Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Amway - Penyangak MLM Numero Uno.

Aku kengkadang hairan dengan "the powers that be" yang kita jadikan penaung kepada kehidupan kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia. Ada kala macam tak masuk akal aje perlakuan ahli-ahli club-member "from top to bottom". Tapi, aku rasa maleh nak kupas panjang-panjang - kang katanya aku nak menghasut la pulak. Itu pun satu hal - kena kritik aje, ada saja yang nak mencadangkan ISA digunakan, dan dihumbannya pulak sapa-sapa yang tak disukai masuk zoo Taiping... Uik! Did I say zoo Taiping? Wadefook? Penjara Taiping!

Maklumat yang berkaitan tentang sesuatu isu global itu ada boleh didapati jika seseorang yang prihatin cuba buat kajian tentang sesuatu topik. Kita ni dah di abad ke-21 dah ni. Information at the tip of your hand. Sume-sume ada berokben. Tapi takde ke mereka-mereka yang berkenaan buat kerja yang bersangkutan kat jabatan-jabatan tertentu tu, atau takde action yang sepatutnya ke yang dilakukan oleh mana-mana pegawai tertinggi, baik di jabatan kerajaan, atau separa-kerajaan? Oh ya... aku lupa. Negara Malaysia adalah negara sekular - benda haram ke, apa ke, apa kesah? Janji free-market berjalan lancar. Jangan aku Aidid Mu'addib dan korang yang full-blooded muslimin ikut jugak buat semua benda haram tu sudah. Hanya sebab ramai orang buat, kita pun nak buat macam dia orang jugak ke beb? Hopefully not... what else can I hope for?

Sapa yang tak kenal Amway? Ianya adalah satu syarikat yang terkenal dan telah bertapak lama di Malaysia. Ia juga satu syarikat yang terawal dalam industri MLM, you know, benda yang aku alergik tuh - "multi-level marketing". Di bawah adalah terjemahan satu artikel bertarikh 11 Nov 2010, yang aku baca di pyramidschemealert.org.

Amway adalah syarikat terbesar, tertua dan yang paling terkenal dan dikenali ramai sebagai syarikat contoh dalam industri MLM. Ianya juga adalah ahli terulung dalam "Direct Selling Association" di Amerika.

Simbol "direct-selling" ini baru sahaja mengumumkan bahawa ia bersetuju untuk membayar ganti-rugi dan melakukan pembaharuan kepada pengguna di Amerika dengan kos lebih daripada USD150 juta (RM460 juta). Bayaran ini adalah respon kepada tuduhan pengguna terhadap Amway/Quixtar yang mengatakan ianya melakukan operasi skim piramid. Bayaran (settlement) ini adalah yang terbesar dalam sejarah MLM di seluruh dunia.

3 Pengarah dan ahli badan penasihat "Pyramid Scheme Alert" menjalankan tugas sebagai pakar dan penasihat di dalam "class action lawsuit" terhadap Amway. Saman ini difailkan oleh firma guaman Boies, Schiller & Flexner.

Jumlah "settlement" tersebut memeranjatkan ramai pemerhati ekonomi dan berita ini sedang tersebar luas. Ianya dilaporkan di muka hadapan akhbar USAToday (15 Nov 2010). USD55 juta daripada keseluruhan denda adalah dalam bentuk tunai dan produk sebagai ganti-rugi kepada mangsa penipuan, serta bayaran guaman. Selain daripada itu, settlement itu juga melibatkan penurunan harga jualan produk yang tinggi untuk menjadikan jualan runcit dapat dilakukan, dan perubahan besar di dalam "cara perniagaan" (business tools) yang akan menjadikan Amway lebih bertanggung-jawab terhadap perlakuannya. Skim ini dilakukan oleh ramai pengrekrut tersohor syarikat Amway dan telah dibiarkan berleluasa tanpa pengawalan yang ketat oleh syarikat tersebut, di mana operasi haram ini sememangnya sangat menguntungkan kepada Amway. 

Bayaran denda yang besar ini juga memberikan tanda-tanya tentang kesahihan "Code of Ethics" yang (dikatakan) menjadi amalan "U. S. Direct Selling Association" dan kepatuhan undang-undang pada syarikat-syarikat multi-level marketing yang lain dalam isu sistem perniagaan MLM yang "viable", berdasarkan model syarikat Amway.

Di antara tuduhan yang dilemparkan di dalam "class action suit" terhadap Amway sehingga ianya bersetuju membayar RM460 juta (saman ini secara teknikalnya adalah untuk Quixtar, satu syarikat/jenama yang kini tidak beroperasi lagi, yang digunakan oleh pihak Amway untuk operasi di kawasan Amerika Utara):
1. Amway adalah skim piramid.
2. Ahli tertinggi Amway yang menjual produk "motivasi dan latihan" yang mencari ahli juga adalah skim piramid yang haram.
3. Amway melanggar akta jenayah "racketeering" kebangsaan Amerika.
4. Amway melanggar akta "endless chain" di California.
5. Amway menyembunyikan "criminal behaviour" (perlakuan jenayah) dengan pengakuan bahawa ianya mematuhi hukuman kerajaan pusat yang dijatuhkan 25 tahun sebelum itu. Faktanya, Amway tidak mematuhi garis panduan hukuman tersebut.
6. Amway memaksa jurujualnya untuk membeli beribu dollar produk-produk dengan harga yang diletakkan sangat tinggi, serta "success tools" yang tidak berguna dan kemudiannya mengarahkan pencarian ahli dengan arahan yang sama (endless chain scheme), sehingga menyebabkan hampir semua ahli-ahli tersebut pasti mengalami kerugian akhirnya.
7. Amway secara sedar menipu pelanggan untuk menyertai skim piramid di mana mereka akan pasti mengalami kerugian.
8. Amway meletakkan syarat penyertaan di mana ianya menghalang ahli daripada menyaman syarikat, yang mana ianya adalah tidak adil dan tidak boleh diterima-pakai.
9. Amway melakukan "wire and mail fraud".

Faktor 99%:
Aspek dasar dalam saman tersebut menuduh bahawa Amway menipu pelanggan dengan menjanjikan kemungkinan hasil pendapatan yang tidak benar di dalam peluang pekerjaan yang dijanjikan. Analisa badan "Pyramid Scheme Alert" terhadap pembayaran pendapatan Amway kepada jurujual menyatakan bahawa 99% yang mendaftar menjadi ahli tidak pernah mendapat keuntungan. Apabila kos sebenar dimasukkan, termasuk "tools" perniagaan, anggaran sesetengah pihak, kadar kerugian mencecah 99.9%. Kerugian 99% ini berkorelasi dengan data yang dikumpulkan seawal tahun 1980-an, bila negeri Wisconsin menyaman Amway. Ianya juga sama dengan data yang dikumpulkan oleh badan kerajaan England yang menyaman Amway beberapa tahun sebelum ini.

Di bawah terma settlement, Amway akan menyatakan semula pendapatan sebenar untuk mengubah angka yang diberi kepada pelanggan sebagai "gross income" dan bukan pendapatan bersih dan menyatakan kos sebenar kepada pelanggan bila mana mereka menyertai skim tersebut. (Perlu diperhatikan bahawa "pendapatan purata" yang diiklankan oleh Amway adalah juga pendapatan "mean" dan bukan "median", jadi ianya melibatkan percampuran pendapatan tertinggi di puncak piramid, sekaligus menyebabkan angka pendapatan tersebut kelihatan lebih tinggi. Purata yang sengaja dipesongkan ke atas ini mengelirukan pelanggan dalam pemikiran mereka kerana ianya menyatakan bahawa purata ahli akan mendapat keuntungan, dan memalsukan fakta bahawa realitinya majoriti besar ahli tidak meraih komisen langsung, atau tidak mendapat apa-apa keuntungan bersih).

Penipuan kepada pihak berkuasa:
Amway menyembunyikan atau memalsukan potensi kerugian besar ahli, daripada ahli yang menyertai, yang berjumlah berbillion dollar dalam masa bertahun-tahun, dengan melakukan penyelewengan dan rationalisasi. Tetapi, senjata yang paling efektif adalah kebolehan Amway di dalam mempengaruhi ahli politik, yang seterusnya mengalihkan perhatian pihak berkuasa daripada bertindak.

Tiadanya kes saman daripada kerajaan pusat, dengan "PR-spin" yang canggih dan data pendapatan yang mengelirukan, memberikan skim MLM Amway suatu aura yang kelihatan ianya mematuhi undang-undang, di mana ianya meningkatkan lagi kebolehan Amway di dalam mengabui mata konsumer dan media massa. Walau bagaimana pun, perlahan-lahan fakta tentang bagaimana MLM berjaya "melarikan diri" daripada undang-undang dapat dibongkar. Jawapannya adalah sangat mudah. MLM membeli "influence" di Washington dan di sesetengah kerajaan negeri, dengan derma kempen dan "high pressure lobbying".

Amway tercatat sebagai no. 68 di antara 75 penyumbang terbesar kepada ahli politik di Washington, berdasarkan kenyataan majalah siasatan "Mother Jones". Ianya mengatasi syarikat makanan Archer Daniel Midlands, syarikat farmaseutikal Bristol Myers Squibb dan terletak dekat di belakang Wal-Mart, General Motors dan Koch Industries.

Mengaku salah?
Walaupun settlement itu menyatakan Amway tidak mengaku salah, fakta bahawa Amway bersetuju untuk membayar penyaman dan menanggung kos sehingga hampir RM460 juta dan memilih untuk tidak membawa kes tersebut kepada perbicaraan akan memberikan tanggapan kepada ramai orang bahawa ianya adalah bukti yang kukuh Amway memang sah bersalah. Bayaran sebesar ini tidaklah boleh dikira sebagai satu pilihan yang lebih murah daripada menghadapi pertuduhan di mahkamah. Sebenarnya, Amway telah menanggung kos guaman yang tinggi dan menangguhkan bayaran denda ini selama 3 tahun, dengan alasan bahawa saman tersebut adalah tidak benar dan pihak yang menyaman tiada hak undang-undang untuk membawa kes tersebut ke mahkamah. Apabila hak menyaman dipastikan dapat berlaku, Amway terus mengalah.

Soalan yang timbul daripada saman dan denda:
1. Adakah DoJ (Jabatan Kehakiman Amerika Syarikat) akan menyiasat tuduhan bahawa Amway melakukan jenayah perniagaan?
2. Adakah FTC (Federal Trade Commision), akhirnya, akan menyiasat pertuduhan konsumer bahawa Amway mengamalkan skim piramid, serta melanggar "Amway Ruling of 1979".
3. Adakah Attorney General negeri California akan mula menyiasat pertuduhan bahawa Amway melanggar undang-undang anti-skim piramid California.

Bayaran denda yang besar kepada mangsa adalah rentetan daripada pertuduhan lain yang dilemparkan kepada Amway sebelum itu. Pihak berkuasa England telah meminta untuk menutup syarikat Amway beberapa tahun dahulu, atas alasan penipuan konsumer di negara tersebut. Tuduhan jenayah juga telah dibangkitkan kepada Amway oleh sebuah negeri di India. Dan Amway juga sedang dalam proses disaman di Kanada atas alasan penipuan dan penyelewengan oleh konsumer di negara tersebut.

Ianya adalah persoalan terbuka sama ada berapa banyak negara-negara lain akan mengambil langkah yang sama, serta berapa banyak saman konsumer diperlukan dan terdapat bukti sah penyelewengan diketengahkan, barulah FTC dan Jabatan Kehakiman Amerika akan benar-benar mengambil tindakan.

Di dalam satu buku yang baru diterbitkan, "No One Would Listen", oleh seorang "whistleblower" Harry Markopolos, beliau secara dramatik telah menggambarkan bagaimana pihak berkuasa SEC (Securities and Exchange Commision) tidak mengendahkan amaran yang diberikannya dan membenarkan skim Bernie Madoff berleluasa kepada saiz yang sangat besar. Kegagalan pihak SEC untuk bertindak menyebabkan ribuan pelabur mengalami kerugian, di mana beliau telah menghantar amaran bertulis secara terperinci kepada SEC, sebanyak 5 kali dalam masa 8 tahun beliau menyiasat penyelewengan tersebut. Tambahannya, media massa seperti Wall Street Journal dan majalah Forbes juga gagal untuk bertindak setelah bukti yang dikemukakannya dihantar kepada mereka. Madoff dianggap "terlalu besar" untuk dibongkar.

Di sebalik kemungkinan penyiasatan pihak berkuasa terhadap Amway, saman tersebut juga membawa satu persoalan yang lebih besar tentang syarikat-syarikat MLM yang lain:

Berapa banyak syarikat-syarikat MLM yang beroperasi sama seperti Amway, yang boleh membawa kepada bayaran denda yang sebesar ini? Soalan ini adalah sangat "relevant" kepada pihak berkuasa Amerika dan firma-firma guaman, kerana kepada syarikat-syarikat MLM yang lain, alasan yang mereka gunakan dalam mengatakan bahawa mereka mematuhi undang-undang adalah kerana mereka beroperasi dengan cara yang sama seperti syarikat Amway.

Komentar Aidid Mu'addib:

Ha... mamat-minah Amway kat Malaysia neh... puas hati korang? Korang tahu tak pasal ni? Tu kepala ketapi kat Amerika sana tu tak lama lagi akan muflis, sebab buat perangai lanun zaman-berzaman di Amerika (dan di merata dunia jugak sebenarnya). Sama aje kat Malaysia ni. Dari dulu lagi aku dah cakep... haish! Amway tu apa kurangnya dengan syarikat penyamun MLM yang berkeliaran kat Malaysia ni? "Skim piramid berproduk" through-and-through. Yang orang Islam suka sangat buat kerja cari rezeki mengikut style alkafirun... pehal? Degil btol!

Implikasinya di Malaysia pasti akan tiba, you wanna bet? Cuma, macam aku selalu nyatakan di sana-sini, pihak kerajaan Malaysia dengan jabatan yang diberikan mandat begitu-begini sentiasa memberikan kemusykilan yang mendalam pada aku ni ha. Nape kita kat Malaysia ni selalu tertinggal bas ekspres KKKL yang bertolak dari KL ke JB? Bas dah sampai ke R&R Pagoh, tapi kita baru sampai kat Puduraya. Melangut cari bas yang dah lesap. Tengok la nanti, bila agaknya perkara artikel ni akan timbul dalam pemerhatian dan tindakan kerajaan Malaysia. Yang problemnya pada aku - aku hanyalah insan kerdil (serius... tinggi aku 156 cm aje beb!) dan tak mampu nak ambil tindakan apa-apa berkenaan al-kisah makan duit haram laknat skim piramid yang jadi kegemaran orang-orang Melayu yang tamak harta-benda dan tak pergi sekolah agama rakyat masa kecik dulu. Aku hanya mampu jadi CSI Gil Grissom dan tulis blog yang tak ramai percaya pun. Orang Melayu yang berlambak buat MLM kat luar sana dengan manyak songehnya hari-hari memperlekehkan blog aku ni. Tu, aku kasi contoh kat atas tadi - mamat tu kan terer nak mampos cari rezeki halal dengan perniagaan MLM? MLM hukumnya harus meh! Orang kristian kat Amerika tu saja memandai-madai jatuh fatwa dengan harga RM460 juta.

Oh ya... aku belum abis present pasal Amway setakat ni. Ada satu perkara berbangkit pasal isu Amway ni, kat Malaysia. A very big problem. Sila lihat carta di bawah:

Apa nak jadi kita kat Malaysia neh? Lembaga Tabung Haji, Mara, KWSP, AmanahRaya adalah pemegang saham Amway Malaysia. Now, you tell me... ain't that pretty?

Firman Allah SWT:
"Telah timbul berbagai kerosakan dan bala bencana di darat dan di laut dengan
sebab apa yang telah dilakukan oleh tangan manusia; (timbulnya yang demikian)
kerana Allah hendak merasakan mereka sebahagian dari balasan 
perbuatan-perbuatan buruk yang mereka telah lakukan,
supaya mereka kembali (insaf dan taubat)". 
- Surah Ar-Ruum:41
>>>>>>>>>>>    <<<<<<<<<<<

The Amway Deception
Robert L. Fitzpatrick
Pyramid Scheme Alert

The settlement of the consumer class action suit in which, responding to criminal fraud charges, Amway has agreed to pay $150 million in restitution raises, again, the unavoidable questions: What, if anything, is true and legitimate about Amway? How deep is its deception?

As early as the 1980s, a CBS 60 Minutes exposé concluded that Amway “sells hope, not soap.” On that show, the Asst. Attorney General of Wisconsin explained that a review of tax records of Amway salespeople in that state revealed that 99% had lost money. The “income opportunity,” Amway’s most famous claim to legitimacy, was a cruel hoax. 

For many people, including seasoned journalists and veteran government regulators, the concept that Amway’s business could be a total sham and that it might be ravaging, not helping, Main Street America, cannot be comprehended. If true, Amway’s fraud would be too intrinsic, too extensive and too outrageous to be believed. The official version of Amway as a company offering financial opportunity to millions with a “direct selling” business based on honesty and integrity just cannot be squared with a criminal and fraudulent reality. And so the contradiction is usually ignored and the question is seldom raised. 

The facts about Amway, as claimed in the recent lawsuit and which Amway paid $150 million to settle, would indict a wide web of political, business, religious, and civic leaders and organizations that take money or in other ways provide Amway cover and support. 

Amway’s website, under the “values” tab, states, “Integrity is essential to our business success. We do what is right, not just whatever "works." Amway’s success is measured not only in economic terms, but by the respect, trust and credibility we earn.”

Such a statement is contradicted with Amway’s actual record that includes tax evasion in Canada, resulting in a fine that was the largest in Canadian history at that time. It is challenged by the actions of the government of England to shut down Amway “in the public interest.” England, like the state of Wisconsin 25 years before, examined tax records and discovered that 99% of all English consumers who invested in Amway as salespeople never earned a profit. This massive loss rate had gone on for 30 years. To these examples, many other cases of fraud accusations, law suits, and book-length revelations of deception can be added. The Amway/Quixtar Hall of Shame list compiled on the Amquix.info website is a shocking rap sheet of Amway and some of its top distributors. But the true record remains behind the high wall of silence maintained by millions of disillusioned, shamed and fearful victims in countries worldwide. 

Many consumers and some lawsuits focus on what some consider the most egregious trickery associated with Amway. This is the “secret” business connected to Amway in which its top recruiters essentially shake down new recruits for payments that many recruits are led to believe are “necessary” for success in the Amway business. The payments are for “tools,” books, CDs and seminars for “motivation” and training. Lawsuits contend that these payments from recruits constitute the main source of the top level recruiters’ income, not commissions from the sales of Amway products. Many consumers believed that their payments for the tools generated no profits at all to their leaders, but were provided “at cost.” In fact, the leaders were gaining large profits. Moreover, their high pressure sale of these goods to vulnerable and dependent recruits is a clear conflict of interest, since they are supposedly responsible for training and managing those recruits. The sales of tools by the top distributors also provide Amway with greater income from higher inventory purchases. As it turns out, the “tools” are largely worthless. 99% of all recruits lose money, year after year, regardless of how many buy the costly tools or attend the “motivation” seminars.

And then there are the charges and evidence that Amway operates as a destructive cult, employing mind control techniques in order to achieve its financial fleecing of new recruits. This charge has been made in mainstream media, and countless anecdotal reports of ex-Amway salespeople. The nation’s top expert on cult practices, Steve Hassan, offers analyses of the charges. His “BITE” model offers the tools for evaluating tactics employed in Amway’s persuasion program and its inducements to get consumers to invest and recruit. Including Behavior, Information, Thought and Emotional control.

Yet, perhaps the most fundamental of all charges regarding Amway deception is that of false identity as a “direct selling” business. The claim to be a channel of sales to end-user customers is the cornerstone of Amway’s legal defense and the foundation of the “business opportunity” that it sells to millions of people worldwide.

Lawsuits brought by top recruiters, tax records gained by regulators, and mountains of anecdotal evidence from recruits at the bottom indicate that Amway is not a sales company. Rather, its business is based upon inducing inventory purchases and fee payments from consumers who are signed up as its salespeople, and then offering them rewards to draw in others to make similar purchases and fee payments. Few “salespeople” ever sell Amway goods to retail customers, the charges state. There is no hard data showing any sustainable retail income earned by Amway salespeople. Amway’s own “income disclosure” does not include retail profits. 

An admission that retail profit is non-existent may be inferred in the settlement of the recent class action lawsuit and in the settlement Amway reached with regulators in England. Amway agreed to substantially lower pricing in both cases. Uncompetitive pricing of many Amway goods speaks to lack of retailing. It also serves as evidence of an “endless chain” recruitment scheme. The higher the price paid by the recruits,, the more the commission to the “upline” and profit to Amway. No need to be price competitive in the open market when the scheme operates as a “closed market” (salespeople selling only or mainly to salespeople). Under the plan that the lawsuit charged Amway perpetrated, each new recruit’s income depends, not on selling products to customers, but on a hopeless quest of “endlessly” expanding the sales organization. The “unlimited” income promise makes price comparisons irrelevant.


  1. owh. amway pon wat pyramid? tp akui produk nutrilite (vitamin2) nya mmg bagus utk supplement.

  2. 3rd! woahh...1st time aku dapat komen antara yang terawal..tahniah utk diri aku sendiri..btw bro aidid..artikel yang kemas keming! kalu geng2 MLM kat luar sana tak faham lg,tak tau la aku nk cakap pe..ahanks..aidid..nk tau ttg sabun tahan mengatukkkk..leh tak?

  3. ASM, KWSP, Bank Rakyat, Tabung Haji!? OH SHI- Mau lingkup sekali ekonomi Malaysia kalau Amway jatuh.

  4. Beb, when i said i was intrigued in my last comment to your previous entry, your first 2 sentences here are exactly what i meant. The exact questions yg berlegar2 in my mind. It's like you're putting words (that i cudn't spit out) in my mouth.

    With those facts that you last presented & other data available in this world of seamless access to info, i'm intrigued if pihak2 berkenaan make full use of the info on MLMs' ugly truths/malpractices and hundreds of customer complaints/grouches and take actions accordingly. I'm intrigued takder ker special unit or force yg analyse info & benda2 ni dgn secara terperinci & komprehensif, tutup loopholes yg mana patut ditutup, kemaskini akta yg mana patut dikemaskini, perform due diligence (diligently) on companies yg patut diperform, terjah yg mana patut diterjah, humban dlm jail yg mana patut dihumban, improve saluran2 official yg ada untuk khidmat yg lebih efektif ....the list for apa-yg- aku-heranajaibkan goes on.

    I'm intrigued sbb dgn adanya relevant authorities yg kononnya in charge of protecting consumers & their rights , dgn adanya countless platform2 suara2 pengguna including media and internet, everything remains business as usual and MLM industry continues to thrive & prosper y'all! Ok now i want one of those McD's prosperity burgers.

    I'm intrigued - why am i melepaking kat blog ni pagi2 buta macam ni when i'm supposed to dash for work.

  5. amanahraya? tabung haji? epf?

    waaaaaa pdn ler mlm bergiat pesat kat malaysia..kompeni2 gagah perkasa pon turut join sama

  6. tabung haji pun ada saham juga kat situ... udahnye kat mana le teman nak menyimpan duit nih gamaknye.....


  7. thanx abang aidid...tak payah susah2 buat research ka apa ka (mmg takkan buat pun)..
    semua dah ada kat sini..simple dan senang difahami..
    btw, your jam kat blog ni..salah time zone kot..
    ..with love, Jura

  8. what de foot.. LTH ada saham dalam amway? apsal lembaga pengarahnya bangang? apsal orang bangang selalu jadi bos?

  9. Wa~ saya pun simpan duit dlm tabung haji dengan angan-angan nak buat haji muda. Sudahnya begini.
    Ni yang rasa nak keluarkan semua, then melabur semua dalam unit trust je. Sedihnya...
    Ni masa kat depan majlis fatwa ni ada dibentangkan tak? boleh naik plak melabur dalam ASB, ASN, ASM semua ni harus.
    Tak lama lagi, malaysia jadi macam US la.. bila piramid dah bergegar, dah ada lubang sana-sini, runtuhla.

  10. hehehehhe... nice......im your face amway.... dulu pernah deorang ajak my parents joinT.... pastu duk canang nak pe luaq negara bercuti and all... pegidah.... nasib baik my parents knows better....

  11. Kalau tak silap, menteri kewangan or timbalan menteri kewangan pun ada join Amway ni dulu.

  12. sebelum aidid citer pasal konsep exponential dalam mlm....diorang tak paham? buat2 tak paham? or sbb dah iq atas sikit dr retard level tu yg tak paham?

    kat entry ni aidid sebut pasal mean and median...kalau basic statistic pun tak tau gak mau merana cikgu matematik diorang...

  13. ehh....termiss 1 word..
    supposed.."sebelum ni aidid citer...bla bla bla"


  15. Daripada page Koleksi Maklumat anti MLM & Skim Piramid oleh Aidid Mu'addib di facebook:

    ALPHA LIPID, satu istilah ntahapekebenda yg tidak didapati dalam mana-mana buku teks perubatan, mahu pun dalam medical journals... istilah yg dijumpai purely dalam iklan komersial, menyuruh manusia minum susu awal lembu, sebab syarikat sebegini (khasnya MLM lahabau) assume semua manusia itu anak lembu atau kambing. Sampai menjanjikan penurunan tekanan darah, elakkan kanser, dll kesan kesihatan - CRAZY!

    A review of several of the websites that appear when one types in "alpha lipid colostrum" shows the typical grandiose, extravagant claims and the usual small print about 'we imply no diagnosis or treatment and these claims have not been evaluated etc etc'. They contain a lot of testimonials, and there are links to other products and services I already know to be quackery. So...lets just say my skepticism is supported by taking the promoters at their own weasel words.

    I think this is the typical Altie problem of knowing a little... usually very little... about something (colostrum good, pills bad) and extrapolation far beyond what common sense or evidence would dictate, then repeating it often enough that it becomes "common knowledge".

    If it worked for blood pressure, there would be some evidence somewhere for this, and there simply isn't beyond some speculative early research that hasn't been confirmed or tested clinically. Furthermore, the source of the colostrum is not obvious, and is presumably animal, not human. We know that human colostrum is good for humans, we don't know about cow colostrum.
    But we sure know that cow colostrum is good for baby cow/calf... ooh yeah, baby!

  16. Bro Komen Pasal EM Unstoppable plz..Gua da menyampah sgt tgk derang asik menunjuk2 gamba duit kat fb

  17. assalamualaikum..diwar-warkan..Konvensyen Memperingati 500 Tahun Kejatuhan Empayar Melayu Islam Melaka (KEMM1511), http://kemm1511.net/melaka/

  18. GaB,Unstoppable dah kuar rasanya sebelum ni, cube browse balik older entry kat blog ni.
    Apsal la depa salu kata aidid fitnah or hentam keromo......eran aku....padahal kalo ikutkan bukan senang gak nak cari info tu semua...mcm derang ni nak menegakkan benang basah je. Aku salu ke approach ngan MLMers ni. Tapi bila aku tolak, misti tanya"oh, awak baca blog aidid yer?", dengan poyonya aku jwb" SApa Aidid, saya tak kenal...saya tak nak masuk sbb saya mmg tak suka ngan MLM dan seangkatan dengannya, before, now and forever, ada paham"-padahal aku mmg baca blog ni ari2..heheh...kang cakap lebey2 depa salahkan aidid lak...lagipun its fact, sbb sebelum aku kenal blog aidid, aku mmg tak suka ngan MLM ni sumer...

  19. whtthe???giant2 company pn melabur??PNB??jatuh amway,pastu mule la gelabah nk naik harge sini sana nk kaver up

  20. WOW! another great entry! tapi mcm biasa, kalu aku gitau kengkawan herba life, kompem mereka akan automatically jadik pekak. hahahha.

  21. Salam,

    Woo woo woo Aidid. You have entered the next level aa. I know about this thing for quite some time ago. Thats why Amway has a very solid footprint in Malaysia for more than 20 years.

    As the name implies, Amway stands for American Way. It has been established since 1960s and named as the largest direct selling company in the world.

    So..the American Way hah? Whether the Malaysian like it or not, we are always be the follower of the 1st world country. We follow the way of Americans. It not just about Amway, its about most of the thing, talking about modernization of the world. This is the reality beb..

    We use the public money to invest heavily in this kind of thing long before fatwa, etc about MLM came out, before we found out that these whole thing is crap.

    The question is whether our people have the guts the make changes..to make the transformation. Are they willing to do that even though we just know about it later, not long time before? This is not an easy task as in depends on so many other factors.


  22. bro....terpaksalah keluarkan duit simpanan gue nieh...alahai...cmne nih...semuanye ade...tabung haji...PNB...aduyaiii...

  23. Aku pernah berdebat dgn pengamal Amway yg taksub 1st class yg memberikan alasan no 1 dia join Amway sebab Tabung Haji ada investment kat dalam. Sampai siap cakap pakcik-makcik yg pegi haji dah berpuluh tahun ni, Amway yg contribute... itu yg aku start study pasal isu ni dlm 6 bulan lepas - itu yg Amway senantiasa in my horizon. Terima kasih kpd Partz si Donut Bulat... I can't to this without you - you're my inspiration.

    Anyway... now that we know, please anyone out there who has father, mother, sedara, sahabat, whatever in TH, KWSP, Mara, AmanahRaya, PNB... raise this issue to the highest level - Amway is not worth the investment, if the investment is actually into a blatant pyramid-scheme (aku anti-social - aku tak kenal sapa2 yg penting kat Malaysia). We all can contribute to the betterment of our ummah.

  24. EPF, Tabung Haji, HSBC - duit aku ada kat 3-3 tempat ni. so maknanya duit kita2 ni di gunakan utk melabur dalam MLM dan secara tak lansung kira aku pon terlibat dgn MLM? Oh mai gucci. =.="

    Oh ya, ternampak bro aidid tulis pasal alpha lipid kat komen ni. boleh buat entry khas tak bro. and kalau boleh bg cara paling senang utk terangkan kat orang tua pasal benda tu tak betul. mak aku dah lama join itu alpha lipid dan kasik satu family makan. penat dah aku kena telan hari2. dia tak jual pada org lain cuma kadang2 upline dia tolong jualkan.

  25. ade mmber aku join amway sbb nk jd ahli jer, sbb beli barang dpt murah. ok, nice info. mohon poke :P

  26. Another one bites the dust...

  27. Salam Bro..

    Nk tanye sal etika emas. mende tue pn MLM gak ke..
    dieorg promote suh beli emas simpan dlm bank rakyat. suh wat pinjaman lagik.

    tmpt sy ader yg da join.
    ckp xrugi beli emas. pendapat bro camner?

    Thankz bro...

  28. Salam,

    Aidid, I understand your noble intention.There are different levels of contribution.

    Level 1: the shareholder themselves. EPF, TH, etc can always dilute their shares in many ways. But this won't happen as long as the business is still profitable.

    Level 2: The executive members of Amway Malaysia. The GM/CEO, senior management, all executive members in every departments/division have to unanimously state that they won't support their employee, und ultimately..just quit. This will involve a huge sacrifice.

    Level 3: The customer/consumer that buy, use Amway's products and even join this business. This is our level, the rakyat level, you guys who read this blog level. So that at least their sales performance decline and finally less profitable. How big will be our scale of contribution? Don't question...just do it.

    p/s: Its kind of rejecting/not supporting Jewish company..starbucks, coca-cola, etc..not that easy ehh?


  29. keluarkan jek duit korg..beli emas or perak..sbb dua benda tu kan mmg tuhan dah jamin nilainye smpi kiamat nnt..

  30. Hairan!! kenapa Lembaga Tabung Haji, Mara, KWSP, AmanahRaya jadi pemegang utama saham Amway Malaysia.kenapa tak labur di syarikat bumiputra yg berpontensi & membanggun?

    Patut la puak Non-Bumi kaya-raya.pada hal duit org bumiputra.tuh pon CEO-CEO non-bumi lupa daratan.

    Pemegang Amanah perlu menjanakan Duit pelaburan bg membantu bumiputra bg menaik taraf ekonomi sosialnya.Bkn labur pd tempat yg tidak membantu bumiputra itu sendiri. Org lain untung 90% yg labur untung 10% je.Ini adalah PENGKHIANATAN kpd BUMIPUTRA??

  31. Salam adyseptember,

    If you are investor/venture capitalist, you have to do some due diligence process before you decide.

    Talking about EPF, Tabung Haji, etc..they are responsible for the public money. Their portfolio of investment mainly in public interest project (Plus Highway,etc) and a sure profitable business.

    For last 20 years, Amway growth has been exponential, means profitable. They are the pioneer and have a sound track record. Therefore it is justified why EPF, TH, etc invested in Amway. I am talking in perspective of business. What revealed by Aidid now is unpredictable 20 years ago. Even Warren Buffet could not predict too.

    I agree with you that we should help the Bumiputras. But i don't think the Bumiputra help themselves 20 years ago. They need to be assisted. Only nowadays we have Bumiputra company like Naza Group,etc. But they are not superb enough to be a multinational company like Amway. Is Naza Group willing to open their shares to KWSP? I don' think so as it is family business. The debate goes on and on...


  32. Hukum, setelah kite tau kemana duit kite dilaburkan..
    Apekah hukumnya pada kite..?
    Ya Allah dunia sekarang.. apa nak jadi..

  33. OMG, can u imagine what will happen if Amway collapse? From what I read from this blog, it just a matter of time before that happen. Cam ner la asb, epf, tabung haji etc leh masuk dlm skim MLM ni? This info patut ada kat depan newspaper kan... jadi main topic of the day... takde ke wartawan yg cari skop kat sini? Apa lagi? Hebahkan la.

  34. yeye bro aidid paste komen kita kat fb dia...bangga jap walaupun tak jadi 1st..hikhik

  35. Artikel yg mmbuka minda kepada yg mahu mendengar. Bayangkan sekiranya Amway jatuh, tidakkah ianya akan mmberi kesan kepada penyimpan2 Tabung Haji dan ASB yg kesemuanya melayu beragama Islam....
    Hanya mengharapkan simpanan itu dijamin oleh kerajaan...

  36. I can't speak for LTH, MARA or EPF but in PNB's case, the decision made by the National Fatwa council is that investment in ASB & ASN is "harus". That means as muslims they are the one's responsible for any wrongdoings, here and in the thereafter.

    The decision that was made were based on the concept of Maslahat. This means while the national fatwa council "bukannya mengesahkan sistem dan cara pelaburan ASB dan ASN yang sedia ada tetapi ia diluluskan atas dasar 'Maslahat' atau kepentingan ramai (mungkin kerana terlalu ramai orang Islam yang telah terlibat dan fatwa mengharamkan akan mengakibatkan kekalutan yang tidak tergambar), hasilnya ia difatwakan harus".

    The rationale it seems is that with such huge funds, there's no other place to put that put the interest of the investor/saver in the best position.

    Does the above mean the MLM have a winning point? Of course not and only the c***s would say otherwise. Being a shareholder does not subject PNB have to look for affiliates and/or down line. Does PNB HAVE to buy products in advance? No, of course not.

    Why PNB doesn't invest in Bumi companies as adyseptember claims? Is there any bumi listed company(s) that can provide good ROI that PNB is not investing in? I guess (and it is my guess only) that it was this conundrum which influenced the national fatwa council's decision.

    Does PNB HAVE to invest in Amway? Of course not. I'm more worried that as an ASB investor, PNB also involves in BAT (which makes ciggies), Maybank, CIMB, RHB (whose conventional banking arms play with riba') and the rest.

    Lesser of 2 evils? I don't know. All I know is that national fatwa council has decided and that it is now their responsibility dunia, akhirat.

  37. Opps...I got the above from the following links...lupa plaks. Nanti org ckp I hentam papagomo..eh...kromo plaks :P



  38. Salam,

    I do not think it will cause a huge impact to the Malaysian investors (Tbg Hji, EPF, ASB). The investors remains till now because the business is still profitable (for now). Furthermore they own only minority of the shares.

    They know the payback period and they must have achieved the desired Return of Investment. The questions is what they suppose to do right now with the minor shares in view of the malpractice and Haram issues. The ummah/rakyat can show our concern. Those who has the cable/influence, better voice out their concern to the top people.


  39. bro,wa slh sorg mangsa mlm ni..wa nk keluar dr mlm ni n mntk diorg pulang kn blk modal wa,tp diorg bt bodoh je..wa nk report polis je..apa pendaapat lu bro..

  40. HA HA! Aku pernah terjebak dgn benda ni. Jahil lagi masa tu. Diorang panggil network diorang NETWORK 21.

    Nsb baik tak jadi kutu MLM. Mula2 ada kawan ajak pergi presentation. Dkt KL dia punya port kat TTDI, dewan sebelah tmn tasik TTDI. Skrg tak tau la dh tukar tpt ke tak.

    1st aku pergi presentation dia, masuk kena bayar RM5. Tp sbb 1st time, org yg bwk la kena byr. Minggu seterusnya byr sendiri. WTF!!!

    1st thing lps je jadi ahli (rm80 fly) dptlah planner, beg bimbit, flyers, apa lgi aku tak igt dan diorang akan bg dgr cd utk brainwashkan otak. Lps tu suruh kita beli set2 CD yg kononnya untuk meningkatkan motivasi. Produk?!!! jatuh no 4. Mahal derr cd2 tu.

    No 2 diorang akan suruh beli tiket untuk monthly punya meeting. Lps tu ada annual punya meeting. Setahun 2 kali kalau aku tak salah. Nsb baik semua meeting tu aku tak pernah pergi dan cd2 pun aku tak beli. Mana yg diorang bg aku ambik tp pulangkan balik dkt diorang tanpa aku dgr.Boleh katakan setiap minggu jumpa diorang akan tekankan pergi meeting, beli tiket. Pergi meeting, beli tiket. Beli tiket lebih jual kat kawan2.

    Diorang gelar sistem network mereka sebagai pipeline dan tak mengaku MLM. Waktu mereka train aku untuk tarik kawan2(which is dkt kedai mamak) diorang akan sarankan jgn bg tau dulu pasal amway ( common thing MLM kot) , just ckp nak cari bisnes partner. Aku gagal part ni. Member2 dgr je psl nk cr bisnes prtner trs aku kena gelak. SIal! haha! Ha ini agenda penting mereka no 3. Cari orang. cari orang dan terus cari.

    Produk no 4. 1st barang diorang rekomen kat aku adalah spray mulut bg wangi. cilakak. busuk ka mulut gua. hari2 gua gosok gigi wey! Lps tu biasalah, mereka sarankan sbg ahli mesti kena target at least brp % sale dlm sbln. aku pun tak igt. lupa. nak lebih baik beli sendiri produk lps tu pandai2 la nak buat apa.

    tak bnyk memori psl ni dlm sbln je aku join lps tu aku sumpah kawan aku yg suruh pergi benda ni stiap kali aku jumpa dia!

  41. salam.. pada sesiape yg handal pasal muamalat, please share sumthin with us yg xbrape arif ni.. kira haram la klu kte trus invest dlam ASB, EPF n etc if kte da tau yg badan2 ni sume invest kt company MLM?

  42. aku baru beli ubat kumur untuk sakit tekak kat klinik swasta. orang klinik tu bagi ubat kumur yang kaler hijau. aku tanya kenapa kaler hijau, bukan merah. dia jawap, "yang ni amway punya".


    aku pakai tak kurang2 pun sakit tekak tu..

  43. "Aku hanya mampu jadi CSI Gil Grissom dan tulis blog yang tak ramai percaya pun. Orang Melayu yang berlambak buat MLM kat luar sana dengan manyak songehnya hari-hari memperlekehkan blog aku ni."....

    bro, aku paling suke ayat ni....hahahha...trbaik wok!!! aih org MELAYU ni...

    de mase cecite ZHULIAN lak bro...kupas,kopek,terjah sume2x r.....

    ASB pecite ni...aih.....bru bukak stengah taun...adeh......duit haram jdnye tuh..azab2x...

  44. With decades of Amway's solid financial growth and shareholders like these well-known businesses/organisations striving to maximise their own s/holders' (incl. kabel2 besar) returns, does Amway M'sia have the potential to collapse in the near future?
    (Well, i supposed soon enough if there are evidentiary findings to indicate tt they're involved in terrorism funding or use fetuses from China in their cosmetic products . Ok those are pretty extreme ramblings. Sorry..I'm wiped out! Weeeeee… )

    And soklan layman sayer, if it's US flagship co.in Ameriker collapses, would this force its related entities in other countries to tutup kedai too even if they have strong financial position, and assuming those PS practices are ok from their country's regulatory standpoint (lenient )?

    If our "culture" dictates, kita baru nak sampai Puduraya baru our top levels realise that there are major underlying kinks (kinky business?) & unethical practices in Amway or other MLM businesses (albeit seamless-real time access to info). Whether or not there'll be follow-up actions, how long and when , that's another story. Tunggu sampai JB gamaknya . Banyak interests nak kena protect & benda kena pikior kot, macam Youtube asyik “loading” jer, last2 enforcement lag. Worse case scenario, this will remain another hollow episode of countless hollow episodes. Bak satu post yg i terbaca, in our dreamlah (best tidur malam ni hujan renyai2).

    Dat's why saya tabik spring ngan efforts yg Aidid buat- the blog , facebook groups dll cos i truly believe this will "stir" something, and it starts with awareness (2 bulan lepas maner i tau ader grup mcm grup kayangan Ayah Pin- Unstobebal).

    I have faith in you bro.

    p.s Seriously kempunan nak makan McD's Prosperity burger. :(

  45. smlm bru dpt link ni:http://www.infinitypayout.com/

    cuba bro investigate biznes ni plak..betol ke idak..

  46. Yes, that happens in England, but it's not Amway, it's another organisation claimed to be linked to Amway - BWW or Britt Worldwide, which an independent organisation claimed to provide 'education' for Amway distributors to get their business started. It's a money-making company (organising events and functions for Amway, selling books and tapes for distributors). The company was established by Amway distributors (UNETHICAL ones) not by Amway Company. But because they claim to have affiliated with Amway, Amway decided to take the 'responsibility'. (mind you I'm not an Amway distributor and had nothing to do with Amway, I live in England, read your blog, and decided to do some research of your statements). Appreciate your effort to reveal the 'truth', but it seems that you're just another anti-MLM, with one-sided viewpoint. If you want to talk about helping bumiputras, then DO FIELDWORK!

  47. Oh by the way, I'm not judging, but your intro above occurs to me that you're a Muslim. Doesn't the teachings of Islam defies it followers to use 'cursing' words:

    "Allah says in His Glorious Book: "And say to My servants (that) they speak that which is best; surely the Shaitan sows dissensions among them; surely the Shaitan is an open enemy to man." (17:53). "And they are guided to goodly words and they are guided into the path of the Praised One." (22:24). "And speak kindly to mankind." (2:83).
    In these Holy verses, as in the Islamic moral line that determines man's relations with the other, whether a close relative, a friend, or a complete stranger, we are advised to use the words that open the minds and hearts of the other and the words that attract him to our beliefs. When one talks, he might use good and kind words that open the hearts and feelings of those whom they are addressed to, drawing them closer to the one who says these words. On a higher level, good words unify society that lives a state of conflict and so on. But there are also the bad words that draw people apart; they close the mind and prevent it form opening to the positive sides in the other's thinking and close the heart and prevent it from feeling the good in the hearts of others. In short, it prevents the establishment of relations between people." You should check out this website: http://islamunity.net/houseofunity/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=20:good-words-draw-people-closer-while-bad-ones-cause-enemity&catid=9:united-scholars
    I'm not judging but as brother in Islam, I think, and I feel, this is not right. Just a reader, ordinary human being.. learning each day

  48. Another good read:

    Heaven if forbidden to cursers

    Another Prophetic tradition, whose context is far more serious than the first tradition, and hopefully will be well understood by every person who has a "filthy" tongue, and who might even be one of those that carry out their religious obligations, such as praying, fasting, and performing the pilgrimage, yet the people feel ashamed of listening to their obscene words: “Every person who uses obscene words is forbidden from entering Heaven”, because the angels fear that Heaven will be devastated by his obscenity and filthiness. He (p.) also said: “Obscenity disgraces whoever uses it – it damages his image – while embarrassment ornaments whoever uses it.” He (p.) also said: “Allah has made Paradise prohibited to anyone who curses or abuses – he has a filthy obscene mouth – who is impolite – he does not feel embarrassed or ashamed even at home in front of his children – and does not care about what he says or what people say to him – he does not mind cursing the people or being cursed back by them, for he neither respects the people nor do they respect him.
    In another tradition, the Prophet (p.) asked: “Shall I tell you who is far from being like me?” They said: Yes, Messenger of Allah. He (p.) said: “The person who curses or abuses.” The Prophet (p.) also said, “If obscenity was a creature – characterized by a human being – it would have been the most evil of Allah’s creatures. And,“If obscenity was a model, it would have been a bad model,” both meaning that just like his words are ugly, he is ugly as well. The Prophet (p.) also says: “Of the most evil of Allah’s servants are those whom you hate to sit with because of their obscenity” – there are some people whom you hate to sit with because of their obscene and filthy words; those are the ones who are of the most evil of Allah’s servants.

    A tradition of Imam Ali (a.s.) says: “Obscenity and abuse do not belong to Islam.” Imam Al-Baqir (a.s.) was reported to have said: “Tell people the best of things you would like them to say to you– you have to talk to people the same way you like them to talk to you, as the following tradition states: “Treat people the same way you want them to treat you with – Allah hates the curser – The Prophet (p.) has forbidden this act (cursing) and said: “I was not sent a curser – who backbites the believers; and He hates the abuser and insistent beggar.
    In a tradition of Imam As-Sadiq (a.s.), he says: “If a man complains from his fellow believer, then his faith will fizzle out of his heart, and if he tells him, “you are my enemy” – unfortunately, these expressions are used a lot in our societies that are living all kinds of fanaticism – then one of them has disbelieved, for Allah says: “The Believers are but a single Brotherhood” (49:10), at the time you say, "this is my enemy", therefore, you would be disobeying Allah's command – Allah does not accept any (good) deed from a believer, if he intends to inflict harm to his brother.”

    Imam As-Sadiq (a.s.) also said: “He who people fear his tongue – people fear to get in contact with him because of his filthy tongue – his abode will be in Hellfire.” Hellfire is not only for he who does not pray or fast, but rather it is also the fate of those who commit several social and moral wrongful acts that Allah will hold them accountable for, for Allah loves those who abide by the spiritual, moral, and human values.

    This is what Islam, the Messenger of Allah (p.), and the Imams of Ahl Al-Beit (a.s.) talk about. Therefore, he who feels that he possesses some of these vices ought to struggle against his soul and teach it to relief the people around him, so that he gets closer to Allah, and Allah, in return, would be pleased with him.

  49. Heaven if forbidden to cursers

    Another Prophetic tradition, whose context is far more serious than the first tradition, and hopefully will be well understood by every person who has a "filthy" tongue, and who might even be one of those that carry out their religious obligations, such as praying, fasting, and performing the pilgrimage, yet the people feel ashamed of listening to their obscene words: “Every person who uses obscene words is forbidden from entering Heaven”, because the angels fear that Heaven will be devastated by his obscenity and filthiness. He (p.) also said: “Obscenity disgraces whoever uses it – it damages his image – while embarrassment ornaments whoever uses it.” He (p.) also said: “Allah has made Paradise prohibited to anyone who curses or abuses – he has a filthy obscene mouth – who is impolite – he does not feel embarrassed or ashamed even at home in front of his children – and does not care about what he says or what people say to him – he does not mind cursing the people or being cursed back by them, for he neither respects the people nor do they respect him.
    In another tradition, the Prophet (p.) asked: “Shall I tell you who is far from being like me?” They said: Yes, Messenger of Allah. He (p.) said: “The person who curses or abuses.” The Prophet (p.) also said, “If obscenity was a creature – characterized by a human being – it would have been the most evil of Allah’s creatures. And,“If obscenity was a model, it would have been a bad model,” both meaning that just like his words are ugly, he is ugly as well. The Prophet (p.) also says: “Of the most evil of Allah’s servants are those whom you hate to sit with because of their obscenity” – there are some people whom you hate to sit with because of their obscene and filthy words; those are the ones who are of the most evil of Allah’s servants.
    This is what Islam, the Messenger of Allah (p.), and the Imams of Ahl Al-Beit (a.s.) talk about. Therefore, he who feels that he possesses some of these vices ought to struggle against his soul and teach it to relief the people around him, so that he gets closer to Allah, and Allah, in return, would be pleased with him.

  50. *correction: Heaven IS forbidden to curses

    Jazakallahukhair brother :)

  51. Salam,
    Saya baca kat komen ni ramai dah panik pasal TH pun ada saham kat Amway. Saya ni pun bukan alim ulama, tetapi berdasarkan satu khutbah jumaat yang saya dengar tahun lepas, khatib ada menerangkan pasal pendapatan syubhah dsb, (tak layak bagi saya untuk terangkan kat sini).
    Tapi kesimbulannya.. jika sesuatu yang jelas haram, maka jauhilah, contoh: berjudi. Tapi sesuatu yang tak jelas bagi kita, rujuklah kepada orang yg lebih alim, yang benar-benar arif dan layak untuk menjatuhkan hukum halal - haram.
    Saya percaya Aidid sendiri tidak menjatuhkan hukum melabur dlm PNB atau simpanan dalam TH sebagai haram; jadi tak perlulah individu - individu seperti saya atau saudara - saudara yang lain, menjatuhkan hukum terhadap sesuatu perkara yg kurang jelas bagi kita.

  52. Wow! Another goody-two-shoes-a-dime-a-dozen-self-righteous prick who has no qualm in judging strangers he has never met.By just reading a blog, he's qualified to be judge and jury. Was it good for ya? You know... to judge? Was it orgasmic? What the f**k! You think everyone as naive as you are ha? He lives in England wooooo! That's pretty darn awesome man!

    "Appreciate your effort to reveal the 'truth', but it seems that you're just another anti-MLM, with one-sided viewpoint".
    What the heck does that mean... pray tell? Of course I'm anti MLM with one-sided viewpoint - are you dense or something? If you want it any other way, I think you should read some other blogs then... like the blogs of some lost Amway souls, selling things the MLM way - which anyone who appreciate statistics and maths know, that is a pyramid-scheme boy. Are there any other way it can be done? If the bzns system involves endless chain of recruitment, it will become a pyramid-scheme... end of story. The products being sold is a different story. Haven't you read my articles from the last 2+ months, or did you just read this one article, now you're the master in judging me?

    "If you want to talk about helping bumiputras, then DO FIELDWORK!"
    Again... FIELDWORK kejadahnya DOL? Apa aku nak buat apa kat FIELD tu utk tolong Bumiputra? I am still lost about that FIELDWORK. I need to help Bumiputra by doing..... (what?) in the FIELD? And just let all the Bumiputra continue to be less than the intelligent people they should be... no need la this blog that talk about statistics, economics, science and medicine. Bumiputras do not need all these knowledge stuff, as long as they continue doing that FIELDWORK! What the freaking crap? No wonder you join Amway... or whatever.

    "The company was established by Amway distributors (UNETHICAL ones) not by Amway Company. But because they claim to have affiliated with Amway, Amway decided to take the 'responsibility'."
    If anyone in this world believe such unbelievable crap - then God have mercy on us all. Such naivete.... Dey, Amway is the biggest pyramid-scheme operator of them all, bar none. For more than 30 years this has been "known", but it's all just a matter of the technicalities of the ruling. 32 years ago they had been accused to be as such (Amway ruling 1979) and were told to behave... well, now we hear that they didn't really behave. The DeVos family is the epitome of no-good unethical businessmen, who couldn't care less about of what's happening to all those Amway distributors that got screwed, as long as the get their billions. And >99% Amway distributors did get the short end of the stick... over the years. Eh... ko bukan org Amway kan?


    But... were you making a joke about all these? Did you want me to laugh along with you? Hahahaha.... there you go.

  53. aaaa..aku xpki amway..xpernah masuk amway or cosway..or way--way..

  54. Salam Eric,

    Clearly I am not the owner of this blog. As brother in Islam, I also praise your willingness to advice Aidid about the way he emphasis his views. Indeed you are right, and nothing wrong with such a sincere advice. With a wise advice, you left no room for any bloggers here to curse you back.

    Educating and creating awareness among Bumiputras is our main goal, where this blog functions as a platform. You must understand that blogger will always be a blogger, expressing their views critically via online. They are not interested in "fieldwork". You must understand and appreciate their typical personality trait and quality. Not keen to be known, not interested to be in hall of fame. They do critical thinking and investigating stuff. Of course, not interested in any fieldwork.

    Ensuring the top people to hear your thoughts is pretty challenging right here, and even more difficult if you don't have any strong network.

    Cursing is bad, yes i agree. However, this the way this blog being positioned, attracting thousands of youngster/MLM victims to read the blog daily. It is fun to read the blog.

    I suggest you capture and digest everything here using your birds eye view with different perspective, not spinal level.


  55. Aidid, saya nak bertanya pd awak.

    MLM'ers AlJabbar dan BIOS9000 kata, ramai rakyat Jepun yang menggunakan produk ni dan dorg jugak claim yg kat Jepun xbanyak klinik kerana rata2 penduduk sana menggunakan mesin ni utk menjaga kesihatan mereka. Jadi, klinik dorg tak laku. Betul ke??????

    Just nak tau ur opinion tentang perkara ni.
    Yelah, saya tak pernah ke Jepun atau negara2 luar lain. Jadi tak taulah keadaan kat sana mcm mana.

    Dorg skrg ni tgh giat promo produk2 ni kat mak saya. Dan saya jugak tengah giat promo tentang salah laku MLM pd mak saya jugak ni. Hehehe... Hasil dari pembacaan dari blog Aidid yg sangat informatif ni le...

    Betul ke apa yg MLM'ers tu claim???

  56. Jepun adalah antara negara paling maju di dunia berkenaan teknologi - dan kemajuan medicine kat sana sama taraf dgn Amerika dan Europe - korang ingat logik ke statement bahalol tu semua? Klinik tak laku kepala lutut dia.
    Pasal mesin elektrostatik ni, kalau benda tu betul la elektrostatik - kan dah jadi macam Van Der Graaff machine jadinya tu? Apa kaitannya dgn kesihatan?
    Kat unit fisioterapi kat mana2 hospital di Malaysia ada pakai mesin2 electrotherapy utk membantu proses penyembuhan dan mengawal kesakitan - dan ada pulak mesin ultrasound utk muscle injury - tapi mesin tu semua ada limit dan... not the only mode of treatment.
    Yg AlJabbar ni, to me, they're just parasite... really sick SOBs. CEO AlJabbar ada diploma in ICT - apa kejadahnya dia tahu pasal medicine?

  57. bro jiwakacau,
    Aidid dah bagi macam2 info kat kite.. so up to us la cam na nak buat kan.... takkan la aidid nak spoonfeed every single thing? Fikir la sendiri... if tak cukup info lagi, google jer, sure ada...
    Tak pernah gi jepun, tak semestinya kita tak tahu langsung ttg jepun...

  58. best gile dow blog ni.......... siap ade carut2 + falsafah + saintifik... saya sukaaaa.....

    can i say my thought here too bro aidid... those MLMers actually planted with what we called DENIAL SYNDROME. They have that bcs they lost their (lots of) money but right after that realized they already made a mistake.


  59. salam.

    ape pandangan encik aidid pasal stormreaders2u?? diterajui oleh ustaz2, pakar motivasi.. sama je,MLM jgk, n taja-menaja jgk...



  60. Wow! Aidid's trollers now come all the way from England dowh! Caya lah bro, you're not international! ;)

  61. Ok.Setelah beberapa minggu aku baca entry2 dalam blog ni sampai gelak-gelak dan kagum dengan ketelitian maklumatnya (sambil google sana sini..haha)...maka..

    harini...aku terus bagi standing ovation.

    Terbaik lah!

    TERUSKAN! Naik letih aku tengok iklan2 cepat kaya kat tenet dengan paper.


  62. TQ Aidid atas info yg diberi.

    inmyownword, sy bertanya sbb nak lebih kepastian. Walhal, sy tau dorg guna statement mcm tu utk mempengaruhi kita je. Dan mmg pasti dorg sendiri pun xpernah tb ke Jepun tu.

  63. betul kata ska tu, DENIAL SYNDROME. Org kita kata menegakkan benang yg basah...


  64. bro...de cite baru....org dakwah buat mlm.....ni bleh jadi kes panas neh.....hahahaha


    mcm maybank2u plak eh.....

  65. Dah... aku dah diberitahu dan dah study pasal akhil bangang ni.
    Aku ni tgh mengarang pasal benda lain, terpaksa la koner ke situ...
    Apa nak jadi org Melayu kita ni?

  66. Ala bro....bak kata Tun Det, Melayu kan mudah lupa. Especially when duit depan mata :P

  67. adohhhh..... makin parah nampaknya.
    nanti mulalah MLM'ers ni menguatkan hujah dorg kata pendakwah pun ada, xkanlah benda ni haram dan salah. hah... tu dia seh. yg parah jadi makin parah.

    saya ni bimbang je kalau2 dorg hasut mak ayah saya join benda2 hamjadah ni. saya ni dah le dok jauh dari mak ayah. risau risau risau. mudah2an mereka terpelihara dari menerima hasutan MLM'ers ni. Amin...

  68. Try forward entry ni kat Che Det blog.
    Lets hear what he gona say.
    I positively think that he can help us.

  69. I've expected that kind of respond from you. I'm not pointing out the 'CONTENT' you made, but the 'LANGUAGE' you used. Anyhow, that's typical emo 'kid' a.k.a blogger (just one like you). Never mind. Like you said, Allah s.w.t knows.

  70. To Eric,

    'The company was established by Amway distributors (UNETHICAL ones) not by Amway Company. But because they claim to have affiliated with Amway, Amway decided to take the 'responsibility'. '

    Can anyone take advantage of Amway if it is not a company that promotes MLM? Just say Amway sells pisang goreng and air cincau, do you think that they can do it the same unethical way? Of course not. People take advantage because of this MLM companies. Take Unstopbebal for example.

    Did the MLM companies take any action against this groups which are taking advantage over their MLM scam? They will never because they wanted this from the first place. Please use logical thinking.

    About the cursing. I think Aidid is cursing those people who are doing wrong and evil. Unless you think that you fall into that category.... By the way, he did not curse me yet. Lol.

  71. I've expected that kind of respond from you.... Woooooo! Hebat!

    Anyway, what's wrong with the language I used? I've always been more comfortable writing in English, but luck would have it - lots of my blog's readers hated it. Got >50 emails over 2 months, asking me specifically to write in Malay... They don't wanna use google-translate or a dictionary, I guess. So I write in Malay, the way I see things as a Malay... what more do u all want from me? I'm no Malay literature writer. I'm just a lowly street-guy from some kampong. This is my Malay language... wadefat?

  72. To Jiwakacau,

    The machines are claimed from Japan rite?
    Check this out. Cancer in Japan. Maybe electromagnetic is good after all to make cancer.



    BTW, healthcare in Japan is very expensive. About the number of doctors, you can see here:


    Hope this helps.

  73. muaahahahaa.. nama aku naik kat atassss skali tu.. anyway.. go bro aidid.. go go go..

  74. jiwakacau said...

    MLM'ers AlJabbar dan BIOS9000 kata, ramai rakyat Jepun yang menggunakan produk ni dan dorg jugak claim yg kat Jepun xbanyak klinik kerana rata2 penduduk sana menggunakan mesin ni utk menjaga kesihatan mereka. Jadi, klinik dorg tak laku. Betul ke??????

    Jawapan saya..
    Saya pernah selidik pasal BIOS9000 ni..parents la..suruh beli benda ni kat Jepun..ni semua gara2 syarikat MLM yg bagi free guna sebelum dorang offer produk ni dengan harga RM16000..

    Bila saya cari2 info, produk ni takde jual secara free market kat Jepun...dan rasanya takde pun tiap rumah kat Jepun ni ada mesin2 ni...Mesin ni mungkin ada di hospital2 dan klinik pakar yg bersesuaian..

    Orang Jepun, rata-rata sihat dan hidup lama. Semua tu disebabkan permakanan dan gaya hidup sihat mereka. Makanan dorang semua tidak banyak unsur2 minyak,pedas2..

    Mereka mengamalkan senaman, bercucuk tanam/berkebun, dan juga amalan minum green tea.
    Green tea minuman harian mengantikan air masak (putih) tu...

    Berbalik kepada isu mesin tadi,sudah tentunya mesin ni bukan untuk menghilangkan sakit2 kronik seperti yang diiklankan oleh syarikat MLM tu..

    Boleh lihat sini..http://www.itolator.co.jp/english/international/physiotherapy/bios9000/index.html

    Rasanya mesin ni tak de dijual untuk market Jepun. Syarikat yg keluarkan mesin ni pun tak mengamalkan MLM..

    Kalau dilihat dengan jelas, adakah betul mesin yang dijual di syarikat MLM tu sama dengan mesin BIOS9000 yang dijual di Jepun tu? atau mesin BIOS9000 yang dijual oleh syrt MLM tu imitation dari China ??

    Mungkin syarikat MLM menggunakan nama, atau negara asal yg ada jual mesin ni, untuk menjual mesin cikai yg dorang boleh dapat dari China? Kat China byk mesin2 mcm ni...Seperti kita tau, produk yang datang dari China boleh meniru mcm2 produk yang original secara fizikal..tapi secara keberkesannannya, berkemungkinan ZERO..

    Isu pasal klinik kat Jepun tak laku tu, saya boleh katakan SALAH..
    Mana ada klinik Jepun laku dan tak laku..nak2 lagi kerana mesin ni.. Mmg kelakar!!

    Saya tinggal di Jepun, jadi saya tahu enviroment di sini. Di Jepun, klinik byk..dipecah-pecahkan mengikut kepakaran masing-masing. Hospital, Farmasi dan Klinik (berdasarkan kepakaran dan bidang doktor masing2) ada peranan mereka tersendiri. Tiada monopoli..

    Mengatakan Klinik kat Jepun tu tak laku...itu hanya PROPA...ertikata lain..MENIPU!

    Salah satu ciri2 perniagaan MLM, menipu..jadi, jiwakacau, boleh fikir2kan...

    Blog Aidid ni byk info berguna bagi membuka mata masyarakat. Satu platform yang baik utk educate masyarakat yang tidak arif dalam bidang yg tertentu..dan ia dah jadi bahan bacaan saya hari2..Tahniah Aidid!! :)

  75. Aidid, i think..apa yang si eric dari Hengland tu maksudkan ialah tentang tahap "kepornoan" dan "kepuakaan" bahasa yg digunakan...I thinklah...i could be wrong

    Disclaimer kat profile tu kecik sgt, moral authorities tak nampak.

  76. hahahahhaa... dari Hengland... aku nak like comment ni cemane ahh? lawak dol...~

  77. bang aidid!!!

    kalau Cosway plak macam mane bang? saya pengguna barang Cosway ni.

  78. Yuyu... aku selalu attack produk yg terbukti mengarut aje, dan sistem perniagaan skim piramid/MLM yg menganiaya org - jgn silap ko ingat aku ni anti-bzns. Aku sendiri buat bzns anyway.... Niaga jgn tipu org sudah.
    You seorang pengguna... choose wisely. Kalau beli barang Cosway yg u rasa best, go ahead, by all means.

    1. Assalamm aidid.. you still buat bisness amway ke?

  79. holy shit

    Amway pegang negara kita punya assets. Ini memang final boss....

  80. one more..
    slalunye kan dornk2 yg wat mlm nie kan dornk menyalah tafsir fakta dr buku..contohnye business skool dr papa rich..
    isi die mmg bnyk tersirat n dornk salah menyuratkan nya...
    thats why dornk nie terpesong n slah langkah..
    im the one who are trapped into this thing i means MLM not this akhil hayy but some other thing~~
    hmm..everything change~~~
    luckily smpat patah balik b4 it way2 out~~
    learn from my own mistake~~

  81. berkenaan ALPHA LIPID.. sila beli utusan melayu hari ini bertarikh 7.1.2011.. ada article tentang produk ini..aidid ur research dlm MLM dan beberapa produk.. its good. but not good enough!.. *(ALPHA LIPID, satu istilah ntahapekebenda yg tidak didapati dalam mana-mana buku teks perubatan, mahu pun dalam medical journals) <------ apa ni?? research laa betul2 bro sblum nk komen.. kalau betul2 nk reseach ..nah baca dekat sini...what is colostrum n what is ALPHA LIPID :) kat dlm tu siap ada study paper lagi..kalau betul2 nk berdebat..sila email diorg.. :)


  82. About The Institute Colostrum Research:
    Mission: To understand colostrum and help create solutions for the betterment of mankind.
    The Institute of Colostrum Research (ICR) was created to collect, communicate and conduct research to prove the efficacy of colostrum as a general health food or as a nutriceutical for therapeutic purposes.
    bla bla bla bla bla...... ICR has undertaken this task as to educate the consumer to judge colostrum products from different distributors. In this way the consumer can make a more educated choice as to which colostrum product is best.

    >>>ICR is sponsored by BTI Laboratories who are one of the largest formulators and marketers of colostrum products in the world. BTI believes that the importance of colostrum to global health and the potential of this market as so large that everyone will benefit by sharing information.

    Komentar aku:
    Ini la antara budak Melayu baru baligh yg korang akan jumpa bersepah skrg, yg takde langsung idea independent dan saintifik - asyik kena suap dgn ilmu badan komersial - pastu pandai nak kritik org dgn ilmu songsang dia. Dik, jadi org terpelajar dik - jgn jadi org yg belajar 10%... pastu sebok nak jadi lecturer pulak... don't be a f**king dumbass!

    Saya ulangi, perkataan ALPHALIPID adalah satu jenama drpd syarikat komersial - New Image International di Auckland, New Zealand.. hanya mangkok hayon yg tak sedar dia mangkok hayon aje yg suka cakap benda merapu macam ni. Adakah kalau keluar paper utusan Melayu maksudnya sesuatu fakta tu terus jadi benar - hutan mana ko duduk selama hari ni dik? Papua New Guinea? Pakai cawat hari2 memburu babi hutan... pastu panggang, makan ramai2 tepi unggun api.

    OK, dalam buku teks perubatan mmg la takde istilah ni... it's a brand name, that goes without saying. Dan sapa2 yg perasan tubuh-badan dia sama kualiti dgn anak lembu, silakan makan atau minum produk susu awal lembu ni - sgt sesuai utk anda. Boleh membesar jadi LEMBU yg sihat dan kuat.

  83. hahaha..kesian..hidup dgn kata kata kasar :)

  84. hahaha... kesian..hidup bangang dah boleh diajar :)
    - sambil pakai cawat makan daging panggang.

  85. Fah said...
    hahaha..kesian..hidup dgn kata kata kasar :)
    January 6, 2011 8:30 PM



    Jangan la spin-spin dari topik ye. Kalau dah takde ayat nak counter Aidid, tak perlu la spin ke tempat lain. Aidid memang macam tu. Dia cakap kasar supaya manusia-manusia yang bengap rasa terhantuk sikit dan mula gunakan otak dan akal, bukan guna kepala lutut untuk berfikir. Fah jangan terasa pulak.

    Meh saya cakap baik-baik meh. Selain daripada point2 Aidid, saya nak tanya, kenapa website tu macam dodgy je. Betul ke ianya sebuah institut yang diiktiraf. Kenapa tiada alamat selain dari alamat website. Kat mana tempat penyelidikan institut nih? Derang ni takde duit sangat ke sampai tak boleh buat proper website? Kalau ada alamat dia, meh la share kat sini yek.

    PAsal Alpha Lipid nih, jangan la disamakan "ALPHA LIPID" dengan Colostrum ye.

    Alpha Lipid != Colostrum.

  86. You're freaking hilarious, Aidid :D Love your wittiness. Fellow Malaysian here, though not Malay/Muslim. Write on!

  87. Addy... witty? Make it angry-this close of giving up on my race-witty...
    Thank God you haven't seen me play my guitar... now, that's hilarious!

  88. mcm dlm nie..hahhahah

    tgk la CNI betul ker tak..hihi

  89. terima kasih sebab ckp saya bangang :) ..bole saya tau abg aidid niaga apa?

  90. Bangang? Oh yg kat atas tu? Ada typo pulak... supposed to be:
    >>hahaha... kesian.. hidup bangang TAK boleh diajar :)
    - sambil pakai cawat makan daging panggang.

    Anyway... you're very welcome.
    Aku motong gotah... what's that got to do with you being bangang?

  91. dah lama tak sempat nak online.. banyak yang saya tertinggal ni..

    setuju dengan tajuk di atas.. AMWAY.. sbb pernah ada pengalaman bersamanya..

    encik aidid.. ada satu lagi: Zhullian.. (betul ke eja tu?).. mereka suruh kita gadaikan emas tulen untuk menggantikannya dengan emas zhulian.. siap ada pemborong emas tulen dalam kedai zhulian tu setiap kali ada perjumpaan.. habis barang kemas orang yang tertipu tu tergolok tergadai.. hilang macam tu je.. at least kalau kat kedai pajak boleh gak dituntut semula.. yang ni lesap terus..

  92. Rsnya Amway paling lama bertahan kt Malaysia ni..dah 35 thn..cm MLM len mula-mula je pastu terkubur dah

  93. fah, mana ko poie fah... ponet eeii dei nunggo ekau nie haaa...

    fah, butang baju aku mana fah...

    x kan kena sergah dgn aidid dah lari kot... counter la balik... boring la troll mcm nie..

  94. aku br pas beli brg amway secara online..aku bc blog nih br tau amway 2 mlm..hahaha..siap org tuh pakse aku jd ahli lg..siap nk jumpe bagai..last2 aku kate kt die,sy order online sbb nk sng,supaye brg tuh anta betol kt umah,bkn nye nk nyusahkan sy jumpe2 n jd ahli ni..sy xmnt lgsung..pas2 die jwb,ok..sori.. ;p

  95. adoi..macam mana nih..aku ada 2 pilihan

    yang pertama - nak percaya
    (1) kalau percaya yg kata amway tu haram bukan ke maksudnya aku pecaya yg semua panel shariah yg meluluskan pembelian saham amway oleh tabung haji tu corrupt..munafiq..tapi takkan la takde sorg pun yg pk pasal akhirat..diorg tu kan org2 shariah. buatnya diorg tu tak corrupt..jadi fitnah pulak..huhu..
    (2) aku pernah denga ceramah kata kalau perkara2 yg kita tak expert..tinggalkan pada yg pakar. aku mmg tak pakar..aidid pakar ekonomi.. tapi ekonomi islam ko expert tak? ko penah tengok ke amway punya marketing plan macam mana? betul ek haram.. panel shariah tu mesti da pernah tengok..diorg tak pasan ke benda tu skim piramid..

    tapi kalau tak pecaya pulak..
    (1) aku da tak bole beli barang nutrilite.. supplement yg paling berkesan aku telan so far.. huhu..periuk dia pun bes..
    (2) artistry pun the best brand yg aku pakai.. sejak turun temurun lagi.. huhu..

    tolonggg...yang mana lebih berdosa? nak beli ke taknak..

  96. Maaf yer...apabila kita jual beli.pastikan barang tu berkualiti dan halal.Yer kalaupun cara Amway tu Pyramid..tapi barang dia bagus dan organik.Kawan saya sendiri dah pergi ke kilangnya di Ada,Michigan USA.Tapikan kalau kita beri barangan MLM buatan Malaysia..kita dah pergi kilang dia?Adakah dia buat di sini atau China?Adakah unsur bahan nya bersih?Tiada bahan pengawetan yg terlarang?

    Mana mana MLM semuanya sama, dari Dr Romzey ker Dr Noordin dari Zulian ke CPI dan Kopi,Corset Beutifull,Air Biolife..semuanya MLM.Tapi product yg kita beli tu..adakah ia mesra alam?organik dan pernah ker kita ke kiling nya? Amway adalah salah satu syarikat dimana..dia tanam sendiri pokoknya,menuai dan terus ke kilang untuk memproses buah buahan.tumbuh tumbuhan herba itu sebagai perasa dan warna asli untuk pil, minuman,make-up,losen dan makanannya.

    Dan bertahan samapai 35 tahun.Kenapa harus takut pada MLM..kita semua ada hak..Kalau tak suka dan tak minat tak payah masuk.Kalau suka masuk.Option kita yg pegang bukan ahli Amway yg menentukan jalan hidup anda,terpulang pada anda untuk menilai.

    MLM ker, kerja sendiri ker atau makan gaji..janji bila berjual beli barang itu dengan intergriti dan sah akad jual beli.Jangan menipu barang dengan jual barang busuk,kotor, kurang berat dan memudaratkan kesihatan.

    Kisah MLM nih dah lama..36 tahun yg lampau.Dari Zaman Mak atau nenek kita...u nak join ker tidak its up to you all..

  97. How come I had this funny feeling that people are insinuating that I'm the judge and jury here... hey, don't twist things around, I'm just the postman. I just bring messages around the neighbourhood. And the news that I screen-captured above in my articles are real news from USA, not news I made up myself... News that say, Amway has indirectly admitted that they've been running a pyramid-scheme-style-biz for years and years... but with the power of money, and with some politicians in Washington in their pocket, these shit has been going on for ages... what else is new with MLM anyway? Are you all surprise with the news? Maybe so... but not me - I'm not surprise at all man. I've digged around... I've seen the news... and not in the newspaper that some people read everyday. So I bring u different news. So, screw me.... is that it?

    >>u nak join ker tidak its up to you all..
    Exactly... Up to u all. So, I'm giving free advise here in my blog. Stop jadi kuli-batak alkafirun dan associate lagi dgn sistem perniagaan MLM yg penuh tipu-muslihat. Biarlah barang halal sekali pun, tapi cara penjualan shubahah - masih boleh diterima ka utk org Islam? Some will say yes... apa nak dikenang? To u can ha? Dah lama dah tu, berpuluh tahun org Melayu dah kena kencing kiri dan kanan dgn lepas satu satu MLM... bila nak belajarnya pun org Melayu ni dari kesilapan? Takde ramai org yg "Mr. Current Affairs" ke kat Malaysia ni? Yg ada ilmu pasal benda2 sebegini tak ramai ka dey? Asyik duit duit duit aje ke? Tak kesah la 10% Melayu buat MLM tapi pendapatan drpd MLM diseluruh negara Malaysia <1%, janji ada dalam 13 org jadi kaya-raya drpd 1 juta umat? Gitu? Haiya! Yenadey!

  98. Salam,

    Suraya Hanim..aku paham point nko.

    Aku tau banyak product MLM yg berkualiti kat luar sana tu. Yelah kalau aku buat bisnes pun, aku takkan compromise dari segi kualiti. Ok, full stop pasal produk berkualiti. Badigol hear this..full stop! ko punya 2 perenggan penerangan pasal kualiti tu meaningless ok..

    Yg jadi problemnye ialah sistem pyramid scheme tu sendiri. Paham tak..ko tgk mulut busuk aku ni..PYRAMID SCHEME. Melalui sistem ni byk berlaku kes penipuan cik adik oi. sistem tak adil yg hanya menguntungkan org atas shj. Dan banyak unsur shubahah. Suraya kalau nak bace pasal pyramid scheme kenala khatamkan entry2 Aidid sebelum ni yek.

    ko kena paham...walaupun 36 tahun Amway dah dlm bisnes, jgn sesekali kita terus mengagungkan sgt syarikat tu. dorang ni pioneer, no 1 ok..ada very sound track record. tak ramai berani sentuh. Ko kena ingat, even though dah well established/sentiasa on top, tak semestinya dia sentiasa betol. Suraya ko kena pusingkan kepala otak bana ko tu, pikir critical skeeeet jek ok. Hmm..mcm anak muda nak sedarkan org tua yg buat silap..walaupun confirm2 salah..bukan senang ek. Malaysia ni, skali dgn negara membangun yg lain..always be a follower of the first world country. Tinggal org US tak mkn taik je..kalau tak aku rase ko pun mkn gak.

    Jadi..bila pokok pangkal nya MLM ni dah tak betol, ko tak payahla naikkan bab2 lain..pasal akad la, kualiti la, 36 tahun la..blablabla. Ko tak tau camne pengasas MLM ni, which is Amway..dah influence byk org2 kita utk join bisnes ala2 skim yg sama. rosak hidup diorang. Ko turun padang ko tgk sediri. tenyeh mate nko tu.

    Ada paham Suraya....? make up your mind. Don't support this kind of bisnes at all at any level.

  99. ala suraya..tak payah la menegakkan benang yg basah kat sini..mmg aidid ni kata dia cuma posman bukan judge..tapi kita semua tau yg dia judge sbb kalau tanya dia pun tatau marketing plan amway tu macam mana sebenarnya..dia pun tatau mcm mana bonus plan amway.tapi dia bole kata amway tu haram. based on lawsuit tu.

    dia kan lagi hebat dari panel shariah kat tabung haji. sebab tu ramai org da mula risau bila aidid kata amway tu haram. sebab aidid tu kira cam lagi hebat dari ustaz la..ada phd. dia tau segala2 nya..walau pun cuma kaji dgn satu topik saman amway tu je..lol..how funny..

  100. Wow! It never fail to amaze me, what people who'd swallowed lots of shubahah money will say.... how things can get twisted by their shallow minds (btw, they join MLM maa!)... hehehe! how funny u dumb f**k!

    To sane minds out there: Amway admitted that their biz-model is a pyramid-scheme and they did lots of price-fixing and they used their motivational courses as a cash-cow... figure it out! Mende yg susahnya?

  101. Bodo piang punya Rai,

    Org kat sini discuss pasal facts beb. Ko ingat kitorang sini emo sgt nak ikut si Aidid ni?. Ko tu yg taksub sgt. Asal syarikat dah lame established, byk GLC invest, ko pun kate ok. HahaHa dunia ni tak straight la bai. Jgn jadi kambing biri2.

    Weh badigol ko denga sini. Mase TH invest dlm Amway mane naik isu Halal Haram MLM ni cibai. Diorang invest masa tu sebab itu business decision. Ada paham? TH analyzed ROI, track record, payback, IRR, etc. Apesal ko bengap sgt. Its purely business decision. Dah skang ni Malaysia makin maju, TH patut kena study balik la position dia dalam Amway tu.

    Oi mane ko...jgn larii.

    1. Cakap macam orang tak ada adap, aku yang join apa MLM ni pun tk lalu nk dengar ingo yang kluar dari mulut keparat macam ko ni biar la betul sekali pun, baik aku dengar cakap orang lain yang lebih beradap, baca je ayat ko aku dah tahu you have a rotten personality. Fucked off

  102. hahaha..nape la geng say no to mlm ni suka menggunakan kata2 kesat..kalau orang tak agree dgn dia je kata org bodo etc..hehehe..

    ye ke tabung haji study track record bagai yg macam ko cakap je? takde isu halal haram? ko assume ke ko mmg da tanya tabung haji? ke ko salah sorang panel shariah kat sana? aidid yg cakap? hahahaha..takde isu halal haram tu cakap korang..panel shariah tabung haji mesti la kaji jenis bisnes, sistem dia, halal haram.. ko ingat org2 kat panel shariah tabung haji tu makan gaji buta ke? sistem amway tak berubah dari dulu..so tabung haji mesti kena ambik tahu kalau amway ni menjalankan kegiatan yg tak berlandaskan shariah. ko ingat diorg suka nak menjawab kat akhirat nanti yg pasal duit haram yg diorg sumbat dalam akaun umat islam kat malaysia..tapi kalau org2 yg aku rasa expert pasal perniagaan islam yg kat tabung haji tu pun korang tak boleh nak percaya..ko nak percaya pada siapa? aidid? wakakaka..

    setahu aku selain dari tabung haji, amway listed dlm kaunter shariah kat bursa malaysia.. adakah ko rasa org2 yg duk kat kaunter shariah tu pun taleh pecaya? bursa malaysia ada business interest ke dgn amway? hihi..

    pelik la aku..cakap pung pang pung pang halal haram..tapi mulut duk maki sana sini..tak sah kalau takde ayat bodo, badigol, bengap bagai.. da jadik macam zikir..apa yg ko pecaya dgn apa yg aku pecaya berbeza. kita berbeza pendapat. ni bukan pasal siapa menang, kita kena berbincang secara ilmiah. ko kata benda tu bisnes decision.apa bukti ko?

    tak nafikan sini bincang facts. tapi aku rasa korg emosional sangat. bukak la minda tu. apa yg aidid bincangkan bukan satu benda yg tak elok. benda ilmiah. yg semua org patut tahu. benda ni bukan main2..hal halal haram. so buat la gaya ilmiah sikit. cam aku kata, aidid kata amway haram adalah berdasarkan lawsuit tu. tapi mana bukti yg menunjukkan tabung haji buat investment decision bukan purely based on track record bukan tgk pada halal haram sistem. kalau mcm tu apa guna panel shariah diorg?

    rasulullah pesan. kalau kita tak tau ttg satu perkara, tinggalkan pada yg pakar. so skang ni, yg pakar adalah panel shariah tabung haji dgn bursa malaysia. kalau kita tak pecaya pada diorg. kita nak pecaya pada siapa?

  103. btw aku nak tanya...adakah semua (i mean 100%) org yg mengakku bersalah kat court adalah org yg mmg buat salah?

    cam aku cakap la aidid..ko da study da marketing plan amway? ko penah beli barang amway? penah guna? hehehe..mesti ko kata barang amway mahal sbb ko tak penah guna :)

  104. oh..adakah kerana you just unable to admit yg ada mlm yg sebenanya tak haram :P kalau admit jatuh la air muka kan..

    biarla berdosa kerana mengharamkan apa yg halal sekalipun :) atau pun berdosa kerana fitnah :)

  105. Salam,

    Hahahaha..Berapi siot. Orait2 bincang secara ilmiah. Dari dulu sampai skarang ni, of course TH dah makin maju, panel syariah dah makin mantap. Tu general statement yg sumer org confirm setuju.

    Aku bagi case scenario yg sama. ko boleh relate dgn TH punya decision is purely business decision until NOW. Ni semua fact sebab aku terlibat dgn board meeting diorang. 3 bulan lepas ada satu local company proposed ganti meningococcal vaccine yang tak Halal(dari porcine) sekarang dgn yang Halal version. Dorang proposed melalui TH properties. Company yg proposed tu mmg ada proven track record and state-of-the-art technology. Tapi TH reject. Ape sebab reject? Because its purely a business decision. Walhal dari segi agama terang2 tu TH diberi alternative yg lebih baik. Skang aku nak tanye ko, ada keadaan dulu dgn sekarang dah berubah ke?

    Hahaha Rai..this is the reality: ko ingat dunia ni straight foward sgt ke dik. Sape decision maker kat TH tu? Sape top? Panel Syariah...? I don't think so. They are corporate people, tak caye pegi google. Ko ingat benda yg sama tak berlaku masa TH invest in Amway? Jawab sendiri beb.

    Ko guna kepala otak bana ko tu utk pikir yg panel syariah ni ambil tahu segala2 nya kat TH. Ko pikir semuanya diorang review. apehal? takde sape kat sini persoal kehebatan panel syariah TH. Wei budak, dalam apa situasi skalipun kat Malaysia ni, ko suka atau tidak, semuanya berkatian dgn bisnes dan Malaysia mmg sentiasa tak meletakkan alim2 ulama dan seangkatan dengannya pada tempat yg tertinggi sebelum sesuatu keputusan dibuat.

    Aidid cakap ape aku peduli dan tak peduli. aku tgk points dia je. kitorang bkn nak agung2 kan dia.


  106. Rai rai rai..Raihan?

    Aku bagi ko lagi satu scenario la. Aku kesian tgk ko ni...nak kasi ko pusing otak ko tu.

    Who is the most brilliant group of people that plan for the Roadmap of Malaysia Economy?. Kalau ko tak critical, ko akan jawap Economic Planning Unit (EPU) under PM Department. Memang dorang brilliant, qualification mmg dahsyat. Tp ko ingat planning dorang ni PM terima bulat2 ke (despite all the effort and labs around the country)? Kalau ikut cara pemikiran ko, yelah EPU ni atas kertas mmglah decide byk benda untuk ekonomi Malaysia. Nama pun EPU. Dorang ni mmg ada executive power utk advice PM.

    In reality, the ultimate decision from the PM will be done after discussion with the THINK-THANK Group. think-thank group ni ada almost 100 people around PM, comprise of generation Y, X, Baby boomers, ulama, etc. Ni semua tak tertulih atas kertas. HahahaHa super confidential. aaa now you know aa..

    EPU boleh convince PM around 30%, the rest 70% is done by the think-thank group, lead by few damn good people. These group are not keen to be known and always give input behind the scene. They are so brilliant and trustworthy. Ini bukan pasal kronisme atau nepotisme ok. clear otak ko dulu.

    Hahaha reality Rai..penat aku bagitau ko ni.


  107. I don't really get the lame-ass arguments...
    Kes pengakuan skim piramid Amway ni baru timbul bulan Oct 2010... pehal kaitannya dgn decision TH 20-30 tahun lepas? Skrg di Amerika Amway dah mengaku buat keje lahanat skim piramid, yg dia org buat selama bertahun2 ni (yg Amway dapat bendong sebab lobbying power yg dia ada kat mostly Republicans faction in US Congress & Senate)... so, skrg dah tahu benda sebenarnya, sbg org Islam (yg begitu mementingkan halal-haram perniagaan kan?), buat la apa yg patut. Get it done... now. Nak ungkit decision 20 tahun dulu apakejadahnya? Things changed, things moved on... people learn new things everyday.
    Nak jadi katak bawah tempurung yg tak pegi sekolah sampai bila2 ke beb?

  108. Hahaha..

    Enjoy the show la bro.

    Anyway, aku rase bdk2 skang ni lurus sgtla. 1+1 mesti 2. Kalau cakap 3,4,5 gerenti cakap salah. Haiya patutla senang kena basuh dgn MLM. Ya ya things changed..even things get better, world getting flatter, those people still thinking the old tradition way.

  109. sorry la dib kacau u.. i rasa u kne ade web personal satu laa.. pasal main kat blogspot nie macm tak pro la pulak.. sorry yee.. kalau u nak create web.. i boleh design kan.. nanti boleh call saya 019-3369388 saiful

  110. ha..kan bagus macam tu..tak payah nak guna cursing word pun apa yg ko cakap aku bole paham.

    laa..kan aku bagi dua persoalan kat situ.. so apa business interest bursa malaysia? kenapa dia nak listed amway dalam kaunter shariah kalau amway tak ikut syarat? kalau amway mula2 listed dengan memenuhi syarat shariah, dan untung.kenapa dia nak ruin market sendiri?

    dan lagi..penjelasan ko mengenai tabung haji tak membuktikan yg amway mengamalkan sistem yg bercanggah dengan islam. sistem amway sepatutnya tidak menganiaya sesiapa dan tak mengamalkan riba.barang dia pun sangat bermutu.

    (1) join fee tak lebih seratus dan boleh dipulangkan dalam masa setahun.
    (2) semua barang keluaran amway boleh pulang balik dalam tempoh yg munasabah
    (3) bonus sistem bukan berdasarkan head hunting. tapi berdasarkan pada jualan dan juga leadership.

    takde paksaan untuk join ke apa ke. kalau ada paksaan..benda tu berlaku adalah kerana ketamakan manusia. so berdasarkan pada sistem tu purely, takde menganiaya sesiapa. org2 yg kata dia join tapi takde dapat duit, baik ko tanya dia..dia betul2 buat bisnes ni atau dia goyang kaki dengan harapan masuk duit pat lima nam ribu sebulan..

    nak jadi engineer pun nak kena study 3-4 tahun, invest duit..takkan nak dapat income dalam amway nak duduk goyang kaki je..ni bukan skim cepat kaya..

    so kat mana yg ko kata haram sangat tu?

    sepahaman aku lagi, skim piramid ni adalah satu sistem yg tak stabil..adalah bukan satu perkara yg mudah sistem yg tak betul nak bertahan selama 50tahun (30tahun++ kat malaysia)

  111. So... kiranya mamat ni narrow-minded sedap makan duit Amway-style dan tak follow perkembangan terkini la kiranya? The infos are all there for everyone to see... isn't there a general guideline that say muslims should not get involve with shubahah bzns... what is complicated about the whole thing anyway? As if I have anything to gain by writing all those things about Amway. I'm here to send a message to the Malays... but if u insist on being the DeVos family's balaci, go ahead man. The US christians just love your kind as their feeder.... go go Doug DeVos! Yeehaa!

    Like there's no other good honest bzns that we muslims can do ha?

  112. hahaha..guideline perniagaan dalam islam "semua jual beli adalah harus, yang diharamkan adalah riba'" lawsuit tu tak membuktikan amway menjalankan kegiatan menyalahi undang2 since amway is listed as syariah compliant company di bursa malaysia. sila nyatakan hujah yang lebih kukuh untuk membuktikan amway adalah satu perniagaan yang menyalahi hukum islam atau yang menganiaya orang lain..

    unless..ko dah takde idea..idea ko cuma apa yg ko jumpa kat internet..sebab ko pun tak kenal amway sebenarnya :) aku tak nak menjadi hakim. biarlah pembaca yg menentukan sendiri apa yg lebih baik buat diri mereka.

    btw, i'm not their balaci..i work for myself :) sila berikan aku satu contoh bisnes org melayu yg aku boleh pulang balik barang yg aku da beli.. da makan..dan dapat pulangan wang 100%.

    hehe..yes, they are non muslim. but your behavior not like on either :) nice having this kind of conversation with you.

  113. susah payah aku bagi ko soalan..jawapan ko typical sangat..

    (1) latest lawsuit issue..yang tah ye tah tidak amway bersalah..since court pun da reject settlement by amway.hearing sekali lagi kalau tak silap this april.
    (2) syubhah..ko takde bukti pun pasal kata bisnes ni syubhah
    (3) ko duk kata tu bisnes alkafirun..dalam islam takde halangan nak buat bisnes dengan alkafirun..nabi pun ada buat jual beli dengan org yahudi.
    (4) panel syariah tabung haji tak buat keja.. fine with tabung haji..abis tu panel syariah kat bursa malaysia pun tak buat keja? makan gaji buta? apa business interest dia dgn amway?

    kalau takde jawapan..thats mean ko takde cukup bukti nak mengatakan amway adalah bisnes yg syubhah..which is membuktikan ko takut menerima kenyataan bahawa ko sebenarnya tak tau pun pasal amway..semua info ko bagi ada kat internet. apa yg ko tau..just sama dgn apa yg org lain yg tak penah tau pasal amway baca dari internet.. :P

  114. Tarak faham baca omputeh ke bhai? Baca Melayu?
    Aku dah tulis kat atas tu, dan ada >60 entry lain kat dalam blog ni dol... kejadahnya lagik yg ko tak faham? Sure boleh baca dan betul2 faham ke tak neh? Gilababs punya benak macam ni yg Amway s'ka ni...

    Anyway... kalau pandai baca omputeh la:

    Amway, a pyramid (multi-level marketing) system that fits this description, has recently agreed to settle a class action lawsuit by paying $55 million to members who lost their own money through this particular business opportunity. Two important points were raised in the lawsuit:

    Amway (which now goes by the name Quixtar) offered a “typical income” from its program in its marketing materials, but this income measurement was the mean, which means it is skewed by the few big earners at the top.
    The company used gross income in its figured, not profit, and by not making that clear, misled recruits into believing they would earn more than they did.

    Part of me wants to fault recruits for allowing themselves to become victim, but I understand that the quest for income can be desperate sometimes, and it’s worthwhile to consider every opportunity. Slick marketing materials help mask the truth. While some research is all it takes to avoid these programs, but cognitive bias plays a role, too.

  115. Korang pernah dgr nama Prof Robert Blakey? Atau isu The Blakey Report?

    Amway knew it was in trouble when the internet arrived and the details about the company’s pyramid schemes began appearing online. A memo dated Dec 19, 1997, that surfaced in a lawsuit, contains the details of a voice message sent out to the Amway leadership, by then Vice President, Ken MacDonald, that reveals just how desperately Amway tried to control the flow of information on the internet.

    MacDonald said ... "This message is on the internet ... we’ve hired consultants and been working very diligently on all of the secret computer language that helps the search engines pick a site and because of that we’ve moved the positive Amway sites quite a bit up in the web search engines, and some of the negative sites down. And lastly, that we are working to provide very soon, for all those who qualified Emeralds and above ... their own personal homepage so we will have tons of positive Amway information on the web," he said.

    There is one particular document that the company has gone to great lengths to stop people from reading on the internet. In fact, on June 12, 1998, Amway went to court and got a Protective Order in attempt to keep this specific report hidden from public view.

    Professor G Robert Blakey was retained as an expert witness for the plaintiffs in the 1998 Procter & Gamble v Amway lawsuit to render an opinion on Amway's business practices. He is one of the nation's foremost authorities on organized crime. Blakey was directly involved in drafting and implementing RICO-type legislation in 22 of the more than 30 states that enacted racketeering laws.

    After studying Amway’s business structure and functions, Blakey, wrote a damning report that stated: “It is my opinion that the Amway business is run in a manner that is parallel to that of major organized crime groups, in particular the Mafia. The structure and function of major organized crime groups, generally consisting of associated enterprises engaging in patterns of legal and illegal activity, was the prototype forming the basis for federal and state racketeering legislation that I have been involved in drafting. The same structure and function, with associated enterprises engaging in patterns of legal and illegal activity, is found in the Amway business.”

  116. Why Was Amway So Worried?

    Why was Amway so worried about people reading the report? Probably because it very specifically explains how the Amway Corporation’s family-business structure is just like the mafia. According to Blakey, Amway has a family structure nearly identical to those found in organized crime.

    The company has remained a privately held company since it was founded by Jay Van Andel and Rich DeVos in 1959, Blakey notes. But control of the corporation has now shifted to the sons of the founders, Richard DeVos, Jr and Steve Van Andel, he says.

    The report also describes the Amway pyramid schemes. "The Amway Corporation primarily provides the various products and services that serve as a backdrop for the pyramid-type recruitment and motivational schemes undertaken in the Amway business."

    As evidence of the mafia-like family structure, the report points out that Amway's Policy Board consists of family members Richard DeVos, Sr, Steve Van Andel, Richard DeVos, Jr, Jay Van Andel, Cheri DeVos Vander Weide, Dave Van Andel, Doug DeVos, Nan Van Andel, Dan DeVos and Barb Van Andel Gaby.

    On June 7, 2002, the shift of control in authority that Blakey mentioned in 1998, was further confirmed by a press release that announced that Doug DeVos would become president of Amway’s parent company, Alticor,* after the retirement of Rich DeVos.

    Upon taking office, Doug DeVos, in true mafia lingo, was quoted as saying: "It’s humbling to be asked to step into a job that has been done so well for the past 43 years, first by my dad and then by my brother."

    *** Pehal org Melayu ni sebok beli PC, laptop dan kejadahnya lagik... tapi tak pernah nak semak dan belajar sungguh2 pasal hal2 sebegini... dgn kemudahan yg ada macam2 info korang boleh cari. Apa yg susahnya ntah... Or maybe saja tak nak cari info, takut nanti dapat hidayah - really ha?

  117. The lawsuit in my article was settled for a total of USD150 mil. That was in Texas. But, there are more lawsuit pending... everywhere, man!

    >>>Canadian Consumers File Class Action Lawsuit Against Amway, Charging Deception and Pyramid Scheme, November, 2009
    A new class action lawsuit has been filed against Amway in Canada. Though unconnected to the recently released book by Eric Scheibeler, the new lawsuit asserts the very same charges against Amway in Canada that are detailed in the book: false income claims and a pyramid selling structure based upon transferring new investors’ funds to earlier ones, causing massive losses to virtually all who are induced to invest. A similar class action case was also filed in 2007 against Amway by consumers in the USA. That suit is active and pending.

    >>> Plaintiffs in a massive antitrust action against Amway Corp. overcame another hurdle this week in their long quest to get their case heard by a jury. A federal judge on Monday refused to dismiss all but one of eight counts against the company, finding that the plaintiffs’ allegations were legally sufficient to support claims of price fixing, conspiracy and other charges.

    U.S. District Judge Richard E. Dorr agreed to dismiss only a civil racketeering claim, ruling that it failed to establish “a pattern of racketeering activity.” “We are obviously pleased with the ruling,” said Kansas City lawyer Dan Boulware, who represents several Amway distributors, including Nitro Distributing Inc. of Springfield and two distributors in St. Joseph. “All of our claims survived with the exception of the racketeering claim, which was a new claim we had recently added, and the judge kept the door open for that.”

    >>>SAN FRANCISCO - A lawsuit alleging Amway and its upper level distributors operate an illegal pyramid scheme is headed back to court after an appeals court struck down company efforts to force plaintiffs into arbitration. A federal appeals court this week upheld a decision from a 2007 lawsuit against Amway that invalidated a requirement that disputes with the company be resolved through a mediation process rather than in court.
    The appeals judges agreed with a U.S. Circuit Court decision that said Ada-based Amway's mandatory "Alternative Dispute Resolution" process was so slanted in the company's favor that it was "unconscionable." The ruling relates to a proposed class-action lawsuit filed in California by three former Amway distributors, which the company refers to as Independent Business Owners.

    In a statement provided to The Press this morning, Amway said it expected the ruling and it continues to believe the allegations have no merit. "The Ninth Circuit historically has been skeptical of contract arbitration," the statement read.

  118. Uik..

    Ade lagi mamat raihan ni. aku ingat dah sonyap. ter miss comment dia kat aku.

    Lurus bendul punya raihan. ko ingat kat Malaysia ni asal panel syariah kate ok je..semuanye ok. kasi hantuk kepala tu, biar bengkok sket. 1+1 mesti 2 ke dey?

  119. I don't get it. Settle out of court means not guilty? And pay penalty in the millions? If they are innocent why settle in the first place?

    Raihan, you're naïve. U think the corporate world is so clear cut? Everything is black and white? If that is what you believe that indeed you haven't got a clue what you're blabbering. Do you run ur own business or just makan gaji? I bet the latter. Your weak pathetic comments on the corporate world clearly shows.

    Seriously why do u bother with us here? Is this blog and its contents driving your business away? Why not just go on with ur live and leave us so called infidels be?

    What does a blog and a couple of thousand readers can do to u and your benevolent and worldwide scampony?

  120. fuhhhhhh..xleh masuk campur..aku xreti..haha!
    stgh jam menelaah...apapun..aidid,azwan,hyelbaine..and others got the point..mgkin rai ni budak lurus..dia xpaham dunia realiti..Jabatan itu ini..panel itu ini..igt sumanya wat kerja sgt..tgjawab diorg..mmg la dosa diorg tggung..tapi kita kena gak alert..ini realiti..xpernah happen kt hidup sendiri?
    -langgar lampu merah...xsalah..kalau polis trafik xnampak..haha..lu pikirlah sendiri!

  121. Hhahahahak tu la bapak lurus bendul.

    Raihan cakap:
    (1) join fee tak lebih seratus dan boleh dipulangkan dalam masa setahun.
    (2) semua barang keluaran amway boleh pulang balik dalam tempoh yg munasabah
    (3) bonus sistem bukan berdasarkan head hunting. tapi berdasarkan pada jualan dan juga leadership.

    Bodot tu strategy untuk MLM lahanat tarikprospect. Nak tunjuk zero risk konon. Walhal terang2 siape buat MLM tak sampai 95% berjaya. point 2 dan 3 tu..ko ingat manusia ni, org2 Malaysia ni rajin ke nak claim balik? Standard marketing strategy: Money back guarantee! Jika tidak wang anda dikembalikan 3 kali ganda! Kalau anda jumpa anai2 sekor pun wang anda pasti dikembalikan? amacam, biasa denga tak dey? Hahahha konon nak tunjukkan ketelusan kemulusan keikhlasan. org mcm ko percaya bulat2. walhal dah masuk there is no turning back.

    Org marketing dah buat research, tu janji2 yg berbaloi untuk dibuat disebabkan oleh manusia jarang2 skali menuntut hak mereka kembali..less than 1%. Ko blaja marketing ko tau benda ni.

    Awat pasal bursa punya panel syariah? dah kerajaan invest dahulu, takkan tiba2 nak reject? tak boleh pikir ke beb. Kerajaan Malaysia nak jilat ludah sendiri ke beb..dah invest byk2 pastu bursa tak kasi list. got the point badigol?

  122. Sekadar nak sharing..cara2 salesman approach customer..digunapakai oleh MLMers..

    Rules of the Games...

    customer ni tamak..selagi mau dipulun..pulunnnnn...pastue xleh tgk org lebih..
    cth ayat : "kak tipah yang niaga kuih tu pun dah amek brg saya 5unit..abg nak bpe?"

    2.Fear of loss..
    customer ni takut kehilangan sesuatu yang susah nak dpt(konon susah nak dapat).
    cth ayat : "brg ni bang mana ada kedai jual(padahal kat tesco belambak)..kalau ada pun stgh tempat je..itupun jual 20rgt...saya jual 5rgt je..ada 3unit je ni...satu dah ada org cal tadi nak beli..so ada dua lagik..nak 2 ke 1?(closed sale terus)"

    3. Jones theory.(monkey see,monkey do)
    customer mudah percaya bila lihat byk org lain jugak beli...
    cth ayat : "abg leman,kak jah,usop,dollah..kak minah jiran pak mail..suma ada beli kak..ni ha...tgk resit..kenai kan diorg?kan kan kan.."

    4. Create a sense of urgency.
    buat la limited time for offer..mesti gamjat customer...
    cth ayat : "offer ni offer for chinese new year(konon,padahal tiap2 hari offer..haha).."

    haaa...ni baru psycho skill je nie..belum lain2 lagik ni..(impulse bak kata salesman..)..

    just share jer yer..out topik ckit..

  123. @ Semua,

    I think most people would laugh at those methods. It sounds stupid and pathetic and yet, so many got tipah-tertipu.

    Why? Sebab dia minum air kosong mahal berjenama Evian. Cuba baca brand nama tuh dari hujung and tgk what it means ;)

  124. betul sungguh point semua tu..hehe...

    itu la tabiat org Malaysia kata nabil...

    termasuk aku ler tu...hehe

  125. macam mana boleh tak perasan yang Evian tu kalau spell backward jadi Naive ye....hmmm...nasib baik tak penah beli cos memang tak tercapai dek akal ku air kosong boleh rega mahal cam tu....org2 yg suka show off dia minum evian tu mmg naive le sebenanya...tq hyelbaine :)...sorry a..off topic...sik paham gilak kamek argument di atas ya koh....;p

  126. hyelbaine

    good one..evian = naive..!
    mohon share di twitter..haha off topic betul ni

  127. tersenyum.....kerana baru dapat tahu amway pun hancus......aku suka ...teruskan merobek kumpulan MLM ....BKB!

  128. Teringat tektik orang Amway ajak join.
    Bila cakap x de duit nak join, they said, imagine Amway tu macam sebuah mercedes. And you only have to pay a few hundred to get the mercedes, I am sure you would borrow the money from your family or friends..

    Macam la aku nak sangat Merc tu, aku die hard Kelisa fan tau...

  129. me memang tak pernah beli brg amway
    one of my BFF is an amway dealer--susahnya me nak convey message ni...me rasa dia tak leh terima...anyway dia akauntan dgn big company..

    1. Biar la dia cari rezeki cara dia bukan susahkan ko pun, kalau family dia ada masalah kewangan yang besar ko boleh bagi ke?

  130. Bulih sape2 cerita sikit tak macam mana org yg joint amway ni bulih jadik mangsa plak....apa yang dia rugi sebenornya....??? TQ....

  131. Uik!
    Ko tak baca artikel kat atas tu ke bang?
    Nak ulang cerita berapa kali deh?

  132. pernah gak org ajak msk amway ni..kononnya blh dpt rm bebanyak..tapi kena cari 10 orang..tak kuasa ahkak..pastu tu tak nak join dia terus putus sahabat

  133. salam aididleaks.. saya ade kemusyiklan tentang penerangan belog Aididleaks : Amway - Analysis of shareholding..

    1. adakah maksud aididleaks bahawa shareholding ini mengamalkan MLM Juga...

    2.apekah maksud aididleaks no. of Shares holder- adkah separuh dari keuntungan itu diberi kepada pengamal MLM ???

    ^Gadis Confius dan Ingin Tahu^

  134. Salam, aku pengguna dan penjual produk Amway...

    1. Untuk jadi pengedar Rm85 (dapat starter kit-katalog, profil syarikat etc) - lepas 365 hari, tak suka boleh pulangkan starter kit dapat balik rm85 tu.

    2. "Kepuasan Dijamin, Atau Wang dikembalikan" dalam tempoh yang munasabah menggunakan sesuatu produk. Tak kisahlah berapa guni pun korang beli Mouth Spray, Roll On, Nutrilite, Artistry, etc staff Amway tak kan tanya pun kenapa korang pulangkan barang, atau pun "starter kit" tu semua...

    Sebab aku biasa buat, customer aku tak suka barang aku return balik dan tukar dengan barang lain sampai customer aku puas hati. :)

    Yang menjadi masalah dalam hal ini adalah leader2, atau group yang memanipulasi marketing plan Amway untuk mengaut keuntungan dengan cara "penipuan".

    Aku rasa tak da ruginya kalau jadi pengguna, mahu pun penjual produk Amway jika kena caranya.

    Terima kasih kepada Aidid kerana dedahkan 30 pemegang saham Amway(M).
    Sekurang2nya orang tau, Amway ni syarikat yang lulus syariah.

    Assalamualaikum semua. :)

  135. Dol, ko ni mmg nak lepak sini defend MLM bahlol ko tu ke, atau just nak cirit pastu blah?

    Point 1 dan 2 ko tu, nampak sgtla ko ni naif bai. Amway ni penyangak nombor satu. bila dah pegang title tu, dari dulu sampai sekarang Amway dah tutup kelemahan dia dari dihidu oleh org level mcm ko, tapi bukan aku! hehehehHEHEHhehehe. yg tak berubahnya skim piramid MLM tu bai.

    in case otak ko tu dah kat lutut, means dia dah kaji satu persatu ape persoalan/komplen dari pengguna Amway. tahun 1989, ada pengguna bebal mcm ko ni tanye, "Encik Devos, saya menyampah la produk Amway, saya pandang je dah mual, rasa nak bagi kat Encik balik jek". Encik Devos pun pikir2, balik office meeting dulu, last keluarkan marketing strategy point 1 dan 2 ko tu. Pastu org bebal mcm ko ni pun tau, tepuk tengan. nampak dey ko ni lurus sgt? tawaran ape pun dorang buat, its purely marketing strategy.

    pehhh, ko ni memang senang cair ek. org tunjuk ikhlas sket dah hangguk kepale ek? typical melayu ko ni dey. keraskan sikit kote tuu..

    haaa...memang leader amway buat cara menipu. tuuu tuuu atas tuu..Doug Devos kepala pitok Presiden dah kena berapa byk saman, diperturunkan pada leader2 malaysia, termasuk la nko. hhehehHEHEHEHheheh...skill menipu pun leh jadi piramid.

    dey, takda baca punya olang ka. bace satu demi satu komen, ngape amway ni raja skim piramid. sapa2 pun investor atas tu, TH does not carry any weight. lulus syariah means nothing. ramai org kat sini dah discuss pjg lebar. ko nak berdebat pasal ni lg ke bai? kalau nak, bagi signal kat aku, then kita boleh debat. sebab point nye banyakk.

    Ei, aku nyampah ko ni emet...lurus bendul punya melayu, memang tak reti nak pusing2 punya, ada hati nak masuk bisnes, tu yg senang2 kena bantai dgn amway. hhahahHAHAHhahah mangkuk la lu bai!

  136. Assalamualaikum....,

    Salam semuanya,

    First thing, saya tak membela amway anymore. Tp, utk menyatakan skim piramid ni...rasanya perlu kpd perbincangan ilmiah oleh ulama yg pakar dlm hal ini, kerana ini merupakan hujah yg menentukan halal haram rezeki yg didapati oleh pengedar2 amway. Perlu diingat, skim piramid yg lulus syariah tu mcmana?? yg lulus dari segi undang2 mcmana?maybe news di USA tu dari segi undang2 dan khabar2 menyatakan pengasas amway menyimpan rahsia penipuan itu perlu diselidiki. Ini kerana berita yg dikumpulkan oleh tuan punya blog ini di ambil di site2 milik kafirun juga.

    Kedua, dari segi pengalaman, im talking from my untie directly..., kerana dia adalah pengedar amway..., kalau amway syarikat yg bermasalah dan akan bakal muflis atau bankrap, maybe pendapatan dia pun akan menurun..., ttp mengikut mereka yg saya kenali secara personal, mereka semakin menambah pendapatan mereka. Bahkan harga saham seunit amway di BSKL juga naik. sila sihat sendiri rekod tu melalui maybank2u.com(kena ada akaun CDS maybank). Saya sendiri sudah memeriksanya.

    Setakat hari ini, saya masih lagi yakin, bahawa sistem marketing plan milik amway patuh syariah dan mungkin akhbar2 di USA sana yg mengeluarkan berita2 berkaitan amway disaman itu juga bagi saya PERLU DIKAJI DGN LEBIH MENDALAM.

    Jangan kita menilai dan berbincang hanya kerana pengalaman lampau kita hingga menutup kebenaran..., anda kaji lah dengan lebih mendalam... itu tak salah... tapi benci, marah dan dendam akan menyebabkan kebenaran itu hilang dari pandangan mata kita...,

    Salam pencerahan...anda kaji, teliti dan buangkan pra sangka, ambillah yg fakta dan kebenaran...

    Terima kasih atas usaha tuan blog berusaha mencari maklumat2 ini. Mohon kita semua selidiki dengan lebih baik.

    Terima kasih...

  137. http://ipsnews.net/wap/news.asp?idnews=45588
    Republican Benefactor Launches Comeback
    By Bill Berkowitz*

    OAKLAND, California, Jan 28 (IPS) - While the alleged Ponzi scheme of New York investment manager Bernie Madoff has claimed significant chunks of the fortunes of a number of well-known charities, celebrities and not-so familiar millionaires, over the years another outfit appears to have left a trail of a different sort - the broken dreams of thousands of wannabe entrepreneurs who were left with garages full of dust-gathering products, motivational tapes and how-to-get-rich-quick books.

    Those who watched television over the winter holidays may have wondered why there seemed to be so many commercials for a company called Amway Global. Were these ads for the same company that has over the years been widely accused of running a pyramid scheme, had paid nearly 20 million dollars in fines in a Canadian criminal fraud case 25 years ago, and whose image with the public in recent years soured faster than a carton of cottage cheese left standing in the sun?

    More recently, two former Amway/Quixtar distributors filed a class-action suit in federal court in California, charging Quixtar and several of its high-level distributors with fraud and racketeering.

    Despite these controversies, Amway - which is temporarily being called Amway Global - appears to be heading back home. Can the company, which celebrates its fiftieth anniversary this year, stage a successful comeback in the U.S., or are they throwing a very desperate Hail Mary?

    Eric Scheibeler, author of "Merchants of Deception", a highly critical look at Amway, told IPS that the controversies stalking the company continue to this day.

    Scheibeler said that he had "worked with local victims and initiated a UK government investigation in which the DTI/BERR (Department of Trade and Industry/Business, Enterprise & Regulatory Reform) took legal action against Amway and is waiting for an appeals court decision to potentially ban them from the country."

    According to Scheibeler, a high level "Emerald" Amway member who uncovered fraud and deception within the company and was ostracised for it, "UK Justice Norris found in 2008 that out of an IBO [Independent Business Owners] population of 33,000, 'only about 90 made sufficient incomes to cover the costs of actively building their business.' That's a 99.7 percent loss rate for investors.

    "The scheme appears to be falling apart in the U.S., UK and Australia hence the beefed up prime time ads in the U.S.," he said.

    IPS spoke with an Amway Global public relations person who provided some corroborating background for this article. However, questions focusing on the British lawsuit and Amway's political activities - which the company required to be submitted via e-mail - were never answered.

    Amway - an abbreviation of "American Way" - was founded in 1959 by two high school buddies from Grand Rapids, Michigan, Richard DeVos and the late Jay Van Andel. In 2000, it became part of an umbrella company called Alticor Inc., which does business as Quixtar in the U.S. and Canada and as Amway Corp. throughout the rest of the world.

    In the intervening decades, Amway has become the second-largest direct-selling company in the world. In 2007, Amway Global and other companies under under Alticor umbrella reported sales of 7.2 billion dollars for the year ending Dec. 31, 2007, marking the company's sixth straight year of growth.

    Van Andel and DeVos became major financiers of Republican Party candidates and Religious Right causes. According to Progress for America, Amway's founders contributed four million dollars to conservative groups in the 2004 election cycle.

    In April 2005, Rolling Stone magazine reported that DeVos was connected with the dominionist political movement in the United States and that DeVos was had given more than five million dollars to the late D. James Kennedy's Coral Ridge Ministries.

  138. Despite the controversies and legal challenges the company continues to face, it never went out of business; instead, it shifted the bulk of its efforts to overseas markets. These days, its three current growth hotspots are Russia, China and India.

    "In the late 1980s, about three-quarters of our business was here in the U.S.," Steve Van Andel, Alticor's chairman and co-chief executive and the son of one of Amway's founders, recently told the Associated Press. "Now about 80 percent of it is outside the country."

    The privately owned company, which is called Amway Global - it intends to revert back to Amway in about a year - has several goals, including reacquainting the public with the company's extensive product line - which includes health and beauty items and homecare products, jewelry, water purifiers - and refurbishing its tarnished image.

    While times may be tough economically for a sustained rebirth, company officials "hope to repeat in the United States the kind of growth they've seen abroad in the past - and to revive the mystique that helped the company spread throughout the Midwest and, by the mid-1960s, the rest of the U.S. Amway's hundreds of thousands of distributors dreamed of getting rich by selling cleaning products and by recruiting their acquaintances to join the fold," AP reported.

    According to AP, the company is still "operating on that basic model, including prices that tend to be higher than those of their competitors".

    While there is no question that the Amway story is a unique Horatio Alger-like U.S. success story, what makes it even more fascinating is that along the way, the company's founders - and their progeny - have become political kingmakers.

    In October, former Amway Corp. chief Dick DeVos held a private fundraiser featuring President George W. Bush, to raise money for the National Republican Congressional Committee and the Republican National Committee.

    For nearly 40 years, the DeVos family has been a major benefactor of both the religious right and the Republican Party. Shortly before the 1994 election, the Amway Corporation gave the Republicans 2.5 million dollars which, at the time, was "the largest political donation in recent American history," the Washington Post reported.

    And in 1996, the company donated 1.3 million dollars to the San Diego Convention and Visitor's Bureau "to help fund a Republican cable TV show to be aired during the party's national convention," the Associated Press reported. The program featured "rising GOP stars as 'reporters,'" and aired on the Family Channel which was owned by Pat Robertson.

    In 2006, former Amway President Dick DeVos ran for governor of Michigan, as a Republican against Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm. DeVos, soundly defeated by 56 to 42 percent of the popular vote, recently announced that he would not run again in 2010. "Although Bernard Madoff allegedly swindled 50 billion dollars from about 8,000 victims, he seems to be an amateur in comparison to Amway," Eric Scheibeler noted.

    "Amway has brought in far in excess of that amount from tens of millions of consumers who invested in 'their own Amway business' and it seems near all did so and continue to do so at a loss. The difference is that the Madoff pipeline is shut down, while you may be recruited to an Amway meeting tomorrow."

    *Bill Berkowitz is a longtime observer of the conservative movement. His column "Conservative Watch" documents the strategies, players, institutions, victories and defeats of the U.S. Right.

  139. http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/industry_sectors/media/article2951266.ece

    From The Times
    November 27, 2007
    Marketing group merely ‘selling a dream’
    David Brown

    The British subsidiary of one of the world’s biggest marketing groups was accused yesterday of breaking company law by “selling a dream” of unachievable wealth.

    Amway, which had 39,000 selling agents in Britain during 2005-06, is “inherently objectionable”, operates as a lottery and is trading unlawfully, the Companies Court was told.

    Mark Cunningham, QC, on behalf of John Hutton, the Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform, told the court that the Government was seeking to wind up Amway in the public interest following an investigation into its business practices.

    The allegations are seriously damaging to the international group, which claims to have a worldwide salesforce of more than three million people and a turnover of $6.4 billion (£3.2 billion).

    The Government investigation claims to have revealed that just 10 per cent of Amway’s agents in Britain make any profit, with less than one in ten selling a single item of the group’s products. It claims that Amway’s main activity is encouraging other people to join its salesforce so that they pay the registration fee and buy marketing materials.

    Mr Cunningham said that Amway attracted new agents, known as Independent Business Owners (IBOs), by offering “substantial financial rewards or easy money”. He said that promise of wealth was “illusionary” and amounted to “dream selling”.

    The group, which has been operating in Britain since 1973, claims that agents can earn a substantial income from selling its range of dietary supplements, cosmetics, jewellery and water purifiers. They are also offered bonuses for recruiting other agents. However, an investigation by the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform showed that only 6 per cent of agents bought Amway products to sell on, the court was told.

    Mr Cunningham said that the vast majority of products offered by Amway to its agents were overpriced even before they were expected to add a further 20 to 25 per cent for retail. “The unattractive pricing explains some the graver vices that are at the centre of the winding-up application,” Mr Cunningham said.

    Agents were encouraged to buy instructions on how to grow their businesses by attracting new agents. The material contained images of success such as luxury cars, boats and foreign holidays.

    Mr Cunningham told the court: “The prospect of substantial rewards and easy money has been at all times, and remains, illusionary.”

    The investigation discovered that 71 per cent of agents made no income from Amway in the year 2005-06 and that 90 per cent had made a loss after paying the £18 fee to renew their registration. In fact, just 101 of the agents shared 75 per cent of the bonuses.

    “The reality of being an IBO is that a substantial majority make minimal financial returns,” Mr Cunningham said. “Our case is founded on the selling of the dream on one hand and the loss or minimal financial return on the other.”

    Mr Cunningham told the court that Amway operates a “pernicious” scheme, which encourages agents to recruit family, friends and colleagues to the group so that they themselves could move up to “that very narrow group that makes any money”.

  140. He said that the Amway scheme involved targeting the “gullible”, “deluded” and “vulnerable” to join the scheme and accused the group of “dream selling.”

    “Amway presents itself to be life changing and life enhancing – if you choose to participate,” Mr Cunningham told the court. “The millions of aspirational achievers, the idea that this is a success in global terms – we will show otherwise.”

    One marketing presentation authorised by Amway offered the opportunity for a “small secondary income or an income which would rank in the top 2 per cent of money earners.” It added that such money “is being achieved in the same time it takes to study for a degree”.

    However, Amway’s own records showed that only Trevor and Jackie Lowe, and Jerry and Mandy Scriven among its agents earned more than the £78,000 required to place them in the top 2 per cent of earners, the court was told. The records showed that it takes at least 14 years to make it into the top 20. The top 12 new joiners since 2001 earned an average of just £164 a week, said Mr Cunningham. The “snapshot” of Amway’s records showed that of the 25,000 agents operating at that time, just 37 made more than £25,000 a year.

    Amway has claimed that it has substantially changed it business model since the department lodged its petition to wind up the company in April. Richard De Vos, who founded the group in the United States in 1959, has an estimated personal fortune of $3.6billion.


    agents working for Amway

    (71%) had no income

    (30%) earned something

    (of the 11,410) received average of £13.53 per year

    agents received 75 per cent of bonuses

    paid to top earner Trevor Lowe

    number of years Mr Lowe was an agent

    Source: Evidence at companies court hearing

  141. http://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/hyderabad-police-shuts-down-amway-offices_242899.html

    Hyderabad Police shuts down Amway offices
    Published on Thu, Sep 28, 2006 at 20:32
    Source : Moneycontrol.com
    Updated at Thu, Sep 28, 2006 at 21:01

    In a series of raids that ended on Wednesday night the Economic Offences Wing of the Hyderabad Police shut down all offices of international multi level marketing firm Amway. With it, the fate of 80,000 distributors of the company has been sealed. The enforcement says the business model of the company is illegal.

    Superintendent of Police, CID, EOW, VC Sajjanar says, "Gullible people enrol without understanding the viability of the scheme. We have told people that enrolling in such schemes is illiegal. The act is very clear, Police have the power to search and seize any time. So people should not enroll."

    Police sources say they have formed a special team to further investigate the matter and more arrests of officials linked with the company are likely.

    They say that central economic enforcement agencies have also been brought in to investigate the matter. A representative of Amway told CNBC-TV18 that they will be contesting the CID claim.

  142. Amway Corp. To Pay $100,000 Civil Penalty, Settling FTC Charges
    It Failed to Make Required Earnings Disclosures in Newspaper Ad

    FTC News Release
    May 19, 1986

    Amway Corp. will pay a $100,000 civil penalty to settle Federal Trade Commission charges it violated a 1979 Commission order by making earnings claims for its distributors without disclosing actual average gross income figures, under a proposed consent decree filed in federal court today.

    The consent decree and a complaint were filed at the request of the FTC by the Department of Justice. The consent decree is subject to court approval.

    Amway is a manufacturer and marketer of household and consumer products, which are sold door-to-door, including home and personal-care products, vitamins and food supplements. Under its Amway Sales and Marketing Plan, the Michigan-based company sells its products to distributors, who in turn resell to other distributors or directly to consumers.

    A 1979 Commission decision resolved FTC charges that Amway's claims about the amount of money distributors are likely to earn had the capacity to deceive potential distributors. The order accompanying that decision prohibits Amway from misrepresenting the amount of profit, earnings or sales its distributors are likely to achieve. The order also requires that whenever Amway makes above-average earnings or sales claims, it must also dis close clearly and conspicuously either the average earnings of all distributors or the percent of distributors who actually earn the amount claimed.

    According to a complaint filed with the proposed consent decree, Amway violated the 1979 order by placing an advertisement in newspapers across the country that represented the earnings of distributors without the required disclosures. The complaint charged that the 1983 ad, which offered Amway distributorships, contained earnings and sales claims that were higher than the average income actually earned in any recent year.

    In addition, the complaint charged, Amway violated the 1979 order by failing to include in its ad clear and conspicuous dis closures of the average earnings or sales of all distributors in any recent year or the percent of distributors who actually achieved the results claimed.

    Under the consent decree, Amway is prohibited from making claims about above-average distributor earnings or sales unless it makes the required disclosures about actual earnings or sales.

    The proposed consent decree was filed in the US District Court for the District of Columbia.

    FTC Chairman Daniel Oliver and Commissioner Andrew J. Strenio Jr. did not participate in the vote.

    Related Documents
    Civil Action No. 86-1360 (District of Columbia). FTC Docket No. D-9023.


    In 2004, Dateline NBC featured a critical report based on a yearlong undercover investigation of business practices within the Amway organization. The report noted that the average distributor makes only about $1,400 per year and that many of the “high level distributors singing the praises of Quixtar [Amway]” are actually “making most of their money by selling motivational books tapes and seminars; not Quixtar’s cosmetics, soaps, and electronics.”

    "In fact, about twenty high level distributors are part of an exclusive club; one that those hundreds of thousands of other distributors don’t get to join. For years only a privileged few, including Bill Britt, have run hugely profitable businesses selling all those books tapes and seminars; things the rank and file distributors can’t sell themselves but, are told over and over again, they need to buy in order to succeed."

    It was also revealed that an Amway recruiter featured in the report (Chris Fredericks) made misleading and inconsistent statements about Amway earnings during a recruitment meeting and had an outstanding arrest warrant for drug dealing. Some Amway distributor groups have been accused of using cult-like tactics to attract new distributors and keep them involved and committed. Allegations include resemblance to a Big Brother organization with paranoid attitude to insiders critical of the organization, seminars and rallies resembling religious revival meetings and enormous involvement of distributors despite minimal incomes. An examination of the 1979–1980 tax records in the state of Wisconsin showed that the Direct Distributors, reported a net loss of $918 on average.

    P/S: Ramainya org tak pandai baca omputeh huh?
    Ke ramai meleis yg duduk dalam hutan?
    Aiyooyooo ane...
    Gilos der....

  144. Admin Only,

    First thing, saya tak membela amway anymore. Tp, utk menyatakan skim piramid ni...rasanya perlu kpd perbincangan ilmiah oleh ulama yg pakar dlm hal ini, kerana ini merupakan hujah yg menentukan halal haram rezeki yg didapati oleh pengedar2 amway. Perlu diingat, skim piramid yg lulus syariah tu mcmana?? yg lulus dari segi undang2 mcmana
    -->Aku setuju pandangan ko pasal penglibatan ulama, yg mana dah pun direalisasikan dalam blog ni. Aku bagi contoh pasal entry HPA, ko tak baca ke? Kalau ko tgk pada entry HPA, ada sorang ulama bernama Ust Ahmad Adnan dah pun join, yg mana dia salah sorang panel syariah HPA. Skim piramid yg dikatakan “lulus syariah” dahpun dibincangkan dgn dia. Tapi dia memilih untuk mengundur diri sebab dia lihat tak ada titik pertemuan bagi perbincangan. Of course, benda2 furuq kalau dibincang, sangat sukar nak jumpa titik permulaan, lagi2 kalau platformnya hanya di blog. Prinsipnya mudah, sesebuah MLM company, cthnya Amway wujudkan panel syariah untuk menghalalkan bisnes mereka, tapi keputusan panel hanya boleh diguna pakai untuk meyakinkan orang2 yg join Amway sahaja. Sesiapa yang tidak bersetuju dengan panel tersebut, itu adalah hak mereka dan tidak menjadi suatu kesalahan. Pendek kata, Amway boleh menghebohkan kpd satu dunia bisnes mereka lulus syariah, tapi kalau org luar kata bisnes Amway meragukan, haram, dan sebagainya, itu tak menjadi satu kesalahan. Kuasa keputusan panel, hanya merangkumi sesebuah syarikat itu sahaja. Perdebatan ini berlarutan, lebih2 lagi hukum muamalah adalah harus selagi ia jelas tidak melanggar syarak, contoh jual babi konfem haram. Melainkan....majlis fatwa kebangsaan mengeluarkan hukum halal pada semua jenis MLM, yg mana tak mungkin berlaku. Sebab kita ni rakyat Malaysia, jadi kita kena beri penghormatan pada badan tertinggi dalam Malaysia yg mengeluarkan hukum, iaitu Jakim. Jadi hukum Jakim merangkumi semua rakyat Malaysia, bukan macam HPA dan Amway. Pada dasarnya, hukumnya kekal harus asalkan syarat2 tertentu dipatuhi. Saya dimaklumkan Jakim yg mereka akan keluarkan guideline baru berkenaan hukum MLM, kita tunggu dan lihat. Argument ko pasal blog ni ialah sebab aidid bukan ulama. Tapi ko kena ingat ulama bukannya perfect, mereka pun perlu input daripada golongan professional, sebab dengan adanya input professional, bisnes akan jadi lebih telus. Dunia moden serba mencabar, mahu atau tidak mereka kena berganding bahu, bukan hanya berdebat soal hukum. Dan bukan setakat hukum, prinsip2 asas bisnes juga mesti dipatuhi. Saya bagi contoh adakah ulama2 membuat kajian secara mendalam sama ada bisnes MLM ini pastinya boleh sustain dengan menggunakan business model yang ada sekarang?...Ini pentingnya perkiraan matematik, asas accounting dan market assumptions. Diperingkat pelabur, mereka panggil due diligence. Ribuan faktor dipertimbangkan, bukan hanya asas2 syarat menghalalkan perniagaan sahaja diperbincangkan. Jelas, ulama memang perlu bantuan dan mesti bergandingan dengan golongan professional dan korporat.

  145. Samb...

    ?maybe news di USA tu dari segi undang2 dan khabar2 menyatakan pengasas amway menyimpan rahsia penipuan itu perlu diselidiki. Ini kerana berita yg dikumpulkan oleh tuan punya blog ini di ambil di site2 milik kafirun juga.
    Setakat hari ini, saya masih lagi yakin, bahawa sistem marketing plan milik amway patuh syariah dan mungkin akhbar2 di USA sana yg mengeluarkan berita2 berkaitan amway disaman itu juga bagi saya PERLU DIKAJI DGN LEBIH MENDALAM.
    -->Ada perbezaan mengambil sumber2 dari yg tidak boleh dipercayai atau boleh. Ini bukan soal politik, atau hanya khabar2 angin. Ini soal fakta dari sumber yang betol. Ini bukan kes main serkap jarang, main belasah amik article yg hanya burukkan Amway. Sama juga kita bila baca journal, kita mesti pilih source mana yg paling diiktiraf dan paling dipercayai. Tu sebab tuan blog masih lagi paste bahan2 yg sama kat ko, dia dah malas nak explain panjang2 mcm aku buat nih. Tiada masalah sumber dari orang kafir, Rasullah SAW pun sentiasa berurusan dgn org kafir, termasuk dalam bisnes.

    Kedua, dari segi pengalaman, im talking from my untie directly..., kerana dia adalah pengedar amway..., kalau amway syarikat yg bermasalah dan akan bakal muflis atau bankrap, maybe pendapatan dia pun akan menurun..., ttp mengikut mereka yg saya kenali secara personal, mereka semakin menambah pendapatan mereka. Bahkan harga saham seunit amway di BSKL juga naik. sila sihat sendiri rekod tu melalui maybank2u.com(kena ada akaun CDS maybank). Saya sendiri sudah memeriksanya.
    -->Perspektif ko bila lihat kes makcik ko tu, terlalu sempit. Contohnya hai-o, sah2 syarikatnya mengalami kerugian sekarang, sales drop sampai 60%, saham menurun teruk ...tapi masih ada lagi melayu yg join, dan masih lagi leh berlagak beli barang2 mahal, tunjuk income dalam akaun maybank beribu2. Dalam kes amway, baru2 ni amway cuba reposition balik bisnes dorang untuk menarik lebih ramai melayu join, sebab sebelum ni market lebih kepada org cina, penglibatan melayu sgt kurang. Dengan untapped potential market (market melayu), of course pembeli2 saham akan aktif balik di BSKL. Lagipun ko kena ingat, antara pemegang2 saham amway ialah tabung haji dan kwsp. So since government pegang, mereka akan cuba pastikan amway akan terus survive, at least. So pandangan macam aku ni dari aspek lain, yang mana membuatkan aku pikir tak berbaloi langsung invest dalam MLM, termasuklah amway.

    Jangan kita menilai dan berbincang hanya kerana pengalaman lampau kita hingga menutup kebenaran..., anda kaji lah dengan lebih mendalam... itu tak salah... tapi benci, marah dan dendam akan menyebabkan kebenaran itu hilang dari pandangan mata kita...,
    -->Aku takde pengalaman lampau pasal MLM. Yang guide aku untuk pikir kritikal camni ialah ilmu dan pengalaman. Jgn under estimate commentator kat sini, ko tak tau background dorang. Ko mungkin terkejut kalau ko tau dorang sape.

  146. senang cter.. x yah join.. lau x cye.. tp kan.. mmg xpat d nafi kan brgn amway mmg bgs..

  147. apa yang bagusnya? azean irdawaty yg pelakon tu hardcore amway pun jatuh sakit... pastu ada lagi pelakon maknye zizie zulkifly tu pun sama... dorang tu hardcore amway laa kalo hangpa nak tau...

    yang iyenya, kite ni kena laa muhasabah diri... semua tu ketentuan ILAhi. takdenya barang amway tu bagus. biasa je. ada produk lain yg dpt tandingi..

    CikMingMing frustlah!

  148. alaa poyolah ko cik mingming, ko kena muhasabah diri ko tuu lama2.. td dh cakap ketentuan ILAHI gaya komen tk menunjukkan faham maksudnya..
    klu barang lain ada lagi bagus ko guna laa barang tuu smpi tua, tkde sapa pun yg kisah..

  149. salam
    aku pun xtau macam mana nak mula
    tp ape yg aku perasan 'agen' amway biasanya dr golongan profesional. Ini ape yg aku sendiri nampak di penang. Cara diorang approach pun lain, sangat halus.

    aku ade bace komen kat atas pasal 21 network. Sebenarnya, diorang akan train untuk jadi businessman.. Everything. Tu yg aku rase amway bertahan lama.

    Aku kat sini xbackup amway tp aku xtau nak cakap ape bila golongan profesional yg terlibat. Diorang ni semua majoriti graduated overseas. Keje pun bukan calang2. Tp still xnampak benda ni semua. Mungkin terlebih pandai sampai lupe nak tolong masyarakat sama. Hal diorang, diorang punye kan.

    Ko aidid, bagi la paku keras sikit. Nak sedarkan diorang ni bukan senang. Diorang ni semua jenis hardcore, yg sticked lame ngan amway. Tp sayang la xgune betul2 modal insan tu.

  150. hi aidid! letih jugak la bukak entries ko (randomly ikut mood bila bukak) but never fails to excite me! Ngape aku tetibe rase kinky lak ni...

    mmg jauh gile tetinggal kapal selam aku ni! still, i got to leave some comment, jgn mare ah!

    letih kan nak bagi org buta ati paham!! payah org yg reti baca tapi x paham ape yg dibaca kan! sangat thick skull mereka itu kan! tapi aku tau ko jlnkan amanah sebarkan ilmu, aku tau those thick skulls takan dpt stop kecapoian tulisan ko kan. i likeee....

    chantek mane pun bahasa ko, aku still suke baca! btw, aku paham bahsa henglish okey (saje nak eksen ni - asal org melayu reti henglish, mesti selalunye ade yg cebik kate "kerek la tu!" - x paham aku)!!

    to those yg x kenan budi bahsa ko yg x bape nak sensored tu, senyumkan aje, kalo dah x bole tahan noh, cari la blog lain, abih citer!!

  151. Ramai yang bodoh kat sini, pengecut, bacul, ajak berdebat tapi profile private. bodoh.

    Aidid ni pun bodoh, pengecut, kenapa korang nak simpan muka korang yang jambu tu?

    Tayanglah sikit, orang kata berani kerana benar. Ni tak berani tunjuk muka, nampak sangat bacul.

    Profile siap letak gambar lucah, cukuplah... itu dah menunjukkan setakat mana akal ko ni. otak kotor.

  152. emet bahlol nak cakap byk sila "unprivate"kan profile kimak ko tu. Melalak baseless pointless. What the fuck la budak sekor nih? Cantik rambut dol?

  153. budak emet nie tak penah tau pasal internet privasi kot. rasa ngaji takat SPM ja nie. tu pun tak tau pass ke idak.

  154. mmg ramai yg dungu piang je kat sini emet... pak turut semberono...

  155. Bahlol, tak payahla nak kondem org lain pak turut kalau engko sendiri pun tak mampu nak table points. WTF? Silakan kekal bodoh dol..

  156. table point?? wakakakaka.... apa yg ko tahu just not enough loser, back to you, kekal jahil dol...

  157. Bodoh.....not enough noble prize winner pun not enough. Nak divert ape nye dol. Kalau dah namenye MLMers, benda sesempoi mana pun takkan paham. Inikan pulak fakta sains, lagila tak mampu nak argue. Mcm aku cakap...kekal bodoh dol. Jgn lupe wariskan kebodohan ko tu kat anak2 skali...semua jadi bangang join MLM. Taksub jadi marketing agent.

  158. @those yang x kenan AM & contributors kat sini type bahasa yg "cantek2"

    i witnessed many other said same thing about pros and cons in a nicer tone but korang x endah pun??? lastly korang pun type almost similar rudeness, spiteful insinuation. err... what makes you better than the rest of us then?

    miss that sweet, innocent you!

  159. oh btw, i do not advocate menaip yang x elok itu molek ye, cuma kita kena selak tirai tu betul2 utk tengok apa sebenarnya maksud yg tersirat & tersurat.

  160. fakta sains ke azwan hua3... buat apa nk argue dgn manusia sengal mcm ko nie, byk lagi rujukan yg aku boleh dapat yg lebih berguna dari ko yg tak guna nie...

  161. Buat rujukan guna kepala lutut. Kalau otak dan bontotnye same, rujuk ape pun jadi bahlol. Ilmu tak cukup, perasan alduktur, perasan alresearcher, rujuk rujuk rujuk ape pun ko jadi sasau la bahlol. Teruskan tadah kencing upline ko. Kekalkan kebodohan ko yek.

  162. azwan, jadi ko nk kata pakturut ko tadah kencing ko ke?? ish3 kesian

  163. Assalamualaikum, maaf ya mencelah sikit, aku meniaga barang Amway ni, adehhh.. baru jumpa plak cite pasal Amway ni, aku mintak maap la eh, aku harap dgn statement aku ni takde la korg nak maki2 aku, aku ni bukan la bijak pandai sgt nak banding dgn korang, tgk statement kat sini pon ganas2, cuak jugak aku..

    Sebelum aku jual barang Amway ni, aku jual home alarm system dan cctv, keje dgn kompeni, makan gaji pastu kalau byk wat sale aku dpt la bonus, pastu kawan aku ckp kat Amway ada jual alarm sistem, dia ajak aku join Amway, pastu tgk untung runcit dia besar, atas satu barang aku dpt RM 700 untung runcit, tu yang aku decide utk join Amway jual alarm system, pasal pe tau, alarm system yang aku jual kene wat wiring, yang Amway punya pakai wireless, pastu untung runcit besar.. sebulan target dpt 3-4 sale dah ok dah, lepas wat belanja dapor dgn setel hutang aku..

    Start aku join sampai skrg aku mmg takde downline, aku tak reti nak ajak org join Amway ni, yang aku tau aku menten jual alarm system ni, amik untung runcit itu je, pastu ada la bonus jualan masuk kat akaun aku sikit2, kalu cite bab marketing plan, mmg aku pening, nak kene menten percent, menten pv la, serabut pale..

    So, dlm situasi aku skrng ni camne? Yang cite pasal tabung haji ngan asb sume melabur kat amway ni baru aku tau arini beb, membe aku takde cite pon pasal menda ni kat aku, yang cite kat amerika pasal kes amway ni pon aku tak tau, keje aku wat sale je, patut ke aku berenti jual alarm system amway ni? risau gak beb bila korang ckp pasal syubahah la sume tu, aku nak carik mkn cara halal, adakah cara aku jual barang amway ni tak halal?

    Camne bro aidid?

  164. salah tmpt ko nie hafiz.. sbb tuu bila kita tak reti kita kena belajar, bukan kata benda scam bila tak dapat apa2, merugikan masa then so on bla bla bla... pendek kata mcm sengal2 dalam blog nie laa...

    tabung haji takkan melabur klu syarikat tk lulus syariah, ko boleh check senarai sekuriti patuh syariah (www.sc.com.my) bawah main market-dagangan/khidmat..

    klu masih kurang faham lebih baik cari org yg lebih arif ttg hal nie, bukan tanya pada org yg mmg tak faham dgn jelas tapi sembang mcm tahu...

  165. Woi pukimak, tukar nick ko je la. Pondan ke. Bangsat ke...sesuai. Merata2 ko berak ye.

    Ko nak ape lagi? sah2 dah kena knock out dgn aku. bahlol punya budak...jenis taktau malu punya.

    Dah takde telor elok berambus je la. Potong kote tu terus. Bodoh...ko dah tak reliable, buat malu dunia mlm je.

    Syuuuhhh syuhh...pegi jilat ludah aku.

  166. azwan cuba ko dongak keatas lepas tuu ludah hak tuuiihhhhh... kahak ko jatuh kat muka ko balik kan, stupid ass hole... hua3

  167. HAAHhahaHAHA...

    Pondan dah takde modal nak berdebat. Lain kali belajar rajin2, jgn jadi bodo piang mcm skang hehe. Aku bet makbapak ko pun bodoh, dapat anak loser mcm ko. Acuan stok bongok.

    Awat? Nak buat research sama2 tak?


    Loser la ko pondan mlmer. syuhh syuhhh...

  168. derr,,, skang apa status amway?? macam kukuh lagi ja..

    kenapa ya??

  169. aku baru baca blog ni hari ni...sebab ada member ajak buat bisnes amway...aku bukan nak cari org sgt...tp berminat untuk menjual produk penapis air dan alarm system...sbb untung dia boleh tahan...

    bila aku baca blog ni..aku tertarik dgn soalan al hafiz yg jual alarm system tu....

    ni soalan dia..
    So, dlm situasi aku skrng ni camne? Yang cite pasal tabung haji ngan asb sume melabur kat amway ni baru aku tau arini beb, membe aku takde cite pon pasal menda ni kat aku, yang cite kat amerika pasal kes amway ni pon aku tak tau, keje aku wat sale je, patut ke aku berenti jual alarm system amway ni? risau gak beb bila korang ckp pasal syubahah la sume tu, aku nak carik mkn cara halal, adakah cara aku jual barang amway ni tak halal?

    boleh sape2 yg pandai tolong jwb..

    bro azwan..tolong jwb boleh...sbb aku rasa bro ni mcm pandai je..mcm bijak je...

    boleh tahan gak maki org...semua org bodoh pada pandangan bro...

    tolong jwb soalan al hafiz ni..

    keputusan aku bedasarkan jwpn tuan untuk join amway ni...

  170. hehe, jual je la..
    sbb ko beli dgn harga ahli, then jual pada harga pasaran..
    From there, u dapat untung..

    tapi from there jugak, your upline (if u have) akan dapat untung sama.. bukan dari daripada duit ko, tapi duit company y bayar.. heheh

  171. Betol, pada pandangan aku semua yg join MLM kalau bodoh mmg bapak bodoh.

  172. Ni lah orang melayu. Duduk depan laptop depan computer then research nak jatuhkan rezeki orang. Bangkang sana sini. Itu ini tak betul. Maybe sbb kau tak pernah berjaya dalam amway kau tak tahu kot apa istimewa dalam amway ni. Thats why so many negative thinking from you. Ada usaha ada lah hasil. Itu baru cara meniaga. Ni tak. Sbb amway kukuh laa tabung haji pgg saham dorg. Sbb halal lah tabung berani join saham amway. Main copy paste. Pejadah.

  173. bro azwan..lu mmg reti bodohkan org je ke...jwb la soalan tu...org nak berniaga bukan nak tipu org..

  174. This comment has been removed by the author.

  175. Amway, Dari Kacamata Islam :

  176. Ini benar2 anti MLM.tp cuma nak kata.ak join amway sama mcm join avon n cosway sbb nk beli brg dgn harga murah.xpernah lg dipaksa bli brg ribu2.mcm hai o suh beli smp 40k.mc ocean starting 2k.

  177. Saya baru join Amway...setelah menghadiri beberapa "meeting" yang dia anjurkan oleh Amway saya mula nampak peluang utk kita jana pendapatan sampingan...utk join Amway kita perly cari 1 sistem yang betul utk bimbing kita...jika anda ingin mengetahui dengan lebih lanjut boleh hubungi saya noorlia 0174391886...kita boleh jumpa dan berbincang dengan lebih lanjut...ramai bangsa cina dah berjaya sekarang tiba giliran kita pula...kita ambil ilmu dengan cina supaya kita boleh buka minda...walaupun saya belum berjaya tapi saya yakin satu hari nanti akan tiba giliran saya dan kita semua...sekian

  178. This comment has been removed by the author.

  179. Assalamualaikum sekalian.
    Jika tidak faham cara sesebuah syarikat berniaga, jangan nk condemm sesuka hati. Semua orang nak cari duit yang halal.
    Cuba fikir balik, kenapa syarikat EPF, Amanah Raya Saham, terutamanya TABUNG HAJI menjadi shareholder syarikat ini? Mesti ada sebabnya. Salah satu ialah syarikat ini beroperasi lama di Malaysia dan ia kukuh dari segi ekonominya.
    Awak-awak sekalian condemn macam mana pun tetap ada sikit duit syarikat ini (dividen). Untuk pengetahuan awak-awak sekalian, semakin banyak syarikat Malaysia melaburkan duit untuk beli saham syarikat ini. Kalau mempunyai sebarang pertanyaan atau keraguan, boleh bertanya pada pihak berkuasa. Bukannya menjadi 'keyboard warriors' di sini. Pastikan dakwaan awak-awak sekalian tu betul, menggelakan buat sebarang fitnahan.
    Dalam ayat Al-Quran pun ada tulis 9 dari 10 pintu rezeki adalah berniaga.
    Setiap orang ada hak masing-masing untuk pilih buat perniagaan mereka sendiri.
    Tak baik kita condemn orang yg ingin berniaga sendiri.
    Minta maaf jika ada yang terasa. Yang baik datang dari Allah S.W.T., yang buruk datang dari saya.


  180. berniaga itu sunnah,
    kenapa kondem kalau sendiri x nak ikut sunnah??

  181. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Bi0Pc7bO3F0

    Sila tengok video Ustaz Azhar Idrus. Amway sah & menepati syarak.
    Saya pengedar Amway, berminat call@ whatsapp 0199114970 (Sal)

  182. Good explaination..but adakah awak betul2 tahu amway dan kebaikan nya? Did you get semua fakta dari internet? Since you mention semua di hujung jari right? Cuba cari negative fact lagi about McD.. and apa aja lah.. you will get all the bad and disadvantages fact.. kalau betul nak kenal, jumpa dulu.. jangan hentam cek google jadi pemboikot itu ini.. handal berbicara tak semesti lurus pada setiap perkara.. and yeab why you so mad kat amway? Pernah join? Pernah datang any seminar yang telah banyak mengubah nasib bumi putra sendiri? Why nak kumpul orang supaya benci amway? Awak kata pembela melayu.. tapi cara awak me'Layu kan bangsa sendiri yang nak buat business.. salah ke ambik amway ne jadi jalan modal business? Pernah ke mendalami ilmu mu'amalat? Pernah tahu ke amway ne mengikut syari'at dan syarat2 islam tentang perniagaan? Kalau pun sorang atau ramai yang buat amway cara yang salah tak semestinya semua yang buat amway salah atau tak semestinya amway salah.. fikir pada asas bukan padan nafsu marah.. tak kan distributor yang silap.. company amway pulak jadi mangsa.. kalau macam tu, seorang anak tak reti nak pass belajar ertinya mak dia dan bapak dia bodoh? Tak kan? So saya disni bukan pembela amway.. saya ada atau tak ada.. amway tak akan tutup.. sebab dia lulus dari segi syariah complient.. nak betul kan satu lagi.. amway tak paksa pengedar dia beli barang beribu dan memaksa yang lain beli beribu.. tu semua ada dal code of conduct KALAU AWAK PERNAH join amway..awak akan tahu.. so yeah bukan nak mengajar tapi betulkan apa yang silap.. kalau ini satu platform bagi bangsa melayu kita untuk senang dan maju.. apa salah nya.. tak perlu awak kritik habis habisan.. yang success buat business ne tak jentik pun satu duit awak untuk diorang.. biarlah yang membuat business amway tu, jangan di jatuhkan dengan cara awak ni.. kalau awak nak.. try file saman kat amway.. biar both side puas hati since you have alot of proof kan.. kalau betul jantan dan ada teloq 2 biji tu.. janga. Jadi keyboard warrior aje.. buat terus file saman.. so yeah sampai sini je..saya dari brunei.. alhamdulillah.. agama kuat kat sini.. dan Amway tiada masalahnya.. peace bro

  183. Tgk orang positif buat kerja, think big, think out of the box and beyond.

  184. Alhamdullilah..kami dah buktikan berjaya dalam biz amway.
    #MDG 😁👍



  186. 2 tahun buat amway, usaha dapat bonus dan untung runcit dari jualan brg yg terbukti ada, periuk, iron yg org semua guna, dapat bantu family ubah hidup, saya sendiri sebagai surirumah mampu buat loan di bank untuk beli kereta import guna nama saya sendiri, klu tak betul, xkn bank nak luluskan loan saya tanpa backup income lain?
    tujuan saya hanya untuk ubah hidup family, Alhamdulillah, anak2 semua dapat hidup selesa, sy juga dah dapat trip pelancongan ke hokkaido tahun lepas, jadi kenapa sy perlu ragu2 lagi??
    perniagaan yg haram adalah tiada brg untuk diniagakan, tapi amway mmg berasaskan brg dia yg kualiti tip top..selagi amway boleh jadi sumber pendapatan buat sy dan keluarga, sy akan terus buat, kerana bg saya kerja kilang sekalipun dengan owner yg bukan islam, tp kita kerja kayakan dorg berpuluh tahun tanpa persoalkan mereka agama apa..renung2 kan..

  187. Sampai skrang AMWAY tetap bertahan... tak bankrap pun... tak muflis pun... yang muflis manusia yang banyak buat loan itu ini.. yang buat AMWAY terus berjalan.... kau rasa

  188. mana Aidid Mu'addib ...alahai tengok profile dan quit.... why ....baru nak borak

  189. Cuba tengok video ni.


  190. Alhamdulillah joined Amway time PKP covid-19 . Beli barang AMWAY dapat keuntungan amway beri balik kpd saya as pembeli , pengguna , Dan penjual.kalau Amway ni scammers dah lama lingkup.. tapi alhamdulillah samapi sekarang bertahan malah apa fitnah pasal amway ni .. tetap tak menjatuhkan amway

  191. For your information AMWAY bukan piramid.. System piramid means orang dok goyang kaki duit masuk tapi orang bawah pulun cari orang sana sini.. Orang atas dapat hasil.. Tapi AMWAY kalau orang atas goyang kaki x dapat apa, tapi orang bawah yang boleh potong orang atas pulak.. Mungkin dulu AMWAY ada buat silap.. Tapi sekarang AMWAY ada di kaunter syariah.. Dan dah lahirkan td amai jutawan dan dah bawak ramai orang g melancong serata dunia..
