Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Gelang AC Mizal - Manjang Berlakun Mamat Neh!

Komen Aidid Mu'addib di Say No To MLM di facebook, di satu pagi yang hening, bertarikh 10 Okt 2010, dengan langit yang mendung kat luar tu... nak hujan kut: "Hey, I thought Avail Beauty was fun... this clownish AC Mizal is doubly-fun, man! OK... hilariously "Mr Bean" funny! How on earth did he get millions selling useless trinkets that has magical properties from the 17th dimension, bought a Bentley... and still fail to give his children money... I will never know! Now... this whole shenanigans came out on Harian Metro. Harian Metro, man! The best kind of journalism your RM1.50 can ever buy. What was the accusation? Competitor - what the fish? As if AC Mizal is the only fish I want to fry. Come on baby... Aidid Mu'addib is ready for the limelight (while AC Mizal is ready for jail!)... Yahoo!"

Malam tadi saya balik rumah, saya tengok kat facebook, bertempik sorak mala'un-mala'un penjilat bontot AC Mizal (yang masing-masing dapat seciput keuntungan duit haram jual magnet peti-ais tu dan pastu kasi anak-bini makan duitnya) bila nampak surat kat bawah ni. Musykil saya sekejap. Telahan saya tentang IQ Mizal dan kebolehan "entrepreneurship"nya saya rasa memang "right on the money!" (pun intended). Amatur sungguh tingkah-lakunya sejak saya bongkarkan setiap persoalan tentang produk yang kedai pajak-gadai tak mo terima ni. Budaknya memang 3rd grade businessman gitu. Buat report polis ni apa kes? Mau kasi tahu bahawa gelang magic tu memang betul-betul magic, "abang tak tipu punya dek! memang boleh kasi power!", atau mau kasi tahu kerajaan/KPDNKK... "meh la datang ofis kat Ampang, tengok aku punya invoice dan accounting", atau mau kasi Muhd Aidid Muhd Addib lagi femes? Apakah?

Takpelah abang AC... saya tak suka femes-femes ni. Saya bukannya suka ujub dan riak macam artis, pelakun dan penyanyi tu semua. Korang aje la bangga-bangga diri macam gitu... saya tak payahlah bang. Kalau saya dapat lepak kat McD tanpa ada orang kacau saya dengan Big Mac dan fries saya, saya dah cukup senang hati (eh! dah lama tak pegi McD). Kalau hujung minggu saya dapat lepak main dengan anak-anak, bawak dia orang pegi Baskin-Robbins, pastu dapat baca buku kat bawah pokok mempelam kat belakang rumah tu... itulah nikmat yang tiada tandingan. Apakah?

Bang AC... apa yang kaber-kaber kat atas tu? Bogelkan aje la semua. Kalau saya la bang yang buat report polis, saya scan dan letak sini bulat-bulat. Dan... ehem! Bila masa ada Dato Mizal Zaini tu? Bukan Mizal Dato Zaini ke? Sultan Pahang kan tengah nilai balik penganugerahan DIMP tu (kata rumours la... aku mana tahu sangat. Dapat Dato'? hmmm). List yang keluar last week takde nama Mizal Zaini puuuunnnn.... Kang tak pasal-pasal kena saman.... jeng jeng jeng.... oleh Sultan Pahang! 
Oh ya... Alamat No. 9G, Jalan Dravidan tu... betul ke tu bang? Hari tu pegawai KPDNKK komplen tak jumpa ofisnya. Buang masa sehari-suntuk dia orang pusing bandar Ampang. Ntah berapa orang pakcik dan apek dia orang tanya... semua cakap "tak tau meh!" 
Sekali lagi saya nak cakap. "Fitnah" tu maksud perkataannya dalam bahasa Melayu... buat cerita yang tak benar tentang orang lain. Bang AC... kita bukan orang lain kan? Kita kan BFF gitu? Takpe la bang... kecik hati aku macha ko buat begitu! Dan berbalik pada isu fitnah tadi, saya ulang lagi sekali, kat mana yang saya fitnah tu? Ada 5 artikel saya tulis, fakta yang mana satu saya fitnah?
1. Gelang keramat yang disangkal oleh sains perubatan? (bukan fitnah).
2. HotTime (wow! that's hot!) punya list tu betul tu bang, saya tak tipu... syarikat tu yang bagi. Bukan saya ada-adakan, nak photoshop macamana, saya tak pandai? Ini ha linknya: You love me long time?. Seketul-seketul keluar bracelet tungsten yang sama dengan produk ACK. Harganya boleh kurang lagi kata apek tu melalui email... kalau order bulk manyak-manyak, katanya. USD23-24 boleh dapat tu... (bukan fitnah).
3. Pasal testimonial tu kan... itu lagi saya musykil bang? Macamana ACK boleh claim disebabkan produk yang sama, daripada pengeluar yang sama, jadi boleh pakai testimonial yang sama... tapi nama omputeh pasal testimonial tu orang lain-lain. Namanya bukan la testimonial tu... itu namanya KARANGAN (atau KELENTONG MANGKOK HAYON DI SIANG HARI! gitu). Apa ACK ingat rakyat Malaysia, khasnya kami orang Melayu ni, low IQ ke bang? Macam baru keluar tadika kemas? (bukan fitnah).
4. Sistem pemasaran serta autoplacement "8-ball model" yang digunakan oleh ACK adalah skim piramid. Yang itu ko tak leh "spin" lagi dah. (bukan fitnah).
5. Suruh orang buat loan untuk join ACK - "berduit sekarang berduit masa depan (untuk AC Mizal)"... betul tak ACK ajak orang Melayu kerja kerajaan buat hutang dengan Kuwait Finance House? (bukan fitnah).
Tapi ye, saya tengok kat report polis kat atas tu kaaannn... saya rasa Aidid Mu'addib yang telah difitnah. Sanggup ko Mizal? Dolu-dolu ko cakap kita BFF, sekarang ni, sampai gini jadi nyo? Apakah salah ku? <tengah nangis neh!>
1. Kat mana ugutan nak sembelih tu bang? Meh sini saya ambik daripada artikel yang asal: "Dah lebih 40 tahun manusia dah sampai ke bulan, yang orang Melayu kat Malaysia sebok jual gelang magik alternate universe. Dapat jualan berjuta ringgit pulak tu. Jual gelang cikai yang hanya dapat memberi "placebo-effect' kepada pemakainya. Placebo... tarak guna! Bila la benda macam ni nak berakhir dalam masyarakat kita? Orang Melayu tu sendiri kelentong orang Melayu lain, untuk mengayakan diri sendiri, daripada duit masyarakat Melayu tu jugak. Elok sembelih aje kut..." Dulu masa SPM, Bahasa Melayu dapat berapa bang? E ke F? G? Itu namanya metofora, bukan ugutan. Metafora tu tahu maknanya tak dey? Adakah?
2. "Tak sabar nak masuk jail ke apa?" Ini ha petikan artikel saya tu: Skim piramid tu. Kalau anda lihat post saya sebelum ini tentang "Matematik Asas Dalam MLM dan Skim Piramid", model piramid di atas adalah sistem yang mirip kepada "8-ball model". Tak faham betul saya... kata bzns jual gelang ni juta-juta, tapi tak nak pulak gajikan akauntan atau ahli ekonomi yang berwibawa ke bang? Sistem di atas tu hanya dipraktikkan oleh akauntan lanun dan penyamun perniagaan sahaja (dan orang yahudi macam Bernie Madoff). AC Mizal ni dah tak sabar sungguh nak masuk jail ke apa? Lepas tu, bukan setakat sistem piramid 1 downline 2 atau 3 atau 4, tapi 12! Downline 12? Suicidal ke? Dah sasau ke? Eh? Itu pulak namanya "rhetorical question" - atau kalau nak kasi terangkan dalam bahasa Melayu, "satu soalan perli yang tak perlu dijawab, kecuali dengan pelempang". Itu la pasal nya ada bebudak Melayu ada yang tak lulus Bahasa Melayu SPM ya? Korang tengok la sendiri kat atas ni... (macam Cikgu Anuar cakap 20 tahun dulu kat si mamat ponteng Hairul Adzha: "hish! aku lempang kang?"). Ha... ugutan tu... pegi report puliiissss! Cepaaaattt!
Tak payah la nak kupas lagi report kat atas tu... sedey meh! Sanggup BFF aku buat aku gitu? Caiiish! Tapi, kalau anda semua nak tahu, itulah bentuk report polis kalau seorang artis yang buat. Asyik nak berlakun aje kerjanya... tak jujur langsung. Bukak cerita yang bukan-bukan. Macam la orang lain, korang semua masyarakat cyber Melayu, tak baca blog saya tu? (di saat ini, 121,779 orang telah baca blog saya!). Lepas tu, mamat psycho ni ingat, kalau buat report polis aje, nanti pegawai polis akan masuk kete kancil putih tu, bunyi siren sampai dengar ke Kajang dan berkejar pegi tangkap Aidid Mu'addib... kasi gari masuk black Maria... eh! masuk kancil. Apekehenye yeop? Takde polis kat Malaysia ni terencat akal macam ko tu deerrr! Malaysia ni bertamadun... pegawai polis yang baca laporan tu malam tadi pasti dah buat bahan bersembang dan ketawa-ketawa kat pantry bilik rehat masa melepak-lepak waktu rehat tengah malam tadi.... "eh! korang tau, AC Mangkuk datang buat report tadi, sebijik macam budak remaja mengadu kat emaknya, kawan buat gossip pasal dia dengan Mat Som... merengek-rengek... tak suka laaaa mak! nyampah!" (sambil menghempas-hempas penumbuk kat bantal).
Chaitt! Mengabih boreh botol budak nyo!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <<<<<<<<<<<<< 
An Open Letter to the Authority:
Dear sir(s)/Madam(s):
2. PDRM (Bhg Jenayah Perniagaan).
3. Harian Metro and all other print-news entities (or all you bloggers).
I can be serious if I want to. And I'm pretty serious when I produce something substantial and factual. This is about the state of our country. This is about, specifically, the state of the economics well-being of our people. How long will the authority continue to let companies and individuals like these people that I have highlighted in my blog, persist in their effort to plunder, with deceitful manners, the accummulated riches in our society, to fatten their own pockets, to the detriment of those being fooled outright? Pyramid-schemes and twisted Multi-Level Marketing companies are doing their utmost currently in cyberspace, every single day, with the advent of social networking system like facebook... and the whole wide web, in general.
I always have high regards for police officers, and even though there had been untoward incidents over the years, at either end of the spectrum, PDRM has always been an institution that Malaysian citizen had to rely on. As for the report above, the writer hope that the officers was not fooled easily by an actor who stated things out-of-context, thinking that he can make the report as a sensational document to parade in facebook, and it was. ACK posted that copy of the document in his facebook group, not 2 hours after it was filed at the police station. It was mind-boggling! It was comical! And the said-person seemed so proud of that above document... like it was a legal and binding punishment from a high-judge, to accuse the writer of malfeasance... but, it was shameful really. I myself, would not use PDRM as an outlet to be taken advantage of, to perpetuate the selling of my useless magnetic bangles, by deception mind you, by parading that insignificant document, such as above (as in the context of this whole affair). So, he made a police report... so what? The onus to prove that all the facts that I had presented are in the category of "libel and slander" is yet to be seen. I have presented facts... not fiction, and AC Mizal Konsortium has yet to produce any substantial counter-evidence to prove I was wrong.
I am not alone in this fight against MLM and pyramid-schemes, as your department had already seen and encountered thus far. Please look through my blog, and please enter the un-hallowed realm of facebook (with my link). You'll be surprised of all the information I have gathered in 9 months. Those are my own research on the matter, and those are my first-hand experience. And I had done a great deal of references into the experiences of other countries, in writing those articles and creating those flyers. True, ACK is a BIG fish, but my mission is not solely on that company alone. There are so many other fish to fry sir... because I personally thought that I have not seen any government department officers such as yours, going undercover to investigate about these new kind of pyramid-schemes and MLMs. I may be wrong about that though... if so, I humbly apologize. 
I do hope that your department and the government in general take a more direct approach into this type of economics and commercial problems. Why do we need to wait for a particular company or business to grow, while taking in a huge amount of money from those so-called "investors" and when the scheme crash, those people file complaints to your department, then you mobilise a raid on so and so company or outfit? (... your raid on One-team and iRich696 was excellent by the way). I am hoping that KPDNKK would strike pre-emptively on these kind of businesses.... pyramid-schemes and MLMs that are actually pyramid-scheme in disguise. Get directly on the ground to see what is happening... meaning, get into facebook and see these pyramid-schemes in action. We all know here... it's the Malay youth that is primarily targeted. Well, we also know why.... isn't it?
Yes, ACK is only one of those schemes. But, I won't stop there. What about Hyprobulksms, Login facebook RM100, Unstoppable group (or rather... unstobebal), Aleacorp, VIPonline, BioAsli, SKN2U, Vemma, Xango, PowerImpian4u, Emall, Ads4Bucks, Up Network,, and hundreds of other schemes preying on all those unsuspecting, immature, but surely greedy Malays on the internet... and especially in facebook? Do we need to have many people complaint, then the government agency will move and take the appropriate action? I do not know if I am the one to give you this suggestion... but, why don't KPDNKK make a "team" that goes undercover into facebook? That is an idea... isn't it so?
Anyway, I am in deep gratitude to En. Shahruddin Bin Hamzah, for answering a fellow consumer about this type of scourge in our society in this day and age.
Harian Metro: 
Come on, man! To that particular journalist - do your homework! Work on it thoroughly... be a respectable newspaper please. Don't be a useless tabloid rag, and don't let your paper stay at 2nd grade forever and ever, compared to all those big guns. Hey, Harian Metro has its own place in society. But, with better research and understanding of the issue at hand, you're going to beat BH, UM, SN and NST. It can be done sir!
Come on man! What kind of a heading is this? This is just shoddy work boy. Really embarassing journalism this... Jangan la tak buat homework dik, sebelum masuk van nak gi sekolah.... nanti cikgu marah!
What else did I want to say? Oh! I'm hungry.... Where's that Big Mac?


  1. just so you know i'm also one of the five blogs/sites included in that report

    we are in the same boat sir

    I wish we could talk and put our heads together but you are one hard person to track down.

  2. salam. saya terjumpa ini >>>

    tlg validate n post kalau benar...

  3. bagos Aidid Mu'addib .. teruskan usaha murni anda .. berani kerana benar .. takot kerana salah .. we support u !

  4. Keep goin' bro...dont stop. This F**king Malay is some kind of bullS**T. Nasib baik aku tak pandai maki orang secara karangan dalam BLOG. Kalau tak mesti penuh blog aku dgn cacian dan makian mlm sekelian.

  5. wow...classy, ur way in writting really inspired my idol now.....classy...i like ur blog...
    bkan hye berckap kosong, tapi penuh ngan bukti, selama 9 bulan ko siasat....
    harap berbaloi ngan org melayu tak mudah terpedaya lagi....
    aidid hwaiting!!!

  6. pok cik oii..classy gila laa pok cik..muahaha..kipidap..!!kipidap..!!teruskan CSI anda yo, yo, yo..!!

  7. we support u mr...dh gelabah biawak dh dia..haha

  8. jangan gentar lah kalau kita dipihak yg benar. :) hope u'll keep this hard work going!

  9. oh im sooo in love with ur writing! hahaha..
    again, good job aidid!

    awk kelakar larh..!

  11. Mintak penjelasan dengan pencacai AC Mizal lebih kurang sama je macam gaduh dengan indon kat internet. Kita lawan dengan fakta takde sape pun nak lawan dengan fakta balik, lepas tu tuduh fitnah la dengki la.. SOWTFISTHISSHIAAT?

    Anyway, never stop slaughtering those scammers, you have our supports. Congratulation to you sir for your heroic deeds..

    To AC Mizal:

    Now.. Your move..

  12. Yang aku pelik, ape pulak pesaing nye??? sape pesaing mu wahai ACK??? hahahaha.. gile ahhh. Well, ape de hal!

    Kami menghargai usaha murni encik Aidid!

  13. ..roll a joint...
    it's gettin' hot here..hehehh
    Congrats bro!

  14. I've stop TOKING A JOINT a long time ago... made me nauseous...
    hahahaha! I think I'll have a cigar please....

  15. Aidid..
    You write so good... you're my idol. Again, you are full of facts and evidences.. no wonder loads of fans. I will support you all the way bro. Fry the big fish from (Memang Lah Menipu (MLM) so that they the smaller fish won't get fried. Go Aidid! Go Aidid!

    To Safiyyashaidin :
    Saya suka betul perkataan "kipidap" tu. Boleh "tiru"?

  16. Dude, KPDNKK kata apa lagi? Takkan 'mengawasi' jek? no further action?

  17. Speechless..sebab sangat bagus..yea..yea..yea..

    teruskan aidid....all this rubbish should be stop long ago la...kan..kan..

    go aidid gooooo

  18. relax la semua, bro aidid tolong respond komen aku ni..

    sbnrnye semua ni adalah gimik semata2..

    AC mizal kan kelakar..sbb tu die banyak buat lawak...

    ntah2 ni promosi filem terbaru beliau ke, The Lord Of The Bracelet sequel..hehe

  19. add me in ur fb

    muhamad hayatullah

  20. lu mmg bagus aidid.
    blog obe pun ada skali dlm list report tu? ceytt.
    aku rasa lepas ni SKMM kene bg lesen rasmi pada blogger untuk suarakan pendapat lah.

    keep up the good job bro.

  21. snowflake: uh,mana blh suka2hati tiru..!!awk kena cari 12 downline..sblm tu kena jual gelang magic ni n buat 18 akaun..dah dpt bentley 8 bijik baru blh tiru 'kipidap' tu..!!

    haha..joking only..hoyeh..!!hoyeh..!!if dun mind u can follow my LAME n BORING blog..ngee~

    pok cik aidid: hoh~ slps di update dgn penambahan gmbr METRO tu, ternyata entri ini bertmbh menarik..kipidap aboh aidid..!!hoyeh..!!

  22. thanx a lot aidid.. :) berani bersuara menyelamatkan & menyedarkan org Islam drpd terpedaya dgn tipu daya ACK & MLM yg sewaktu dgnnya!! Syabas! keep up da gewd work! luv ur blog!!

  23. "Lepas tu, mamat psycho ni ingat, kalau buat report polis aje, nanti pegawai polis akan masuk kete kancil putih tu, bunyi siren sampai dengar ke Kajang dan berkejar pegi tangkap Aidid Mu'addib.."


  24. nak ckap. tgok muka ko yg suku posing ngan harian metro tuh mmg classy!! classy, very classy!!!

  25. Nice bro!!! caya la lu...keep up a good job...apa dia ingat dia buat police report dia power???kasi ajar sama dia bro...(gelang magnet kat pasar pun ada jual la...)

  26. tunggu produk seterusnya... gelang magnet dah kantoi. pasni gelang getah plak kot hehe

  27. part pling best bacer tergelak smpai terkencing!!!

    "eh! korang tau, AC Mangkuk datang buat report tadi, sebijik macam budak remaja mengadu kat emaknya, kawan buat gossip pasal dia dengan Mat Som... merengek-rengek... tak suka laaaa mak! nyampah!" (sambil menghempas-hempas penumbuk kat bantal)

  28. Salam Bro Aidid,
    I have been waiting for you to accept my request for "Friend" in your Fb page. Nama Glam : Snowflake, Nama IC : Kursiah Johar.

    Salam Safiyyashaidin
    Ok.. I will find 18 downline and our theme is "Kipidap". Later when we become rich, we don't buy Bentley of Ferari, there is nothing wrong with Kenari what... I will follow your blog after this. I've been captured by your uncle's blog since mornninnng.

  29. Aku tau naper AC buat report.
    Sebab dah kantoi besar-besaran.
    So nanti kalau wartawan tanya,
    dia dan konco akan bagi jawapan standard:

    "Kami tak boleh komen. Benda ni masih dalam
    siasatan polis"

    Am I right?

    Anyway Bro Aidid, pls accept me on your FB.
    My id: ..Al-Awwam (you noticed my full id)

  30. @admin. He won't accept you.He's a ghost. lol.
    Bro Aidid, you are Van Helsing. Kill those vampires!!

  31. satu tindakan yg bagusss....ack tak kan dpt wat aper2...ko ader bukti aidid....kami sokongggg....dah kaya raya pun masih tak mampu bayar nafkah kannnn...gila la itu olang...hahahah

  32. to any MLM,

    Godai pliss,stop with da bullshit.

    and expecially to AC,

    udah2 ler bang,rentikanla buat cenggine,bila juai benda nipu nie kat org lain,org lain beli,tenbtu2 dah dia suh org lain buat jugak,secara xlangsung,anda telah menjadi pengutip dosa yg amaaat hebat.ramai kepala yg makan duita haram nie and andalah yg menggalakkan,penggalak dapat dosa paling bnyk weih,gila berani?

  33. good work bro ... we support you... kena buat TT session ngan bro ni... congrats ... kasi 'fry' habis-habisan... maksud fry tu bukan lah aku suruh goreng hang makan dengan nasi lemak... sekadar hiasan saja...

  34. sorry bro... yang fry tu saya tujukan untuk AC Bebal tu... dan lagi 1 saya cadangkan letak la 4U2C kat favorite music dalam profile tu...

  35. Have no fear bro..
    You are doing the right things.
    What he just did, will only trigger the domino..

    makin byk "datuk" ni ckp, makin luas kainnya terselak..

  36. Good one! keep it up.
    I suppose that a lot of Malay-Muslims really want to get rich easily. I never see such kind of MLM adverts here in Ireland. It reminds me of cerekarama Saham Neraka, directed by Erma Fatima.

  37. all the best... cukup dah orng melayu ni kena tipu je manjang dengan geng geng ni

  38. HAHAHAAA diugut sembelih ftw!! now that i cant stop laughing doh. harian metro? saye prefer harianmetroll for life.

  39. May the Force be with you.

    Terima kasih bro Aidid.

  40. Salaam,
    cuma tertanya-tanya lah.. siapa external auditor yg check akaun company tu? takkan dorang tak perasan sesuatu?

  41. dpt berita ni dari utusan
    syarikat AC tiada lesen

  42. good job bro aidid! very good artikel. let all those authorities read this and take their action. for jounalist, i don't expect much from them, they just go through an artikel, found one line that interesting, and create their own theory about it. that's how obe's joke was taken seriously by Melodi.

  43. really make my day la. hahahah...

  44. i like it bro...hahaha..very like it...go aidid goo...

  45. Walau ape pon terjadi Aidid...
    aku sentiase berdiri tegak dibelakang kamooo...

    bai de wei...
    kalau dia ajak naek court sekali pon...
    aku rase ko bley menang dgn mudah...

  46. mantap la brO!!!!
    sangat setuju ngan admin @ al-awwam cakap kat atas tu..

  47. Bro, here's a link to dalil about MLM. I think your fellow readers should also know about this. Thanks for the pembongkaran. Please forget the fact that ustaz zaharuddin posted this in Harakah, its not political at all.

  48. sy suka mengenal dan memerhati org-org yg seberani anda..
    boleh dijadikan sumber inspirasi ~

  49. you are mai hero..

    you backed up your points with references.. but ACK still haven't show us any valid rebuttal for the points highlighted in your blog.

    well done bro.
    p/s: pardon my english.

  50. smoga apa yang di buat
    dapat mencapai kejayaan,,

    p/s : yang buruk pasti akan terbongkar

  51. two thumbs up! gewd job aidid! berani kerana benar...

  52. dear adib,
    im the one who those really hate the bangsat of MLM biz. Actually this biz start so long time before. sptutnya dis biz dah buat pemantauan dari awl lagi sblm merebak terjangkit.
    i have a few experience from the MLM biz.
    When im study at one of IPTA in malaysia, friends kecoh ttg satu biz yang boleh beri money sekelip mata. Alhmdulillah I come from business family so saya sudah tahu lil’ bit hows the biz start. my mum alwyz advice tiada biz yang mendatangkan duit dengan begitu pantas.nobody get money instantly. Main saham pun ada untung rugi.
    Berkenaan di IPTA. Ada satu skim ni of course MLM . Bis sebijik macam ACMIZAL.apa yang diorg war-warkan adalah kekayaan kereta. My friend ni really crazy about it. Dia ajak minum dikedai mamak. I ask him why not we discuss coffee bean if serious biz. Lebih proper. Tapi dia tolak. Bila saya Tanya biz apa . dia xterangkan tetapi bagi tahu I must follow him tuk seminar kompeni ni baru boleh cerita coz dis biz so really prestique. (Dari situ saya sudah detect ada yang tidak kena)dia bagitau kalau nak bercakap juga coffe bean ok ( what the hell saya sudah ajak before).
    One night , I follow him . apa yang diorg yakin kita for those yang xde duit memang kelabu mata.
    1. Sewa office grand gila dekat hotel ( nak tunjuk kekuatan hotel)
    2. Boleh dapat keuntungn mcm system MLM. Cari org2 dibawah so kita keuntungan goyang kaki.
    3. Entrance ke kompeni ditayangkan kereta-kereta mewah Ferrari sport, Lamborghini, porshe sport nak bagi confident ( kawan saya siap thumb up tuk saya nak menunjuk)
    4. To show diz biz really famous and successful , ada level-level, pakai kot dan lain2.kalu org susah memang kelabu mata. Cara dia sebijik macam rosma , khai and others pakai korporat gitu depan kete mewah ( tidak menuduh)
    5. Daripada yang saya tahu diorg banyk mensasarkan pelajar IPT
    6. Masuk dalam bilik seminar, speaker akan terangkan biz. Bayaran 20ringgit. Hah disinilah keyakinan diorg dimainkan. First diorg akan gunakan parents sebagai jerangkap. Ayat mudah kalau parent sakit nak urgent money so mn nk cari duit instantly.nk rawat. Kita memng mudah terpedaya jika org gunakan ibubapa. Kemudian asset, untuk satu peringkat dapat cincin berlian berharga 5ribu. My friend siap cakap ni bukan berlian tipu , original punya. Sorry to says bukak riak saya sudah pakai cincin berlian asli masa saya form 2 lagi.
    7. Abis seminar , bw saya bahagian biz. Disitu dia terangkan mcm2la. Memang kawan2 U yang join muka manis gila.senyum ke telinga.
    8. Saya cakap akan pikirkan dulu. Balik dalam kereta, kawan saya mcm2 promote last saya bagitau xnak join.ayah saya masih berkemampuan nk tanggung saya. ayat pedas gila .. org dah nk bagi kau duit, kalo ko xnak berubah dok ditakuk lama ikut suka ko. Gila ahh sentap. Lagi kalau ko xmalu dok mintak duit ngn bapak ko memng ko anak yang xnak berjasa kat ibubapa kau.
    Taik kucing lahhh.. berdasarkan siasatan saya yng xmcm saudara adib tetapi mmng ramai dikalangan kawn2 saya join dan biz nihh memang ajak kita papa kedana. Siap jual tanah, tergadai barg kemas dll. Semuanya sbb nk untung sekelip mata. Kwn saya bila jumpa tepi jalan gilaa ahhh buat muka semberono xkenal. Haram btl.

    Dari apa yang saya tau biz tuhh dah bangkrap. Memag kwn saya papa kedana gila ahh. Siap berhutang ngn lecturer.ada testimoni tapi x copy pasta punya.. seorg ahli bagitau dia tetap join biz tu sbb dia nk balik modal. tu je. dia dah xnak keuntungan-keuntungan.cuma nk balik modal yang dia labur.. gila siot sampai 20ribu.
    Kepada AC mizal bukan nak menfitnah atau apa. Tapi xkesian ke kalau betul penipu ko dahh merosakkan bangsa sendiri . sbb duit punya pasal tergadai tanah, harta dan segala benda.

  53. Thanks, you guys...
    I appreciate it.
    Go out and spread the word...

  54. By the way, is Herbalife a form of MLM too?

  55. wat?blog obefiend pon ade gak dlm tu..heeee~tp i tetap loike that blog~siap tunjuk kat mak,adik beradik lagik~
    to aidid..keep it up~

  56. Tu yg Dr Rozmey punyer product aper citer?? MLM gak kan? haha

  57. org bdoh je join natang ak kt uni dlu ad gak lec yg bangang gle wt msk org2 MLM nih soh bg cramah kt dak2 uni sal MLM 2 la..ak dgr pn da taw bnda 2 x msk bangang xde otak je yg akan join natang syg nye,ad gk yg t'pedaya..ak nk ckp cmne pn xtaw r kt org2 skang nih..dgr sal duet je trus t' nk jd ngn org skang ni..nk kaya usaha sndri la gle oi!!..pas2,ad kpale otak,pk!!!!!...pham??!!!

  58. herbalife, dr rozmey, sd2, rxlite tu semua MLM. jgn terpengaruh

  59. dr rozmey lebih baik dari ac ni.
    produk dia mlm pun xnaya org bawah...
    wlopun meluat tg ddr tapi jauh lebih baik dari ac n dr fazley(ye ke dr)

  60. aku telah terjebat dengan AC Mizal..heheh..bodoh punya aku..inilah MLM terakhir yang aku masuk..
    Dr Rozmey konsep direct selling berbeza..sebab DDR bukan konsep group, coz dia hanya bagi dua layer saja komisyen.more on selling.

  61. Apo dayooo dh terkantoi...Apo nk di katooo...
    BM tk pas? wonder in my younger years b4 there was 4U2c i've seen this fella taking classes at 'ICM' or Institut Cahaya M'sia in Tmn Mesra Kajang..most prabably repeating his BM papers...hehehe...anyway congrats to u bro Aidid!

  62. articel n blog paling best di alam maya setakat ni..berusahaaaa!!!

  63. Alamat pejabat dia kat sni kut. Dia nebes, maafkan dia ok. No. 3-G JALAN DRAVIDAN, Ampang, Malaysia, 68000 ---from here--->

    Gud work!! wel done!, ada fakta bukan auta/ lakonan semata-mata... kan? LOL

  64. kebanyakkan manusia skrg kejar keduniaan x pkr pe utk akhirat..materialistik r katekan..lg2 name plak artis mesti r nak nmpk kaye..tol x?tp jln xbtul..kuangajak nyer respek kat u bro..

  65. Wow.. never expected that this matter will extend this far..

    I was conned by MLM once and will never join any MLM biz anymore, have never been interested ever since..

  66. Aidid, this is totally brilliant. He claimed being blackmailed by pesaing? So dia anggap kau sebagai pesaing. Kau dah mampu bersaing sama 'DATO' sekarang! Salute.

    One more thing, apa bendanya pergi buat laporan polis tulis nama Dato? Orang kalau ikhlas terima tak pakai gelaran la.

    Dato beli. Belum dapat pun dah bising bising dalam paper



  68. Saya baru kesemua post dalam blog tuan.hahahaha...sape tak tau Harian Metro...mana ade berita yang betul2 berita...baca boleh percaya jangan, dah nama pun tabloid..tanya lain, jawab lain, tulis lain..kahkahkah...itu memang trademark wartawan HM kot!
    Lawak la AC ni..menipu dalam menipu..kahkahkah..patut dapat anugerah pelawak paling popular tahun ini.tapi kalau betul2 dicalonkan dalam ABH pun tak menang jugak...jadi artis, nak kena nampak gah,kaya tapi income ciput sebab belakon pun tak best, menyanyi pun tak best, melawak pun tak jadi, mengacara..hmmmm..ade bakat ke?so, keje senang..wat "bisnes" la.Aku kan artis~mesti peminat "sokong" punya!
    kahkahkah..gelak guling2...

  69. huh.. penat da gelak bc sal nie.. penat dowwww...
    lol la ini AC punye olang.. mengelabah biawak..
    report sape² pong leh wat..
    buat mende² pn pikir la abes² dlu.
    skung kan susah..

  70. semakin lama semakin hangat.come on guys....jangan pentingkan diri sendiri.jom kita sebarkan maklumat.tak kira la melalui email ke...fb ke....flyers(ada dalam blog ni).bersama menentang agen-agen DAJJAL.

  71. Aku harap lepas nie AC mintak balik la kerja jd pelakon xtra kat Datuk Yusof Haslam...Dapat watak "Penipu" dlm drama tuh pun ok gak..Wat citer mengenai penipuan MLM "ABC", pastuh team gerak khas kasi tangkap itu olang..)Ape yg gua mengarut nie??)...

  72. salam..
    pengamal2 MLM ni mmg mcm s**l..ade je bende bodoh nak dibuatnye..
