Sunday, November 28, 2010

Gelang AC Mizal - Sapa La Yang Kena Kelentong Tu?

Muad'Dib learned rapidly because his first training was in how to learn. And the first lesson of all was the basic trust that he could learn. It's shocking to find how many people do not believe they can learn, and how many more believe learning to be difficult. Muad'Dib knew that every experience carries its lesson.
- from The Humanity of Muad'Dib by the Princess Irulan

Hey, whatever happened that that Thursday night with "Teh Tarik Bersama Badut" at NZ Garden, KLCC? I didn't go, because lately I've been having diarrhea every time I get to think about this whole ACK fiasco. AC Mang, The Lord of the Bracelets. I just didn't want to fart or shit in my pants in the same room, if I were to listen and look at that creep... that's all. A meeting from high lord Sauron and attention-starved politician-wannabe Saruman can't be good... ain't it? Anyway, I'm not really that enthusiastic anymore about this whole series of scandalous behaviours shown by psychotic swindling Malays. It's making me sick, man. On one side, there's this Bentley-driving cikai artist who had enriched himself and his cohorts, by selling USD12.50 useless bracelets at RM1000 a pop, and on the other, a glimpse of a Malay-supremacist group headed by a fatso nincompoop who thinks that, since Sauron is a Malay businessman, all we Malays should just be orcs and trolls, and go to Mordor and live happily ever after there. It's just shameful, really. Hey, where's Gollum? Gghoolluumm! Gghoolluumm!
I think I'll just move on, baby. I got so much on my plate, and time is ticking on fast. Pretty soon we all die anyway. At least I've done a little bit of service to those Malays who are smart enough to understand all these. What does it matter if people think that I was making it all up. What does it matter if Saruman loves Sauron, and didn't do his homework, because Sauron is giving Saruman......... whatever? If the government, i.e. KPDNKK is still resting on their laurels and still dragging their feet about all these... what can I do, man? I'm just a lowly CSI guy! I'm not the cop, nor the prosecuter, nor the judge. If my evidence doesn't hold water to those people, so be it. At least I manage to save a few of my fellow Malays who hasn't been involved in this bracelets & neckless thang. Those who took the time to read my blog, double-check on my facts and sources, and insist on being sane in the process... well, I salute you all. Money and riches are so that important ha? My bracelets.... mmyyy prrrreeeciiooouusss!
Yeah... right!
Anyway, 2 of my sources gave me these same series of photos. I heard a few disturbing things that came out of the meeting. I laughed so hard while I was in the john (diarrhea and all... you know), because no matter how absurd it must have been, Sauron and that Saruman is digging their grave quite deep, man. I thought 6 feet was enough, but they insisted on excavating a 20 feet ditch.

And so it came to be, that some gloriously creepy Malays started hollering, "hidup Melayu! Meh kita belasah sama-sama Melayu Meh!", Because, who else gonna support Malay entrepreneurs, if not all we Malays, ourselves? Ain't that right Armand? Yabedabedoo! Now, go and sleep in that grave. It's big enough, dontcha worry.

Meanwhile, back in Say No To MLM in facebook:

And then, there's this case of a few pretend-cheques (even cheques need actors too) that was highlighted to me by another informer. You know me... if some up-standing young guy do some tedious work researching this issue, I just don't have the heart to let him/her down, and so I will share with you all here, what that said-person had discovered. Everyone loves to be Gil Grissom.

Have a look at the above picture closely (click on it), do you understand the problem with that cheque? That cheque design is already superseded by a newer design since September 2009, by order of Bank Negara. Meaning those kind of cheques are not in circulation anymore, and if Lord Sauron still has it, it'll be useless if he give it to someone. Maybank will just reject it out of hand. But the above picture was screen-captured recently from ACK website... before it went kaput under mysterious circumstances. AC Mang put up the cheque to show out to people that ACK is really paying commission to some really lucky (non-existent) person. And taadaaaa! The date on the cheque is 22 June 2010! Wadefik? Like I said before, if you want to do mungkar - do it all the way baby! And he did it all the way! It is confrimed by now - AC Mizal is the lousiest, stupidest liar I had ever encountered in my whole life... there's no clown like him! First class 4eva!

Dan bukan itu saja... jangan lupa kuncu-kuncu yang sama terencat akal dan berjaya dibasuh gila bab oleh dajjal wang ringgit. Camane tu? You know, jenis manusia yang baru lepas menyamun dan balik rumah dan cakap kat bini... "alhamdulillah, murah rezeki abang hari ni".


<Sigh!> Ain't got much else to say, really. These days I'm kinda busy... so if I don't show up much around the place, please forgive me y'all. You know, it's the school holidays. I gotta spend some time with the kids... all 8 of them. Plus the mother too. She's been a bit cranky lately. And if I were to buy her a Sauron's FIR-neodymium-magnetic bracelet... hohoho! That just wouldn't do babe. No sir! She wants something more substantial, I would think so. And those kids are no easy task too, no joke. The small ones keep bouncing on my tummy one after another, day and night... and that really worsen the diarrhea bad. And the teenage ones want me to buy, 1. A new laptop. 2. An iPad. 3. A make-up set.

All denied! I'm just a rubber tapper - these kids today are crazy!

In these days, darkness falls early,
And people rush home to the ones they love,
You'd better take a fool's advice, take care of your own,
One day they're here, next day they're gone...

>>>>>>>>>>>>    <<<<<<<<<<<<<

Update (after more than 4 months):
Probably my last update on this lousy no good pyramid-scheme shit.

Dah bungkus ka ini bzns jual gelang magic dol? Dulu sekor-sekor speaker barua tu jugak yang bertungkus-lumus menghasut orang Melayu seramai mungkin suruh join bzns satu-sen-tarak-guna ni. Sekarang bila AC mangkokhayon dah tak sayang kat korang - terus tinggalkan begitu aje orang Melayu yang dah hancing tu semua erk? Mana janji keuntungannya? Kena tanya ACK ya? Kena tanya AC Mangkokhayon ye? Oh senang-senang aje korang bahalol sekor-sekor erk...  

Eh, betul ke dah hancus Salima yang? Sapa punya keje la sabotage korang sampai gitu sekali?

Heip You!


  1. kehkehkeh!
    Getafe 3 - 1 Sevilla!!!

  2. kenapa xpercaya?? GRUGI lorrrr nanti FRAST keh keh

  3. Fresh from oven..yeah bebeh..
    gua every day refresh blog ni
    yang wicked sick..

    i have to admit bro aidid that
    each time i read testimony dari
    apa2 la..gua akan anti body
    is just 10% to protect from all
    this better solution is
    to be stingy..yes..stingy..hidup
    orang kedekut..yeah

  4. hihhihi kenapa polis tak tangkap untuk yang mengaku aidid tu yek.. sia sia je AC Mang buat repot polis pastuh upah antu raya jaga family dye..opss salah da bodyguard keh keh keh..haiya...filem gerak gerakhas edisi baru ke nih???~~~~ isk isk isk awat la lagu tu AC Mang oiiii....--Bomoh Hujan was here!!!!

  5. macam macam hal...pasal nk tegakkan benang basah....tak pasal2 dah terlanjangkan kemaluan sendiri..bodohnyer penipu..hahhha

    masalah yg berwajib plak..mcm pekakkan telinga jer..heran bin ajaib...dunia akhir zaman ..

    tahniah bro aidid ..teruskan usaha /no1

  6. Nice one,bro aidid better change profession lah.Rubber tapper to construction work la pulak.

  7. :):):)
    nice one.. asyik terkena ja kan

  8. Aidid,

    This is your 1 millionth post about AC, and i'm still entertained. AC gelang business jokes never get old.

    But at one point, you'll start to vomit blood and AC will be history. Before then, how bout branching out your anecdotes to other stuff, say the rubber trees you tap?

    Well, apart from the usual MLMs.

    P.S Boy, the dude in black tu macam ganas jer bagi speech & look at his fist, like he's about to punch someone in the face. Scaarrrryyy. AC Mizal nampak cam nervous , senyum macam tak senyum, senyum kambing.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Pergh, super duper desperate. Tahap desperate dia kalahkan desperate kau diarrhea aidid oi. Sampai pakai pelakon pulak dah.


    Yang si bebal bebal politician-wannabe tu, kalau betul justice, suruh AC Mang tu keluar statemnet mana pembekal dia, mana sijil kesihatan dia. AKu tak puas hati lagi pasal dia jawab pakai mulut je. Pasai apa tak jawab pakai bukti. Kalau nak jadi artis, bijak la sikit!

  11. Bentley sewa..LOL.. lepas berbulan tak bayar sewa lepas tu baru owner paksa Mang beli.. kalau tak melaram dengan kereta sewa jah padahal sbnrnya haprak

  12. AC dimana????? apakah sambungan AC nanti??? keh keh

  13. "attention-starved politician-wannabe Saruman can't be good.." Wakakka.. You're the Man Bro Aidid.

    Aku dari dulu takleh blah dgn mamat perkasa ni.. perjuangkan hak melayu konon..

  14. Hoho.. nice dude.. keep diz up.. I really wanna see how deep is he gonna dig his graves..

  15. aku suka blog ko aidid,ko merevolusi....aku pun xde idea nak tulis ape....tapi aku support ko..AC merepek!

  16. sejak thesis aku kene reject buta2 sebab pembuktian aku buat hanye berdasarkan video dan para lecturer aku gigih nak tengok mende project aku bergerak depan mata...

    aku raaaaaageeeeeeeee dengan bukti...

    nak bukti dari ac mizal yg bende2 yg dier jual tu sume ade sijil sah ngan kajian terperinci... kalo bleh heret sekali doktor yg buat kajian tu suh explain depan2 benefit gelang tuh...

    dah kaya2 camtu takkan tak mampu nak bayarkan flight doktor or what so ever scientist yang buat kajian pasal tu ye tak?

  17. Fatso nincompoop? Describes perkasaman correctly. Bwahahahaha!

  18. On a related note, kalu betul diorang pakai pelakon extra as their idiotic manoeuvre in getting the infamous Aidid to expose himself, i'd say betul2 kesianlah. Then again, one can't help but have this subtle curiousity. I'm sure few others do.

    p.s ACK Y'ALL! Catchy lak menatang phrase ni (god forbid aku terkena badi ACK hahah). Agak2 kalu sebut out loud, lagi lame tak bunyi dia.

  19. WTH.

    How dare those stupid can admit himself as actor that always be themselves.

    From my first sight at the cheque, I already know the cheque is ol style cheque that cannot be used since 2 years ago. Is AC wanna fool all educated Malaysian...shame on you AC. Such a bad liar, loser, and low IQ. WTF.

  20. teringat masa zaman student dulu...kalau nak clinical exam, short case or long case, lecturer selalu pesan...if u don't know, DO NOT bluff or else you'll dig your own grave....ha haaa

  21. excellent job bro.. wa ske blog lu, tepat, padat, mantop, dan lebih hangat dari melodi.. teruskn usaha anda bro..

  22. cuba tgk gambar armand ni...tgk tgn dia...kakakkak...dah terjoinT ke? terpaksa la tolong tepis

    kt prog TT tu, dia tak pakai plak...ahaks

  23. hah...patutla armand bersungguh2, rupanya dah terjoint

  24. Aidid.. Aidid,

    Gua agak nasib lu macam Harry Markopolos lah.

    Markopolos researched Bernie Madoff's hedge fund as early as 1999 (2008 baru meletup) and came to the conclusion that the consistently high returns tak masuk akal. It was mathematically impossible to ride out the ups and downs. It smells of Ponzi (bukan yang sunday monday happy days...ya makcik-makcik)

    He alerted the Stock Exchange Commission in 2001. Diorang tak ambik hek. He kept informing them and to make sure mereka paham takut kalau pakai kias-kias, maksud tersirat tak tersampai, with slightly lesser subtlety he titled his report in 2005 "The World's Largest Hedge Fund is a Fraud".

    And guess what?
    The SEC still buat bodoh tak ambik hek.

    What finally made the Madoff scam meletup in 2008?

    Si Madoff sendiri confessed....

  25. part dia confess bukan lepas kena tangkap ke, kena torture ke.

    One fine day, in his office, out of the blue he just decided to fess up.

    Baru lah semua bergegar..

  26. Well, Madoff was once head of SEC or something - and they all thought he was a hedge fund genius... ya genius kelentong orang.
    He confessed because he hit a brick-wall, there's no where else to go, the scheme was getting too big for him - USD65 bil too big.

  27. Salam sedara Aidid, don't know how to tell you but i just found out from a blog -->

    "PAPA GOMO, November 28, 2010 3:30 PM

    Takkan lah takda report Polis? Kalau takda report polis takkan lah report kepasa Tribunal Pengguna pun tak di buat???

    Kat Shah Alam aku boleh tunjukkan tempatnya!

    Aidid di upah utk menjatuhkan AC! Bila kemunculan Blogg Aidid ini???

    Jangan lah nak tutup pekung si Pengupah tu pula!!!"


  28. Wow, Saruman is definitely a midget without his 8'' songkok. I am not surprised if he had opted ACK neckless instead to help him appear less 'midgety'. Mamat ni pengumpul polis report, keje dia asik dok report polis jer about almost anything & everything. He is also the same guy Perkasa sent to lodge a police report in NY & Florida, USA berkenaan isu preacher yg ada intention bakar Quran tu. Enough said, he's out to get cheap publicity... What a joke!!!

  29. Budak melayu skrg terlalu malas dan cepat percaya ckp org... bukan nak selidik lu.. bodoh bodoh... siap puji ACK tu.. semua terencat...

  30. saudara aidid,sila check blog ini
    ruangan komen oleh `papa gomo` PAPA GOMO, November 28, 2010 3:30 PM

    Takkan lah takda report Polis? Kalau takda report polis takkan lah report kepasa Tribunal Pengguna pun tak di buat???

    Kat Shah Alam aku boleh tunjukkan tempatnya!

    Aidid di upah utk menjatuhkan AC! Bila kemunculan Blogg Aidid ini???

    Jangan lah nak tutup pekung si Pengupah tu pula!!!

    better u check..dah ade bau2 najis dlm artikel 2..!

  31. Shit, kes ACK ni memalukan bangsa betul.

    Bangsa lain tengok tergelak2 je, sbb orang melayu senang sangat percaya biz bodoh ni.

    No wonder la bangsa kita selalu je kena hanjing, politicians-wannabe kita pun diperhanjingkan oleh peniaga tak beretika mcm AC-CON ni.

    Dunia nak kiamat kot.

  32. hehehehe Metroll pun xdapat rating "goreng pisang" mcm blog aidid...KENAPA??? XPERCAYA KE???GRUGI KALAU XPERCAYA~~~~~~~Y ALLL keh keh keh keh

    pasal si papa gomo tu sebenarnya mintak simpati...xterjawab soklan org dalam tu...main taip2 jer...berapa la AC upah dia untuk merapu...
    quote from
    Anonymous, November 29, 2010 8:44 PM
    bukan nak kata apa..
    tp kalau dah salah tu kene la admit salah.

    soalan haku kepada ACK;
    speakers masuk boleh terus kaya raya atas sebab apa? makan duit org yg masuk atau beli gelang kan?
    mmg AC kata dier bukan MLM tp sebenarnya SLM, but still company dier kene ada lesen utk buat perniagaan tu.
    Dan UTUSAN sendiri pernah menyiarkan artikel yg menyatakan syarikat AC ini dlm pemerhatian KDNK ka apa?... jd UTUSAN nie menipu ka? bukan gomo support UTUSAN? jadi?

    nasihat saya kepada Gomo.. kita fokus pada politik ja beb.. hal-hal AC nie biar dier sendiri setelkan. Kan dier ada ramai SPEAKERS yg kaya-raya skrg nie.. suruh ja la dier buat blog sendiri, takyah suruh gomo atau minta bantuan gomo.
    I support Gomo menentang parti politik tp kalau nak back up artis yg susah nak byr nafkah anak, bini pun x bertudung... jadi adakah dier tahu halal haram, dosa dan pahala?

  33. dey, bomoh... aku rasa macam aku berada dalam blog papa gomolol la pulak ko buatkan... apa cer?
    Jgn la jatuhkan martabat blog aku sampai gitu sekali bang. Sedih meh!

  34. Lepastu, geng geng perkasa punya badan sume bonzer bonzer belaka. Gila steady

  35. Bro.. good job in debunking all those issue... Semoga Allah menganugerahkan sesuatu kepada bro, dan memurahkan rezeki kepada bro kerana telah menyelamatkan mereka2 yang masih di atas pagar, dan terus menjauhkan diri daripada skim2 sebegini. :)

  36. Salam,

    Read in one of your entry that AC said his bracelet supplier is Transglobal Magnetic Ltd from London. When I Google this name, below is what I found out......

    So sape yg tinggal kat UK can check out the place please......

  37. stu cadangan utk bro aidid, letak iklan nuffnang, buleh buat income, kat sini pon ade byak traffic utk blog nie. ramai yg bace blog nie...
    duit tue buleh buat insentif utk bro terus menyiasat.

  38. Shapoji: kalau ada income, maka tersasarlah perjuangan pro bono aku...
    Aku takde kepentingan monetari mengarang semua artikel ni.
    Anyway, it's just money bro... I have enough, insyaAllah.

  39. haaittt aidid..soli2...just kesinambungan kisah AC Mang...guna blogger plak..huhuhu tu jer...kalu rasa xsesuai campak je komen tu kat mana2..

  40. kahkahkah...wira pekasam..apekejadahnye menjerit hidup melayu? bile mase melayu mati?, boleh nampak la kite skrg ape fungsi ketuanan melayu yg dilaung2kan oleh pekasam tu..nak tolong penipu sbnrnye..

    [nsb baik blogger xde 'like', kalau x aku dah like dah..hahah..]

  41. dorang ni memang camni, modal ayat hidup melayu, pasni AC collaborate ngan BN plak, kasi tipu satu malaya, hakk tuih, memang penipu nak mampus dorang ni

  42. peh..rose lebih la entry first aku baca kat blog ni..well done..semua dah nak tersungkur dah tue..hep hep hoorayy

  43. bloody fool..cakap dulu takmau dgr..muka2 ni la yang sungguh2 nak btahankan ack dlu..

    aidid, nak guna gambar status diorg tu..hehe

  44. aku perasan satu jer
    awat org2 Mlm ni suka benor pakai ipon??

    makin pemes la salima lepas ni. kelalarlah u punya statement.
    kali ni sudah ada buat spelling check. bagus. ada peningkatan

  45. nak tunjuk diorang ni kaya sgt la tuu cek chun..

  46. Hahaha, duit dah masuk semua terus lari. That's the standard MONTH Aidid, anything we're not responsible. Contact someone else, anybody else but them.

    SLM? Sambung Lagi Menipu ;)

  47. Sorry, my mobile corrected my MO to month when the actual msg was MO which is Modus Operandi :P

  48. Boo-freakin'-hoo ACK.

    Ingat dedulu,set2 speakers tegar ni dok ber- ACK Y'all sana ber-ACK
    Y'all sini dok menjaja gelang tonchit keramat ACK. Macam set2 hip-hop dtg dari ulu mana tah. Hahaha.

  49. weh gua ni yg slow ke, baru gua pasan mamat buntal yg naik sheikh lam pic2 ac mizal tu adalah org yg sama yg kecoh nak ptui2 bebaru ni ye..hahaha feymes nye beliau dalam bab menggertak org ni..
