And so it is...

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Herbalife Redux - Some Extra Shit To Read

Aidid Mu'addib said... (responding to JoeJambol):
I stand by my statement. Some cows do really eeeaaattt shhiiittt! Nak marah? Kepala hatok ko nak marah. Tell that to those people who get screwed with liver toxicity swallowing this kinda shit. Kasi emak ko telan kejadah ni? That's a real good boy. Ada tu nak perasan butthurt. Lanun penyamun macam bzns Herbalife amalan alkafirun ni nak perasan innocent jugak? Seriously? You reap what you sow... live with it, or go to hell. Your feelings doesn't concern me. The well-being of Malay consumers is my priority. Understand that creep. You're nothing to me... cos you promote Herbalifeshit to other people - and think you're great and noble. You're nothing but cannon-fodder and a clueless slave for those alkafirun. Understand that too.

Herbalife, Sells But Weeds And Illusions
The Belgian consumer protection magazine, "Test-Achats" sues 
the company for multi-level-sales practices forbidden by law. 
Test-Achats/November 1, 2004 

Herbalife, a well-known multinational specialised in the sale of slimming products and food supplements, benefits mainly from its far reaching network of hierarchically organised independent salesmen. As in the past, Test Achats draws the attention of consumers to the ineffectiveness of the slimming products of the Herbalife range. What is new, however, is that Test Achats has decided to sue this company for its practice of multi-level-sales which is illegal.

The diet products of Herbalife: expensive and not good - For various reasons (not enough proteins, low energy value, too expensive), Test-Achats was always very critical with regard to the diet products of the Herbalife range. Their usefulness in weight control is far from proven.

The reasons for the ineffectiveness of Herbalife's diet treatment are the following: no education to better food practices, products are systematically hypocaloric with health risks, a medicalisation of the way of life by the absorption of special products, disproportionate price compared to results obtained. All the indices of an inadequate approach of the diet coincide to create doubt as to the effectiveness of these supposedly miracle products.

Herbalife, a multi-level-sales network

These last months, Test-Achats has scrupulously analysed the techniques used by the firm. The principal objective of the Herbalife system is to recruit new distributors who must work with a statute of independent. No direct sales to the consumer occur. The methods of recruitment and distribution are varied. However, lately, and in a very aggressive way, disguised "offers of employment" (insofar as Herbalife does not appear as such) flower on the Internet and in the "employment" columns and in free for all letter box distribution. "Budget et Droits" recently carried out a fully fledged investigation (B&D 175, July 2004).

Once attracted, the interested people must take part in training courses which are real brain washing operations. During these courses a distribution contract and a basic parcel (Business pack) are proposed for a sum of 100¬. However, at this stage, the sale of these products is not of primary importance. The supervisors and other members of the "PRESIDENT'S TEAM" are quick to make the trainees understand that in order to rise within the hierarchy they may find it very beneficial to purchase large volumes of products and resell them to other new distributors whom they will have had the good taste to recruit. The higher the level one reaches in the hierarchy, the higher the commissions and the no-claims bonus and the cheaper the purchase price of the products. Regularly, consumers approached to buy products are in fact pushed to become distributors themselves, for example, to obtain reductions on the price of the products for themselves or their family. But obviously the market soon becomes saturated, and the promotion and recruitment campaigns then become increasingly aggressive.

Test-Achats wants to put an end to these dangerous and illegal practices! Test-Achats reckons that the sales system founded by Herbalife is an infringement of article 84 of the law on trade practices.

All the signs of pyramidal sales are cumulated: each member of the network grows rich primarily thanks to the purchases made by the new recruit in a completely closed sales circuit. The most important benefits are obtained not by the sale to the ultimate consumer or by the royalties obtained on the sales of the hierarchically low distributors but by the sales being carried out in a closed circuit. The benefit is mainly due to the extension of the system and this is expressly forbidden by the law. The consumers' organisation has therefore recently instituted Court proceedings against Herbalife, in the form of an action in ceasing of trading under the terms of the law on trading practices.

Test Achats thus wants the law to be respected in the interest of consumers. These latter are too often exposed to such harmful practices. They are unfortunately influenced by unrealisable promises, and this in a precarious economic context where more and more consumers are the faced with financial difficulties and unemployment.

Aidid Mu'addib Responding to Another Blog Troll in Aididleaks

I'm an academician, and I prefer writing in English, because most of my references are in English. It'd be easier so that I wouldn't have to comprehend and then translate all those texts. But, hence comes the biggest hurdle in writing this blog - lots of Malay Kids are stupid cows, that can't understand simple English. So, I try to write so that most Malay kids would understand, but at times, English sentences would come out, because they express the issue at hand better. Anyway... only stupid cows would complain about the language I used, because what is more important is the message being conveyed.

H2DSelling Cow...
1. Kenapa tak puas hati dgn produk? Sebab ada org yg dah mati sebab liver cirrhosis, dan ramai yg kena poisoning di merata dunia selama >30 tahun sebab produk "herba" yang dikilang di Changsa dan Suzhou ni - nama aje herba, tapi dalamnya ada lead, ada bacteria, ada unregulated ingredient dan ntah apekejadahnya lagi. What do u expect? Herbalife is not a pharmaceutical company, it's a Mickey Mouse company that sells MLM system, and not a real company that is selling "strictly monitored" pharmaceutical products. It's all about the money boy. Wake up, stop eating shit all the time. Just because you're a cow, you cannot use ignorance as an excuse for being a cow.

2. Kenapa org Melayu macam ni? Don't ask stupid question when people try to educate you about reality. You should ask back the same question to yourself: "Kenapa anak org Melayu macam aku?" Senang sungguh kena kelentong dgn omputeh dan chayanunalip tak habis-habis. Sure they are laughing looking down at the Malays, because lots of Malays are stupid cows. You can feed them anything, and they will believe all the MLM company's grandmother story. Even when scientists and economists amongst the Americans say that Herbalife is a huge SCAM company, you still insist otherwise. Because? Cow eat plants and plants are herbs... so Herbalife is my thingy. Is that it?

3. Ha! Dah ada link tentang halal-haram pasal MLM - but why the cow routine? Macam dah ada laptop depan lembu, lembu tu buat sardin aje. Tak faham atau tak boleh baca? Tak boleh nak adapt dgn penerangan tu pada isu Herbalife? Pakar ekonomi di Amerika tu sendiri mengklasifikasikan Herbalife sebagai "pyramid-selling", dan lawsuit yg dimenangi oleh mangsa Herbalife berlaku sebab dia org dah buktikan elemen skim piramid dlm modus operandi Herbalife kat mahkamah. You, as a stupid cow wanna say otherwise? Seriously?

That is what I have been trying to tell you all in this article. I'm not giving you infos from Malaysia (because Malaysia has lots of useless cows), but infos from all over the world. But some still insist that the infos that they get from Herbalife representative or from their uplines are of better quality. I'm here to tell you - stop eating shit. Herbalife shit. Wake up from your sleep boy. Herbalife is about the money, from an MLM with pyramid-selling that grew from America and needs new countries to survive, and they have expanded to >70 countries, as we speak. It needs to creep to new market, because that is the only way it can survive. It's the nature of any MLM & pyramid-scheme style business. 
From Finland:
Case-Reports of Liver Toxicity Linked To 
Herbalife Dietary Supplements

As I’ve always promised to suppositorise their wares to the pyramid-marketing assclowns trying to peddle their soap and supplements, I had a moment of “I told you so” when I was reading this.

Magic pills don’t make you thinner. And the more magic pills you take the more you’re bound to get sick – and then you’ll be on a magic diet. Well, of course herbs cause effects on man. You can get high or you can get low or you can wake up dead – or with a squeaky liver. The iHealthBulletinNews blog writes:

A recent issue of the Journal of Hepatology reports on over 14 cases of acute hepatotoxicity in users of in Israel and Switzerland. The researchers found it difficult to interpret the findings as they could not ascertain the exact composition of the proprietary formulas, the composition of which can even vary from country to country. Thus, they could not state definitively whether or not the weight loss supplements caused the liver injury, but they thought it important to warn the public that herb-induced severe liver injury might be more common than previously thought. It is interesting to note that 10 cases of hepatotoxicity implicating Camellia sinensis [ed - tea, such as in green tea extract] have been reported also.

Ah, so in Finland all medicine must go through arduous testing and its ingredients listed and it can only be sold at a pharmacy. But as “herbal extracts” are not “medicine” but “foodstuffs” they don’t have to be pre-screened. So next time you go popping in a pill, do ask yourself do you believe in marketing or knowledge?

Injuries Due To Herbalife And Other Dietary Supplements

Tests done on a number of Herbalife products, as well as many others, have confirmed the presence of lead, a heavy metal, that is known to cause cancer and birth defects. Additional comtaminants include arsenic, cadmiun and bacteria. If you believe that as a result of your consumption of Herbalife products or any other dietary supplement you sustained an injury, please contact a health professional, and do all the appropriate investigations.

Lead Poisoning associated with food supplement such as in Herbalife products may give rise to insidious symptoms that persist over a long period of time. Symptoms of Lead Poisoning may be hard to detect at first. The accumulation of lead usually is gradual, building up unnoticed until levels become dangerous and cause signs and symptoms. The signs and symptoms of lead poisoning are nonspecific and may include: 
- Irritability
- Loss of appetite
- Weight loss
- Sluggishness
- Abdominal pain
- Vomiting
- Constipation
- Unusual paleness (pallor) from anemia
- Learning difficulties
- Pain, numbness or tingling of the extremities muscular weakness
- Headache
- Memory loss
- Mood disorders
- Reduced sperm count, abnormal sperm.

To those taking Herbalife or similar products, be aware.

Six Dietary Supplements Sold By Herbalife Ltd
Contain Dangerous Amounts Of Lead

The Fraud Discovery Institute posted a letter on its website on Monday attributed to Christopher Grell, an attorney in Oakland, California, specializing in product liability. The letter said that recommended daily doses of six Herbalife products contained levels of lead that are dangerous and in excess of what California law allows under its Safe Drinking and Toxic Environment Act of 1994.

The law requires businesses to warn consumers if their products contain chemicals known to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity. An explanation of the law can be found on the website of California's Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment at: California Law.
The six products mentioned in the letter on the Fraud Discovery Institute website are the ShapeWorks Protein Drink Mix, Healthy Meal Nutritional Shake Mix, Tang Kuei Plus herbal tablets, Thermojetics Nature's Raw Guarana instant tea mix, ShapeWorks Cell Activator and Multivitamin Complex.

The letter posted on Monday on the Fraud Discovery Institute website urged California to order Herbalife to place "clear and reasonable warnings on these products so that the consumer is informed that these products contain chemicals known to cause developmental harm." Grell said in an interview on Monday that individual tablets may not exceed California's 0.5 microgram limit on lead in dietary supplements, but he said the daily recommended dosage would result in lead exposure large enough to warrant a warning label.

A document purported to be an invoice from Analytical Laboratories in Anaheim Inc, based in Brea, California, for $5,820 for testing the six products was posted on Fraud Discovery's website. Analytical Laboratories did not reply to calls and an e-mail to discuss any tests.

Last month, Herbalife said that Spain's Ministry of Health had issued an alert cautioning consumption of Herbalife products due to suspicious cases of hepatic toxicity, or liver damage, presumably associated with Herbalife products.

Taken from - The Lance Armstrong Foundation.

Herbalife is a brand of popular herbal weight loss supplements that has come under controversy for its use of stimulants and other questionable ingredients. The brand is marketed and sold through a multilevel marketing system (MLM) in which individual sales representatives recruit others to both sell and consume the product. Herbalife has been investigated by the FDA for claiming that some products dissolve and remove tumors, rejuvenate, increase circulation and produce mental alertness.

Exposure to Toxic Lead Levels
Herbalife products came under scrutiny in 2008 for containing toxic levels of lead, as defined by California's Safe Drinking and Toxic Environment Act of 1994. When taken as directed, two of the company's more popular supplements exposed consumers to 8.5 and 12 times the the maximum recommended daily exposure to lead levels, according to The Fraud Files Blog, an online forensic accounting and fraud commentary website. High levels of lead can compromise the human nervous system and cause brain damage, anemia and other serious disorders. It can also result in death.

Dangers Associated with Ephedra
Many Herbalife products contained notable amounts of ephedrine and ephedrine alkaloids prior to a ban on the use of ephedra in the United States. This ban remains controversial and has been contested by some dietary supplement manufacturers. The result of this challenge meant that small amount of ephedra could be included in herbal and dietary supplements. The FDA has linked ephedra to cardiac arrest and strokes in otherwise young and healthy individuals. Other possible side effects of ephedra exposure include hypertension, insomnia, high blood pressure and other forms of heart disease.

High-Caffeine Content
Many Herbalife products contain caffeine as a metabolism booster. Caffeine can contribute to sleeplessness, nervousness, restlessness and other conditions associated with stimulants. also notes that some people may experience an allergic reaction to caffeine, and advises that you check the ingredients on any Herbalife product you may be using for this and other allergens.

Shellfish and Protein Allergies
If you are allergic to concentrated proteins, you may experience negative side effects from Herbalife products. High levels of protein can upset the body's ability to process protein. Some Herbalife products also contain shellfish, and may cause an allergic reaction as well.

Amirul said...
Rajin tol Aidid Mu'addib copy paste ye..jangan amek fakta orang je, wat fakta sendiri..kan bangga ngan fakta korang tu..btw korang ni xde keje lain ke? asyik menghadap laptop, dok merapu meriban mencaci ntah pape...dosa beb dosa..tu anak bini tu, gi la luang masa ngan diorg semua..peace bro

Aidid Mu'addib said...
Bingai dol... Fakta sendiri? Are you on ganja or chasing the dragon, boy? Nak fakta kejadahnya macamana lagik? Fakta drpd medical centers dan universiti pun tak laku ke dol? Ko nak fakta jenis apa? Jenis fakta yg budak tadika pun boleh faham, gitu? Tak dapek nak tolong doh... Kalau dah bahalol tahap lombu, humban masuk lombong tingga ajo la, lagi elok. Kalau idup ngabih boreh buek apo?

Anyway, bak sini aku cite sket dik pasal keje aku. Today I made about what a factory technician made in a month. Aku melepak depan Mac sepanjang hari, layan troll yg dungu dan bahalol tahap cipan... dan share ilmu dgn bebudak yg nak dgr cakap tentang sains dan maths. Macamana tu? Aku study rajin2 dulu, aku masuk U, aku kasi govt service sebaik mungkin 4-5 tahun, dan aku resign buat keje sendiri. Now, I'm doing OK dgn izin Allah - blog ni keje "pro bono" aku utk org Melayu. I don't get a single cent dol, while lembu Herbalife dan lain2 MLM kat luar sana jadi parasite sebok mencari mangsa utk di "lead poisoning" kan bagai nak rak... dan bila dapat rezeki buat bzns mungkar sebegini, dia orang tak lupa pulak cakap "syukur, alhamdulillah". Real fucking assholes. You a fucking asshole like those MLMers, boy?

I think there's a difference, if you're smart enough to notice. If not, no surprise there. Akhir kata (yg pertama), jgn jadi parasite MLM sejak dari kecik, dah tua nanti jadi lanun dan penyamun dan sampah masyarakat. Menyusahkan org idup saban hari nak buat apa? Biar la bersopan-santun sekali pun. Kalau dah sampah tu, sampah jugak. 

Yo bingai.... Capische?


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razlita said...

eheh joejambul..blm ir nih...tgk muka budk br bertatih dlm dunia, tgk blognya..oh sbb dulu dia gemuk gedempol tp sbb berjaya slim skit dia pun apa lagi heeh tp ramai sungguh yg percaya ngan jurujual dr percaya ngan pakar perubatan bertauliah.setuju sungguh ngan saZs.. err lupa..dah jam 4.22pg asyik sungguh baca hehehe

azwan said...


1) mengubah environment tak bermakna penyakit resdung awak akan hilang. awak kena identify secara spesifik apa bahan yg awak allrgic. tulis dalam satu nota kecil, laminate dan simpan dalam wallet. at least dengan cara ni awak boleh elak bahan2 tu. di US, ada yg pakai wrist band. ada pesakit saya allergic pada 30 jenis ubat.
2) Penyakit kulit mmg slalu dikaitkan dgn pesakit2 asma dan resdung. kita panggil "atopy sign". sebab ia berkait rapat dgn faktor genetik, awak takkan dapat hilangkan masalah tu, cuma dapat control shj. penyakit kulit yg ada kaitan dgn resdung dan asthma ialah eczema. kadang2 bila umur awak meningkat, penyakit awak ni beransur2 hilang.
3)penadol,ubt selesema, ape2 ubat kejadah yg awak amik mmg sejenis dadah. steroid ialah jenis dadah lain. jadi bukan soal awak amik dadah, soalnye berapa jumlah dos yg dibenarkan. dos yg dibenarkan bermaksud tidak beri kesan sampingan. penadol kalau kalu ngap 9 biji serentak pun dah kira bahaya, sbb dos dibenarkan 8 biji sehari utk dewasa.

educate diri awak, so awak takkan senang tertipu dengan dakyah2 product MLM yg bahlol ni.


Unknown said...

salam..betol kate azwan tu..Ann even sy pon mmg pnah suffer ngn skin problem yg serious..skarg Alhamdulillah da ok..Ann minom byk air..jgn tuka2 product sgt..kalo skin problem bese nye di sbb kn try product yg based on oil control..stick lame cket..kdg2 hasil de x nmpk yg penting sabar..mmg de akn ok ble usia kte mningkat..tu dah jd kt sy sendiri..Ann xde la..product kesehatan xde la mahal sgt sbenanye..mmber sy ade jual brg hl ni..kalo awk nk taw..f1 shake tu de dapat bli ngn harge 75% diskaun dr hrg sebenar f1 yg sratos lebey tu kn(die dapat 75% diskaun ni sbb de da smpi level-level dorg tu cam GET team,millionaire team)..then de mark up hrg tgi kt org2 yg nk try ni..bayang kn bpe percent de amek untong tu..mlebey2 kn..x elok btol..patot la bulan2 de dpt 20K..x heran la..bangge dpt tuka kete uma,kawen awl..x fhm la..ngn wit yg de gune tu..

•♥ Myra ♥• said...

ni entry balas balik psl herbalife kat incik aidid. aiyooo..

Aidid Mu'addib said...

Lantak dia la dik...
Poket dia, perut dia, kesihatan emak dia.
Been there... and washed my hands after that.
As if Herbacows interest me that much anyway...

azwan said...

Keh keh keh...
Very irritating..a complete dumbass. Aku malas nak bertekak dgn budak bangang umo 21 tahun. nerd, perasan pandai. leh gi mampus...lepas dah terduduk, jgn lupa bagitau kat sini.

Farhan said...

Orang melayu terlalu percaya sangat produk kesihatan sampai tanak buat exersice, mane taknya mlm boleh hidup sampai benda karut boleh laku jual gelang la alat elektronik, bila nak jumpa doktor takut

hyelbaine said...

@ Farhan,

Believe me, it's not about health or the products. For the majority of MLM'ers and its participants, it's about the money. The product is just an after thought.

Ann said...

ak nk komen sikit lah konsep bab harga tu.

aku sdiri de wat biz jual tdg scr kecil2an jer..

aku beli melalui org tgh, harga tdg hnye rm4 jer, tp jual ikut harga ikut harga pasaran rm 10. tu pun aku beli 20helai dpt lah hrga murah rm4 sehelai. lg byk beli, lg murah dpt.

mmg cmtu, hrga modal hnya stgh dari harga jualan..tu pun dr org tgh, kalo mmlui dr kilang terus, sure lg murah aku rasa.entah brp agaknye aku pun xtau lah.

anyway ak puas hati dgn herbalife, tak perlu lg minum kopi waktu pg n tgari utk tahan mgantuk. slain migrain, resdung ak smakin baik, dan jugak dulu org sllu ckp aku lebar wpun bmi ak normal, skg org ckp dh nmpk normal ngn ketinggian aku yg kontot ni.

Aidid Mu'addib said...

Dear Ann...
Tapi, jangan lupa buat "liver function test" and "renal profile" once a year...
You know, just in case.

@mal12 said...

Ann, aku rase xde masalah kalau jual brg ikut harga pasaran/ means both parties (buyer and seller) accept the price as it is..lgpon RM4 tu baru kos bahan mentah..belum kos2 overhead yg lain mcm transport, telco, rent (if any) dan lain2..tu kena kira kesimpulannya kalau harga tu ikut market for me its ok..yg x ok bila harga lebih mahal dr harga market (unless ppl believe the extraordinary of such product which can be proven via clinical study-->;e.g.drugs, suppliment or experience-->e.g;tudung)..

hyelbaine said...

One man's meat is another poison. What works for you may not work for others. When there are documented cases of liver failure and no clinical studies devised to clear the product as a cause, the positive effects that you have encountered may not be applicable to other people.

I agree with the suggestion that if you would like to continue with the product, that you conduct the tests suggested.

Rose said...

Dear Ann,
Aidid and the rest of us dah sampaikan message, terpulanglah pada individu. We have done our job.
I hope that your short term health solution (improve migraine, etc) will not develop into a long term health problem (liver toxicity). All the best, Ann.

azwan said...

Suka hati ko la kalau ko nak mampos berjambul dengan Herbalife. Aku tadak pasal dgn produk2 sampah ni. Burit aku dangan Herbalife product ni sama standard jek. Ko lebih mulia sket dari Joe badigol, sebab at least ko bertanye. My part is over.

Anonymous said...

Now. I'm confused.

hyelbaine said...

Y lar u iz konpiuz?

Anonymous said...

I iz konpiuz with ze zender of our rezident vet incik wan, cowok or cewek? Hehehe :p (jgn mare azwan)

vw: woghtfa (uik? as in wadefak?)

azwan said...


Google la ape lagik. I am both, khunsaaa...hermaphrodite...

hyelbaine said...

Iz thinks Azwan iz a true bloodedz dudez :P sbb adikz nurulz panggil grandpapa :P

Anonymous said...

Baine bro hahaha , dat'z a gudz onez! Now i iz not konfiuz.

Unknown said...

klaka la

shiemano said...

dah pakai sebulan rasa mcm sakit je....membe ada pakai jugak ckp dia dengan emak dia buah pinggang fail....terus takut..nak kurus utk elak sakit kencing manis ke..darah tinggi waktu tua nanti...sakit buah pinggang lg menakutkan....

as said...

wow. wow . wow.

this is not the way to critics other products .

ini sgt2 sceptical nih.

saya taknak lah kuat melatah sangat macm penulis entri ini, yang menzahirkan kata2 kesat,

tapi pesanan saya lah,

cuba cuba CUBA buat solat istikharah and then bagitahu kalau2 ade ape2 clue pasal betul ke herbalife ni produk yang dangerous or what so ever chemical things.

tapi kalau apa yang awak cakap ini, sebnarnya adalah salah. awak kena tanggung segala fitnah yg awk lakukan ni ke atas org2 yg percaaya kpd apa yg awak tulis

mama saya doctor, yg taklah SAINTIS sgt bahasanya mcm awak ni, tapi sya nmpk mak saya sihat dgn cara ni,
nenek saya sihat dgn cara ni, seluruh famili sya sihat dgn cara ni, kalau awk tahu kesusahan mak saya masa sakit and gemuk dulu.

i wish you all the best, and may ALLAH bless you.

cek chun said...

wow wow wowwww aqila dear
sceptikal macam manakah itu?
semua fakta yang diberi tak betul kah?
cuba citer tang mana sceptic nya.
boleh gak kita sama-sama belajar.

may allah bless us all.. sceptic or non sceptic

Kopi-Pasta said...


"saya taknak lah kuat melatah sangat macm penulis entri ini, yang menzahirkan kata2 kesat"

Awak ni dah lepas 18 tahun belum? Kalau belum nnt dah 18 tahun baru datang kat sini. Ni blog untuk 18 tahun ke-atas. Tak sesuai untuk budak2 bawah umur (dah ada warning 18SX). Kalau cakap x "melatah" tapi "termelatah" dalam hati, ape jadi ek? Anyway, komen awak yang tergesa2(macam org xbaca entry ni sampai habes) ni menunjukkan anda dah melatah.

Kalau bawah umur tapi nak jugak discuss kat sini, xde masalah. Pertama skali tolong tunjukkan mana2 point yang awak xsetuju tu. Xbest jugak kalau dengar dari satu pihak je. Tapi testimoni ni kite org xpercaya sangat. Bukan ape, testimoni boleh kelentong. Testimoni juga boleh dipengaruhi oleh kepentingan peribadi. Kasi la fakta sket2.

hyelbaine said...


It's pretty obvious that you are not where you are required to be to contribute to a healthy discussion in such a place. Condemning the language used in this blog is pathetic, just as pathetic as using religion too.

You either present new facts, refute the presented facts with facts or just shut the hell up. Get it?

Maybe your mom is better suited for the discussion. Her 'scientific' background would hold her well here, a place where topics and facts are discussed. Everything else belongs in the toilet, together with piss and shit.

Aidid Mu'addib said...

Hahaha... The stupidity of Malay kids never fail to surprise...

How in the world can you be sceptical on the person who's doing the critic? It goes without saying that the critic is the sceptical one in the first place. And also... you're supposed to be sceptical on the product, the company and the way the company promote the product... how could you be sceptical on the one who's doing the reporting, who has been sceptical all the way through the reporting? Macam ni aku pun nak jadi sceptical gak lah. Aku sceptical bahawa anak sakai yg sceptical kat atas tu ada mama doktor, sebab kalau emaknya betul doktor, pehal anaknya bahalol nak mamps? Sceptical betul ni... dan aku jugak mengundang korang semua untuk jadi sceptical terhadap assessment aku pada anak ntah sapa-sapa ni. Please be sceptical on my scepticism... hahaha! What the hell dol?

Satu lagik... Apa yg nak di istikharahkan kalau kerajaan Switzerland, Iceland, Israel, Spain, among others, dah keluarkan report bahawa produk Herbalife telah ada menyebabkan kes liver toxicity kpd pengguna2 di negara mereka. Fitnah kepala hatok kejadahnya what the fuck girl-dol? Istikharah? Really? Hahaha! Kalau bercakap tu, biarlah logikal sikit. Memang bongok nak mamps ke apa? Tak faham2 jugak isu artikel aku yg ini? Artikel yg lain2 tu jgn harap la nak baca - takut sungguh dapat hidayah erk? Sokongan padu kpd org kafir tuan-punya Herbalife mesti terus diutamakan... gitu dik? Aku letak laporan kesihatan negara2 kat atas tu - terus jatuh kes fitnah pulak? Seriously?

Ini anak sakaiPNG mana pulak dah ni? Ada pompuan sakaiPNG yg ada MD tak... u know, just in case, yg ini anaknya yg dah sesat masuk blog org lain.

And lastly, I'm still in my scepticism mode. If you're sceptical too, I welcome it with open arms... but first, please check in the dictionary what "sceptical" means. Worait!

cek chun said...

(tdi ms bgi fliers, bgi kat sorg ibu mgndung, setelah mengetahui herblife prdcts, kemblikn balik flyers tu " sori,i dh baca kt blog, i x ambil supplement(herbalife is FOOD though), then dia kte die hnya makan ubat doktor bgi. btw. mak sya doktor bertugas and seriously, MAK SAYA PUN X MAKAN UBAT SEBAB TAHU SIDE EFFECT UBAT!so dont be so sceptical, or trusting other words easily. IT'S STUPIDITY)

kopipes from her blog. from her twitter actually.
welldone aidid. those out there do read this blog n take action. tu yang bengang kot. so called food tak boleh jual..

Anonymous said...

Ala you all ni, mama Aqilah kan doketer, semestinya dia lebih tahu. So,if mama dia pikir/buat cenggitu, cenggitulah patutnya.

p.s. Ok obviously i've nothing smart to say. Cos i'm sceptical of my own words. Whether they're gonna come out through my mouth or my ass.

azwan said...

Ni aku rase si Aqilah ni budak bawah umo, macam Sofea Talk. Kesian, muda2 dah bengap yek. Sia2 mak jadi doktor. keh keh keh..

hyelbaine said...

I'm extremely skeptical that your mother is an MD Aqila. I'm also extremely skeptical that she has read the facts presented in this blog.

So in order to resolve this susceptibility of skepticism, may you please share with me where is your mother currently practicing.

I would like to personally see her and present the documented cases presented in this blog to her. However skeptical I am about it, I believe that the end result would either be your mother comes to her senses or I make my way to KKM/MOH with a complaint.

Pray tell where is she now for it is the only solution to my skepcticalism

JR said...


Ok, itu resdung. Kalau stroke? guna produk yang sama dengan Ann. Stroke selama 5tahun, lepas sehari guna ketiga-tiga produk, tambah dengan aloe concentrated, tangan dah boleh gerak (bahagian jari, bukan keseluruhan tangan), ada yang lepas 5 hari, mata dah boleh bukak. Any scientific explanation, to say that this is again a coincidence?

As well as to a diabetic patient. Guna lepas 5hari, bacaan turun dari 17 ke 10. Still, the same products.

Jazakallahu khair utk explanation :)

Aidid Mu'addib said...

Why people kept missing the point... I will never know. Kalau ditunjuk depan mata bahawa alkafirun tu memang tak istinja' selepas berak, aku berani bet masih ada sesetengah org Islam tu masih jugak suka jilat bontot org kafir tu... for the sake of money, what other reason is there?

Suko ati ko la dik... aku menyampai berita aje. Beritanya - bahawa byk kes liver toxicity direkodkan di negara barat di atas memakan produk Herbalife... Namanya aje HERBA - tapi bendanya diproses dikilang kat California dan kat China. Lagi pun, kebanyakan POISON yg ada kat dqalam dunia ni datang dari mana? Bukan datang dari pokok dan herba jugak ke? Anyway... tak kesah la resdung ke, stroke ke, diabetes ke... boleh sembuh dgn menelan produk buatan air tangan alkafirun ni... what does it matter anyway? Ada manusia yg kena stroke... langsung takde makan ubat apa2 pun improve jugak... ko tak pernah dengar kes sebegini? Siyes? Now... why is that? Becos kau seorang pengguna yg tak pernah masuk Fakulti Perubatan mana2 Universiti kan? Ko punya level kefahaman tentang medicine sampai ke peringkat mana tu agak-agaknya? (Not that I'm saying I've a better in understanding in that... but I digress).

Dalam medicine... stroke yg improve tu berlaku spt ada proses yg dipanggil "revascularisation" berlaku dlm otak penghidap stroke tu - tapi memandangkan stroke sudah pernah berlaku, the next attack of stroke is just around the corner... then, akan berlaku ada manusia yg tak nak dengar cakap, pegi makan supplement dan air jampi ntah hape2 tu akan collapse lagi sekali atau berulang kali... dan mungkin kemudian hari, terus pulak tergolek-dog. Pastu sesetengah org akan salahkan doktor, atau hospital kerana tak rawat org tu properly. Kitaran kes2 sebegini akan berulang2 tak sudah2 dik oi... sampai la kiamat agaknya.

Itu belum cerita pasal Herbalife-pyramid-selling-MLM-duit-haram-laknat drpd pengencingan downline yg bertingkat2 tu lagi tu... jadi, kalau dah taksub sgt menjilat bontot alkafirun tu, dan suka bayar zakat ke baitulmal org Mormon kat USA... lantak ko la dol. Duit ko sendiri kan dik? Bukan duit org lain...

Like I said... aku menyampaikan berita aje.

hyelbaine said...

It's difficult to talk to members of the cult. Oblivious to the fact that they know nothing when they think they know a lot.

And please save the whole religion talk. Islam is such a pure creation by Him, don't spoil it by your incoherent mental farts.

Next time your loved one's are down with stroke or diabetes, don't waste time, effort and energy of the doctor's in hospital ok? Just drink that herbal stuff which is cheaper(?) and more effective(?) right?

Rose said...

Memang interesting komen Jannah.
Sebab bagi saya tu salah satu contoh the healing powers of the brain! Jangan ingat placebo effect tak hebat. 

Jumpa satu story about a man who had cancer, and when the doc gave him a drug that was claimed to be a wonder drug, dia terus sihat. But after two months, keluar lak kat paper drug tu sebenarnya tak la bagus sangat...terus dia sakit balik...pastu doc dia bagi satu lagi drug yg doc tu cakap lagi wonder drug, and believe it or not, the man sihat semula....pastu keluar skali lagi isu drug yg di ambilnya tak la elok mana, terus sakit balik...

That story aje dah tunjukkan camna brain kita boleh influence kesihatan kita. Link:

Pastu terjumpa lak a more scientific explanation about the powers of our brains. A paper from American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, from a scientist that experienced a stroke himself. Baca lah sendiri but for me, the most interesting bit is this:

"Therein I discuss the possible molecular mechanism of rehabilitation via activity-dependent gene expression. It is now intimated in neuroscience that facilitating gene expression and brain plasticity (involving synaptogenesis as well as neurogenesis by stem cell differentiation and maturation in the brain) via activity-dependent cognitive-emotional-behavioral experiences is a basic mechanism of healing that makes rehabilitation possible"

So, possibly by giving Herbalife (or any other old MLM products) and massaging the extremities, the patient's brain expressed all the beneficial genes to speed up the recovery process. I think some people are more susceptible to this than most, kalau x, senang la nak sembuhkan patient, bagi air kosong, cakap ubat hebat di alam Maya pun dah settle...

p/s anyway, what ever it is, it is up to Allah anyway. But I believe Allah wants us to learn and be knowledgable, not just sit and be ignorant.

It Just Me..... said...

Rose, kalau bg air kata itu ubat terhebat alam maya, tu kerja to bomoh....(mana bomoh hujan nih:P)


azwan said...

Aidid, aku rase ko tulih post panjang camne pun, memang akan ade gak bahalol retard macam Jannah. Punyela retard sampai kambing pun lagi bijak.

Bijak la sangat2 ek sampai ko pikir ko pandai sgt ilmu bisnes dan pandai sgt sgt la ilmu sains. Bodoh yg aku tak pasti boleh di ajar atau tak boleh diajar. Sebab aku baru sekali je reply comment Si Jannah. Dah elok2 backing herbalife, last2 sebut plak "Jazakallahu khair utk explanation :)", sekaligus menjadikan si jannah ni org yang sentiasa baik, sentiasa betol, dan org macam aku ni sentiasa la salah dan bahlol. gitu gitu??!!

Ape kate ko tukar nama jannah kepada an-nar? Utk persoalan stroke dan diabetic ko tu, aku leh bagi 500 scientific explanation setiap satu. Tapi utk ko, aku bagi satu jek cukup la, just nak tgk ko ni boleh di ajar ataupun tak.

Pasal stroke, pernah denga Transient Ischemic Attack? Ok pergi google..pergi2.

Pasal diabetic tu, 10 tu level yg bagus ke bang? Makcik pakcik poor diabetic control, kalau ko amik mase dia baru bgn tido, leh je dapat 10.

Budak bahlol, jgn obses sgt dgn herbalife palat ko. ko cakap macam tok bomoh, merapu tak tentu pasal. macam ayam baru kena balun, lari tunggang langgang. tak sedar ape nak ditekankan.

Ni aku baru mkn herbalife, pancut macam Peter North, awat ko tak pecaye jek? hah pecaye la...caye caye caye...

Rose said...

@It Just Me,
Tu la pasal, teringat kat Tok Moh teh ais. Agaknya sibuk wat concert kot, al maklumla dari anak itik leh jadi Hetfield lak (kat SNTM)....harap Tok Moh kekal kiut di sitok, mun sik mau jadi anak itik, jadi anak manok pun ok...

@Azwan, as usual, terhibur sambil belajar baca komen hang. PN tetap tak dilupakan...

Anonymous said...

Perghh..ingat dah takder mamat2 & minah2 fellatus Herbalife berkeliaran.

Ai rasa (& since we're on the "subject" of PN), ai cudn't imagine a more fitting namesake than jenna jameson. (Yes, i watch The Apprentice)

ps che chun, sila gugel .

Rose said...

Donno why, but sakit pinggang bila tengok pics of Jenna Jameson (yup, tgk wiki).

cek chun said...

how on earth u'll know tat i'm going to read this post????

wv: predictable

Anonymous said...

Just a hunch.

Neah, it's cos i know you'd follow the trail of stench from my mental farts.

Ho ho ho.

cek chun said...

pinjam batman cape letak kat idong to ward off d stinky smell.. muehehehe.

mujoq firefox guwe tak boleh google hari nih. selamat la mata guwe dari pictha yang punya proportion yang besar yang tak sepatutnya guwe tengok

JR said...

ok, thanx aidid. i accept your explanation.

"Becos kau seorang pengguna yg tak pernah masuk Fakulti Perubatan mana2 Universiti kan? Ko punya level kefahaman tentang medicine sampai ke peringkat mana tu agak-agaknya? (Not that I'm saying I've a better in understanding in that... but I digress)."

ye, saya belum masuk universiti perubatan mana2. memang kefahaman saya pasal medicine sgt cetek. sekarang baru nak habis matrik, sebab tu saya tanya. Kalau tak silap saya, Aidid sendiri amik medical course kan. dah try nak google, tapi mmg taktau in what discipline of medicine does this stroke belong to, so no idea nak tulis apa kat google. thanx a lot. orang yang stroke tu, saya sendiri tengok perubahan die, tapi serius taktau apa sbnrnya yang menyebabkan perubahan tu. kalau pun guna herbalife, mesti ada explanation in terms of medical jugak kan..tu yang saya nak tau. taknak main ckp 'sebab herbalife, sebab herbalife...'

utk Rose, pasal placebo effect tu..more to mcm kalau org tu positive thinking dgn apa yang kita ckp pasal ingredient ubat tu, mmg boleh baik walaupun sbnrnya taklah sgt, then bila pk negative balik pasal ubat tu, terus takde effect dah..tapi yang kes pakcik ni, dia mmg orang dah putus asa. dia dah takpercaya dgn ubat2 sebab dah mcm2 anak dia yang cuba pujuk, try sehari amik nutrisi. tp taktahulah..

utk Azwan,
ada ke saya cakap saya dah bijak sgt? Ya Allah..saya takde pun backup herbalife. bila saya ckp 'jazakallahu khair' tu, mmg i mean it! if you are sincere to explain to me, taknak bagi saya sesat dgn produk ni bak kata awak, saya mmg betul2 doa tu Allah bagi ganjaran atas keikhlasan awak. Tu tak bermaksud nak tunjuk sy betul dan awak salah. Kalau awk yang betul, saya salah pun, that doa is still valid ok! supaya Allah bagi ganjaran pada kebenaran awak tu, tak boleh? Maaf sgt, kalau ayat saya tu nampak mcm saya guna imej Islam utk mempertahankan benda yang salah (kalau betul2 salah). tapi mmg saya kalau tulis apa2 mmg mcm tu, salah ke? apa masalah terus nak panas ni?

pasal diabetic tu, mmg la 10 tu tak bagus lagi, point saya tentang perubahan tu. saya taktahu lah pulak bila masa die check bacaan tu, yang pasti, mesti waktu biasa yang die penah regularly jumpa doktor sebelum ni. maknanya bukan time bangun tidurlah..

memang saya bahlol, takpernah dengar tentang Transient Ishemic Attack. thanx bagitau, will search for it.

Did I say anything to backup herbalife? Yes, saya memang sdg menggunakan herbalife, baru seminggu. tapi saya sendiri sekarang sedang mncari explanation. saya guna bukan semata2 sbb testimoni orang, tapi sebab saya mmg ada buat term paper last sem tentang cellular nutrition, yang diorang guna dalam F1, and very confident of how it works. But i just need more, i mean, specifically about herbalife - and how does that concept applied to a particular disease. saya nampak perubahan orang je, tapi tak boleh nak explain, tu yang tak best. even yang saya baca segala pubmed yang aidid penah post dulu, itu pun tak betul2 explain mcm mana proses yang berlaku dlm badan, yang menyebabkan hepatoxicity tu.

saya tak obses dengan herbalife la, saya cuma mintak expalanation kalau awak tau. saya timbulkan pasal coincidence tu, sbb yang kes Ann tu. tu je..perlu ke nak ckp smpai saya ni bahalol retard? tanya je pun terus jadi bahalol retard ke? abis kalau taknak jadi bahalol retard mcm mana? sokong je ape korang ckp? =.='

azwan, sesuka hati awak je suruh saya tukar nama eh. awak nak doa saya masuk neraka ke mcm tu? tak pernah lagi saya dengar Islam ajar kalau nak fire sape2, doakan je die masuk neraka, takpun panggil die dgn nama neraka.

rose, saya bukan jenis kentut lepas tu blah. saya jenis yang bertanya. kalau dah dpt jawapan, terima kasih dan blah je la kn.

anyway, jgn lupa Allah pun baca eh semua conversation ni. kalau rasa tak malu nak guna perkataan2 'favourite' korang tu, silalah teruskan.

i mean it, may Allah reward all of ur explanation for my questions. thanx a lot :)

cek chun said...

insap saya baca komen jannah.
thanks ya jannah..

Anonymous said...

Saya foon.

vw: kaingrit (apa punyer vw daaa...)

Rose said...

Baguslah bukan jenis kentut pastu blah. Sorry jika saya tercepat pulak buat andaian (sebab ramai wat camtu). Anyway, that's not a good reason, so for that, I'm sorry.

I have given some reasons why I think the pakcik might moved his fingers/eyes. Sebenarnya susah nak cakap kenapa 100%, sebab kita tak tahu full story. Mungkin dalam 5 tahun tu dia ada ambil ubat hospital yg slowly pulihkan dia, and kebetulan pada waktu bagi Herbalife tu, ubat tu dapat buat dia bergerak sikit. Or maybe dia pernah bergerak, but masa tu x de orang perasan, dan byk lagi explanation.

Sebab tu la orang dok suruh Herbalife buat double blind study, so that once and for all, boleh say betul ke tak positive effects tu. And FYI, Herbalife ada buat double blind study about the slimming effect of the product and they found out tak de beza dengan control (ada dlm blog AM or JoeJambul if dia x delete). Maybe Herbalife takut kalau buat double blind study for stroke or diabetic patients nanti dapat negative results susah lak or now tgh buat study tu sekarang, mana tahu?

Anyway, mmg penggunaan herba is good for you, I'm the first one to say that. Problem Herbalife is that some products have been shown to be linked to hepatotoxicity pastu MLM pulak tu yg ada unsur was2.

Jannah, baguslah bertanya. Jangan tanya kat pengedar Herbalife and Aleaks je, sure berat sebelah. Tanya pulak
kat your lecturers, baca buku2, pastu boleh buat keputusan
sendiri. I think u r on your way to be a good critical thinker, so that's good. All the best.

azwan said...

Tak back up, tapi dah guna. jenis yg buat dulu baru pikir ke? leh jadi business women camntu. tu dah kire genius tu.

budak, kalau ko expect benda manis2 dari aku, peluang ko zero. Nasib malang ko la masuk sini pun dah gaye troll, pastu ko expect manis2 dari aku. apekejadah? Hehehe..sory la cik adik. Ko pikir aku dah salah anggap niat ko la ni ek, hahaHAHAHhaha who cares? This is cyber world. Straight to the point.

Ko nak manis2 dari aku, masuk macam gaye Ann. Tapi aku explain panjang2 last2 bahlol gak Ann tu. budak, ko takde bace aaa? Rose, Laila, I am not distracted by the way she replied our comments. Act like a troll, you deserve fuck from me.

Clinical trials clearly does not support herbalife products. Buat la term paper, phd, or wutever pasal cellular nutrition ke, nucleus nutrition ke,...if the clinical trials shows no evidence, then ko tak leh sebut satu haprak pun pasal diabetic, stroke, migraine, ape2 kejadah. Nak cakap ade kesan sikit pun TAK BOLEH. sebab takde evidence. Even dari 17 ke 16 pun TAK BOLEH.

Clear? Better crystal clear.

cek chun said...

Menages pulak kang si jannah tu wan. :p
Awak pun jannah, dah tau depa-depa kat sini garang (not rose) dan bercakap berdasarkan fakta semata,lagi awk nak tanya ala-ala troll gitu

Tapi mcm rose kata, awk dah pandai berfikiran kritis dan juga pandai dlm pelajaran, jadi saya expect awk tak melatah bila kena sembur macam tu.

Apatah lagi nak gunakan ayat Allah melihat semua conversation disini. Dik, yang tu awk tak tulis pun, semua orang dah tau.

azwan said...

Yola, kirenye aku kena respon case by case la nih..kena tanya setiap org ape pendirian dia dulu gitu? hahahhaHAHAHhahha..

tu dah jadi pengguna herbalife, lama2 hati jadi hitam mcm si joe. pergi seminar plak, semua bagi semangat, lagi la jatuh cinta dgn herbalife. dari hitam, terus tukar jadi hitam legam.

Oh ya..pasal kes hepatotoxicity tu. In case kalau jannah tak paham2..aku dah discuss dah dgn Rose sebelum nih, cuba nak cari ape underlying pathogenesis hepatotoxicity cause by Herbalife. The best kena cari active compound. Tapi herbalife ni berasaskan herbs, extract pun bukan pure extract, just crude extract. so kita tak boleh define what actually the active compound yg menyebabkan hepatotoxicity tu. tapi kes nye dah masuk Pubmed. Kalau masuk Azwanmed boleh la ko ludah je, ni Pubmed. So significant la tu. It send the signal yg kita mesti hati2 dgn product herbalife. thats all.

azwan said...


Lupe lagi. So jannah, satu pesan aku. Dalam setahun, jgn lupe amik Renal Profile dan Liver Function Test. Nak aku sponsor pun bleh, dalam RM100 jek. Tengok kat AST, ALT dan Creatinine. In case liver dan renal ko dah gone, jgn lupe bagitau aku. Leh aku buat satu lagi write up. Leh masuk Azwanmed. keh keh keh..

Anonymous said...

Err wat did I say? I only said foon. Meaning i'm silly. Bwa-ha?

azwan dlm sumpah seranah, masih sempat gak bagi input. Heh. Tulah azwan ngan Aidid, walopon mulot korang macam cilanat cum celaka, tapi wa still saspek giler sama lu.

hyelbaine said...

I suddenly recall the statistics of dailysis patients released by MOH. 4000 new patients every year and counting.

And yet, people still want to take risks with suspect products. If they know how much dialysis patients suffer in terms of quality of life, you'd never take risks.

JR said...

Cek chun,
takde masa saya nak nangis benda kecik mcm ni. Dan, tahu is much different than sedar.

weh, takde mase saya nak expect yang manis dari awak. saya cuma nak melepaskan diri, kalau2 tgn awak yang menulis perkataan2 tu bersaksi nanti, takdelah dia salahkan saya tak suruh awak tulis elok2 dan baik2 sikit. kalau taknak jugak takpe je..

ok..anything in pubmed means it is proven true. period. unless kalau ada counter dari clinical trials in the same pubmed jugak lah.hmm.. thanx for the info.

ha, bleh gak. nnt saya mintak awak sponsor saya.

oh, btw, Allah read the fuck that you gave me. thanx again!

cek chun said...

dear nur jannah..
do u know what this means ---> :p
memang la Islam is our way of life, tapi hang tak payah la nak habaq satu2 kat sini ie sedar, saksi, tulis elok2, Allah melihat etc.

depa tu semua Islam dik. hidup lama dari hang. depa mencarut tu biaq la urusan depa dengan Allah.

cek chun said...

somehow wan doesn't get the sarcasm.. kekekeh..
padan muka hg. sapa suruh foon kat ayat aku..kekekekeh

Anonymous said...

Entah tetiba aku nostalgia tingat aku masa kecik2. Kalu aku mencarut, my childhood buddy wud go " tak baik tau Allah marah" & she'd scream for ma mum & announced to da whole world dat I mencarut. That lil bitch.

Sorry off topic.

Continue. Please.

Rose said...

Ok la tu Wan. At least dia tanya and kita dah beritau apa yg kita tahu. The rest is up to her, sebab at the end of the day, if anything bad or good happens to her, it is all because of her choice.

Saya slalu fikir, kalau komen kita x membantu yg bertanya, mungkin penerangan kita boleh bantu orang lain yg atas pagar.

Jannah, just remember that the "miracles" were not reported by credible sources and that the toxicity (and it's from 1997 till 2010, in various countries) were reported in peer reviewed journals.

Rose said...

I totally agree with your comment, about people still consume suspect products at the risk of having kidney problems later.

I think some people can only see the present. I can imagine someone using a product, and in a week muka hilang jerawat, berseri2, makin slim n ramai orang puji. Pastu baca pulak blog Aleaks ni about some reported cases of hepatotoxicity in chronic user of the product.

You think they want to stop? Mesti ramai x stop coz karang berjerawat balik, gemuk balik, etc...They will think, ala, nanti stop la bila dah nak tua or it will never happen to me (like perokok mentality). Coz sapa tak nak kulit cantik, slim and berseri2, pojaan hati kampung dusun?

azwan said...

Hmphh...budak berhingus baru belajar. dah mula hitam legam. tunggu umo dah nak dekat 50 macam aku baru sedar kot, tu pun kalau sedar. takpun sedar lepas dapat liver failure.

Aku nak tanye dgn korang ni semua, ko rase ape yg kita tulih kat sini congruent ke dgn emosi kita? means kalau ayat ngamuk tu, konfem ngamuk peunye lah. no bodoy knows right except tuan punya badan dan tuhan.

"memang la Islam is our way of life, tapi hang tak payah la nak habaq satu2 kat sini ie sedar, saksi, tulis elok2, Allah melihat etc.depa tu semua Islam dik. hidup lama dari hang. depa mencarut tu biaq la urusan depa dengan Allah."

Setuju dgn cek chun. budak berhingus tak habis belaja mmg cenggitu. dunia pun tak kenal dah belagak mcm tau sgt bab agama dah. gaye mcm troll ade hati org nak spoon feed. aku layan sebab aku pikir dia budak melayu je. classical budak melayu dungu. Ikutkan takde pasai dah. semua info aku bagi bukan utk dia jek...keh keh keh.

JR said...

Rose: ok, noted.

cek chun: well, then, the way you write should reflect the period you've been a muslim in a way it is defined. on that day, this thing will not only be your business, as long as there are people interacting around it. and sorry, im not putting this thing aside to please you.

azwan: sampai mati pun, saya takkan habis belajar, and will never be as good as you.

thanx everyone. i got the answer i wanted.

azwan said...

That is very subjective la. As good as me, as good as pussy cat? Ke ayat merajuk, yg aku mmg tak reti nak pujuk, pegi cari boyfren orait.

Just like what Laila said, macam nostalgia plak. Jgn mencarut, nanti tuhan marah. keh keh keh..

hyelbaine said...

Now don't you go and spend all your 'income' from your 'investment' in Herbalife now ok? You need to save up as much as you can from your 'bonus' and 'benefits' for when your kidney fails.

Why? Because it'll cost you at least RM150 per visit for dialysis. You have to go 3 times a week, 12 times a month. That's almost RM2000 a month for the rest of your life.

Just a friendly reminder you go ;)

Kopi-Pasta said...

Kawan aku pernah ambil produk HL ni, lepas 2-3 bulan, berat badan turun sampai 20kg dengan perbelanjaan 200-300 sebulan. Mula2 dia boleh cover dengan jualan kat non-distributor tapi, selalunya bile dah kenal HL, diorg ni suma nak masuk sebab nak dapat diskaun. Jadi member ni boleh tahan 2-3 bulan je ambil produk ni pastu berenti amik. Xsampai sebulan badan dia naik lebih teruk dari yang asal. HL ni sebenarnya "ubat" tahan lapar. Kesan jangka pendek memang boleh kuruskan badan tapi kesan jangka panjang sape tau? Xyah la memperjudikan organ korg dengan mengambil herba secara membuta-tuli. Sedangkan vitamin pun ada limit pengambilannya inikan pula bahan kimia yang tak tau apa kesannya.

azwan said...

Dah masuk Herbalife lagi mau tanya itu ini. Hati sama punggung sudah mula hitam la. suka hati mau pakai asal ada kesan, padahal bukan kesah pun ape nak jadi. konon mau jadi innocent, mau nasihat2 olang lagi. classical dungu la itu macam, sama macam Ann itu sembang panjang2 pun takdak guna. Bahlol Ann last2 nak jugak guna. Sama ini kes la tada paham punya budak. kalau pande baca satu kali ini blog, itu herbalife product kasi ludah sajaa, upline kasi maki saja, habes ceritaa.

Laksamana Keris said...

Masuk kandang kambing, mengembek
Masuk sangkar harimau, mengaum.
Masuk sini... sendiri mau ingat.

Kalau takut dilambung ombak,
jangan berumah di tepi pantai.

Real world is much more "puaka" than here. Dah keje nnt baru tahu langit tinggi rendah. Setakat kene sembur dgn Dr mcm Azwan, wa senyum je la. Good ol days...... Manja tul bebudak sekarang...

cek chun said...

Ohh memang manja. Boleh la kawan dengan si firuz di sana tu.

kisah hidup said...

ai, da bagi jurnal pon amirul 2 xnak?die nk fakta yg bro aidid wat sendiri plak..klaka tol..

pasal dr rozmey 2, setau aku kalau ikut akta pengiklanan ubat 1952 (seksyen mane aku x tau), diabetes merupakan salah satu penyakit yg xleh diiklankan..leh kene tindakan 2..

DRa Fusion said...

Hai orang-orang yang beriman janganlah suatu kaum mengolok-olok kaum yang lain (karena) boleh jadi mereka (yang diolok-olok) lebih baik dari mereka (yang mengolok-olok) dan jangan pula wanita-wanita (mengolok-olok) wanita-wanita lain (karena) boleh jadi wanita-wanita (yang diperolok-olokkan) lebih baik dari wanita (yang mengolok-olok) dan janganlah kamu mencela dirimu sendiri dan janganlah kamu panggil memanggil dengan gelar-gelar yang buruk. Seburuk-buruk panggilan ialah (panggilan) yang buruk sesudah iman dan barang siapa yang tidak bertobat, maka mereka itulah orang-orang yang zalim.

DRa Fusion said...


azwan said...


Seperti mana anda nampak perkataan cacian pada blog ni, begitulah saya hanya nampak perkataan olok-olok sahaja pada komen anda.

Sila beri hujah 1,2,3 dan seterusnya supaya kita boleh berdebat secara ilmiah dan tanpa olok-olok..

DRa Fusion said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DRa Fusion said...

1.only Allah can judge all of us~

2.Kitab Al-Quran ini, tidak ada sebarang syak padanya (tentang datangnya dari Allah dan tentang sempurnanya); ia pula menjadi petunjuk bagi orang-orang yang (hendak) bertakwa.Al-Baqarah(2:2)

3.Dalam hati mereka(golongan yang munafik itu)terdapat penyakit(syak dan hasad dengki), maka Allah tambahkan lagi penyakit itu kepada mereka; dan mereka pula akan beroleh azab seksa yang tidak terperi sakitnya, dengan sebab mereka berdusta (dan mendustakan kebenaran).Al-Baqarah(2:10)

Mag said...

thanks aidid, memang dah lama tunggu cerita herbalife ni...

yuyu said...

nice explanation with bad use of words. tak perlu rasanya guna ayat2 kasar. lembu2 pon bangsa u kan. rasanya Islam mengajar kita supaya sopan dalam berkata2.

btw, thumbs up for the explanation of the disadvantages of HERBALIFE.

Sarah-sireh said...

kelaka pulak mamcam mana manusia mancari harapan dalam produk2.. banyak manusia yang saya jumpe kunun gne herbalife and cuba stop them kembung balik.. oh btw.. i am fat but fabulous *ok stok perasan!* .. untuk kerja-kerja extracting ni susah woo.. even sy nk extract untuk cari perbezaan bahan pencemar antara daun tepi jalan and daun jauh dari jalan pun susah.. banyak langkah2nya..

pas2 perasan x? most of benda2 kurus ni akan ada food plan sendiri.. bf HL lunch nasik sikit bla3 and dinner HL .. alahai korang.. cube korang diet sendiri n try gnti HL dengan fruits pun bole dapat effect yg sama kot..

even aku fat pun.. ak lagi sihat dari kalangan member2 aku yang kurus.. aku buleh bersukan siap jadi wakil kolej lagi..

manusia2 yang buat MLM ni biasanya either xde ilmu tak pun manusia yang xde etika.. 2 tu je..

mcm cik @ann tu.. resdung and migrain tu buleh kawal based on your food consumption dan envi awak tu.. my mom ada migrain my bro ada resdung .. i also hv minor resdung.. tapi bule kawal kot.. my mom elakkan makan2 benda yang boleh trigger migrain and amik natural supplement as gingko biloba untuk blood flow.. alhamdulillah sampai sekarang migrain terkawal.. my bro mkn multivit je.. muka siap da bersih dr jerawat resdung.. and it cost 1/5 from HL .. lalala..

bukak mata la wahai Malaysian and Melayu sekalian.. testimonial sp2 pun bule bwk.. hulur je 50 ringgit ramai je snggup mnipu kan? no matter how fat i am and how many person try to persuade me taking those HL.. i wont take it.. biala aku ni gemuk and ad risk of heart diseases ke diabetic ke.. janji aku x bunuh diri dengan lead.. try la search video n artice wht lead can do to human..


Sarah-sireh said...

funny ann.. org migrain buleh minum kopi ke? dats y u always got migrain.. oh n ad bhn dlm herbalife tu ckp soy proyein kan? y dun u try take soy milk every morning.. ad migrain lg x? lalala..

oh btw guys: aku tak amik medic pon. haha.. cume pepandai la fikir mana betul mana salah..

Muhammad Muzill Mustakim said...

Its not good to accuse Herbalife is not with its fact labelled.. we believe that 'dosa org yg lemparkan fitnah, lebih teruk dari org yg mmbunuh'.. that means if the fact that you get through the internet n not the fact u research it by ur self. its like ur throwing fitnah to those who do herbalife business.

seriously, please do not condemn herbalife.. we r only practicing good nutrition.. tell me one malaysian food that has good nutrition in it.. or tell me that all malaysian food causes more good than bad..

Allah mmberi akal untuk berfikir, jadi jangan lah salah tafsir akal yg diberikan dan tuduh melulu tanpa penyelidikan yg sewajarnya telah di lakukan. terima kasih...

im still with the saying..

Lose Weight Now, Ask Me How..

Aidid Mu'addib said...

Woi samdol... fitnah palejadahnya dol? Good nutrition haramjadahnya kalau dah ada kes kerosakan hati akibat makan bahan kimia yg dilabelkan sbg produk herba oleh geng scammer mormon kapiaq Herbalife drpd Amerika...? IQ ko sebenarnya berapa dik? Suka meracun manusia/pelanggan demi utk dapat untung seciput? Emak-bapak ko ajar cari rezeki cam gitu ok erk?

Ini jenis meleis rempit scammer yg dah ditunjukkan seketul tahi depan mata, tapi disebabkan hati-benaknya memang dah hati mat rempit scammer macam barua haramjadah... dia masih nampak tahi tu biskut yg boleh dimakan.

What the fuck is wrong with you boy?

Naim Jr said...

Awak yakin sangat ke Aidid fakta yang awak hujahkan ni? mudah pula awak interpret dan publishkan info journal saintifik pemakanan sampaikan public people boleh faham seimbas lalu je. Tak sangka pula seorang doktor perubatan boleh interpret semua perkara.

Aidid Mu'addib said...

Herbalife toxicity?
Posted 29 September 2011

This medical article concludes: " Our results support the relationship between the consumption of Herbalife products and hepatotoxicity, underscore the concern regarding the liver-related safety of this dietary supplement, and emphasize the need to establish further regulatory measures."

Continuous reporting of new cases in Spain supports the relationship between Herbalife® products and liver injury.
Manso, G., L贸pez-Rivas, L., Salgueiro, M. E., Duque, J. M., Jimeno, F. J., Andrade, R. J. and Lucena, M. I.

Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety Volume 20, Issue 10, pages 1080–1087, October 2011 (2011)
Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 20: 1080–1087. doi:10.1002/pds.2180

1. Centro de Farmacovigilancia de Asturias, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain 2. Servicio de Digestivo, Hospital San Agust铆n, Avil茅s, Spain 3. Servicios de Ap Digestivo y Farmacolog铆a Cl铆nica, Facultad de Medicina, Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Victoria, M谩laga, Spain 4. Centro de Investigaci贸n Biom茅dica en Red de Enfermedades Hep谩ticas y Digestivas (CIBERehd), Barcelona, Spain
*Correspondence: G. Manso, Centro de Farmacovigilancia de Asturias, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Oviedo, Juli谩n Claver铆a 6, 33006 Oviedo, Spain. E-mail:


Previous publications have linked Herbalife® products to hepatotoxicity. The identification of earlier cases in which the culprit agent could not be established raised the hypothesis of a possible contamination of some specific batches of Herbalife products.


We searched the Spanish Pharmacovigilance Centres' database of adverse reactions for reports of liver injury associated with the use of Herbalife products from 2003, when the first case was submitted, through September 2010.

The search resulted in 20 reports of liver damage (mean age, 49 years;
16 women), with 12 patients (60%) requiring hospitalization.

Hepatocellular damage predominated, and nine (53%) of the hepatocellular cases with bilirubin values were jaundiced, fulfilling the Hy's law criteria, which increases the risk for serious outcomes. Two patients experienced a positive rechallenge. One patient developed cirrhosis, whereas all the others recovered. Causality assessment by the Karch and Lasagna modified algorithm showed a category of definite in 1 case, probable in 14, and possible in 5. Analysis of the different Herbalife products that each patient had taken did not enable us to identify any commonly known hepatotoxic ingredient.

Our results support the relationship between the consumption of Herbalife products and hepatotoxicity, underscore the concern regarding the liver-related safety of this dietary supplement, and emphasize the need to establish further regulatory measures.

Aidid Mu'addib said...

Association between consumption of Herbalife® nutritional supplements and acute hepatotoxicity

Eran Elinav, Galia Pinsker, Rifaat Safadi, Orit Pappo, Michal Bromberg, Emilia Anis, Lital Keinan-Boker, Efrat Broide, Zvi Ackerman, Dorit Nitzan Kaluski, Boaz Lev, Daniel Shouval
Received 19 April 2007; received in revised form 4 June 2007; accepted 6 June 2007. published online 02 August 2007.

Nutritional supplements are frequently considered to be harmless but indiscriminate use of unlabelled ingredients may lead to significant adverse reactions.

In 2004, identification of four index cases of acute hepatitis associated with Herbalife® intake led to a ministry of health investigation in all Israeli hospitals. Twelve patients with acute idiopathic liver injury in association with consumption of Herbalife® products were investigated.

Eleven of the patients were females, aged 49.5±13.4 y. One patient had stage I primary biliary cirrhosis and another had hepatitis B. Acute liver injury was diagnosed after 11.9±11.1 months of initiation of Herbalife® consumption. Liver biopsies demonstrated active hepatitis, portal inflammation rich with eosinophils, ductular reaction and parenchymal inflammation with peri-central accentuation. One patient developed sub-fulminant and two fulminant episodes of hepatic failure. Hepatitis resolved in eleven patients, while one patient succumbed to complications following liver transplantation. Three patients resumed consumption of Herbalife® products following normalization of liver enzymes, resulting in a second bout of hepatitis.

An association between intake of Herbalife® products and acute hepatitis was identified in Israel. We call for prospective evaluation of Herbalife® products for possible hepatotoxicity. Until then, caution should be exercised by consumers, especially among individuals suffering from underlying liver disease.

Aidid Mu'addib said...

Herbal does not mean innocuous:
Ten cases of severe hepatotoxicity associated with dietary supplements from Herbalife products.

Schoepfer AM, Engel A, Fattinger K, Marbet UA, Criblez D, Reichen J, Zimmermann A, Oneta CM.
University Hospital of Bern, Gastroenterology Clinic, Bern, Switzerland.

Herbal agents are popular and perceived as safe because they are supposedly 'natural'. We report 10 cases of toxic hepatitis implicating Herbalife products.

To determine the prevalence and outcome of hepatotoxicity due to Herbalife products. A questionnaire was sent to all public Swiss hospitals. Reported cases were subjected to causality assessment using the CIOMS criteria.

Twelve cases of toxic hepatitis implicating Herbalife preparations (1998-2004) were retrieved, 10 sufficiently documented to permit causality analysis. Median age of patients was 51 years (range 30-69) and latency to onset was 5 months (0.5-144). Liver biopsy (7/10) showed hepatic necrosis, marked lymphocytic/eosinophilic infiltration and cholestasis in five patients. One patient with fulminant liver failure was successfully transplanted; the explant showed giant cell hepatitis. Sinusoidal obstruction syndrome was observed in one case. Three patients without liver biopsy presented with hepatocellular (2) or mixed (1) liver injury. Causality assessment of adverse drug reaction was classified as certain in two, probable in seven and possible in one case(s), respectively.

We present a case series of toxic hepatitis implicating Herbalife products. Liver toxicity may be severe. A more detailed declaration of components and pro-active role of regulatory agencies would be desirable.

Aidid Mu'addib said...


Herbalife and its toxic products withdrawn from the market

The supply of Herbalife products is well-known on the market of products dietary including nutritional supplements. Herbalife offers a range of nutritional products, being in general supplements based on minerals, vitamins, herbs and other ingredients such as vitamin C and aloe.

However, this week, the National Institute for monitoring of medicines and food Colombia denied the authorization of three products of Herbalife, ensuring that some of the substances that make up are drugs and may never be considered as natural dietary supplements, radically contradicting testimony from their vendors who claim complete naturalness of products of the company to which they are linked.
These three products include Bulk & Muscle beverages and Health & Fitness. Also refused the authorization of a third product called Chew Slim Gum (chewing gum or gum).

Bulk & Muscle is an exclusive formula of Herbalife; It is a mixture of protein blend of soy, whey and egg white with 30 g of protein per serving to support the athletic performance and increase energy. This product is specific to people who want to develop and maintain muscle mass.
In relation to the other two unauthorized products, Health & Fitness and Chew Gum Slim, we could not find information about their components or what purpose fulfilled. We can assume that they were already withdrawn from the market that even on the official website of Herbalife we could find the description of any of them.

Apparently found among its components including zinziber, causing loss of appetite and dizziness for locomotion. Garcinia, whose Oleoresins would have a laxative effect and would also cause stomach pain and vomiting, according to the Colombian Agency it also detected in the gum.

As for Spain, the Ministry of health and Consumer Affairs has today reported some cases of liver toxicity. Some consumers of Herbalife presented this table: pain in the liver with diverse manifestations.

It is difficult to rely on a company that bases its sales force in the sectarian loyalty of its own distributors, converted into customers and advocates af茅rrimos contrary to your advertising products. Will that be the reason why Herbalife is still alive while Bill million dollars, although its decline in sales is more than significant? Without a doubt.

As always, we will see what arguments have prepared and disseminated Herbalife leaders among their network of independent distributors to "give back to the tortilla" and defend of this reality that many people would refuse to recognize.

Aidid Mu'addib said...

knabladid. 2010 Mar;96(3):167-72.
Hepatotoxicity associated with the use of Herbalife
[Article in Icelandic]
J贸hannsson M, Ormarsd贸ttir S, Olafsson S.


Many herbal products are known to be hepatotoxic. In a recent survey in Iceland concerning adverse reactions related to herbal medicines, Herbalife products were implicated in the majority of the reported cases of hepatotoxicity.

The clinical presentations of five cases of Herbalife related liver injury during the period of 1999-2008 are analysed. Causality was assessed by using the WHO-UMC system for causality assessment and the RUCAM method.

Of the five cases there were four females and one male; median age was 46 years (range 29-78). Herbalife had been used for 1 to 7 months prior to presentation. Four patients presented with a hepatocellular and one with a cholestatic reaction. Median values were for bilirubin 190 micromol/L (range: 26-311; ref. < 20 micromol/L), ALP 407 U/L (range: 149-712; ref. 35-105 U/L) and ALT 24 87 U/L (range: 456-2637; ref. 70 and 45 U/L for males and females, respectively). Liver biopsy was performed in 2 patients and was consistent with toxic hepatitis in both cases. Other causes of hepatitis were excluded by appropriate serological testing and ultrasound. Causality assessment according to RUCAM was probable in three cases and possible in two. Using the WHO-UMC criteria causality was certain in one case, probable in two and possible in two cases.

Hepatotoxicity is probably associated with the use of Herbalife products. Hepatotoxicity due to herbal remedies is an important differential diagnosis in the diagnostic work-up of liver injury.
PMID: 20197595 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Aidid Mu'addib said...

Severe hepatotoxicity following ingestion of Herbalife
Nutritional supplements contaminated with Bacillus subtilis

Felix Stickel, Sara Droz, Eleonora Patsenker, Katja Bo¨gli-Stuber, Beat Aebi, Stephen L. Leib. Institute of Clinical Pharmacology, University of Bern, Murtenstrasse 35, 3010 Bern, CH, Switzerland. Institute for Infectious Diseases, University of Bern, Friedbu¨ hlstrasse 51, CH-3010 Bern, Switzerland. Institute of Legal Medicine, University of Bern, Bu¨hlstrasse 20, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland. See Editorial, pages 13–16

Background/Aims: Nutritional supplements are widely used. Recently, liver injury after consumption of Herbalife preparations was reported but the underlying pathogenesis remained cryptic.

Methods: Two patients presented with cholestatic hepatitis and pruritus, and cirrhosis, respectively. Viral, alcoholic, metabolic, autoimmune, neoplastic, vascular liver diseases and synthetic drugs as the precipitating causes of liver injury were excluded. However, both patients reported long-term consumption of Herbalife products. All Herbalife products were tested for contamination with drugs, pesticides, heavy metals, and softeners, and examined for microbial contamination according to standard laboratory procedures. Bacteria isolated from the samples were identi铿乪d as Bacillus subtilis by sequencing the 16S rRNA and gyrB genes.

Results: Causality between consumption of Herbalife products and disease according to CIOMS was scored ‘‘probable” in both cases. Histology showed cholestatic and lobular/ portal hepatitis with cirrhosis in one patient, and biliary 铿乥rosis with ductopenia in the other. No contamination with chemicals or heavy metals was detected, and immunological testing showed no drug hypersensitivity. However, samples of Herbalife products ingested by both patients showed growth of Bacillus subtilis of which culture supernatants showed dose- and time-dependent hepatotoxicity.

Conclusions: Two novel incidents of severe hepatic injury following intake of Herbalife products contaminated with Bacillus subtilis emphasize its potential hepatotoxicity.

2008 European Association for the Study of the Liver.
Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Drug-induced hepatitis; Food supplement; Herbal medicine; Herbalife; Weight reduction; Hepatotoxicity

Aidid Mu'addib said...

Los m茅dicos vaticinan m谩s da帽os hep谩ticos vinculados a Herbalife
EL HOSPITAL DE SAN AGUSTIN NOTIFICO LAS PRIMERAS REACCIONES T脫XICASEl facultativo avilesino que detect贸 los primeros cinco casos afirma que hay otros sin diagnosticar. El doctor L贸pez Rivas considera probados los efectos adversos derivados de estos productos.

Son cinco casos en Asturias, pero puede haber muchos m谩s. El doctor Laureano L贸pez Rivas, jefe del servicio de Digestivo del Hospital de San Agust铆n en Avil茅s, el centro que primero advirti贸 la supuesta hepatoxicidad de los productos Herbalife en Espa帽a, manifest贸 que los casos detectados en su servicio pueden estar indicando s贸lo una parte del problema. L贸pez Rivas subray贸, de hecho, que es m谩s que probable que, a partir de la publicaci贸n del suceso en los medios de comunicaci贸n, puedan diagnosticarse nuevos casos.

El servicio de Digestivo del Hospital de San Agust铆n, que detect贸 cinco de los nueve casos notificados hasta ahora oficialmente por el Ministerio de Sanidad, asegur贸 que existen "no sospechas, sino certezas" de la toxicidad de los productos Herbalife en personas con predisposici贸n. "No s贸lo es un problema del producto, sino tambi茅n de la predisposici贸n individual", a帽ade. Esto explica, en opini贸n de este especialista, que no todos los consumidores de este tipo de productos, que se venden para ayudar a adelgazar y mejorar el bienestar, hayan presentado efectos secundarios.

Por qu茅 el Ministerio de Sanidad no ha ordenado la retirada cautelar de los productos? El jefe de Digestivo prefiere no entrar en este tema. "Hay que pregunt谩rselo a ellos. Son las autoridades sanitarias quienes deben tomar la decisi贸n. Eso lleva su tiempo", subraya. L贸pez Rivas --y es una opini贸n personal-- considera, sin embargo, que "existen suficientes datos como para plantearse la retirada del producto".

El Ministerio de Sanidad ha intervenido tras ser alertado por el Centro de Farmacovigilancia del Principado de Asturias de la supuesta hepatoxicidad de estos productos; falta por determinar cu谩les. Farmacovigilancia, que depende de la Consejer铆a de Salud, recibi贸 la notificaci贸n del Hospital de San Agust铆n. Cinco pacientes, todas ellas mujeres y consumidoras de Herbalife, presentaban alteraciones hep谩ticas. La investigaci贸n realizada por el propio servicio de Digestivo llev贸 a considerar que el da帽o hep谩tico causado era un efecto secundario vinculado al consumo de Herbalife. Sanidad ha notificado nueve casos en toda Espa帽a.

{Kepada yg lurus-bendol (e.g. Herbalife Distributors/Users et al)
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mis jana chibi said...


Dari mula 1st sampai habis komen2 aku baca...x tau la ape yg korang nie merepek sgt....

to encik adid..sblm nk ckp sesuatu prove it..buat kajian sdri..bukan dr kopipes ke dgr citer yg kita x tau btl ke x..

n kalu la btul pe yg encik adid kate...why smpai 32 thn company herbalife msh berdiri kukuh..siap masuk bursa saham etc cume tu??? bole buktikan napa jd cmtu??



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