar...tp xbayar... now u mentioned about zakat, as far as i can remember, ever once in my lifetime i heard the word 'zakat' from MLMers..

    MLM mmg dah terang2 haram...tp mcm bro aidid dh mention, diorg gnekan alasan Majlis fatwa kate tu harus...what do you expect?

  40. Bagaimana pulak dengan MLM susu kambing higoat? sila ulas sikit bro

    ni link dia ----> http://www.labu2008.com/Program%20Perniagaan%20HR.html

  41. Monavie Malaysia, upline dari singapura, ooh kat sana tak leh wat MLM, so jual kat sini, konon acai berry good for health that why size of Anaconda from Amazon river is the biggest reptilia coz dah makan acai berry ni, Buat malu aje, Anyway dah terbeli 1 kotak RM560 last year in Jan. Emmmmm anyway thanks la Aidid for your good information ni. Kat Mydin Bukit Jambul still depa ada promote Goat Farming in group....Naik meluat la

  42. "ouch...well..everyone have their beliefs..."
    Oh no, don't get me wrong. It's just that we have enough MLM trolls here and tak mau masukkan troll2 SoPo, itu jer. Don't get me wrong :P hehehheh

    "Tolak penerima dan yang xmampu bayar, ramai yg sepatutya bayar...tp xbayar... now u mentioned about zakat, as far as i can remember, ever once in my lifetime i heard the word 'zakat' from MLMers.."

    Exactly my point. I've said previously that gambar2 kipas duit tak moh. Gambar depan keter pun tak moh. Yang mau is either borang BE atau resit zakat kalau betul dah jadi jutawang :P heheheheh

  43. Betul gak ahh... kita ni asyik harap gomen haramkan MLM.. but it not going to happen in this near future... so instead of tat, kita sendiri la yg kena tahu nilaikan sesuatu hal tu. Sampai bila nak harap org lain uruskan hal kita sendiri. Macam budak2 pula, nak kena ada org lain arahkan, ini boleh ini tak boleh.... sampai bila? Sendiri tak guna otak bila join benda2 mengarut ni, bila dah sedar terkena, boleh lak salahkan org yg menipu tu - penipu sudah wujud dan akan terus wujud sampai bila2... so salahkan diri sendiri la kan. Alah, cam gambar kartun si Hazwani tu...

  44. Butterfly, kat Singapore ada jual tak produk2 Herba Prima Marketing? The founder of this company is so hot & his hair style blows ma freakin' mind.

  45. his hair style comey apa...stylo mylo tu...hahahahahaktuih....glamer tu kat alam sana, dia kan ada dua alam....

  46. @Laila

    Be careful with your comment.. Scared its going to NSFW. Heheheh.

  47. Aidid bro ~ for you anytime... me bleh blanjer dgn your wifey plus 8 kids sekali. Nak mutton chop, sup tulang beach road dengan milo dinosaur sebagai bonus because tak halau minah singa yang tersesat kat sini ehehe

    Laila ~ babe i feel your obsession for this sexy hair dude. Nanti me check pdt tu ada jual kat kedai jamu di geylang ke tak. Hiissshh suddenly I start imagining Aaron Aziz adopting that hairstyle... muaahahahahaha... horror!!!

  48. oh no, not my aaron...cewah...(konpem minat giler kat aaron aku nih) hahahahha...

    kat Malaysia ni, kalau ada gelaran org akan hormat serta merta, even tk tau tu gelaran betul ke tak...kalau tgk tabiat rakyat Malaysia ni even kadang2 aku sendiri, diri sendiri nek malu. cnth smlm time duit syiling terbalik tu la, pakat2 kutip ramai dah jadi mcm pesta...bukan tu duit org yg ditimpa musibah ke(yg accident tu)kenapa nak di ambik...mmg la die kaya, tapi itu bukan bolehkan kita amik duit dia...
    Betul la ko cakap aidid, bila dah bertuhankan duit, dah tak kire de halal haram...sedey..sedey...seb baik family aku takde yg masuk MLM ni.....kawan2 kat FB je ramai...huhuh...

  49. nice one again Bro Aidid..

    my friend recently joined Hai-O. Very excited nak pakai korset tu (actually i dah terbeli satu 2009, so nasi dah jadi bubur. X kurus2 pun haku. Cisss...)

    To my surprise, die dah join the club jadi MLMer. Abis duit saving katanya nak join mende tu dgn harapan will get debush debush income, this year particularly. Nak kata hape. Masa baru follow blog Bro, die dah join pun. I didn't comment anything. Malas la...org tengah excited, kang potong stim die plak. Lgpun dah terang2 RMxxxx dah lesap. So now misi baru utk mencari buyer bagi korset2 tersebut. Noticed that she just created a blog purposely to promote this corset. Mmg very motivated la tambah2 bile die tunjuk print screen acc balance. Katanya 1st bonus dah masuk...huhu

    Uwaaa...seb bek dah abis bayor corset tu. Tipah tertipuuuu...

  50. admin bleh x wat kajian tantang syarikat mlm www.e-rafa.com..betul ke x company neh

  51. Aidid...nak tanya sikit, Quantum-touch Energy Healing (Dr.Ahmad Lothfi Ibrahim) betul ke boleh pulihkan severe scolioris - luruskan tulang belakang yang bengkok...ingat nak bawa anak berubat kat sana...atau auta jer

  52. Dr. Ahmad Lothfi Ibrahim...... terbau aura scam dari the so-called Dr. nih....... tgk kelulusan dia cam tipu jer...... hati hati.... bawak jer anak gi jumpa doktor pakar kat hospital berdaftar....

  53. Aiya! Mickey Mouse tu beb! Aku dah present 2 minggu lepas.
    PhD Camden U jugak mari dey - universiti yg wujud kat planet Musytari, dan kat tenet... di alam nyata tarak. Org kuat PPIM tu, bahalol nak mamp....

    Anyway, scoliosis tu kecacatan orthopaedic yg memerlukan pembedahan kalau nak lurus balik, itu pun kena go case-by-case basis... kena konsult pakar pembedahan orthopedik pediatrik - kat HUKM ada Dr. Sharaf Ibrahim:

    Paediatric Orthopaedic Unit:
    This unit is headed by Prof. Dr. Sharaf Ibrahim, a renowned pediatric orthopedic surgeon worldwide with numerous publications and textbooks on pediatric orthopedic. Prof. Dr. Sharaf Ibrahim has operated on humanitarian basis in Middle East and also regularly operates in Makasar where his expertise is needed in management of childhood deformity. The unit deals with musculoskeletal problems and deformities in the pediatric age group. Surgeries for hip dysplasias, conservative and surgical treatment for club foot, deformities from cerebral palsy etc was conducted on regular basis. This unit also carries out limb reconstruction and lengthening by Ilizarov’s method.

  54. Rafa... MLM ba***sat kegemaran sesetengah org Melayu.
    Jual water filter RM200 @ >RM2000, dll produk tarak guna seperti energy pendant yg sgt sesuai utk mereka yg terencat akal... kasi IQ up sket.

  55. masa aku join Elken dulu, antara selling point diorang ialah Elken satu-satunya MLM dari Malaysia yg dapat license di Singapore.. article ko kali ni mungkin akan menjadi dalil utk orang Elken buktikan bahawa Elken ialah MLM yg "baik", bukan pyramid..

  56. ko slalu dengar radio IKIM tak did? petang2 kul 6 lebih selalunya ada slot utk company promo produk diorg.. byk kali gak produk MLM masuk.. yg paling terbaru GoGeous, kononnya ada apple stem cell.. RM398/kotak (30 sacs).. selain dr promo barang, diorg pon cakap la dalam nada ala-ala ustazah (mentang2 la radio IKIM) yg diorg company bumiputra Muslim, niat nak bantu saudara seagama la, bla bla bla.. tapi produk Swiss.. biasanya ada Q&A session, ada sesapa brani call? kita langgar diorg kat radio plak..

  57. Tq aidid..sy akan ikut saranan aidid..mudah terpengaruh sbb artikel rawatan alternatif ni ada keluar dlm majalah MIDI dgn kaedah yg simple,... inilah faktor kenapa sy mudah tertarik.

  58. tulisan seorang Ph.D tulen.. http://www.mstar.com.my/variasi/pendapat/cerita.asp?file=/2011/1/18/mstar_pendapat/20110118094436&sec=mstar_pendapat

  59. @ Fiza

    bonus pertama dia sbnrnya dtg dari duit dia sndiri msa bayor modal 20K @ 5K tu..1st bonus mmg sume dpt 8K @ 755rat (kalo tak silap)..(yg lbih tu lebur kat upline&produk) next bonus ikut brp byk downline..

    MLM tetap hampeh!
    sy sdh insaf,anda bgaimana? hee

  60. Salam,
    Semenjak 2 menjak setelah tersebarnyer blog ni..aku rase lah. memang ramai ahli MLM ni terasa bagai BISA dipatuk ular..demam tak kebah2,,nak telan air liur pun susah.

    Syabas bro aidid...hasil karya yang penuh jujur, berilmu dan bertanggungjawab buat sesama bangsa dan agama.

    Sebenarnya, pada akulah ...Lazimnya budak2 MLM ni semuanya hidup penuh dgn Angan2 nak kaye cepat tapi malas bekerja.duit yang dia dapat tu dia bedal jer..tak fikir susah senang org lain nak dapat duit,, modal nya A4 paper selai pen sebatang pas tu duduk kedai mamak sambil oder teh o panas..pujuk budak2 baru nak naik dan conten2 A4 paper dan janjikan wang ringit yang bermula pada puluhan ribu, kete besar , rumah mewah dan macam2 lah sampai bebudak tu tegak bulu rome dengarnyer...

    hoi Balaci MLM ....KEJELAH...jangan hidup tu nak makan duit org jer...
    Korang puasker MAKAN duit cam tu ...memang banyak tapi tak ade jiwa ...tak ade soul gitu..

  61. China, tak yah wat MLM/PS, jual brg biasa2 ngan harga biasa2, kalu dpt capture even a minute slice of the market pon dah hokeh sesangat.

    Aaron Aziz? Dayyymn.

  62. Bro,nice info...

    Aku nak tanya skit pasal public mutual investment ni...ade orang promote kat aku beberapa hari lepas,modal gune duit epf.ade macam ciri2 mlm gak sebab ade head hunting,bleh bagi penerangan skit x?

  63. Uik! Public Mutual tu head-hunting sebab nak cari customer... macam semua biz lain dlm dunia ni. Head-hunting dlm konteks MLM-SP adalah downline cari downline cari downline tanpa putus, yg akan mengakibatkan org last tu tak dapat apa2 - itu sebab bendanya ada unsur menganiaya... dan itu sebab aku belasah lintah-darat takde agama tu semua. And I'm very happy doing it, I might add. Sapa la korang yg tak happy kalau dapat menghalang penyamun drpd menyamun kan? That feeling is universal, I think.

    Anyway, Public Bank punya produk tu luar drpd apa yg aku research, so... walau pun aku boleh bagi opinion, I wouldn't do it. Any takers here? Please share what u know.

  64. rastaman, ko tertinggal ketapi la.. hehehe, jgn marah gurau je...
    skrg ni kita dah boleh keluarkan 20% duit EPF akaun 1, laburkan ke unit trust.. so instead of ko dpt 4-5% dividen drpd EPF, kalau kena gaya ko bole dpt 10-15%.. tapi duit unit trust tu still tak boleh keluarkan sampai ko umur 55.. so teruskan je la, dividen EPF pon syubhah sbb EPF byk melabur kat tpt2 haram.. check prospektus betul2, pastikan Islamic fund..

  65. @orang

    Yang tu semua aku tau.cume aku pelik ade head hunting je dan aku perlu join funding tu kalo nak komisyen head hunting.itu yang aku pelik.lagi satu,orang yang promote aku tu bekas mlm malaun.

  66. Produk nak kurus macam DR Rosmey, Rxlite dan tah apa-apa lagi tu, semuanya mengarut. Ubat anti kegemukan tersenarai dlm kumpulan racun berjadual dan dilarang dijual tanpa preskripsi Dr Asli, juga ianya telah diharamkan pada tahun 2010 yg lalu. Dr Rosmey, walaupun dia Dr Asli, tapi dia tak leh nak letak racun berjadual dlm produk dia, jadi kandungan dlm produk sebegini taklah sehebat mana, habis kuatpun adalah sikit Lecithin,Gersenia(Asam Gelugur) dll..tapi takkanlah harganya Rm 200-380 sekotak ?? Apa ke bangang na Bin dan Binti ni pergi beli produk macam tu ?? Yg Dr Asli dari UTARA tu pulak, tak ada etika langsung, buat produk tak berguna, jual 300-400 hinggit,sebab dia tahu ramai Bin dan Binti kat Malaysia ni NGOK, senanglah dia jaja DR Asli dia tu guna kaut untung....Hai.. Malaysia tercinta.

    Yang korang melantak tak henti-henti, sampai badan dah saiz ala-ala badak..apasal ?? kemudian tu malas pulak bersenam..nak senang apa lagi carilah produk tak berguna macam ni.. sekali lagi..apasaaallll lah NGOK sangat si Bin dan BInti ni..entah lah..Kalau kau gi Joging, bersenam..satu sen hapah pun tak kena duit..insyallah berkesan utk kurus, kan dlm TV The Biggest Loser tu boleh menukarkan Gajah/Badak jadi Pelanduk comel, ada ke dia makan produk tak berguna ni??... korang yg saiz ala-ala badak ni, ramai tengok rancangan tu, tapi setakat tengok je lah...lepas tu jadi NGOK pergi beli produk Dr Rosmey,Rx Lite dll...apasallll lah ramai si Bin dan Binti kat Malaysia tercinta ni yang NGOK?? Entah lah.

  67. Terbaik seperti biasa dr Bro Aidid, kali ni ada plak hasil kreatif Hazwani..bertambah mantap!!

  68. Salam.

    Kita heran kenapa MLM/Skim Piramid ni dah bertahun2 dilaporkan menipu mangsa dgn kerugian berjuta2 RM tapi masih terus wujud atas pelbagai nama baru..... Malah bukannnya makin berkurangan, tapi semakin hari semakin bertambah bilangannya.

    Heran. Tapi kalau korang bukak mata besor-besor.... Korang takkan heran sebenarnya.

    Pada hakikatnya, MLM dan SKIM2 PIRAMID ni dilindungi oleh orang2 politik.... Cakap direct je lah, oleh menteri-menteri. Yg ni kalau Aidid berani, boleh start siasat la. Setakat ni Aidid cuma cerita tentang konsep dan relate dgn syarikat2 yg menjadi frontline je.... tapi belum pun dapat korek sape sebenarnya yg selama ni beri suaka politik kepada perniagaan jenis MLM/SCK ni.

    Sama juga, kita selama ni dok hairan kenapa la PELACURAN tu cukup susah nak dibanteras. Makin lama makin parah. Lagi banyak dedah kat media, lagi berkembang pesat.

    Tapi kalau korang tahu hakikat sebenarnya, industri pelacuran negara kita ni sebenarnya telah di compromise...... Mendapat perlindungan daripada ahli-ahli politik parti pemerintah. Lebih mengejutkan lagi, bukan oleh MCA sahaja, tapi ahli politik UMNO pun terlibat!!!! Org Melayu Islam tu!!! Kalau di Selangor, DAP pulak jadi dalangnya. Shit!!! Politik memang shit gile.

    Pendek kata, solution kepada masalah2 negara kita ni kebanyakannya terletak kepada sape yg jadi PEMIMPIN-PEMIMPIN KITA. Political will mereka adalah acuan kepada kuih (baca: realiti) yg nak dihasilkan kepada masyarakat.

  69. @ LegendaryRastaman:

    Aku dulu agen Public Mutual part time, tapi dah berenti sebab fokus ke keje tetap.

    Ade konsep upline and downline, in the sense yang kalau aku rekrut orang lain jadi agen, aku akan dapat a small percentage from his sales. Kalau dia rekrut orang lain, aku akan dapat percentage from both of them, albeit on a smaller percentage kalau tak silap.

    Tapi, I don't think it is a pyramid / MLM scheme. For one thing, customer boleh aje skip the agents and beli terus dari Public Bank.

    Macam aku pulak, mase aku buat, aku tak kisah langsung nak carik downline. Percentage from direct sales commission 2.85%, and dari downline 1%. Baik fokus jual produk, betul tak? Most agents yang jual juta2 (read:Chinese) pun fokus jual produk. Ade la dua-tiga orang malaun (agen melayu, sorry to say), yang kelam-kabut fokus carik downline, lepas tu paksa downline berusaha keras buat sales.

    Lastly, commission yang diterima oleh agent + service charges semua tak lebih dari 5/6% rasenye. Jadi, harga produk tak la artificially inflated sangat.

  70. Salam,


    Aku rase tuduhan ko tu berat. Tuduh UMNO, MCA, DAP buat kerja camtu. Kalau ada pun, ni bukan tempatnya ko nak highlight benda2 camtu.

    Tuduhan yg berat camtu kena ada bukti yg kuat. Bukan setakat gambar diorang pose dgn syarikat2 MLM, rasmi majlis, jadi penaung. You need more than that. Itu tak cukup dey. Kalau itu ko rase dah cukup, ko tak cukup critical lagi.

    Contoh: Kes Amway. Ko boleh tgk gak government agency (KWSP, etc) invest dalam Amway. But it is a business decision to invest, it nothing to do with supporting the growth of MLM/haram kind of thing. Kalau diorang dah tahu skarang yg MLM ni haram, perosak..dorang kena buat decision immediately. Isu Halal/haram MLM tak timbul 30 tahun dulu masa Amway masuk Malaysia.

    Kadang2 pak-pak menteri ni datang utk rasmi majlis, jadi penaung. walhal knowledge dorang pasal MLM zero. taktau pun halal haram. dapat input pun dari org2 dia sahaja, bukan dari rakyat. org2 dia ckp makan taik bagus, pak menteri pun makanlah.

    Itu masalah Malaysia, justification untuk buat sesuatu tu takde. Bas dah terbalik mati 40 orang baru nak gelabah build up foundation..MLM nak kukuh bertapak baru nak kaji. mana jadik.


  71. salam bro aidid,

    cube cite sikit tentang scoreA tuu bole x?tuu mmg MLM kn walopun die ckp nk tlg bebdk belajar?

  72. brader Aidid... suggest you include labels on each post (kene edit balik past posts camni) and a search engine to your blog. At least bleh save your time (and others) referring and giving ppl links to topics that you've already covered before. Jadi tak lah jadi macam broken rekod repeating things over and over and over and over.... again.

    Go to Design > Page Elements > Add Gadgets > cari and add Search Box

    Yang labels tu (kalau rajin)... edit each past entry, nanti ada kuar labels kat bottom of each text box. Type lah Score A ke Amway ke, Unstobebal ke etc etc.

    Then goto Design > Add Gadgets > Labels

    Just thot this will help your readers further *kenyit dua2 mata*. Maklumlah nampaknya banyak yang malas betol nak scroll2 the Archive kan kan kan...

  73. bro & sis,
    nampaknyer entry ni lum ader "entertainment" lg.. hehehe.. kenape ek?

    bro @Haziman
    psl itu asskorek A punyer, bole refer kat sini

  74. rastaman,

    I have a friend who is a senior fund manager at Public Mutual and also another senior masa dekat uni now in BNM. If what you say is true, please drop me an email in detail with the complete set of details of that person.

    Unit trust and the way it works in summary is what as explained by Firdaus. Most people don't bother about finding downlines sbb commission from the amount of product sold is much higher and lagi berbaloi.

    If you have org yg cuba jual mutual fund mcm style MLM please let me know. As Aidid have said as it isn't his area, I don't mind to take it up. I happen to work in the banking/finance industry so I know who I should go to and what process that has to be done utk tangkap malaun lahanat tersebut.

    The banking/finance industry is/are very particular about this things. This guy/girl would probably be sued by Public Mutual for defamation, kena saman ngan SC for operating illegally and get thrown in jail by BNM for illegally taking deposit.

    Tak payah tunggu gomen yg lembab begitu.

    Mak Cik Cantek,

    Please, spare us your SoPo comments. As Azwan says, this is not the place. Can I recommend to you Papa Gemok's BLOGG for you to share your SoPo views?


    Aidid has touched on ScoreA in the last post. Do read up on it.

  75. Salam,

    If I may add further:

    Aper2 pon, dlm crusade against MLMalauns/ PSyaitons, we need to NIP it in the bud ( not butt). Bergerak dari akar/bawah and work upwards.

    ps am I off tangent again? Oh maaan..

  76. Rasa malu pula bila Singapore sendiri pun ada law yang begitu detail dan bagus. Yang aku pelik cuma satu je. Kenapa kerajaan malaysia tak pernah selidik dan bertindak tegas. Grrr

    Terbaru > Email Gembira 1 - Astro PVR > Nidji - Dosakah Aku > Tukar Banner/Link Dengan phreak-id

  77. salam.. is that really true msia dah wujudkan blog for information about MLM?.(from ministry) i ada terbaca dalam paper utusan about hebahan ini but terlupa address blog.people can noe which cmpany ada niat nak tipu. means bro aidid gv really big penangan lahh and i think why till now no action was taken by govermnt about MLM even bro aidid gv berjela2 bukti, myb they got problem to sue them. so as d best result macm ada coment2 dari ataslahh kita sendiri yg must knowing that kita tertipu !. bukan nak orang ketuk kepala berpuluh kali baru cakp " OHH aku tergoda dan terbodoh ngn MLM bangang slama ni."

  78. ye la tok moh,,n aidid n all...
    derang ni lau da taksub sgt mmg susah nak mkn nasehat..geram btol la,,tak sedo ke aku ni kakak dia, nti kalau papehal jadik, ade lahanat2 tu sume nk tolong dia?? demm! arghh,,,

    astagfirullah Al-'Azim

  79. @ Arman,

    Aku rasa mmg duit bonus tu dtg dari 'peleburan' 20k tu. Tp yelah...dah kene kaw2 ngan upline dia, musti x pandang tempat lain dah. Aku sejak jumpe blog Bro Aidid yg sempoi ni, aku share ngan hubby. Asal nampak korset PB tu je, perli2 aku. Adusss...ape nak buat. Nasi dah jadi bubur. Seb baik aku pembeli je, bukan MLMer. Aku dah insaf, pas ni meh kita insafkan ramai2 org yg terpengaruh tu.

  80. Effah Esfarina said...

    nak tanya, tupperware n avon tu direct selling yang direct atau berundurkan mlm juga?


    saya selalu baca blog aidid ni tp ni la first time nk komen
    sy nk ngaku yg sy ni seorg tpwr consultant
    tupperware yg sejak dulu adlh direct selling tp tak silap sy since june 2007 tpwr dah jd mlm.
    joining fee fix rm60 utk sesiapa pun (xde byr lebih utk dptkn pangkat) ehehe n automatic dpt discount 20% utk semua barang. tp kalo kite ada at least 2 org bwh kite then dpt 25%. that's the max discount yg semua org dpt tak kisah la u consultant ke director ke sama je. n then u bole dpt income 2-4% (ciput je) from 4 level (max 4 level je wpun dah ada berbelas2 level pon) recruit u if u buat sale rm500 that month
    all in all i honestly think that tupperware people generate income from product selling not recruiting
    just sharing...bukan niat nk promote pun...i pun join sbb nk beli pakai sendiri je

  81. Aku nak baca pun malas bukan apa. Orang macam ni la yang sebenarnya merosakkan bangsa tetapi menuding jari pada orang lain. Dia lupa apabila dia menuding satu jari pada orang, tiga lagi di tuding pada diri sendiri.
    Banyak perkara yang di komennya hanyalah andaian semata mata tanpa sebarang fakta. Saya cabar Aidid untuk datang ke Pejabat MonaVie berjumpa dengan saya supaya saya boleh tampilkan mereka mereka yg telah pulih di samping menunjukkan surat surat dari hospital yang menunjukkan pesakit kanser sembuh setelah hospital sendiri menyerah kalah. Mungkin bila diri sendiri atau mak bapak dia dah kena kanser baru nak mencuba MonaVie kut.
    Aidid lupa untuk menyatakan dalam Al Quran banyak ayat ayat Al Quran yang menyatakan kebaikkan buah dan bagaimana Allah SWT menjadikan pelbagai buah dengan bermacam macam khasiat. Beliau juga saya percaya tidak pernah membaca buku bertajuk "Medicine of The Prophet" By Imam (Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyya. Di dalam buku tersebut juga ada menyatakan bagaimana buah buahan amat berkhasiat untuk kesihatan badan.
    Adakah Aidid lebih mengetahui dari Allah SWT sehingga mengatakan Jus MonaVie yang di perbuat dari 19 jenis buah tidak baik untuk kesihatan?
    Jangan mudah percaya dengan orang seperti Aidid yang tidak pernah merasa atau mencari kebenaran tanpa prasangka. Dia hanya membawa kemusnahan kepada orang seperti yang di dakwa di lakukan oleh orang lain. Ini lah setan yang bertopengkan manusia.

  82. Roslan,

    sebab ko malas baca la ko jadi macam ko sekarang... bingai nak mampos.....dalam blog yang di tulis aidid tu semua fakta... ko je datang sini tabur fitnah....

    kalau ko rasa MonaVie ko tu bagus... buktikan... jangan jadi macam AC Mang... nak jual product pastu rusuh orang buktikan yang product dia tak bagus... ape ke bigai jugak tu.. ko jual barang..ko buktikan bahawa barang ko tu bagus...

    mana fakta-fakta untuk menyokong dakwaan ko tu roslan???

  83. Kasi la link kajian semua 10 produk MonaVie kat sini, macam aku buat kat dua2 entry tu... jangan malu2 la bahalol... malu dowh orang Melayu balaci alkafirun Mormon MonaVie sebegini... pindah pegi Utah, USA la dey! Jgn kasi onar dalam masyarakat Melayu boleh tak?

  84. @Roslan

    aku cabar ko edarkan produk hebat monawe@binawe tu ke hospital2 kerajaan.
    berdasarkan statement ko yg hebat "menunjukkan surat surat dari hospital yang menunjukkan pesakit kanser sembuh setelah hospital sendiri menyerah kalah"

  85. Roslan ni malasmembaca.

    Tak payah harap lah dia nak bagi bukti. Orang nak cepat kaya kan memang camtuh, tau nak senang je kena sogok/suap tiap2 hari kat upline. Ada ke nak ajak oarng tengok bukti kat pejabat monavishit. Ada akai ka dey. Entah2 takut nak display proof sebab kantoi statement/dokumen tipu. Roslan kalau betul ko ada proof(bukaqn testimani) dan facts silakan kami nak baca. Tak payah berselindung kat pejabat monavishit tu. Bacul.

  86. Salam,

    Aku terlepas pulak si Roslan yg bengong ni. Claim mcm2...mcm2. Hey si roslan ntah hapa nak jadi ntah.


  87. @ Roslan,

    "Saya cabar Aidid untuk datang ke Pejabat MonaVie berjumpa dengan saya supaya saya boleh tampilkan mereka mereka yg telah pulih di samping menunjukkan surat surat dari hospital yang menunjukkan pesakit kanser sembuh setelah hospital sendiri menyerah kalah. Mungkin bila diri sendiri atau mak bapak dia dah kena kanser baru nak mencuba MonaVie kut."

    It's ok, I'll take your offer. I've just lost my mom to cancer about 2 months ago, have a friend who's under radio+chemo and an auntie going through radio.

    I'll bring my friend along, he's practicing law. We'll sign agreement on the spot and get it stamped, all at my cost I guarantee.

    Clause is simple, you cure my friend and aunt's cancer and I'll pay for a full page advertisement in The Star, NST and Utusan saying how I should have used your product on my late arwah mom.

    If your product fails to help, you end up having to pay damages for both of them missing their treatments. You would also have to pay for the advert in the 3 newspaper based on contents that I choose.

    Ada berani? If you are please contact me at bixantine [at] gmail [dot] com.

    Please don't fuck with me dude. Cancer has had a huge impact in my life so you better be careful with what you preach and don't you fucking use religion as a "get out of jail" free card by saying in the end "dah sampai ajal" and shit....

  88. Yeah, mana abe roslan nie, take up the challenge la bro!! Sonyap ajer.. x Kan lari kut.

  89. Roslan,

    "Aidid lupa untuk menyatakan dalam Al Quran banyak ayat ayat Al Quran yang menyatakan kebaikkan buah dan bagaimana Allah SWT menjadikan pelbagai buah dengan bermacam macam khasiat. " <--ko nyer statement..

    aku cabar ko carik satu nas dari Quran menerangkan MONAVIE ni baik untuk kesihatan...

    Quran refer buah2an...bukan jus yang tak pasti isi kandungan nyer...

    kalau ko cakap MONAVIE tu just buah 100%, ko bawak proof...jangan main cakap je...

    ok??ade beran?

  90. Oi Roslan, I'm still waiting.

    Let me help you in your decision making. My friend is going through chemo+radio for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma and my aunt is suffering from Glioblastoma Multiforme, mcm arwah my mom.

    Since your wonder product has saved so many ppl from cancer treatment, than you should know how much your clients "saved" money by buying your crap rather than treatment.

    The cost of full page ad in The Star, NST and Utusan is about RM7k each so you can multiple by 3. You know how to multiply right?

  91. Sedikit pembetulan RM7k is only for half page. Full page ads start from RM15,000.00

    Yes I'm still waiting

  92. hyelbaine

    kwn rasa roslan tu tak reti baca komen ko yg dlm english kot.. klau BM pon dah malas nak baca, english lg la ke laut~

  93. Aku pon rasa cenggitu.

    hyelbaine bro, sila cakap omputeh dgn secara tidak berabuk. I is thinking this MLM melaun are not understood what you is speaking about. You know ..like doofus like dat.

    Sekian maceh.

  94. Aisehh...cakap BM ker....hhhmm..camner yek...lets cuba try test tengok

    Komen saya pada 26/01/2011, 1.52pm

    @ Ruslan,

    Saya dengan ini menerima cabaran awak utk pergi ke pejabat awak itu. Saya baru kehilangan ibu saya pada kanser 3 bulan yang lalu, mempunyai kawan yang sedang menjalankan rawatan chemo dan radiotherapy (someone help translatepls?) dan jugak seorang mak cik yang sedang melalui rawatan radiologi.

    Saya akan bawa seorang rakan saya yang juga seorang peguam dan kita boleh menandatangani satu perjanjian pada masa itu juga. Semua kos2 berkaitan akan saya tanggung.

    Klausa-nya amat mudah. Anda jamin produk anda dapat menyembuhkan penyakit kanser kedua-dua org tersebut dan saya akan membayar utk satu iklan (satu mukasurat penuh) di akhbar2 Utusan, Baru Terus Masa dan The Bintang (itu pun kena translate?) yang menyatakan bahawa saya terkilan tidak menggunakan produk anda semasa arwah ibu saya masih hidup.

    Akan tetapi jika produk anda gagal, anda perlu menanggung penuh kos2 dan juga kerugian lain hasil akibat kedua-dua org tersebut tidak dapat menjalankan rawatan mereka. Anda juga perlu membayar kos2 iklan dia ketiga-tiga akhbar tersebut mengikut kandungan yang saya akan tentukan.

    Ada berani? Jika ya sila hubungi saya di bixantine [do] gmail [titik] com

    Tolong jgn buat dgn saya mangkuk. Kanser telah memberikan impak yang cukup besar didalam hidup saya jadi anda perlu berhati-hati dgn komen anda dan jangan pula anda berselindung disebalik agama dgn menggunakannya sebagai tiket percuma keluar dari penjara sg. buluh dgn mengatakan ayat2 tahi seperti dah sampai ajal....

    Komen pada 28/01/2011, 7.05pm

    Oi Roslan, aku dok tunggu lagi nie dunggu.

    Biar saya bantu anda dalam proses membuat pilihan. Rakan saya sedang menjalankan rawatan bagi Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (apa translation dia?) sementara mak cik saya sedang melalui rawatan bagi penyakit kanser jenis Glioblastoma Multiforme seperti arwah ibu saya.

    Produk anda telah byk merawat pesakit2 kanser yang lain jadi saya rasa anda pasti tahu berapa banyakkah kos yang dapat diselamatkan dgn membeli produk anda dan bukan melakukan rawatan.

    Purata kos iklan penuh satu muka surat di akhbar2 di atas bermula dari ringgit malaysia lima belas ribu sahaja. Jadi ada 3 muka surat, anda tahu cara2 nak mengira dengan mendarab bukan?

    ps> My fingers are aching by typing in BM. This took a good 15 minutes just to figure out the words. My BM is so the berkarat

    ps2> Roslan, tak payah baca yg dkt ps> tuh kalau tak faham.

  95. Hahahaha...yaaaayyy! hyelbaine bro tulih kot melayu! Perghhh..skimanyer BM. Weird & cute but not bad...but still weird coming from ya..hahha

    Errr...this one--->"Tolong jgn buat dgn saya mangkok" could use further tweaking in line with the English version..hahaha

  96. ya rabbi heylbaine!!!! macam baca google translation kekdahnya ni. muahahahaha!!

  97. @ Laila,

    Tweaking means mencarut tapi since saya bukan tuan tanah blog nie, I'll let Aidid do all the cursing ;)

    @ ilufne,

    Yes, my BM IS THAT BAD :P heheheh

    ps> Still waiting though, no news, reply or emails...haiz...

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